MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 105

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This wave of corpses was much more terrifying than the torrential rain in February. The corpses hit the city wall wave after wave like raging waves.

They were blown up by bombs in the ground, shattered by shells thrown from the city, knocked down by the huge electric arc released by the power grid on the city wall, and suppressed by bullets and abilities again and again, but there were always new zombies immediately filling them up. .

Endless, as if there is no end, just looking at it makes people feel suffocated.

Fortunately, they have no strategy and only know how to rush towards the city wall instinctively. They piled up a mountain of corpses during the climbing process, but because they are not large enough, they are always killed when they can reach the top of the city. People destroy.

Suddenly, one of the zombies among the corpses spit out a huge fireball and smashed it **** the wall. The wall collapsed immediately, and the person standing on it fell down.

In order to avoid being bitten and caught by zombies, these people standing on the front line of the battle wear protective gear on their hands and arms that will not hinder their movements too much, but if they fall into the crowd of corpses below, such little protective gear can If you can't protect anything, you can be gnawed into a blood corpse in minutes, and then turned into a zombie again.

Just when they were about to fall into the crowd of corpses, a gust of wind picked up these people and threw them directly behind the others. When they landed, they were gentle, so that they did not fall again.

A stern voice said: "Earth element!" Immediately, an earth element stepped forward to repair the collapsed city wall. At the same time, countless wind blades slashed down. Other wind blades can only cut down a zombie, but the one here The wind blade went down together, but it was able to cut four or five stacked zombies in half in one breath. Suddenly, amidst the sound of puffing, stumps flew, and rotten liquid splashed.

After cutting down the zombies below and repairing the top of the wall, the man looked for the fire-type zombie in the group of corpses. After searching for a while, he found it! It's just a little far away, a hundred meters away.

This distance can ensure that the ability can attack, but the accuracy is hard to say, especially the zombie seems to feel danger and is still hiding.

The man picked up something that looked like a gun or a crossbow, and filled it with something that looked like a bullet, but it was white, with a chilly feeling, as if it was polished from the bones of some wild beast, and then Aim at the fire-type zombie hiding behind countless zombies, and release it with one shot.

The bullet ejected from the chamber, bringing out a white line, at an extremely fast speed, chasing the fire-type zombie. The fire-type zombie is a zombie with a relatively complete appearance. It has both supernatural powers and a certain amount of wisdom. The leader of the small group of zombies can be called the zombie talent among the zombies. In time, he will surely grow into a big boss and lead more zombie brothers.

It sensed the danger, and it dodged immediately. There was no emotion in its dead fish-like eyes, but it seemed to be proud of itself for avoiding the fatal blow.

But the next moment it dodged, the bullet should have grazed its face, but suddenly turned around and pierced into its temple.

And it got out from the other side, knocked down a zombie next to it, and then plunged into the head of the third zombie, and exploded in its head, which shows its terrifying power.

The fire-type zombie froze, and the sticky brain tissue flowed out of the small hole in the temple like paste, and at the same time it condensed inch by inch, covered with a layer of hoarfrost, as if frozen, the fire-type zombie fell down like this, The group of corpses it led suddenly lost their leader, and began to rush towards the base even more unorganized and disciplined.

The man put down his weapon, searched like an eagle, and made sure that there were no supernatural zombies or zombies that were too threatening, and then went to the next location. The wounded were moved down for treatment.

The injured were first hit by the fireball, and then hit by the stones of the collapsed city wall. Their injuries were a bit serious. The nearby medical point on standby couldn't handle them, so they were sent directly to the clinic.

Lin Tantan was helping someone to sleep. When the wounded outside came, she saw the injury and stopped her hands to treat the new wounded immediately.

All three of them were burned by the flames, and at the same time, they had different degrees of fractures and bleeding. Fortunately, they were not life-threatening. While dealing with the serious injuries, Lin Tantan asked, "Did this encounter a fire-type zombie, or was it caused by one of our own?" Injured by mistake?"

"It's a fire-type zombie." Among the three, the one whose face was not burned by the flame endured the pain and recounted the situation just now, "Fortunately, the captain showed up in time, otherwise we wouldn't be able to talk here."

Hearing that Ye Xiao rescued the person, Lin Tantan was also happy, and chatted with this person about the situation at that time, not only to hear what Ye Xiao was doing, but also to distract this person's attention.

Hearing that Ye Xiao used a tiger bone bullet to break the head of a fire-type zombie that kept moving at a distance of 100 meters, she laughed. The tiger bone bullet was polished from the bone of the ice-type white tiger, and penetrated The power is extremely strong, with its own ice effect, and because of the special material, it is easier to attach other abilities to it.

She watched from the side when Ye Xiao tried the gun. If he attached his own ability to it, even if he shot it, he could use the ability to steer the bullet to a certain extent, which was very useful.

Of course, Ye Xiao is the only one who can do this now, the bullets go out and turn or something, the ability is that the ability to control objects through the air can't do it, because the speed of the bullet is too fast.

Seeing this person mentioning the special bullets and gun with envious and yearning expression on his face, she said, "What do you think of supernatural weapons?"

"Of course it's good. It's much stronger than ordinary bullets. Now the heads of zombies are getting harder and harder. Ordinary bullets are really hard to use. The bullets made of tiger bones are different. The knives made of tiger bones are also very sharp. The awn can still be released for several meters. I heard that last time one of our brothers used a tiger bone knife to chop the leading zombie... Doctor Lin, when will this injury heal? This time, the person who killed the most zombies and contributed the most will be able Get a supernatural weapon as a reward." This man broke a leg, and he was still thinking about doing meritorious deeds.

Lin Tantan said with a smile: "It's easy to connect the bones, but it's not easy to raise them well. Don't get out of bed within a week, and don't put stress on this leg within a month."

After a hundred days of injury, Lin Tantan has confidence in his own skills, coupled with the fact that the supernatural being recovers quickly, so he can walk on the ground after a month.

As soon as the man heard this, his whole body shrank.

After treating the serious injuries of the three people, and handing them over to other wood-type supernatural beings, Lin Tantan went back to help them sleep.

It was exactly another six hours, and there were a dozen people lining up for bed.

The reason why there are more than a dozen people instead of thirty people is because some of them serve as combat power for the Zhengyang brigade and earn extra sleep aid times. If they just slept a few hours ago, they naturally don’t need to sleep anymore , then this normal turn opportunity can be saved for later use.

The current rules are like this. On the Zhengyang Brigade, because of the high-intensity battle, the people fighting on the front line work in three-hour shifts. They come down to rest for nine hours and then go up to fight again. In this way, twelve hours are called a working point. If you are not a front-line combatant, you are engaged in support, logistics, etc., and the duration of the work time is different. The contribution value that each person can get is calculated according to the work time, and there are additional compensations for injuries and sacrifices.

And talk about this in Lin, a person can change the number of sleep aids for one job, and if he is a person who participates in the battle, he can earn two sleep aids per day.

Originally there were more than 300 patients, a group of 30 people in a group of 6 hours, it took two and a half days to get one turn, with these extra two times, it is equivalent to a guaranteed one every day, which can be as short as an hour or as long as three hours opportunity to sleep.

Of course, there are more than one with helpers, such as the guy with twenty big men, he let his men go to fight, and he rested behind, and he could use up several times a day, because he had to sleep for a long time.

Of course, not everyone is as extravagant as he is. Patients still cherish these times. After all, after the tide of corpses is over, there may not be such a good opportunity to earn sleep aid times, and their illnesses do not know when they will be able to. it is good.

The last patient lay down, and after Lin Tantan put him to sleep, he put a red stamp on his card, indicating that this opportunity had been used up.

I stood up and moved my body joints, and looked towards the direction of the city wall. The shouts of explosions and the howls of zombies could be heard endlessly, but some were far away and some could not be heard clearly.

Suddenly I heard a familiar voice: "It's gone, the tiger bone bullets are really gone, we don't have enough for ourselves, so we really can't distribute them to you."

Looking down, it was Xu Qin. He had a helpless expression, said a few more words before hanging up, and rubbed his head wearily.

Lin Tantan waved to him from the upstairs window: "Brother Xu."

After a while, Xu Qin came to the clinic: "You guys are so quiet here."

There are many people coming and going, but they all walk lightly and speak softly, it seems to be a different world from the outside world, and it seems that it is not the same place as the clinic where ghosts and wolves were howling before.

"Of course, I have patients who are sleeping at any time, what should I do if I wake up?" Lin Tantan asked him: "Someone asked you for bullets?"

"It's Lu Jianping. Now, in addition to the heavy machine gun that can guarantee a headshot, the bullets of ordinary firearms can also hit other parts of the zombie's body. The effect on the head is not very good."

Lin Tantan nodded, seeing his tired face, asked him, "Do you want to sleep with me too?"

Xu Qin really wanted to experience the sleep aid ability that attracted more than a thousand outstanding combat forces, so he agreed.

Then, he had a high-quality sleep. After waking up, he felt like drinking fine nectar and jade dew. He was full of energy and inspiration. After thanking Lin Tan, he hurried back to revise the design draft of the magic machine.

Jiang Xiaotian saw that he had eaten the elixir, and when he asked why, he also ran to Lin Tantan: "Tantan, you are not kind, and you didn't tell me that you have such abilities! I haven't slept for many days I feel good, in order to figure out that iron bird, is it easy for me? My life will be shortened by five years." He pointed to the big dark circles under his eyes and said aggrievedly.

Lin Tantan listened to him, Balabala, and he could imagine his busy future, so he had to beckon him to lie down.