MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 161 extra tenth

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The girl's low, soft, sad voice, clear, tear-filled eyes, she felt sorry for him with all her heart, and felt sad and blamed herself for not doing anything.

"Ye Xiao" had no temperature for a long time, and his heart, which was as cold as ice, softened involuntarily.

He took a step closer, and his voice became gentler: "It's not your fault."

Lin Tantan shook his head: "I have thought since I was a child, if I have a way, I can go back and change your destiny, even at the moment before I die, I think so, but I can't do anything, you are still the same Appearance...But, if I went back to the past instead of the parallel world, would you be like Ye Xiao now? Then where did the real you go? You don’t appear now This is you in front of my eyes."

Her eyes were confused: "So, in fact, did I actually want to destroy you at the beginning?"

"Ye Xiao" was shocked, his gaze became softer, he walked over, and touched her head with his translucent hand, like stroking a lost kitten: "It's not like that, if you can change My destiny, to save...those people, I am grateful to you, that didn't destroy me, it just made me a better me, but it's not your fault now."

He paused, and there was a trace of warmth in his eyes, which softened his whole being, "At least, you made me in this world better, and Bai Cheng and others in this world survived well. I appreciate you too."

Lin Tantan looked at him blankly.

"Ye Xiao" laughed, his eyes were gentle and encouraging: "You did a good job, my little fan."


"Really, I feel very comforted when I see this world." So it's not like you didn't help me. Putting aside the faint jealousy and resignation, I feel pity for such a little fan who is trying so hard to protect him and help him. He remembered him, and his heart was warm.

He stretched out his hand and hugged her vaguely. Although it was only a translucent human form, it also had a faint strength.

Lin Tantan couldn't tell what it was like, she closed her eyes slightly, hot tears fell, she murmured: "I'm sorry."

Suddenly remembered, I saw the only surviving video of him when I was a child. In the old blurred picture, the man's sword eyebrows and starry eyes are calm and firm. No matter what the situation, don't abandon, don't turn your back on, don't give up!"

This sentence hit her body like a shot in the arm. When she was young, she was very tired every day. She also thought about giving up, but every time she saw her parents’ expectant eyes that concealed their worries, she still gritted her teeth and persisted. down. Ye Xiao's appearance and Ye Xiao's words gave her a kind of spiritual guidance and sustenance, allowing her to wait until her mentor appeared, and allowing her to persevere tenaciously in the painful training .

Never give up.

She always remembers.

But she also knew that he himself hadn't fully fulfilled this sentence.

For various reasons, he had to abandon his comrades-in-arms one by one, and watched them die. Sometimes manpower is really limited, and he is really helpless in the face of extremely harsh living conditions and irreversible fate.

She didn't know how much pain, hope, and determination Ye Xiao had in his heart when he said that sentence, and she didn't know whether he thought of the sentence he said when he finally blew himself up.

She just wanted this man to experience less moments when he had to give up, and less haze in his heart, and even less, it would be best not to have any at all.

She did it, she changed Ye Xiao in this world, so that he didn't even have to understand the heaviness behind this sentence; but she didn't do anything, at least for this "Ye Xiao", she was powerless.

The black mist slowly dissipated, revealing Ye Xiao standing not far away. His face was almost darkened, and his eyes fell on the hand holding Lin Tantan, but the violence in his eyes disappeared, and he also Heard Lin talk about those words.

"Ye Xiao" looked up at him with provocative eyes, Lin Tantan also felt something, turned around and saw Ye Xiao, her eyes lit up: "Ye Xiao."

Ye Xiao walked over quickly, held Lin Tantan's extended hand, stroked her hair with the other hand, and shook off a small blanket on the back of her wheelchair to cover her lap: "Don't catch a cold gone."

Then he looked at "Ye Xiao" and said with a smile: "Thank you for coming to explain and talk."

It is true to say that, although she did not say it, she still regrets that the fate of the idol has not been changed, but she does not want to use this matter to destroy the relationship between the two, and no one has ever said it.

And "Ye Xiao" came this once, and she was able to completely let go.

He fixedly looked at "Ye Xiao", smiling falsely.

"Ye Xiao" raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at this guy who had the same past as himself, even in a different parallel world, but could be said to be the same person before the apocalypse, he had a subtle feeling that he was so narrow-minded ?

It's unimaginable.

Anyway, he wouldn't be such a narrow-minded person.

The two tacit fellows looked at each other and then turned away. "Ye Xiao" glanced at Lin Tantan and said with a smile, "I should go."

Lin Tantan looked worried: "Where are you going? What is your situation now?"

"Ye Xiao" smiled: "That world let me be free. As for where to go, there can't be two Ye Xiaos in this world. Anyway, the universe is vast, and I have my own place. Maybe it's better than yours. There is something better."

Lin Tantan wanted to ask more questions, but she didn't know how to ask. She glanced at Ye Xiao, and then said to "Ye Xiao", "Then... have a good trip."

"Ye Xiao" nodded slightly, and said to Ye Xiao: "Take good care of her, otherwise, I will stand out for my little fans."

Ye Xiao's face was a little dark, but he still nodded: "You take care of yourself first." Although the tone was not very good, it was still very sincere.

"Ye Xiao" slowly dispersed under the gaze of the two.

Lin Tantan looked at the empty space, feeling a little disappointed, Ye Xiao pressed her shoulder: "Don't worry."

Lin Tantan held his hand behind his back and leaned gently into his arms: "Ye Xiao, I..."

"No need to explain, I understand."

And "Ye Xiao", who was out of their sight, was in a good mood, it would be great if the noisy voice in his head disappeared.

"What do you mean, I let you come here to destroy them, what have you done!" The rigid voice said angry words in a tone without fluctuations, which seemed extraordinarily weird.

"Ye Xiao" said indifferently: "Destroy it, I have destroyed it, but you can see that they have a very good relationship."

"You can take her away."

"Then I can take it away. How can I do what you can't do?"

"As long as she agrees to it."

"How could she agree? She's not stupid."

"You didn't ask her, let alone confuse her."

"I don't confuse people."

"You have to know that you are dead, and I made you live."

"Ye Xiao" stopped in his tracks and said with a sneer, "Then let me die one more time, I don't want to live, did I beg you to let me live?"

The voice stopped talking, as if it was choked, and after a while, it turned into anger and said: "Do you think I really can't do anything about you?"

"Ye Xiao" was silent, he was fearless, it was not based on his strength, but his disregard for life and death, he really didn't want to live long ago, otherwise he wouldn't blow himself up, although the little fans touched him quite a bit, after so long , also dispelled that death will, but this does not mean that he is afraid of death.

It would be good if he could survive and see a wider world, but he would not be manipulated by the threat of complete death. Back then, he agreed to the rules of the world to make trouble, and he wanted to see his little fans with his own eyes. and this world.

Seeing that the world is so good, he is relieved and satisfied, and the little fans are also very good, so he has nothing to worry about.

That voice, that is, the world rules of another world also had nothing to do with his reticent attitude. If a person is not afraid of death, then there is really nothing he can do about it.

Suddenly a figure appeared out of thin air in front of him, "Ye Xiao" looked at it calmly, but the voice seemed to be strangled by the neck, suddenly unable to speak.

"Ye Xiao" could even feel that it was afraid.

Appearing in front of him was an old man with gray hair and kind smile, dressed in ancient robes, he looked at "Ye Xiao" with a smile: "Young man, are you willing to come with me?"

"Ye Xiao" looked at him and said with a smile, "Okay."

The old man choked, he didn't expect him to be so straightforward, he touched his head, and he was also refreshing, and rolled up his sleeves: "OK, let's go." The two disappeared in the same place in an instant.

In an unknown space, an old man and a young man talked while leaving.

"Boy, you are really not curious about my origin."


"Hey, old man, I was once instructed that I could receive an apprentice in this area. I searched from world to world for a long time. I thought it was the little girl, but she didn't want to die, so I taught her how to live. Go down, she died later, I asked her if she would like to go with me, she said that she wanted to change your fate, I had to send her to this world. I thought it was a waste of time to make a trip , I didn't expect to meet you before I left. This is also your fate. From now on, you will be my closed disciple. Our mountain gate is in a very high, very high place..."

In the empty place, only a tentacles of the world rules of another world wandered blankly, and was soon kicked out by the world rules of this world.

Ye Xiao sensed all this and remained silent.

The rules of the world said: "If we continue to work hard, we may not be better than those worlds."

Ye Xiao said: "I don't need to be better than anyone." As long as his little girl is always by his side.

The sound of the wheelchair sliding came from behind, Ye Xiao turned his head away, Lin Tantan pressed his finger on the button of the armrest of the wheelchair, and looked at him worriedly: "Ye Xiao."

Ye Xiao smiled and said, "The meal will be ready soon, you go and play for a while."

Lin Tantan didn't leave, just watched him busy in the kitchen.

The food came to the table quickly, and after the two of them finished eating, Ye Xiao practiced his abilities with her for a while, and the sky gradually darkened.

Lin Tantan held Ye Xiao's hand: "Let's go and see the stars."

Ye Xiao naturally agreed with a smile.

They sat by the side of the big tree, looked at the stars in the sky, and identified the constellations. Ye Xiao could always quickly identify which constellation the star belonged to. Lin Tantan asked him why he could recognize it. Ye Xiaodao had seen a lot. Also remember.

Lin Tantan recalled those three hundred years, she looked at him and asked, "It would be great if I could be by your side at that time and watch the stars with you."

Ye Xiao held her hand, his eyes were tender: "Aren't we watching together now?"

Lin Tantan laughed, and then the smile faded away slowly. She looked into his eyes and said, "In one's life, you will meet many people with extraordinary meaning. He is very important to me, but you are very important to me. is the most important thing, you are different, I know that."

Ye Xiao caressed the back of her delicate hand with downcast eyes: "I know, I know. I am very grateful to him, because you came to me because of him, and he gave you strength when you were young." This is his luck, It is also his regret, regret that that person is not himself.

Lin Tantan was silent for a moment and suddenly said: "It's not just him, you also gave me strength, teacher."

Ye Xiao was stunned.

Lin Tantan smiled with crooked brows and eyes: "After I fully merged with this body, I have some different memories in my mind, or details, such as when I was a child, I felt someone watching me in secret several times, or , I feel that the teacher's personality and certain habits in memory are different from those in the memory of a long time ago, and the teacher is more patient, careful, and gentle with me. I have thought about it for a long time, just like the teacher in my memory It's like a different person."

She smiled and said, "So the new teacher is you, right?"

Ye Xiao's eyes flickered.

Lin Tantan leaned on his shoulder and said softly, "This time, you are the one who grew up with me, thank you."

Ye Xiao's heart seemed to be full, he touched her head, and kissed her on the forehead: "It is my honor to grow up with you."

Lin Tantan grinned, hugged his arm, and suddenly ouched.

Ye Xiao asked nervously, "What's the matter?"

Lin Tantan borrowed his hand to sit up and touched his legs: "I just stretched my legs."


Lin Tantan tried her best to lift her leg, but she also lifted it. She was full of surprise: "I, my leg can move! Ye Xiao, help me up and see if I can walk."

Ye Xiao disagreed a little: "It's better to take it slowly and take it step by step."

"I really think I can go, just let me try."

Ye Xiao couldn't beat her, so he could only help her up, let her support his arms with both hands, he slowly backed up, leading her forward.

She took a trembling step, her legs were as soft as noodles, and she couldn't stand at all. The weight of her whole body was almost completely on Ye Xiao's body, but she was still full of joy: "Look, I can really walk Already!"

"I saw it." Ye Xiao looked worried: "Does it hurt, is it tired, do you want to take a rest?"

Lin Tantan walked a few more steps, threw herself into his arms, panting, but smiled happily, she looked at him with bright eyes: "Ye Xiao, I can stand up now!"

Ye Xiao helped her wipe off the sweat on her forehead, and nodded with a smile: "Yes, you can stand up, and you can still walk."

Lin Tantan wrapped his arms around his neck, lowered him down and kissed him, resting on his forehead, and whispered, "I'm really happy."

Ye Xiao could see the glistening sweat on her white and smooth skin, as well as the layer of soft and lovely down.

And the warmth of her breath as she spoke.

Ye Xiao used to watch her silently in the dark for twenty years, and once wiped her body when she was in a coma, but at that time his heart was as still as water, only pity and love without distracting thoughts, but at this moment his But his heart was pounding, and the thought of wanting to be close couldn't be controlled.

His eyes fell on the upturned rosy lips at the corners of her mouth, slightly concentrating.

This time he didn't restrain himself, gently held the back of her head, lowered his head and kissed her.

Lin Tantan only felt a pair of soft lips covering her lips, she trembled slightly, those lips had wrapped her lingeringly.

Her breath soon became a little hasty, and her hands around his neck became even stronger.

Lips and tongues intertwined, the air seemed to be on fire.

It took a long time to separate, Lin Tantan was almost completely hugged by him, her legs didn't exert any strength at all, even her hands seemed to lose strength, she grabbed the clothes on his back, and gasped in his ear: "Ye Xiao, carry me in."

Ye Xiao's eyes sank immediately, but he didn't move immediately, and his voice was hoarse: "Your body..."

Lin Tantan said: "My body has recovered a long time ago, and my legs are all healed." She murmured softly, and even bit Ye Xiao's ears.

Ye Xiao's body froze, and his breathing became heavier. He was silent for a moment, and in the midst of another coquettish "Ye Xiao", he suddenly picked her up and strode into the room.

Ye Xiao suddenly left the meeting that day, and Bai Cheng was worried all the time after helping him to calm everyone down, but things didn't seem to be as bad as he thought. The next day, when Ye Xiao informed him that he was going to take a few days off, the joy in his voice couldn't be concealed at all. .

Bai Cheng felt relieved.

Anyway, things are pretty much arranged, and it's fine for him to take a few days off.

Then within a few days, I received another notice from him, asking everyone to get together and officially introduce the current Lin Tantan to them.

Now the entire country has roughly returned to its pre-apocalyptic territory, with vast land and sparsely populated areas, and reconstruction work was not easy. In the eight-person team back then, except for Ye Xiao, the half-hands-off shopkeeper, Bai Cheng mainly stayed in Liangshi to sit in charge. Li was already at ease, and the others all went to other big cities. As a feudal official, he was in charge of at least one or two provinces.

And most other capable and meritorious people can manage a city.

Just like Fan Wuyong, who defected from the capital base at the beginning, is now the manager of a large city with a population of 500,000.

Now that these people got the news, they immediately dropped what they were doing and rushed back.

Everyone gathered in Linyuan.

Lin Tantan still sits in a wheelchair. Now she can walk a few steps with her hands free, but it is still difficult to stand for a long time. Usually it is more convenient to sit in a wheelchair.

Mei Bosheng got off the modified version of the magic machine, his eyes widened when he saw her, and then his eyes turned red: "Tell me?"

Lin Tantan nodded with a smile: "Meimei, hello."

"You, as long as you are fine." Although the current Tan Tan Tan looks not exactly the same as the previous one, Mei Bosheng still recognized it at a glance. Ye Xiao did not know Lin Tan Tan Tan's death and the series of events that followed. I didn't tell everyone, and I didn't tell all of them. Only Bai Cheng and Xu Qin knew a little bit, but others could guess a little bit.

Back then Ye Xiao did not announce the news of Lin Tantan's death, but only said that she left here, and everyone was waiting for her to come back one day.

And now, she's really back.

After Mei Bosheng, there were Xu Qin, Zhong Xiong, Jiang Xiaotian, Cheng Qinan and others, including Bai Cheng and Xu Li who had already heard the news. Everyone was very happy for her.

Just like in the apartment in Yangshi back then, just to thank Lin Tantan and celebrate a victory in a small stage, everyone cleaned up the dishes at the table, sat around the table, drank and ate vegetables, talked about the past, and talked about the future s plan.

Ye Xiao sat beside Lin Tantan, taking care of her in every detail, and when talking to other people, he would reach out to hold her under the table, and the two looked at each other from time to time, full of viscous affection Pulse, seeing all the guys who are still single is almost sour.

They all said that they would not disturb the world of the two of them, and we will meet again next time.

It made Lin Tantan a little embarrassed.

Ye Xiao said: "They also have a meeting when they come back, and they have other things to do, let them go."

Lin Tantan watched the magic machines fly away, and said, "Have all the magic machines been transformed?"

"Well, it's called an energy machine now. There are still many mutated birds, and the energy machine is safer. I brought a lot of technology this time. The long-distance energy machine is already being designed, and it will be opened in the country to go to other countries in the near future. The flight is on."

Ye Xiao led Lin Tantan to walk slowly on the lawn: "It's just to extract energy. The progress of making power stones is not very smooth. Do you want to take this job?"

"Me?" Lin Tantan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled: "In that case, I will become the richest person in the world in the future."

In that world, the production of power stones was mostly an industry controlled by the state, but there were also several large companies that got through the relationship and were allowed to produce and sell them on their own. Then those few large companies occupied a certain proportion of the market, and each of them became very rich. Oil can be said to be the economic pillar of the country.

Not to mention that this technology in their country has been kicked out more than two hundred years in advance, and for a long time to come, foreign countries must also import it from them.

Ye Xiao patted her head: "Except for me, that is, you know more about energy stones, I don't have time to do this."

Lin Tantan thought for a while and laughed: "Okay, you can wait for me, a rich woman, to raise you from now on!"

She also wants to make the best wind energy stone for him.

In this world, wind energy, space abilities and other energies should always exist, instead of being assimilated by the energy of the five elements. She is looking forward to the birth of colorful power stones!

Ye Xiao continued to hold her and walked slowly: "Are you tired?"

"Not tired, let's walk for a while... My wood-type ability is a little stronger, and other abilities are also recovering quickly."

"This is good."

"Should I go to work in the hospital again in the future?"

"If you have time, as long as you are happy, you can work in the hospital."



The two gradually walked away, and the forest garden gradually became quiet. The sun was dancing faintly on the lake, and the long wind blew through the lush branches and leaves, rattling.