MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 23

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After the potion was injected, Lin Tantan felt refreshed, but her current situation was indeed not very good.

The energy of zombies in Mei Bosheng's body is very tyrannical. Mei Bosheng's body was originally a fertile soil for them to swim happily and grow, but Lin Tantan's wood energy was like a group of ruthless soldiers from outside, suppressing them and expulsion.

The organs and tissues that had been damaged by them were repaired by the energy of the wood system. If the parts had been completely destroyed, the energy of the wood system would stimulate the rapid growth of new cells. When the vitality is strong, the energy of zombies becomes a disadvantage, and the two are like a game.

So she has to continuously input a lot of energy, and she can't slack off for a moment.

This is hanging.

When the night was about to pass, Lin Tantan finally stabilized Mei Bosheng's condition. She drove the energy of the zombie out of the brain, torso, and into the limbs.

Maybosheng's face was already gray and covered with rotten spots, but now the dead, rotting skin was gradually peeling off his face, and new healthy skin was growing underneath.

The people resting on the second floor of the cafeteria were all amazed, and Bai Cheng carefully used tweezers to grab some exfoliated dead skin from Mei Bosheng's face for a closer look.

The night is more dangerous than the day, especially since their ammunition has been exhausted, so Ye Xiao asked them to stay in the cafeteria to rest, and it is enough for them to take turns to help him.

When it was almost dawn, Ye Xiao also came back, bringing back the harvest in the middle of the night—hundreds of wood crystal nuclei.

Bai Cheng whispered, "The harvest is good."

"It's okay, there are a lot of zombies at night." Ye Xiao was wet all night. After working all night, he inevitably got a lot of zombie mucus on his body. Just now, he put a hose on the faucet downstairs and flushed himself. It was clean, changed into a suit of clothes I found elsewhere, and then went upstairs.

He glanced at Lin Tantan, who was still closed, and then at Mei Bosheng, who was still asleep: "How is it?"

"Come and see." Mei Bosheng's face was full of dead skin, which looked scary, but when he pulled it away, there was new skin underneath, even pink, one piece of pink and one white, some deep and some light, It's really wonderful, in short, his complexion is very good, and the same is true of his neck and body. In contrast, his limbs are more corpse-like than before.

Those fingers and nails were no different from zombies.

In the middle of the night, according to Lin Tantan's instructions, Bai Cheng took a cloth and wrapped Mei Bosheng's hands and palms, so as not to hurt himself or others by his sudden movement.

"You have to take it step by step." Ye Xiao looked at the hand with a very calm expression. Since they handed over the person to Lin for a talk, they had to trust her.

Bai Cheng nodded: "I think so too."

Ye Xiao said: "There is no need for so many people here, you go back first, I don't know what happened last night."

"There is no trouble, but there are too many people and many disputes." When Bai Cheng was free last night, he contacted the office building. The eight of them were not there, and the person in charge became Mr. Xu. A capable man, now he is old and strong, quite able to control the situation, but after all, he is old, and those survivors don't obey him very much.

There are still so many people gathered in one place, and safety is also a problem. Although there are few zombies on the west side of the city, it is not without them. There were also many zombies last night. Yesterday he asked people to arrange some things around the office building. Letting the zombies scourge is almost enough, if you don't want to find some new ways, it will be dangerous tonight.

Besides, it's time for Cai Chengliang to clean up.

So when Ye Xiao said that, Bai Cheng also felt that some people should go back, but what he said was: "Why don't you go back, I'll stay here."

Ye Xiao vetoed it without even thinking about it. He brought Lin Tantan and Mei Bosheng over yesterday, and now they are both staying here. How could he be able to throw them away?

Bai Cheng paused for a while, didn't say much, told Lin Tan about the content and time of the next rehydration, and left. Not only did he go back by himself, but he also brought the others back. Last night, the zombies in the university city were killed by Ye Xiao. They might as well go back and kill the zombies in the west of the city, get the crystal cores and send them over.

Ye Xiao was the only one left in the cafeteria. He gathered all the wood-type crystal nuclei together and put them in a basket. Last night, he got seven or eight hundred by himself. Talking about consumption up to now, there are still so many left, which is enough for her to use for most of the day.

He didn't plan to go out again in the morning, and took a wind element crystal nucleus to absorb it.

After another crystal nucleus was absorbed and shattered, Ye Xiao suddenly found that the **** in his hand was completely transparent, but the pile of **** in Lin Tantan's hand seemed to be dusty with many impurities.

At this time his watch rang, it was the alarm clock, he turned off the alarm clock, hung up a bag of fat milk, talked to Lin about the infusion, adjusted the infusion speed, he suddenly moved, her hand...

On the back of Lin Tantan's hand, some tiny purple spots appeared, spreading all the way into the sleeve. Ye Xiao glanced at Lin Tantan, who seemed to be unconscious, gently held her wrist, and gently pulled the sleeve down. faded a little.

On the white and tender skin, the purple-red spots became more dense, looking very frightening, Ye Xiao held his breath, it didn't protrude from the skin, and it didn't fade under pressure, it was purpura!

Ye Xiao raised his head, Lin Tantan also had some on his neck.

Lin Tantan suddenly opened her eyes at this moment, meeting Ye Xiao's eyes, she was slightly taken aback, looking at the hand he was holding in hers.

what's the situation?

"You..." Ye Xiao paused, "What's going on?"

Lin Tantan looked at what he pointed at, and didn't take it seriously: "Oh, it's just some bleeding spots." Her voice was a little hoarse, "That's what happens when you absorb energy too quickly, it's okay."

Is this called "some"? Ye Xiao didn't know what to say when she saw her being so inconsiderate. It wasn't to save Mei Bosheng, and she didn't have to work so hard. He saw her eyes were bloodshot, but her eyes were still so indifferent. Apart from being a little tired, it seemed that she didn't care at all. I felt that there was something big, and my heart seemed to be blocked by something.

Lin Tantan really thought it was alright, and decided to save Mei Bosheng, she knew it would be very difficult, in fact, she was constantly absorbing a lot of energy like this, she thought she would make her seven orifices bleed or something, but now there are only some bleeding spots .

It's a good thing it doesn't have to be so ugly.

Of course, Ye Xiao's obvious concern and worry made her very happy.

She said: "Things went smoothly than I expected. Meimei's body is very good, so I thought it would take several days, but now it seems that two days is enough."

Ye Xiao was overjoyed, and heard her say again, "Now Meimei's torso and important organs have returned to normal, and I have forced the energy of the zombies to her limbs. The first course of treatment has been completed, and the second course of treatment is next. .”

Ye Xiao asked: "What is the second course of treatment?"

The first course of treatment is life-saving, and the second course of treatment is naturally to export that destructive energy.

Lin Tantan asked, "Are they all gone?"

"There are not many zombies here. They have gone to another place. Someone will come over in the afternoon to replace me and guard you. I will go find another group of zombies."

Ye Xiao's words are so calm and calm. If someone else heard it here, they might think they heard it wrong. Now whoever sees the group of zombies will hide away, and he is the only one who dares to say it so lightly. Talk about zombie groups.

Lin Tantan took it for granted that her male **** should be so arrogant.

She said: "It doesn't matter if they're not here, even if I'm here, I have to chase them away." She said with a smile, "The next thing is a unique secret book, I can't read it, so you can go too, I don't need anyone to guard me."

Ye Xiao froze for a moment, hesitated and said, "Can you do it alone?"

Among other things, what about the infusion?

However, Lin Tantan said that she was completely OK, the infusion should be stopped for a while, and the crystal nucleus behind it could be thrown up from the window. In short, she didn't want anyone around her for the next day.

Having said all of this, if Ye Xiao wanted to stay any longer, he would feel like stealing from his teacher, so he could only listen to her obediently, but he wouldn't rest assured that she and Mei Bosheng would stay in the cafeteria alone, just from the second floor. Move to the first floor and continue to guard.

Seeing him leave, Lin Tantan raised his hand and tightened the belts tied around Mei Bosheng's limbs. The two around the neck and the heart continued to transmit energy, but the four began to slowly change from Mei Bosheng's end. Ash, as if something gray was slowly crawling out from Mei Bosheng's body.

This thing crawled and crawled, and it fell into Lin Tantan's hands, and the skin of her fingers and palms gradually changed, as if it had been eroded by the energy of zombies.

Lin Tantan didn't change her face, her expression was very calm, her eyes were calm and serious, just like any time before, when she received a dying patient.

The patient she cured in her previous life was assisted by a special energy-extracting instrument when she exported his gold-type energy, and the energy was guided into blank energy stones one by one.

But there are neither instruments nor energy stones here, and the energy of zombies is not gold energy.

After much deliberation, it is only suitable for her to make this container by herself.

It's just that she didn't want Ye Xiao to watch from the side.

He is a very responsible person, and Mei Bosheng's death made him feel very guilty. In the same way, the sacrifice he made to save Mei Bosheng now will also make him feel uneasy.

Anyway, she wouldn't let herself die, so why let him worry about it, she even wanted to be as relaxed as possible.

The green belt completely turned into a gray belt, like four connecting conduits, absorbing the destructive energy in Mei Bosheng's body, but the absorbed energy was confined in Lin Tantan's palm.

They came to a new site that was more in line with their tastes, and they were about to expand their territory wantonly, but Lin Tantan's wood system was obviously stronger than them, and he blocked them here abruptly.

She consumes crystal cores faster.

The sun gradually set to the west, and the people on the first floor were replaced. Ye Xiao really went out to find a group of unlucky zombies. After a few hours, he got back a pile of crystal nuclei, stood downstairs and threw them into the window on the second floor.

The people in Baicheng in the west of the city are also actively killing zombies and taking crystal nuclei.

It was getting dark, and it was getting bright again.

The area on the second floor has been quiet.

Finally, when the sun was shining on Lin Tantan's face, she opened her eyes, cut off all the straps, and looked at Mei Bosheng's hands. The rotten skin and flesh had shrunk and fell off when touched, and new growths grew underneath. Her skin is pink, and her black and gray nails have fallen off, but the new nails have not yet grown, which looks a little strange.

Also, affected by the energy of the zombies, there have been some mutations in the joint tissues, such as the fingers becoming longer and somewhat distorted. These will not be reversed for a while, but they will always recover after a long time.

He now has no zombie energy in his body.

Lin Tantan let out a sigh of relief and collapsed to the side.

"I did it." Looking at the ceiling fan on the ceiling, she murmured, "God Ye, I did it."

At this moment, she completely changed Mei Bosheng's fate, which made her believe that she would also be able to change Ye Xiao's fate.

Lin Tantan's eyes were moist. She had imagined that she could do such a thing countless times. Now, her wish has come true.

She raised her discolored and deformed left hand up to five or six centimeters above the wrist. It looked so scary, but Lin Tantan felt very happy, and even admired it for a while.

Then she got up, and a thin knife-like golden slice formed from the tip of her right finger, which cut off decisively a little above the mutated part.

Blood gushed out immediately, Lin Tantan couldn't hold back a muffled snort, the sweat on his head scrambled out, and for a moment the pain was so painful that he almost lost his mind, and it took him two seconds to mobilize the wood-type supernatural power to stop the bleeding.

It should be an ice system now, she thought tremblingly, to freeze her hands so that it won't hurt.

Sweat slipped into her eyes, and she was so irritated that she couldn't hold back the tears. She blinked hard and looked at the amputated hand that fell to the ground. There was still a normal part of about one centimeter, but because of the loss of power suppression, the zombie energy In an instant, that part was eroded, and it completely turned into a zombie's hand. It was impossible to tell that this thing had grown on Lin Tantan's body.

It's too ugly, it hurts her image, now Lin Tantan can't appreciate it anymore.

She was breathing heavily, and when she was numb from the pain, she was going to deal with the severed hand that had a sharp eye. Wipe it, how to understate it.

Then people asked: Hey, where is your hand? She put on a look of fuss and said: "It's nothing, I was a little hungry just now, and I ate it." .”

Lin Tantan was amused by her own thoughts. The treatment for two consecutive days and two nights plus the pain at the moment made her feel a little dazed.

She rubbed her head that was about to explode with her right hand, and thought again, she was so impulsive, she should go to the kitchen and chop it up again, and there was no need to bleed all over the place, and it would be troublesome to clean up.

Just about to get up and put the idea of ​​destroying corpses into practice, he suddenly exclaimed: "Tell me, what's wrong with you?! Where's your hand?"

It was May Pelson who woke up.

Lin Tantan looked at him speechlessly, why did he wake up so early and scream so loudly? It seems that the treatment was indeed successful, and the tongue became flexible so quickly.

Then she heard footsteps, she knew Ye Xiao was downstairs, and now she couldn't hide it, Lin Tantan looked at that ugly hand again, and kicked it under a dining table.

Then he turned his head and looked innocently at the stairs, smiling.