MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 12

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It was already seven o'clock when we set off because there were too many people.

A total of four vehicles are arranged in this way. The pickup truck leads the way in front, commercial vehicle 1 and commercial vehicle 2 are in the middle, and the largest cold chain vehicle is in the rear.

In addition to Ye Xiao and four people who talked with Lin, there were 43 people in total. Excluding the three drivers, there were 40 people, 11 people were stuffed in each of the two commercial vehicles, 16 people were stuffed in the compartment of the cold car, and there were two people left. Said that he can play with guns, Ye Xiao gave each of them a pistol and a gun after a general assessment, and arranged a place for them.

Two more helpers are better than none.

Ye Xiao came to ask Lin Tantan again, asking if she could deal with zombies, Lin Tantan nodded immediately, yes, yes, she was always looking forward to fighting side by side with Ye Xiao, and then Ye Xiao arranged her in the commercial vehicle 1 In the passenger seat.

Lin Tantan: "..." Looking at the nervous young man in the driver's seat beside her, she sighed.

So the final arrangement was, in the pickup truck, Xu Leaving the car, the business hotspot 1 was in the passenger seat, nervously holding a gun, ready to shoot zombies at any time, Ye Xiao was in the back of the truck, with several firearms beside him, basically front-on He will deal with all the running zombies.

In commercial vehicle 1, Lin Tantan sat in the passenger seat and helped Ye Xiao deal with the zombies caught on the right.

On the commercial vehicle 2, on the passenger seat was the burly Zhong Xiong, holding a handlebar, and he actually cut off the roof, ready to step on a chair at any time, poke half of his body out from the roof, and carry out an attack on the zombies. Three hundred and sixty degrees of brutal shooting.

On the cold chain car, the passenger seat is Amateur Gunner 2, and on the roof of the cold chain car, that Mei Bosheng is sitting cross-legged in a cool manner, and is responsible for killing the zombies following behind. The posture was too coquettish and fell down and was eaten by zombies.

Lin Tantan observed the rear from the car window, and when he looked up, he saw Ye Xiao in the pickup truck in front, and felt bright again. Speaking of which, her position should be the least threatening, because Ye Xiao is always there to take care of her. , I can see him as soon as I look up, this is definitely a benefit given to me by the male god, isn't it?

Because they were delayed for nearly an hour in the villa area, the zombies began to gather slowly outside again, but there were not many of them. As soon as the convoy drove out, they were shot dead by Ye Xiao with a pistol loaded.

This was the case for a long time after that, the roads were cleared up, the cars were unimpeded, and most of them chose roads away from the buildings, so the number of zombies was relatively small, and they were dealt with by two people before and after they couldn't get close to the convoy.

Lin Tantan glanced at the dashboard, and the speed was always between 20 and 30 km/h. At this speed, it would not take too long to reach Ye Xiao and their destination.

Lin Tantan was keeping his hands in his pockets, silently absorbing gold-type crystal nuclei to his heart's content. Ye Xiao almost gave her all his wood-type and gold-type crystal nuclei, each with 20 or 30 crystal nuclei. Lin Tantan is like a poor man suddenly rich, so he doesn't need to worry about energy at all.

Suddenly there was a sound of killing in front, Lin Tantan immediately stopped absorbing it, and poked his head out to look, but was blocked by the pickup truck in front of him, and only saw Ye Xiaofu shooting forward in the car, the wireless earphones she wore on her ears simultaneously His steady voice came: "A group of corpses appeared a hundred meters away. Currently, there are more than 60 corpses. All speed up and get ready."

While talking, he fired more than a dozen shots, all of them should have been hit by the sound, and the speed of the four cars also increased at the same time.

Lin Tantan knows that when encountering a group of corpses, he either takes a detour or speeds up to slam into it. The most taboo is to be surrounded by a group of corpses.

Then there was a bang, and the pickup truck knocked several zombies into the air. Those that were not knocked into the air were thrown away by a violent and invisible force when the pickup truck passed by. They were Ye Xiao's zombies. Wind power.

Lin Tantan seized the time and sent out golden thorns again and again, piercing the eyes of the fallen zombies. If they didn't kill them immediately when they fell to the ground, they would definitely chase after the convoy when they got up.

Lin Tantan swung two gold thorns at once, each of which could perfectly hit a certain eye of the zombie. Her ability to control abilities was definitely far ahead during this period, so she knew that her gold system was not strong enough. In the case of a headshot, she cleverly rotated the golden thorn when she shot it, and the high-speed rotating golden thorn shot into the zombie's cranial cavity, tearing out a cavity.

The zombie's brain tissue has already mutated to be very fragile, and most of the tissue has decayed, leaving only some parts of manipulation and perception that have been strengthened to some extent, and are all powered by the crystal nucleus in the skull, so that the golden thorn can destroy The brain tissue of the zombie, if the angle is right, can also hit the crystal nucleus of the zombie.

If you're lucky, this is enough to "death" a zombie, and if you're unlucky, it can also make it lose its mobility for a period of time.

So, all the zombies that fell on her side were dealt with by her with one shot. Zhong Xiong, who was on the commercial vehicle 2 at the back, saw it and ignored the right side, and just dealt with the zombies on the left.

The pressure is reduced and the efficiency is greatly improved.

Mei Bosheng on the cold chain car waited for a long time, but there was no one who slipped through the net to show him his skills, so he had to look at the head, the ground, and the surroundings, and do a good job of guarding his backup.

The group of more than 60 zombies was quickly rushed by them, leaving behind a field of corpses, and not far in front of the group of corpses, several people were running and fighting with the zombies. When it was critical, one of the boys called out A arrowhead... a water arrow?

Ye Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, and then realized that the water arrow had no power at all, and another woman who seemed to be supported by someone sent out a fireball, which hit the other zombie's head, and the zombie took a step back. , but it didn't fall down, and it was about to pounce on the people again. When the people looked desperate, Ye Xiao adjusted the muzzle of the gun slightly and pulled the trigger.

Puff! The two zombies were shot almost simultaneously.

Ye Xiao fired a few more bullets and knocked down the other zombies. Seeing a car approaching, those people quickly waved their arms to block the road: "Stop! Stop!"

Ye Xiao looked around: "The whole team is there, stop."

The car stopped, Lin Tantan stood at the window, watched Ye Xiao jump out of the car, and talked to those people.

There were three men and two women, all of whom were not more than thirty years old. Lin Tantan felt that one of the women, who was particularly pale and supported by someone, seemed inexplicably familiar.

Where did you see it?

Not knowing what they said, Ye Xiao frowned slightly, then checked them roughly, and let them get on the pickup truck and fight.

Ye Xiao explained in the team channel: "These five people are graduate students from the urban area of ​​Peking University, and they are not infected."

When Lin Tantan heard the words "Peking University District", the radar was activated, and he immediately put aside the familiar and unfamiliar questions, and then heard Mei Bosheng asking in the channel: "How is it over there?"

"The situation is not very good." Ye Xiao didn't say much, Lin Tantan scratched the cat, pressed the earphones, and couldn't help asking: "Are you going to Peking University City?"

"Haven't decided yet, why, where are you going?" It was Mei Bosheng who answered this time.

Eh? Why haven't you decided yet?

According to the official official history, Ye Xiao's team went to Peking University City to save an important person, and the final task was completed, but Mei Bosheng got involved, and the central government kept asking Ye Xiao to bring the "important person" northward, Ye Xiao fell out with the person who gave the order, and the plan to go north naturally ran aground. Afterwards, some other things happened. Ye Xiao was blacklisted by the military, his military status was also removed, and he started to work on his own.

In other words, this "important person" caused Ye Xiao to lose his first comrade-in-arms, and led to many important turning points in his life afterwards.

Such a guy, such a turning point in history, should be highlighted in official history and unofficial fan fiction. Tell her now that it is something that has not yet been decided?

Can we respect history?

How does this make her answer?

Lin Tantan could only say: "Oh, actually I haven't decided yet."

Ye Xiao paused slightly when he heard this sentence, while Mei Bosheng said heartlessly: "Yes, it is very worrying to make a decision. Fortunately, I don't have to use this brain. When the time comes, we will come out with a result and inform you." Let me know, if you want to go too, let’s go together.”

This is good, Lin Tantan nodded again and again: "Okay, okay."

After that, it went smoothly, and finally arrived at the destination at 9:30.

It was a circular building with a full sense of technology. At this time, two people were cleaning up a small number of zombies at the entrance of the underground garage. When they saw the convoy approaching, they immediately backed away and let the car drive in.

Then the entrance was closed with a bang, leaving only the faint light overhead in the entire underground garage.

People got out of the car and were crowded all the way. These people are a little impatient now.

When Lin Tantan got out of the car, she saw a young man with fair skin and a clear temperament standing beside the pickup truck. She immediately became excited, and then she heard Ye Xiao call him "Old Bai".

Ahhhhhhhhhh, I finally caught a pair of live Yebai CPs in my lifetime!

Look, the picture of these two standing together and talking is Duohexie! The two of them are about the same height, Ye Xiao may be slightly taller by two centimeters, and have similar builds, Bai Cheng will be a little thinner, and because of his fairer skin, he looks a little weaker.

What's more, Ye Xiao's facial features are masculine and deep, while Bai Cheng's is more clear, meaningful and gentle, in short, they are a perfect match!

Lin Tantan sized them up and down quietly, the more he looked at them, the more hehehe he felt in his heart, he really deserves to be my fan's CP, this height, this appearance, this temperament, this CP feeling that is so powerful, compared to those of the same people The drawing in the comics is even more pleasing to the eye! Even standing in this dark parking lot, you can take a random picture and use it as a screen saver, and you are not at all the same as the disgraced ordinary people around you!

Lin Tantan was eager to touch the cell phone in his pocket, but at this moment, Bai Cheng sensed something sensitively, and glanced at her side accurately, Lin Tantan froze, and suddenly felt a little faint.

Peeping at someone's intimate conversation and being found cough cough...

Fortunately, Ye Xiao also looked at her at this time and introduced them to them.

Bai Cheng smiled and said, "Hi, Miss Lin."

Suppressing the surge in her heart, Lin Tantan took Bai Cheng's hand and said, "Hello, don't call me Miss Lin, just call me to talk to me." Suddenly, her brows moved slightly, and the temperature of this person's hand was a little high what.