MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 27

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Hearing that those people have supernatural powers, Lin Tantan is also very happy. It is good to have supernatural powers. The strongest combat power in the last days is supernatural powers. Whoever has more supernatural powers can dominate, so eat She went to see them after dinner.

This residential area is called Tianhe Jiayuan. It is divided into four districts. This is one of them. It is called Nanyuan. There are eleven buildings neatly here, and each building is very tall. The rate is not high.

Yesterday, Bai Cheng organized people to get rid of the wandering zombies in the South Garden, then locked the gates of other buildings, and concentrated on clearing out Building 1 and Building 2. These two buildings are buildings, and each floor has Hachinohe basically lives on the eighth floor now, and more than 700 people moved here from the office building yesterday.

Those who have a fever, some of them have family members around, and those who already have supernatural powers live with their families. Nine people who have not yet awakened supernatural powers are still isolated. They are located in 304, 305, 306, one room per person.

Lin Tantan went to visit them, and found that everyone was in good condition, only two of them still had a fever, and the rest of the fever had almost subsided, but their bodies were a little weak, and it seemed that they would soon awaken their abilities.

It seems that it was very effective for me to sort out their energy before.

A girl with a round baby face asked: "Miss Lin, am I over the dangerous period?" Two or three days, wake up today, eh? It's not burning anymore, it's like saving a life.

Lin Tantan nodded: "It should be." In front of outsiders, she was not as sure as Ye Xiao and the others, as if she knew everything.

She figured it out, she just had to pretend that she had awakened early and was powerful because of her abilities, and that she still had dual-line abilities, so she had high talent and sufficient experience.

Furthermore, the research room downstairs in the office building can still contact the Academy of Sciences in the capital. I heard that the Academy of Sciences is actively researching crystal nuclei, abilities, and zombies. There are many equipments and experts there, and they will definitely produce some results. , At that time, you can also deduce what you know as being exposed to core information earlier than others.

Although Lin Tantan wasn't very sure, the baby-faced girl was still very happy, as if she had taken a reassurance, her uneasy expression disappeared.

After a while, the four people who had awakened their supernatural powers also came one after another. Knowing that Lin Tantan was here to visit the quarantined people, how could they sit still?

Speaking of which, these people had very different perceptions of Lin Tantan. First, at the gymnasium, it was Lin Tantan who was in charge, and Ye Xiao didn't show up or talk a few times from the beginning to the end. Later, the soldiers retreated in a panic and came to the west of the city. They were directly locked in a small office. It was also heard that no one who could be in charge outside was there. Can't turn around, noisy everywhere.

When Bai Cheng and the others came back from the University City the next day, they came to see them once, but they didn't say much. They awakened their abilities one after another yesterday, and they were completely ignorant. Bai Cheng had no way or time to give them anything. As a guide, they just asked a question, and they had been looking forward to Lin Tantan's return soon.

They will never forget that it was Lin Tantan who was the first to say that fever should be isolated and that more energy should be replenished for fever, or she used her supernatural powers to pass through their bodies. They didn't know why it was happening. In short, they felt a lot more comfortable and relaxed after being passed through her body by her energy. Everyone felt the same way, and it was definitely not an illusion.

In addition, everyone knows that Lin Tantan's ability is very strong, so in the eyes of these people, she is a reliable image who knows the ability well and can help them.

Lin Tantan didn't know what these people were thinking. Looking at these four people was like watching bamboo shoots emerging from the ground, hoping that they would quickly grow into strong green bamboos that could be cut down to build a house.

Faced with a face full of thirst for knowledge, she coughed: "Well, I don't know much about it, but I have a little more experience than you guys. Show me your respective abilities, and I'll show you."

She spoke very modestly, but the four of them were very excited. The four of them looked at each other. They had communicated with each other in private before. At this time, a woman in her thirties with a strong feminine temperament pushed her glasses and said : "Then I'll come first."

This person is Fan Fang, who was the manager of a small company before the apocalypse. It stands to reason that she would never be timid when facing a 20-year-old girl, but in front of Lin Tantan, she was serious about asking the teacher for advice. students.

She stretched out her hands, put them together, frowned and pursed her lips, as if she was trying secretly, her hands also shook vigorously, and soon, a thin white thing appeared between her hands.

Lin Tantan took a closer look and found that it was ice, of the ice type.


Although it took so much effort to condense such a thin piece, it seems useless, but the main reason is that she has not adapted to the existence of this kind of energy, and the method is wrong, and it is also because the energy in her body is too much. few.

She placed ten crystal nuclei on the coffee table, and asked the woman like she did to Ye Xiao before, "Which one of these ten nuclei do you have a feeling for?" Of course she couldn't directly say that you should absorb the white one.

But Fan Fang looked at these crystal nuclei, and shook her head blankly: "I don't know, it seems, it seems that there is no induction."

Well, it's not surprising, not everyone is as enchanting as Ye Xiao.

Lin Tantan hoped that the bamboo shoots would grow up quickly. Historically, when the army arrived more than ten days later, Ye Xiao and the others had some conflicts with each other. She hoped that these supernatural beings would be useful at that time.

But if someone with Fan Fang's qualifications is allowed to figure it out on his own, even if there are no problems, it will take a month to figure out the way.

Lin Tantan said, "Give me your hand."

Fan Fang hurriedly stretched out her hand, Lin Tantan said, "Don't resist my energy."

The healing wood energy is soft, but Lin Tantan's wood energy can also suppress the energy of zombies, so it is also overbearing, especially when it enters other people's bodies for no purpose of healing.

After Fan Fang awakened her power, she became much more sensitive to this kind of energy. At this time, she felt like letting a tiger into the house, and her whole body was about to get goosebumps. She couldn't help resisting the opponent's energy.

But her ice energy is too weak to work at all.

Lin Tantan stopped quickly, with a deep expression on his face, as if he was thinking about something, then looked at the crystal nucleus on the table, and after some thought, he took out the white one: "Try to absorb this."

Fan Fang cheekily asked, "How do you absorb it?"

"Use your energy, drill into it, and then pull out the energy little by little like pulling a woolen thread."

Fan Fang was thoughtful, and went aside with the white crystal nucleus.

The second person has been waiting impatiently for a long time, but when it was his turn, he was a little timid. This is a boy in his early twenties, a student, and his ability is the soil element, and he directly conjured up a lump of soil.

Lin Tantan said: "You try to change a shape."

The other party looked ashamed: "I have been trying to get the soil out, but now I can't get it out."

Well, it's out of energy. Lin Tantan pretended to pick out a brown soil-type crystal nucleus for him.

The third person is a water system. He conjured a glass of water for Lin Tantan. The process went smoothly, and it was easy to see the other party. Lin Tantan smiled and said, "How much water can be released at one time?"

The other party was also a little ashamed: "That's three times the amount."

"It's okay, the energy is more, and the amount of water that can be released is estimated to be more." Then he picked a blue water system crystal nucleus for her, "You can try to turn the water into the shape of a water polo or a water arrow." This person is also a The face is thoughtful.

When it was the fourth turn, the man stammered and said, "I, my abilities are different from theirs."

Lin Tantan: "Why is it different?"

"I, I seem to be able to see through."

All the female compatriots present, including Lin Tantan: "..."

The male compatriots present also had a bad expression.

Because I know that there are people with supernatural powers coming here, and people who have subsided their fevers and have not subsided come to see them. With such a little time, I don’t worry too much about people with fevers turning into zombies. So there were more than a dozen people crowded together in the living room, and none of them looked friendly at this boy.

The boy blushed, and quickly said, "I can't see through clothes, probably because I can see through two pieces of paper, and I get a headache after looking at them for a long time."

All the female compatriots who retreated subconsciously and Lin Tantan heaved a sigh of relief, and Lin Tantan didn't even know whether he should pick a crystal nucleus for this guy.

A person with the ability to see through is definitely a very annoying person, because you don't know what he is usually seeing through, even if someone is more decent, but when he can't control his ability, who knows that he is there what to look at.

Lin Tantan's expression was a little tangled: "Well, uh, ability is always a good thing. This ability is still very useful if used well, but you have to learn to control it." The boy nodded repeatedly.

Lin Tan took a breath, and also found a crystal nucleus for him. This is a non-elemental ability. Of course, she has to absorb the colorless transparent crystal nucleus, but she also specially explained: "You usually keep in touch with me, how far the ability has progressed?" Tell me how much...especially if you can see through the fabric."

The boys felt ashamed, and the female compatriots looked at him as if they were looking at a future hooligan.

The four of them went to study the crystal nucleus that Lin Tantan had chosen for them. After watching it for a long time, the others were envious. There are supernatural powers.

Sitting on the ground hugging her knees and seeing the baby-faced girl, she suddenly said, "I seem to have supernatural powers."

Everyone looked at her, she spread her hand, and a small emerald green seedling protruded from her palm, looking very cute.

Lin Tantan's eyes lit up, wood type? Good wood!

There are also many directions in the wood system, among which there are two general directions, one is like Lin Tantan, which is healing type, and the other is planting type. In the apocalyptic world, both of these are particularly popular. The former heals and saves people, while the latter can farm and produce. No matter where or what base, there is a rigid demand.

And in fact, planting-type wood-type power users are even more valuable, because some water-type power users also have healing abilities, but they are generally not as good as wood-type power users.

But no matter what, wood-type abilities are particularly rare. On the contrary, those of fire-type, ice-type, thunder-type, and gold-type basically only have the direction of combat. Without this type, there is another type, which can be replaced. of.

Not to mention, powerful wood-type supernatural beings can also develop combat abilities, like Lin Tantan, can't they use supernatural powers as belts and ropes? She still doesn't lack combat abilities. If she is a person with single-wood abilities, there is no one who does not develop additional abilities for herself.

Lin Tantan smiled and asked the baby face: "How tall can you make this seedling grow?"

The author has something to say: Lin Tantan has the mentality of a strong person. In terms of abilities, she just regards herself as a senior and a guide. She can't wait to turn everyone around her into a master overnight.