MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 116

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It's no secret that Lin Tantan is a five-element supernatural being. She used the fire element and water element so frequently without covering it up. Both insiders and outsiders of the Zhengyang Brigade have long guessed.

But it hasn't been announced publicly yet.

Now that it is spread outside, even people who are obtuse and ill-informed know about it, and there are many more people who pay attention to Lin Tantan in an instant.

Coupled with the second half of the rumors, saying that the Zhengyang Brigade has developed so smoothly and so well thanks to Lin Tantan, and that half of the success is achieved if any force has her, she has become a hot topic for a while.

The most important thing is that other bases that have access to the communication network have also received such news. Lin Tantan is a five-series supernatural being known to almost the whole country within a day.

Ye Xiao's face sank like water, and Bai Cheng shook his head: "Min Yande doesn't have the time and energy to really do something, is he trying to mobilize others to make trouble? These rumors are not good for the conversation, do you want to refute them?"

Ye Xiao looked up at him, and he said, "Why do you want to refute the rumors, isn't it the truth?"

Bai Cheng was taken aback.

"If we hadn't talked about it, Meimei wouldn't have survived, and I might have been submerged in that river long ago. Let's talk about the tide of corpses in June. Without her, the burrow wouldn't be dug so smoothly, and the ambush zombies wouldn't be able to do so." It will not achieve miraculous effects, let alone know the terrifying ability of the leading zombie so early, and then eradicate it in time. The nightmare effect left by the zombie is still there today, and it is no better than the frightening zombie leaders in the capital. What's the difference. Let's say that when the corpse tide is besieging the city, if we don't have her to help us sleep and let us quickly recover our energy, our losses will also increase by a certain value."

Ye Xiao said one by one in a calm voice, he never forgot these things for a day, and for the team of Zhengyang Brigade, he thinks that his contribution is not as great as that of Lin Tantan.

Bai Cheng is silent, it is true.

He seemed to understand something: "Since there is no rumor to refute, do you want to let it go, or do something with the trend?"

Ye Xiao looked at his palm: "I remember someone told me before that the ability to talk should not be buried in this small base. If she goes to a big world like the capital, not only will she be able to play a bigger role and will be regarded as a guest of honor, held by everyone and enjoying the best of everything.”

"I also want to give her the best, but now it seems that it is not enough."

He hated people to use Lin Tantan as a raft and treat her like a persimmon. Why he stared at Min Yande instead of targeting Commander Fan was simply because Commander Fan was targeting himself, while Min Yande wanted to talk to Lin, who was unacceptable to him.

Now that Min Yande is being held back, he still wants to find an opening in Lin Tantan, causing conflicts, and even sowing dissension.

Ye Xiao's expression was calm, but his heart was quite annoyed.

"Suppose Tan Tan and I are not in the current relationship," he asked Bai Cheng, "She's not even a girl, how much leverage do we need to have to keep her?"

Bai Cheng was stopped by his question.

Now there are many talented people in their brigade, and those people joined them because they were attracted by their unique conditions, treatment, atmosphere, and prospects. The most outstanding group of people have higher conditions than ordinary people, and their attitudes towards each other will be different.

Even the four mercenaries who went to the capital, in order to let them do things, agreed to some unusual conditions.

Compared with those people, Lin Tantan's value is obviously several times higher, and it is even difficult to simply estimate. The price that needs to be paid to keep her is naturally extremely high.

The attitude towards her should also be cautious and respectful enough, and show enough protection to the outside world. Like this time, if someone picks her up, let alone refute the rumors, the first thing to do is to appease her emotions.

Bai Cheng fully understood that he had taken it for granted, probably because of his good relationship, he seemed a little contemptuous when talking to Lin.

"I know what to do," he said.

So not long after, the Zhengyang Brigade released a message saying, yes, our brigade can go so smoothly only by relying on Lin Tantan, a powerful and magical five-line supernatural being. She is electric, she is light. It is the biggest lucky star, our Zhengyang brigade is so lucky.

When Lin Tantan heard this statement, he almost fell off his chair.

She's about to squirt, what's the matter? !

Then she, who stays in the compound all day long and doesn't go out, and basically relies on patients to bring her the latest news, knows what people say about her outside. If you want to be king, you can't do without her. What the **** is this, her Does it work that much? The brigade even booed, saying yes, she is that powerful.

I'm talking embarrassing!

The sick and injured in the team looked at her a little wrongly, as if they were looking at the glowing gold. It just so happened that today there were two seriously injured patients who came in through the green passage from outside. Their companions also came in, and these people looked at her with a hint of surprise and admiration.

After Lin Tantan finished his work, he heard two people chatting at the corner: "Your medical team leader is really so amazing!"

"Of course. It's clearly stated above. If she didn't spend too much time in the clinic to treat everyone's injuries, she would have shined outside."

The outsider said again: "Then you have to be more on guard, I'm afraid there will be many people who want to pry your corners...I even want our boss to pry."

"Fuck you, Dr. Lin belongs to our Zhengyang Brigade."

Lin Tantan was even more embarrassed to hear it.

She became a celebrity overnight, it seems that everyone is eager to use good words on her, and the eyes are shining when looking at her, but it seems that everyone is more keen to discuss than discussing that she is a five-line superhuman The attitude of Zhengyang brigade towards her.

The Zhengyang brigade, the Zhengyang brigade even held a small meeting specially for this purpose, the content was roughly how to praise her, and how to hold accountable for someone who made her a subject of free discussion and jokes this time.

For this reason, the Zhengyang brigade even set up a public relations team, which can also be called an external publicity team, to list all the things that Lin Tantan has done that can be said one by one, counting from Yang City to the present Today, I sorted out a long list to prove how useful and benevolent she is.

Lin Tantan wanted to stop all this, but couldn't, Ye Xiao told her to leave it alone. Lin Tantan complained: "Don't worry about it, this is my own business, isn't this too exaggerated?"

And when she looked at those incidents, she felt that she was about to be written as the Virgin Mary, the kind that radiated radiance all over her body, and she wondered if it was herself.

Ye Xiaodao: "Min Yande let people spread rumors and spread the fact that you are a five-line superhuman. There are two main purposes. One is to make more people covet your ability, and the other is to let you There was a rift between me."

The main reason is to create a rift between her and the leadership team of Zhengyang Brigade.

If it wasn't for her not fighting for rights, if it wasn't for Ye Xiao knowing her and loving her, if it wasn't for her life-saving grace to Mei Bosheng, and the few of them are people who don't care about these false names, it's just that she is promoted The fact that they have to be compared to everyone else can make them conflicted.

The intention of this strategy is very poisonous.

Ye Xiao was a little self-deprecating. He asked Cai Chengliang to disturb the harmony between the Min and Chen factions. Min Yande gave him a similar gift when he turned around. But don't try to succeed.

"The news of the five-series supernatural powers will definitely move many people. You are already well-known, so you simply followed the rumors and admitted your role status, which is also a shock to some people." A bare-handed commander with five-series supernatural powers , and a five-line ability user who is regarded as the most indispensable core figure by the entire team and is respected, loved and supported by the entire team, the weight is completely different.

To put it bluntly, people who want to fall in love with her should also consider whether they can defeat all her supporters before they can touch Lin Tantan.

Ye Xiao said: "Besides, I'm not wrong. You have indeed done a lot. This is the honor you deserve. On the other hand, we also want to completely establish you as a living sign of the Zhengyang Brigade. Are you willing?"

There is no living signboard that can be used better than the names of the five-series supernatural powers, the strongest wood-series and so on. Lin Tantan is really suitable for this role. Whether it is public or private, Ye Xiao will promote this matter.

What's more, he has another idea. Others don't know it, but their small group knows it. Lin Tantan was able to rescue the infected at the beginning of the end of the world. Can be her reminder. Instead of showing her attitude until then, it is better to make her the most special and core person in the brigade now.

"But it's too high-profile." Lin Tantan murmured, "And I'm not that good either."

Looking at the series of events sorted out by the public relations department, she was silent for a moment and finally said in a low voice: "It's because I am open-minded that I am willing to bring in new supernatural beings and teach them. In fact, I just want to get more supernatural beings." , To put it bluntly, it means more coolies to make the collective strength stronger."

"I also said that I was benevolent in giving free consultations to people in shanty towns. In fact, the situation was too severe at that time. Too many people died and many people were infected. It would also affect us." It might have something to do with her time travel. She didn't want to bear such a heavy debt, so she did her best to save people.

"I have materials or contribution income for treating people and so on. It's not selfless dedication."

"Contributing to the tide of corpses is indeed for the sake of the collective, but only when the collective is good will I be good. I don't want the place where I live to be devastated, and I don't want people familiar with me to die, and I don't want you to work too hard."

"And help kill mosquitoes, that's really handy. I have a lot of power and energy, and I can save some people by raising my hand, and I don't want too many people to die, so let's set fire and water. I don't think it's a big deal."

When Lin Tantan said this, he raised his head with some difficulty and looked at Ye Xiao: "Actually, I'm not a particularly good person. I only think about saving others when I'm sure that I won't suffer any loss. Only if the other party is unable to save themselves due to force majeure, for those who can save themselves but insist on waiting for others to give them alms, I don’t look down on them at all, and I can watch them die with cold eyes.”

My family knew about my family affairs, and Lin Tantan was very clear that she was not a holy mother at all. As a healer in her previous life, she was also certified as a professional healer, not a professional physician.

She has never made an oath, and she has no spirit of self-sacrifice and self-sacrifice. Most of her clients are powerful people. Occasionally, she holds a free clinic, which is also an activity organized by the hospital and even the country. Inspirational deeds of disabled people, in order to get praise from other countries and achieve higher political goals.

She is not a cold-blooded and ruthless person, and she does have a soft-hearted, kind-hearted side that loves life, but it is definitely not what is written on this paper, or what many people think, just like a pure and flawless saint, she saves people when she sees them, regardless of herself.

It's probably because many things that others think require a lot of effort and effort to achieve are too easy for her, right? The starting point for her to do some things is: she doesn't need to pay too much, but the results she can achieve are beautiful and beautiful, and can make herself feel satisfied and happy, or make Ye Xiao feel more relaxed, so she goes happily Done.

She didn't think she was anything noble.

The more she talked, the more she felt that this misunderstanding was a bit big. Looking at Ye Xiao's face, others thought of her as a little fairy and a great saint, what about him? She said carefully: "Did you misunderstand me?"

Ye Xiao was indeed in a daze, and looked at her after a while and said, "I don't think you are a saint either."

Lin Tantan breathed a sigh of relief, and heard him say, "But."

but what? He did not speak directly, but showed a thoughtful expression instead.

But he didn't expect that she thought so in her heart.

Rather than being out of kindness, compassion, willingness to help others, and taking the overall situation into consideration, she seems to be indifferent to whether she wants to give and how much she wants to give, because it is too easy. If you want to move a boulder, many people may hesitate, but what is in front of you is just a small stone, which can be kicked away with just one kick, so let’s kick it, how big a deal is that?

He didn't expect her to be in such a state of mind.

It was a bit of a surprise, and I felt like I put my heart into practice.

Ye Xiao himself is a 100% good person. The selfish and dark things in his heart may not be less than others, but his bottom line is much higher than the average person. He knows what is right and wrong, what can and cannot be done, Lin Tan Talking about the beauty in her body is part of her characteristics that attract him. In his heart, she is pure and kind, innocent and harmless, a little bit confused, and she is not at all annoying when she is sharp.

But at this time, I found that whether she was pure, kind and harmless, or her occasional confusion and innocence, it seemed that she didn't care about it just because she was too powerful.

Ye Xiao laughed, this feeling... quite strange.

It seems that she doesn't have to worry about being disappointed and disgusted after her imperfections are discovered.

Lin Tantan saw it with a square heart, saying this carefully, what is this laughing at?

She pushed him: "talk, but what?"

Ye Xiao pulled her over and ruffled her hair with a smile: "Tell me about how cute you are."

Lin Tantan: "..." Why did the topic suddenly change so quickly?

But looking at it like this, it shouldn't be the kind of situation she was worried about, right?

She breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt a little uneasy: "Aren't you angry, aren't you disappointed?"

"There's nothing to be angry and disappointed. Before, I was worried that your soft-hearted personality would suffer, but if you understand everything in your heart and do everything according to your ability, I have nothing to worry about."

Ye Xiao looked at the semi-finished promotional manuscripts in her hand, and said in a deep thought: "But you can't say that to the outside world, and there's no need to write too nasty." It's not easy to take off the saint's hat after putting it on, he said, " I know what to do."

Lin Tantan looked at him trustingly, and he said he knew what to do, so she didn't worry anymore.

Ye Xiao thought for a moment, then pulled her to sit down: "Talk, now that we've come to this point, let's talk frankly, do you want to go to the front of the stage, which means that you will no longer always hide in the clinic to do logistics ?”


"Your five-element abilities, except for the wood element, any other element can outperform the vast majority of ability users, whether it is more than enough to lead a combat team or be a manager, it is too inferior to be in charge of only one medical team .”

Lin Tantan was stunned for a while, then quickly shook his head: "Isn't it necessary to go out often with the combat team? I still like to stay inside and be a manager? You mean Bai Cheng, and I can't do it either. Thinking about it, there are many things, so annoying Yes. The clinic is more suitable for me, and treatment is what I am best at."

The rest should be treated as adjustments. Occasionally dig a hole, kill a zombie, or kill a mosquito. It is fun and exciting, but she will definitely not be able to bear it every day. In essence, she is still a person who loves to enjoy herself, basking in the sun every day , wander around, eat and drink, bathe the cuties, do some work that doesn't tire her, and then go to bed on time and on time, this is the state of life she likes.

"And am I already the vice-captain?"

But that's just in name, a leader not only needs to be respected, but also feared, which she hasn't done yet.

But Ye Xiao really didn't want her to work hard. Since she didn't want to, he thought for a while: "Well, it's fine if you like it, but there is something I want you to do."

Lin Tantan immediately sat upright: "What's the matter?"

"I want you to make an example to others."

Knowing that there was a small storm in the Ningshi base, Min Yande was very satisfied and no longer paid attention to the following matters. He also had no time to take care of these trivial matters, and put all his energy on dealing with Chen Xing.

So he didn't know that the Zhengyang brigade's coquettish operation followed the rumors he created to promote a woman to a very high position, and he didn't know that in Ye Xiao's plan, that woman only needed a real power. Opportunity, and this prestige, Ye Xiao just chose Min Yande, who was as annoying as a cowhide plaster and kept making small moves.

He didn't know anything at this time, he just discussed with Chen Xianyi where to ambush Chen Xing and how many people would be needed.

Min Yande, as a big boss in the capital base, naturally has many masters under his command. It is not difficult to ambush a Chen Xing. The problem is that Ye Xiao knew his movements in advance.

Ye Xiao has accumulated some connections over the years, and these connections have not disappeared with his departure. He used to get information from the capital base through such a few people before, but this time it is a bit different.

The news that Ye Xiao has transformed the magic machine, repelled the tide of corpses, etc. has added a bit of bright and majestic light to him. The contacts in friendship are more and more willing to sell other people's favors. This time, it was someone who stayed by Min Yande's side who was willing to be his eyeliner, revealing Min Yande's plan to him.

At the same time, Ye Xiao arranged four mercenaries on Chen Xing's side, although those four were mainly by Cai Chengliang's side.

On the day when the incident happened, Chen Xing had something to leave the base. Ye Xiao asked those four people to encourage Cai Chengliang to go out together. When the ambush happened, those four people rescued Chen Xing. Only Chen Xing and Cai Chengliang were left in the last group And a few people are still alive.

Chen Xing fled back to the base in embarrassment, and then someone sent him the recording of how Min Yande conspired with others to kill him. The recording was divided into several sections, one of which had Chen Xianyi's voice.

Chen Xing sneered, first took down Chen Xianyi quietly, and then used all kinds of torture to extract a confession that was not humane.

Because she was the most important person to save Chen Xing, Ni Lan was deeply valued by Chen Xing. She gave Chen Xing a trick, and then there were various plots and arrangements that lasted for several months.

"It's not easy to eradicate a person like Min Yande. In the past six months of the end of the world, he has a deep foundation and has many capable men. If he wants to deal with him, he must gradually disintegrate his strength. Chen Xing is the best entry point."

Ye Xiao talked to Lin like this: "They have been partners since the beginning of the end of the world. Min Yande is one level shorter than Chen Xing. In order to please Chen Xing, Min Yande forced us to let Cai Chengliang go. Afterwards, although this matter was resolved by Min Yande There is no conflict between the two sides, but it is an indisputable fact that Min Yande was weaker than Chen Xing from the very beginning."

"During the division of population resources in the past six months, the two have gradually become evenly matched, and have gradually become the two biggest giants in their camp. They may not want the other party to disappear forever and take the cake to themselves, but neither of them has completely firmly grasp."

"I gave them a reason, which made them quarrel. Min Yande is a bit eager for quick success, and he is very suspicious. Once he feels that Chen Xing seems to be attacking him, he will definitely attack him first. Chen Xing must not have expected him The shot is so crazy, it is easy to get hit, and as long as he is not dead, Min Yande will have no chance, and Chen Xing, who almost lost his life, will spare Min Yande."

"Chen Xing is older, more experienced, and more senior than Min Yande. He may not be able to move Min Yande himself, but as long as he allows others to work hard, it is easy to find someone who is willing to deal with Min Yande with him."

Ye Xiao sighed: "In the past two months, Min Yande has lost a lot of territory and manpower. In order to establish a good relationship with some of the lower research institutes, he has captured a lot of single ability users and sent them in. Chen Xing has been While collecting evidence, once the evidence is convincing, expulsion from the party is not a problem."

Lin Tantan said, "Is it just expulsion from the party?"

Ye Xiao smiled: "It was my suggestion. Centipede is dead but not stiff. No matter how down-and-out he is, he still has cards in his hand. Forcing him to a dead end will only lead him to rebound. If he is expelled from the party and driven out of the capital base, he will It can’t be done that decisively.”

Lin Tantan stared at him blankly.

Ye Xiao took a sip of water, and Lin Tantan talked about the lemon passion fruit water he had made. The lemon grew on a mutated lemon tree that he found, and the passion fruit was kept by some spatial power, and it was placed in the base market. It was sold online, and those who bought it gave Lin Tantan as a thank you gift to the doctor after the patient was discharged from the hospital.

Then she asked Jiang Xiaotian to download some information for her, and fiddled with it by herself, and finally the taste was very good, because honey was added, it was sour and sweet, and it was chilled in ice water. Feel refreshed.

Ye Xiao took a sip of water, looked at the white girl sitting under the shade of a tree without any trace of sweat, and felt that she was indeed more suitable for such a leisurely and relaxed life.

Lin Tantan was waiting for him to continue talking: "Can we really drive him out smoothly?"

Ye Xiao said: "Yes, as long as Fan Wuyong cooperates."

Fan Wuyong is Commander Fan's name.

Lin Tantan wrinkled his nose: "I don't like this person."

Compared to Min Yande, she hated this commander even more, because he wanted to kill Ye Xiao indiscriminately. Ye Xiao didn't die, but that shot really hit him, but Ye Xiao didn't care about it, and cooperated with him.

She took a sip of the passion fruit water, and silently struggled with the seeds inside with a puffy face. She had to eat every single one before spitting it out, and piled up a small pile on the table.

Ye Xiao didn't talk to her about Fan Wuyong, but said: "Min Yande will be kicked out soon, are you ready?"

The author has something to say: I don’t know if I can express it clearly. They are not saints. From the very beginning, I never said that Tantan is a selfless and pure person, and she didn’t pretend to be anything. In this world, she only cares about Ye Xiao. But within the scope of her ability, she is also willing to do some things. Apart from respecting life in her heart and not wanting to see unnecessary death, one very important reason is that this is Ye Xiao's world. To say how kind she is is not necessarily true. It is not easy for her to live, so it is not easy to sympathize with others. She has a cold and cold side in her heart.

And because of her own experience, she especially doesn't like people who put their hopes on others and don't work hard at all, so she doesn't save everyone.

Also, since you want to analyze a person from the lines, don't be too one-sided to analyze only certain actions or a few words. That's it, I only explain this time, some people may still disagree, but this is the protagonist and story in my heart, I'm sorry to say so much that it affects everyone's reading of the article.