MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 136

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The middle-aged woman sighed: "For little girls, naturally this image is easier to gain their trust and closeness."

While talking, he turned into an old man again, and stroked his gray hair: "Let's talk like this, I'm actually not used to being a woman."

Ye Xiao simply didn't know what to say, he seemed to understand how he came to have that inconspicuous personality.

Thinking of talking, he felt a deep pain in his heart: "Just tell me what I need to do to save her." He stared fixedly at him, "Since you are her teacher, let me see this, Tell me this, there must be a way.”

The old man's face gradually became serious, and as soon as he waved his hand, the two of them appeared outside, a place that looked like a small garden, where the sun was shining brightly and the wind was beautiful.

The old man sat at the round table and said in silence for a moment: "You also read the book just now. People with multi-line abilities are a tragedy. People with five-line abilities shouldn't exist at all. Do you know why?"

Ye Xiao sat opposite him, frowning: "The explanation in the book is that there are too many supernatural powers, and the body can't bear it."

"This explanation is indeed true, but from a more macroscopic point of view, the more powers, the stronger, and the closer to the limit, especially for people with five series of powers, when their five powers reach the full level, the body will undergo qualitative changes Changes that go beyond the standards of this world and deviate from the rules of the world are not allowed by the rules of the world."

Ye Xiao was startled: "World...rules?"

The old man continued: "Let's put it this way, the world before the end of the world is completely different from the world after the end of the world. The outbreak of the end of the world is equivalent to the rapid transformation of this world. Transformation must be accompanied by sacrifice and selection, so zombies appear, transformation also On the positive side, all kinds of supernatural energy, supernatural beings, and mutant animals and plants were born from this.

"This transformation took about seven years, but in the end this transformation was not successful. The world is in a very embarrassing state. Human beings and creatures have evolved, but the evolution is not comprehensive, and it stops at the middle stage. No one can jump to A whole new level. In the process of reshaping the rules of the world, it gradually becomes a matching rule. This kind of thing is invisible and intangible, but it maintains the order of the development of the entire world, and excludes any oddities.

"For example, after three hundred years, there are only five kinds of abilities left: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. All other abilities disappear, and the energy in the world is also included in the five elements. This is because other types of abilities are outside the five elements, and more Uncontrollable situations are prone to occur, and the possibility of breaking away from the world rules is higher, so the world rules gradually wipe them out.

"It wipes out abilities other than the five elements, restricts the existence of multi-line abilities, and makes it extremely difficult to reach the full level of abilities. All this is to maintain the current stability. Until, perhaps thousands of years later, it will be subject to A huge external force makes the rules collapse, and then transform and reshape."

When Ye Xiao heard this, he already understood, he said, "Talking is an odd number."

"Yes, she has been eliminated by the world's rules since she was born, but she is very special. The world's rules can't kill her or make her stupid and deformed like other multi-line supernatural beings. She has been cute and intelligent since she was a child. Caring, only one pair of legs is congenitally deficient. However, when she was four or five years old, she was on the verge of death several times. If her parents had not insisted on treatment, the country had also opened a green channel and given her a lot of precious medical resources. I couldn't take it anymore. That's when I found her."

"I want to know how far she can go if she persists."

"I came to her and started teaching her how to practice."

"She is really smart, hardworking, and successful, and her talent is extremely high. It took more than ten years to reach the peak, but when her wood system was close to the full level, her ability suddenly collapsed."

The old man sighed: "This is the role of the world's rules. It is completely unexplainable and irreversible. Human power cannot fight against it."

Ye Xiao looked at him and said, "You can't either?"

The old man looked into the distance with eyes full of vicissitudes: "If I teach her to practice, I have already gone against the rules of the world. If I do too much, I will just let that thing kill her directly. After death, steal her soul, find a parallel world with suitable conditions, and stuff her in it."

Ye Xiao said, "Is it the world I'm in?"

The old man gave him a dissatisfied look. Ye Xiao felt that the dissatisfaction was a little strange, but Xu Tianjin didn't explain it. He turned his eyes away and said, "The conditions are the most suitable there. There is also a Lin family, a pair of parents and a brother, and even The same name is Lin Tantan—Talk about when she was born, the name her parents gave her was the word for Tanhua, and she changed her name after feeling unlucky."

"Even this Lin Tantan looks similar to Tan Tantan."

"This is a kind of destiny in the dark. Two families from different eras are actually two possibilities born in countless parallel worlds." First, Lin Tantan is the chance to talk about life. The most wonderful thing is that this Lin Tantan will die on the first day of the end of the world, and that day is the moment when the old rules are broken and new rules are born. I will talk about Talking about entering Lin Tantan's body at that moment, completely without anyone noticing, that was her brand new life."

"And yet talk about making a fatal mistake."

Ye Xiao frowned: "What is it?"

"After she was reborn, she made a promise to Lin Tantan, saying that she would grant her one wish."

The old man shook his head: "It can't be said to be a mistake, maybe this is also doomed. In this world, everyone's soul will exist for a short period of time after death, and then completely dissipate. At that time, Lin Tantan had not completely dissipated. Hearing this In a word, there is a contract between Tan Tan and Tan Tan, and it survives."

"With the improvement of the new rules, their contract will be gradually sensed, especially after the obsession to talk about it is completed... cough cough!" He suddenly coughed twice and stopped talking.

Ye Xiao asked: "What obsession?"

The old man glared at him again, which was filled with the old father's anger and displeasure as he watched the brat who abducted his daughter. He said, "Is this the point? Strength, although the contract is completed later, the new world rules do not fully recognize the existence of Tan Tan, and she is too weak, so that half-assed Jin Liangyu can easily force Tan Tan out of her body."

Ye Xiao was stared at for no reason, but he didn't care about it at all. He clenched his fist on the table and asked, "Forced? You mean the talk is still there, but it's not in the body anymore?"

The old man snorted, "Otherwise, if she's gone, why should I waste so much talking with you?"

Ye Xiao suddenly stood up: "Where is she?"

"sit down."

Ye Xiaomo took a moment, then sat back silently: "So what should I do? Find her and let her return to Lin Tantan's body..."

"Are you a fish head?" The old man scolded unceremoniously, "She was able to get her body out of that trash of Jin Liangyu, which means that the laws of the world are not on her side, and they don't recognize her as the master of that body. went."

Ye Xiao remained silent, stood up after a while and bowed sincerely: "Please teach me, teacher."

"Who is your teacher?"

"You are Tan Tan's teacher, and you are my teacher."

The old man is happy, this kid is quite thick-skinned.

He didn't argue with the other party, he pondered for a moment and said: "I have calculated that there is only one way, the physical body is better as the original one, and only by letting her return to my own body can I live for a long time."

Ye Xiao's eyes lit up, then he frowned again: "But..." He stared at Xu Tianjin closely.

"That's right, her own body is already dead. Don't expect me to turn back the time. The past cannot be changed. At most, you can get the body back from the hands of those government officials just now." The old man nodded his desktop, Ye Xiao's gaze then fell on his finger, and Xu Tianjin continued, "But if I can make such a big noise, I don't need to steal her away quietly, and as an outsider, I can't interfere anymore."

He looked at Ye Xiao, moved closer, and lowered his voice: "But you can."

Ye Xiao frowned: "I don't understand, I don't have such ability."

"Not now, doesn't mean there won't be in the future, as long as you dare to think, what is impossible, you have to know, you are in the best era." The old man showed a meaningful smile and stood up, "I can only say so much , young man, think about what I said, and you will find the answer."

As these words fell to the ground, the old man gradually disappeared by the table. Ye Xiao sat down silently, lost in thought, and was suddenly shocked: "You haven't told me where to talk!"

The next moment, with a flash in front of his eyes, he found himself back in the base. The sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly. Not far away was a large piece of farmland, surrounded by a pile of tree debris, and standing in front of him was Xu Tianjin, just this Xu Tianjin Xu Tianjin, who was no longer the core of the old man, looked at Ye Xiao blankly: "Boss, what are you doing? Wait, who are you? Where am I?"

Ye Xiao frowned and looked at him: "Xu Tianjin?"

"Yes, I am, but who are you? Isn't it the end of the world? Where is this place? Why are there no zombies?"

Ye Xiao looked at him suspiciously: "Do you remember what time it is?"

"I know, isn't it February 2019? The end of the world broke out a month ago!"

Ye Xiao narrowed his eyes, and he understood clearly. He said that Xu Tianjin was reborn in Xu Tianjin's body in this world last February. Now it seems that the one who was reborn was not the real Xu Tianjin, but a person who pretended to be Xu Tianjin. He turned his head and looked around. Everything was calm and there was nothing strange about it. That person had already left.