MTL - Traveling Through Ancient Times To Be a Shopkeeper-Chapter 50 untitled

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Zhang Shao was still the same as before, and there was one more person among the four, Zhang Shao's brother-in-law.

This time, the four of them enjoyed the spring breeze and were no longer downcast.

The last time I went back, people in the village were waiting for the four of them to fail to sell and come back at a loss. When the four returned to the village, they not only sold the shells and seafood, but also made money.

Does anyone really buy shellfish? !

Everyone in Zhang Shao's village was shocked.

One person made a tael of silver, and when the villagers heard about it, they were all shocked.

Zhang Shao's future mother-in-law is still worried that Zhang Shao will lose all his wealth and owe debts if he goes to the county to sell seafood. Although she didn't treat her brother well, she was her brother anyway, and hoped that he would marry well.

In the future, the mother-in-law came to get the news. Zhang Shao came back with a lot of silver and bought a lot of things. Zhang Shao saw that the future mother-in-law handed her the things bought from the county. The future mother-in-law will take over, all of which are novelties in the county town, laughing from ear to ear under the envy of the villagers.

The family members of the other three people rushed over and felt proud when they saw that their son had returned safely and bought things for the family after earning money.

The village chief was alarmed, knowing that Zhang Shao's sale of shellfish and seafood was a top priority in the village.

A tall and thin man who went with Zhang Shao was telling the story to the villagers. There were many twists and turns in the words, and the villagers were frightened when they heard it.

The village chief was nervous and stuck his cane: "What about after that? Does Boss Wei still want shells and seafood?" Why didn't this kid mention the point.

The villagers held their breath.

Zhang Shaodao: "Boss Wei asked us to send another shipment of seafood there next time."

As soon as Zhang Shao's words came out, the villagers' mouths were full of joy, and their weather-beaten faces were full of smiles.

"Oh, nephew, next time you go, take my family with you, definitely take my family with you, our two families are relatives."

Zhang Shao's second aunt squeezed into the crowd, and now she wants to talk about relatives. She doesn't want to think that she dislikes Zhang Shao's widowhood and treats him as a nephew. Walk. This will be beneficial, licking his face and trying to make a relationship.

Zhang Shao's future mother-in-law will not be happy, "You are a fart relative, and you just want to get in touch with me now, and there is no door." Turning to Zhang Shao, he shouted enthusiastically, "Son-in-law, my family is your in-law's family, you have to take it with you." My home." This will directly call son-in-law.

With the consent of his future mother-in-law, Zhang Shao felt that he was more happy than earning silver taels.

"My family, my family wants to sign up."

"Don't squeeze—my house is ahead—"

" family can catch more seafood, take my family to-"

"The boat rented by others, why take you there..."


This kind of thing is left to the village chief to deal with.

Zhang Shao turned around and saw a brother standing not far away. He was smiling big at Zhang Shao. He was tall and straight, with a honey-colored complexion. His facial features were not as soft as his brother's. On the contrary, he was tough, but Zhang Shao wanted to return home. .

Zhang Shao walked up to his elder brother, who said, "You're hungry, let's go home and cook for you."

"Well, I miss the rice you cooked."

The two spoke the most ordinary words, clasped palms, and went home holding hands.

Afterwards, the village chief talked with Zhang Shao, and Zhang Shao went out to buy the sea goods in the village.

The head of the village told the villagers about the matter. Some villagers wanted to fish in troubled waters and had to take a boat to sell seafood. The rental fee was shared with Zhang Shao.

It's not stupid, who doesn't have the same idea, take Zhang Shao's boat to go there, and sell seafood directly than sell to Zhang Shao will definitely make more money.

The village head immediately refused, saying that if he had the ability to rent a boat by himself, he would sell the seafood to Zhang Shao honestly if he had the ability, otherwise he would not have to sell it.


On the day of departure, almost everyone in the village came.

The same day the ship was shipped, the seafood was purchased on the same day, and the seafood was moved onto the ship frame by frame. The hard work made the villagers happy.

"Zhang you accept this thing?"

An old man in ragged clothes, gray hair, and wrinkled face carried a basket to Zhang Shao with difficulty.


This old man is the poorest household in the village. He and his elderly uncle are the only ones in the family, and the two of them live a difficult life with their young grandson. Seeing that the old man's basket was full of black seafood, all of which were unknown, Zhang Shao was stumped.

Zhang Shao's silence made the old man hope that his cloudy old eyes would become more cloudy and dull. He was too old to fish in the sea. The black seafood was found when it was stranded. It accumulated every day, dug a hole at home, raised it with sea water, and waited to be sold on the ship. , How much can be sold, even a few copper coins, is the hope for him, his wife, and grandchildren to survive.

Zhang Shao recalled Wei Cheng's words, he said: "Uncle, I'll show it to Boss Wei, there is no guarantee that Boss Wei will accept the seafood."

The old man's cloudy eyes were moist, trembling slightly with excitement, and there was a gleam of light in his eyes.

The situation of the old man is unbearable to see, but everyone's life is difficult, fighting with their lives at sea every day for their livelihood, and they are hungry.

They struggled in the wind and rain, and the wind and waves at sea kept their lives forever. This is the sorrow of the fishing village.

Before Zhang Shao left, he gave the old man a few copper coins.

The boat is leaving—

This time I went to the county town with the original four people, and there was one more person, Zhang Shao's brother-in-law, Zhang Shao left to go to his brother's house to hire. The other three didn't have any opinion because of emotion and reason. It was Zhang Shao who brought them money.

Zhang Shao's boat carried the whole village to the sea in the future—

Everyone in the fishing village is watching, they can eat enough and make a living on the boat. They don't know that this boat trip will change their lives in the future. In the future, there will be big boats and livelihoods... Life will no longer be so difficult and struggle with wind and rain.


Wei Hu brought people to receive the seafood.

"My master asked me to bring you a message, asking you to come with me."

Wei Hu shouted imposingly, but didn't say anything, with a bluffing face like a bandit.

The five of Zhang Shao were stunned and their smiles froze.

Nothing bad will happen—!

Wei Cheng's original words: You ask Zhang Shao to come and discuss the contract with them.

Wei Hu is a stickler, just take a walk, if you talk too much, it's better to just take a walk, and just omit the following words.

Among the five people, apart from Zhang Shao with a solemn face, the other three were uneasy, and the brother-in-law who had never suffered a lot made Wei Hu tremble in fear.

Several people followed Wei Hu to the grocery store in the suburbs. The seafood is delivered directly to the open space in front of the workshop, and there are already workers waiting to start work.

Wei Hu asked people to wait in the open space, and he went to find his master.

As soon as Wei Hu left with oppressive momentum, the five of Zhang Shao gathered around and guessed, all guessing at the bad side, lo and behold, their faces turned pale with fright.

Wei Hu walked briskly to the lobby of the grocery store and successfully completed the task without being bitten by a crab. He happily went to report to his master, but he didn't know that his bluffing style scared people.

Wei Cheng was sitting under the eaves at the entrance of the grocery store, with a coffee table on his left and a cup of tea on the table.

There are several tables under the big tree outside the door, which are used to recruit workers.

The news was released yesterday that the grocery store will recruit shopkeepers after noon.

Uncle Mao is in charge of arranging the work.

Wei Cheng sat and waited for Zhang Shao and the others to come.

"Master, the matter is settled, Zhang Shao is waiting behind."

Wei Cheng got up and walked towards the workshop, with Wei Hu following behind.

"Hello Boss Wei!"

When Zhang Shao and the others saw Wei Cheng appearing, they immediately stepped forward and shouted respectfully. Zhang Shao's brother-in-law followed and shouted, his voice was slow and abrupt. Zhang Shao obviously found that Wei Cheng was different from what he had seen before, his aura was evident, and several people felt oppressed and became more respectful.

"Zhang Shao, thank you for taking a trip."

Wei Cheng didn't know that people were frightened by Wei Hu's behavior. He smiled and yelled at Zhang Shao with an easy-going attitude, which made Zhang Shao and the others stunned again.

What's happening here? !

Are you dissatisfied with them and want to make trouble for them? !

Wei Cheng focused on the imported seafood. He looked at the Shanghai goods on display. The quality was better than last time, and they were bigger. He was very satisfied.

"The seafood this time is better than the last batch." Wei Cheng asked Zhang Shao, "Apart from these, are there any unusual seafood?"

Zhang Shao was the first to come back to his senses. He breathed a sigh of relief, then inadvertently glanced at Wei Hu standing behind Wei Cheng, still in a bluffing manner.

Wei Hu was keen, Zhang Shao noticed it when he looked over, and complained in his heart, seeing what he was doing, it was not him who was questioning his master, and he was not clever at all in how he did things.


Zhang Shao asked the people behind him to bring him the other two baskets, and Zhang Shao placed the baskets in front of Wei Cheng. Wei Cheng saw something black like meat strips in the basket.

Isn't this sea cucumber!

Wei Cheng looked at another basket.

Hairtail? Cuttlefish? octopus?

"Boss Wei, look, do you want these two baskets of strange things?" Zhang Shao pointed to the baskets. We ate the fish, it tasted very fishy."

Hairtail fish is only delicious if it is braised in soy sauce and deep-fried. Fishermen cook it directly without fishy taste.

Wei Cheng was speechless from the beginning to calm.

Wei Cheng looked at the seafood. Apart from shells and shrimps, there are also a lot of fish, many of which have very valuable fish maws, and some fish are very suitable for making fish balls, and octopus is also suitable for making fish balls. Put them in the ice cellar first, and then make them Stored as fish balls, it is the most suitable for cooking hot pot in winter.

There are several cellars in the workshop, and one is for him to make an ice cellar, which is done secretly at night, knowing that it is a servant of the family.

At the beginning, it was expected that there would be a lot of seafood, so the ice cellar was built, which is the most suitable for storing seafood.

Zhang Shao looked at Wei Cheng silently, did he not accept it? that uncle......

He didn't know that Wei Cheng was lost in thought, but fortunately Wei Cheng responded in time: "All accepted, weigh the weight, and I will set the price."

Wei Cheng ordered Uncle Mao to start weighing seafood.

Zhang Shao breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he can accept it, the price is not important, as long as it is a little bit, he lives up to his uncle's trust.

In the private room.

"I came here this time to discuss the signing of the contract. The contract has been drawn up. After you read it, you agree to sign it. If you don't agree, this cooperation will end here. I will find other fishermen to supply. As a businessman , Signing the contract is to ensure that you can supply me exclusively, I don’t want you to supply the goods I want to others privately in the future, signing the contract is necessary.”

Not only Zhang Shao's side has to sign a contract, but also Heizi's family in the fishing village of Nanshan County. The seafood is unstable, and they still have to be farmed and stored for continuous supply.

"Sign the contract, and there will be a supply list in the contract. The price will not let you suffer. The price of all seafood supplied to me will increase."

Wei Cheng's words made Zhang Shao think.

Wei Cheng asked Wei Hu to give the contract to Zhang Shao, and also attached the adjusted price of Shanghai goods.

Zhang Shao had delivered goods with his former employer, he could understand a little contract, his parents had learned characters from him, and later taught himself—not completely understand!

Zhang Shao saw the prices on the seafood, and each type of seafood increased by a few pennies. When he saw the sea cucumber, the color was marked after the word sea cucumber. If he hadn’t seen the word black, Zhang Shao would not have known how dark it was. Things are so valuable, forty yuan a catty. There are also several kinds of fish with thirty texts. Zhang Shao was stunned for a moment.

Sea cucumbers and fish with fish maws are very valuable. Weicheng will give such a low price because there is currently no market. How much he can sell in the end, he wants to use this batch of goods to test the water, the price will not be too high, too high is hard to explain.

Zhang Shao saw the contract liquidated damages: "So much!"

The default amount is one thousand taels!

Hearing Zhang Shao's shock, the others were all nervous, and because of Wei Cheng's presence, they sat still and dared not move.

Wei Cheng explained: "After the cooperation, I will provide a method of breeding and preserving seafood. Every time you buy seafood, you can only purchase and deliver it on the same day. With the breeding and preservation method, the seafood can be preserved as long as it is harvested in advance. .”

"The one thousand taels in the contract is to prevent you from disclosing the method of breeding and preserving seafood. You don't need to sign the contract together. Zhang Shao signed the contract with me. I will provide you with the method. In the future, you need manpower. You have to sign a confidentiality contract with the hands. Any mistakes are also Zhang Shao's responsibility."

"Think about it first. Think about it and sign it." Wei Cheng got up and walked to the door, "You haven't eaten lunch yet, I asked the servants to prepare the food and drinks, and tell me your decision after the meal." After speaking, he strode out of the private room, Give people time to think.

Zhang Shao told several people about the contract and the price, and then discussed together. During the discussion, when the food was served, there was fish and meat, and smelling the aroma, everyone except Zhang Shao swallowed their saliva, looked at Zhang Shao, and waited. He speaks.

"Let's eat first."

Everyone gobbled it up and thought about it after eating.

Wei Cheng arranged for people to pick some seafood in the workshop and send them to the ice cellar, and he saw clam shells with sharp eyes. Thinking about whether there would be pearls hidden, I laughed in my heart how could I have such good luck. I still ordered to keep it, don't need to raise it first, and let the workers who handle the sea goods see all of them and put them aside.

After the selection is done, someone will send a batch to Yun Chengfeng, and send the rest to the ice cellar.

Zhang Shao finished eating there.

Not long after, Wei Cheng returned to the private room.

Zhang Shao agreed directly, and Zhang Shao signed the contract independently, and the other four signed the confidentiality contract.

After signing the contract, Wei Hu settled the Haihuo account to Zhang Shao, and also gave Zhang Shao fifty taels of silver.

Zhang Shao: "..."

"My housekeeper will tell you the fifty-two purposes." Wei Cheng said, "I'm done with things here, and I still have something to do. If you have any questions, ask Uncle Mao."

When you're done with your work, why keep it? Of course, go back and find your wife.

Wei Cheng brought Wei Hu back to Xianmanju, and also brought a batch of seafood for dinner tonight.

Uncle Mao taught Zhang Shao the method of breeding and preservation. After he finished speaking, Zhang Shao realized that Wei Cheng's purpose for giving fifty-two was to let him buy land near the sea, dig ponds, and use mariculture to preserve seafood.

Uncle Mao told him that you can arrange whatever you want for the fifty taels, and you don’t have to pay back the rest.

Zhang Shao is an upright and courageous man, and he was honest and not greedy at all. He bought the land on the left side of the village by the sea with fifty taels, and the place where fishermen went to sea on the right. He spent all fifty taels and bought many places, which later became The best and largest place to farm seafood.

This breeding land is more than a hundred times profitable.

This is something.

Zhang Shao has been working under Wei Cheng since then, because Uncle Mao conveyed a message for his master, which gave him a certain understanding of Wei Cheng.

"My master asked me to tell you that you can take the contract back. If you feel that the contract is unfair, I will give you a chance. The next time you deliver seafood, you can cancel the contract without any liquidated damages."

Zhang Shao was startled, Wei Cheng saw through his concerns, he looked at the contract, but he didn't understand some words, he was worried that Wei Cheng would cheat him, and now he was too villainous.

He weighed more than 80 taels in his hand. Excluding the purchase cost and charter expenses in the village, the harvest this time was more than 20 taels. It was Wei Cheng who raised the price of seafood, and uncle’s seafood, which sold at the highest price. The most surprising thing is that with this money, my uncle's livelihood is hopeful.

Several people were even more shocked when they heard that they made more than twenty taels.

It was agreed before coming here that Zhang Shao will take 40%, 50% will be divided between three people, and the brother-in-law will take 10%, because Zhang Shao bears the responsibility and risk alone.

Because the purchase of seafood is paid by Zhang Shao alone, and the other three families are unwilling to pay for it because they took the silver earned by their son. Anyway, together, let Zhang Shao pay first, and the three of them took out the money for themselves. of. Giving 10% to my brother-in-law means that the future mother-in-law will have money to help buy it.

The three of them would not be jealous of Zhang Shao, but they were worried that Zhang Shao would be separated because of that matter. The contract signed now clearly shows that Boss Wei values ​​Zhang Shao.

In order to prevent the villagers from thinking about it, the profit was too great, so they all decided to hide it for now.

There will be more cooperation in the future, and we will reveal it slowly.

As for the purchase price of seafood, it will be adjusted appropriately.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-05-27 09:04:23~2022-05-28 14:35:45~

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 5 bottles of Yuewu; 2 bottles of Ke;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!