MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 140

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Lin Tantan was stunned.

Is this still her Ye Xiao?

The tone, the content of the speech... so cute!

Lin Tantan quickly stared at the eyes and was cute.

Lu Xin drifted over: "Has he been stimulated by something?"

Lin Tantan glanced at him: "Is it wrong to be stimulated by something? He is so cute in the first place!"

What else can Lu Xin say, he can only float away again, but the more Lin Tantan looks at him, the more he doesn't like it. Thinking of when he was with Ye Xiao in the past, this guy probably floated aside to peep like now, the feeling of suffocation My mind was about to come to my mind again, and I hurriedly chased away flies: "Go away, don't disturb us."

Lu Xin wanted to say, I can't disturb even if I want to, because there is nothing to disturb, and the two of them didn't interact, but they still drifted farther honestly.

Is it possible for Ye Xiao to talk to a tree for a long time, and he didn't know what to say for a while after saying this sentence of encouragement. At this time, someone entered the forest garden. Bai Cheng.

Seeing that Ye Xiao was here in good order, not depressed and frantic, nor making himself look bad, Bai Cheng felt a little more relaxed: "You're alright."

Ye Xiao sat down under the tree and motioned Bai Cheng to sit down too, he smiled relaxedly: "I understand what we're talking about, you don't have to worry about it in the future, and you don't have to worry about me, I'm fine now. But then the base will still be handed over to you, I have other things to do."

Since Lin Tantan had an accident, it was the first time Bai Cheng saw him so relaxed and peaceful. Bai Cheng guessed that he either came out, or found some way, and the direction became clearer.

Based on his understanding of Ye Xiao, it must be the latter.

He said: "If you need our help, just say it."

Ye Xiaodao: "There is really one thing. I want to improve the treatment of mutant beasts. From now on, the mutant beasts in the base can get the same status and rights as humans. It is forbidden to hurt and kill. Open a piece of land for them to play and learn."

Bai Cheng didn't keep up with the jumping topic for a while: "Study?"

"Well, it's about the education of infants and young children at the enlightenment level." In this world, the more flowers, plants and trees that become spirits, the better, and those mutant beasts can't be ignored. It's best that each one has a great fortune. He can't treat each one as a child like Tan Tan, so let's start from another direction.

This matter is a bit weird, so he will talk to Bai Cheng first.

Bai Cheng was silent for a moment, unable to understand Ye Xiao's intention, could it be that Lin Tantan liked these animals and gave them the best treatment?

But this is not a big deal, just say that he will implement it.

Seeing that Ye Xiao had nothing to say, he mentioned Xu Tianjin's inexplicable memory going back to February of last year.

Ye Xiao said: "I know about this, just take it for granted, the former Xu Tianjin is not the same person as the current one."

Bai Cheng squinted his eyes: "I understand, then it's not good for him to continue working in the Ministry of Science and Technology."

Then he talked about Jin Liangyu's suicide.

Ye Xiao didn't show any surprise, and just said calmly: "I committed suicide."

Jin Liangyu's suicide was naturally related to Lin Tantan's words. When he was told by the original victim himself that the villain he thought was not that evil, he found that he had not done anything so-called justice at all, and died indirectly under his hands. Those hundreds of people have also changed from necessary sacrifices to unprovoked killings, and his banner of righteousness naturally cannot be carried on.

Whether he is true justice or false justice, there is no place to put this face, he will fall into self-doubt, and his body has not been well taken care of, and he can't even eat enough. Double torture mentally Collapse, suicide is also expected.

Ye Xiao knew very well how to target people's weaknesses and cause the greatest harm to them.

He kept Jin Liangyu and others alive, more like cutting flesh with a blunt knife.

But now that the mastermind is dead, he doesn't have that much intention to kill the rest.

He thought for a while, those Taoist priests were really capable, and he had almost learned the theory, and the rest was just practice, why not let them teach the scriptures to mutant beasts, I heard that those are also good for enlightening spiritual wisdom. help.

He glanced at the big tree beside him, well, it must be arranged here too.

Lin Tantan was listening to them talking, when he was suddenly taken aback by this look, and had a very bad premonition.

Early the next morning, she saw an old man slowly coming under the tree, neatly dressed but with a troubled expression on his face. She wondered what this man was doing, but he couldn't remember what he was saying when he opened his mouth. What scriptures.

Lin Tantan: "..."

Lin talks about ear pain.

She looked at the old man with a blank face, and Lu Xin floated over: "It seems that Ye Xiao asked him to come over to give lectures."

Lin Tantan ignored him.

"Do you still think Ye Xiao is cute?"

Lin Tantan gritted his teeth, got into the big tree, and continued to try how to control the branches.

Lu Xin shared with her his experience of possessing a mouse.

Not to mention, his experience is quite useful, anyway, within a few days Lin Tantan was able to shake quite a few branches, so when Ye Xiao came under the tree again, she tried her best to shake the branches. Crazy.

Ye Xiao was surprised at first, and then found that it wasn't caused by the wind, then he showed a look of surprise, touched the cramp-like branch: "Can you move by yourself?"

It should be strange for a tree to shake like this, but there shouldn't be too many mutated plants actively attacking creatures, not to mention being able to shake, there are many actively winding and knotting, the performance of this tree is not outstanding, and its mother body I can still talk.

So Ye Xiao didn't think that the sudden trembling of the tree was very strange, but he was thinking about expressing something to himself or protesting something. Instead, he felt that the Taoist priest came to recite the scriptures for a few days, and the tree became enlightened, and the effect was remarkable. So let the old Taoist come more diligently and extend the lecture time.

Lin Tantan: "..." So angry!

She worked harder to learn how to control the branches, so the shaking of a part of the branches became the shaking of the branches of half a tree, and then became the shaking of the whole tree. As long as Ye Xiao came, the tree would shake like a convulsion.

Once Bai Cheng saw it and was surprised: "This it really enlightened? But why is it shaking so much?"

Ye Xiao looked at it: "Probably to express welcome and joy."

Bai Cheng said, "It seems that it likes you very much."

Lin Tantan: "..." Even more angry! I can't shake anymore, I don't want to shake anymore.

There is another situation. Lin Tantan found that the more she could control the tree, the faster the tree lost its vitality, as if it was about to die. After being dragged to death, he wondered how to get out of this tree.

At this time, Ye Xiao's secret research team had already been established. His research group researches very complicated things, some are engaged in the theory of parallel universes, some are researched on souls, and some are researched on time and space travel, all of which are very mysterious things. Before the apocalypse, there were many people who studied these things, and after the apocalypse, Ye Xiao also collected some people who could be used. These people of different ages and occupations make up this research group. There are a total of thirty people. It can be said that all of them are avant-garde in thinking, have great brains, and even have a major in philosophy.

On the soul team side, the composition is the strangest, one side is engaged in mystical arts, there are Taoists, monks, and witches, and the other side is pure technical personnel, these technical personnel were selected by Ye Xiao from the Ministry of Science and Technology, The first one was Jiang Xiaotian, who was also the only acquaintance who was brought into this research group by Ye Xiao. No one else knew what he was doing.

And the soul group also has props, which is Lin Tantan.

Lin Tantan's plastic surgery was very successful. Under the treatment of wood-type supernatural beings, the surgical wound healed completely in two days. At this moment, her face has completely changed, and her voice has become hoarse, as if sandpaper has been worn Generally, because the body has died, the body has become thin, and the skin is very dry and dull. People who don't know see her and can't connect her with Lin Tantan at all.

Ye Xiao looked at her who was trapped in a formation, as if looking at an inanimate object. Lin Tantan was also terrified, his teeth were chattering, and his voice was hoarse: "What do you want to do?"

Her hands and feet were bound, and her face was stiff after plastic surgery, making her look very weird.

Ye Xiao smiled: "I just want you to do me a favor."

The people around were busy, and finally, Jiang Xiaotian said, "Okay, we can start now."

Ye Xiao nodded slightly. The formation that Lin Tantan is in is actually the formation that Jin Liangyu used to deal with Lin Tantan. It is used to expel souls. It has been slightly improved. Some jade stones and complicated runes used for formation, of course, the power will be greatly reduced in this way.

However, Lin Tantan once was on the verge of death, and experienced that her soul was summoned out of her body, and then returned to this body one day after her body died, so that her body and soul were very unstable. Functional.

Ye Xiao also followed the steps he had learned to activate this formation. Lin Tantan's expression became uncomfortable, he hugged his head, and then passed out. Under the circumstances that no one could see with naked eyes, a soul overflowing from the body.

At the same time, those Taoist priests, monks and witches guarded every corner of the formation to prevent the soul from escaping.

At the same time, several strange-looking instruments around began to beep alarms, and some values ​​on the computer screen continued to soar.

Jiang Xiaotian shouted excitedly: "The energy fluctuations have been captured!" He clacked and tapped the keys with his ten fingers. When Ye Xiao came to him, he saw on the screen, facing the center of the formation, a blurry cloud gradually appeared. Things, that's where the soul is, Jiang Xiaotian expressed it in a very concrete way.

After collecting enough data, Ye Xiao and others took some effort to get Lin Tantan's soul back into her body.

These are the secret methods contributed by Jin Quanyu.

A few days later, Jiang Xiaotian made an instrument based on the data obtained from Lin Tantan's soul, and he told Ye Xiao excitedly that this device could capture the existence of the soul.

Ye Xiao caressed this small box-like thing with several antennas. Although Jin Quanyu has a way to make the soul manifest, the premise of using that method is that the soul is in front of him, and it is targeted. If you are looking for a soul, this kind of thing is still easy to use.

At this time, Lin Tantan finally learned how to get out of the big tree, and she was struggling with what to choose to possess.

"Choose a mouse too, I have experience with this." Lu Xin suggested.

Lin Tantan said: "What if I'm like you, once I get possessed, I can't leave."

"Didn't I have no experience at that time? Now I can get away freely."

Lin Tantan is still hesitant, but the mouse seems to be her best choice. She can't possess other slightly larger animals. The soul strength of other animals is directly proportional to their body size and combat effectiveness. It can suppress the mouse's soul, as for insects that are weaker than mice, they will die if they are not careful. As for being attached to plants, it’s not good. Plants are too restricted. They can’t walk, call, or write. It’s too boring.

After making the decision, she still had to wait for the mouse to approach. She waited and waited until midnight, and finally a little pink mutant mouse ran under the tree to dig a hole. The little pink mouse pounced on it.

Ye Xiao in the hut not far away was practicing his abilities when the instrument next to him suddenly beeped, his abilities froze, and he felt like a stone had hit his chest, but he didn't care about it at all, and suddenly stood up.