MTL - Top Furious Doctor Soldier-Chapter 1593 Annihilation

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Soon after, Mr. Mirage, who was the heaviest injured, suddenly spit out blood, his face was black and scary, and his breath quickly fell. This was because he was not careful, and he breathed in a little real magic.

"Retreat, hurry ... retreat!" Fantasy City spread his arms, blocking the three of Liu Feng again and back.

"This is the real magic in the magical realm of immortals? Such a terrifying and strange aura, but the quality of this aura is extremely amazing, but it cannot be absorbed, it is a pity." Liu Feng's face was also dignified to the extreme.

They can't absorb the real devil's breath, but the engulfing sun surrounded by the real devil's breath is just the opposite of them.

He swallowed a sigh of breath, and a ray of black halo around him was sucked into his body a little bit, then his size doubled and he began to grow larger, and his body seemed to be coated with a layer of faint black The light film brings a mysterious and strangely powerful feeling.

"Ha ha ha! Liu Feng, thank you for your group fights, forcing me to show my power in advance."

The emperor who swallowed the sun laughed and said, "Being forced by you, I suddenly thought of a good way to reduce the power of swallowing the sky, so that although I can't blast the real devil away at once, it can block the truth. The basalt fairy armor of the devil cracks some gaps, allowing the real magic energy to slowly come down. In this way, I can absorb the true magic energy, and I can transform again in the original strength, and you will completely lose the hope of defeating me. . "

"Husband, what should we do?"

"If it is invincible, let's go back to our world and leave it alone."

诗 Yang Shiwen and Bai Yinuo have retreated, in fact, this is not to blame them, women often do not want to be superheroes like men to protect the world, they care more about their men and their families.

Liu Feng also understood the mind of the second daughter, but shook her head: "If we leave now, we may not have any chance at all. We will stay here and continue to absorb the true spirit of the demon from the fairy realm, I am afraid even more Not easy to deal with. "

Ha ha!

The emperor Tun Tun, who was opposite him, laughed: "You want to leave, and you have to ask me if you agree. Didn't you just beat me up? Now you can taste the abuse!"

During the conversation, the sun swallowed the seal of **** king, and this golden seal was suspended above his head, quickly absorbing the spirit of the true demon, and then blooming a dark golden light.

Liu Feng and others did not know what to do when swallowing the sun, and backed up again. Liu Feng held the halo sky mirror in his hand and was ready for the decisive battle.

But when the mirror face of Haotianjing was facing the Emperor of the Sun, the spirit of the true devil absorbed by the **** king's seal turned into a ray and flew towards Haotianjing. The smoke of the true devil floated into the mirror like smoke, and it was sucked into the mirror.

As Liu Feng's natural emperor, Liu Feng can naturally detect everything in this precious mirror. He found that in the world in the mirror, it was the mouth of the demon coffin that was absorbing the true devil's breath, and the speed of absorption was no more than Hell King Seal is slow.


The emperor swallowed the sun for a moment, and then shouted angrily: "It's the Fengtian Magic Coffin, **** it, you've trained the Fengtian Magic Coffin, and you became a part of your destiny! Liu Feng, you stepped on me again and again You have to die on the bottom line. Ancestral magic, annihilation! "


With a roar of swallowing the sun, four magic lights were separated from the Seal of Hell, and four unreal black figures suddenly appeared in front of him.

四 These four figures were formed by the will of the Japanese emperor, but the four shadows were also quickly absorbing the spirit of the true demon, and exuded a burst of breath that was not weaker than that of the Japanese emperor.

"My move to destroy the world's shadow is a taboo killing technique that only awakened after the spirit of true demon overflowed. Liu Feng, you should be satisfied when you die under this move." During the talk, he stepped backwards, and even went directly into the annihilation of Juxian Tumo.

The emperor who swallowed the sun disappeared, but his voice came out again, "After I have absorbed enough of the true magic power and completely adapted to this magic power, then come out and eat your flesh and tonic. Before I come out, you Enjoy your hospitality. "


Immediately, the four nearly solid shadows made a roar at the same time, pounced on Liu Feng and others.


Liu Feng did not hesitate to hit the shot, colliding with a shadow like Mars hitting the earth.

As a result, in the first collision, Liu Feng was shocked to withdraw from Baizhang, and the shadow of the monster was less than 50 feet. It can be seen that, even if the real power of this shadow is not as good as swallowing the Japanese statue, the actual gap will not be too great.


Yang Shiwen also shot. The crystal palace in her hand was rotating and zooming in, and pressed toward another shadow.

水晶 This crystal palace is the one on the bottom of the earth. After receiving the immortal strength left by the second ancestor dragon, the second ancestor dragon dissipated, and this crystal palace even recognized the Lord Yang Shiwen.

Being able to exist as the ancestors of the true dragons is naturally a top treasure.

Ye Ke was such a powerful crystal palace that he was blown away by a phantom and shocked Yang Shiwen's mouth to bleed. The exquisite and beautiful face turned pale instantly.

"I flash!"

Bai Yinuo has learned cleverness, her figure flickered, she avoided the attack of the shadow, then threw her hand to throw the orb, and smashed into the back of the shadow.

宝 This orb is also from the Dragon family. At the same time that Crystal Palace recognized Yang Shiwen, the orb appeared to recognize Bai Yinuo. This is the famous Dinghai Shenzhu in the Dragon family.

In the mixed Yuan Great World, Yan Tunri threatened Zulong to get one when he covered the celestial massacre. Although the strength of Dinghai Shenzhu is not as good as the Crystal Palace, the actual power is not much worse.

However, in the case of such a powerful treasure, and a targeted post-treatment rule, the magic shadow did not have a trick, it turned abruptly, and slap the treasure sea bead flying, even hitting the bead. A clear crack appeared on it.

Oh ah!

Because of the damage to the orb, Bai Yinuo was backswept, and a small blood spurted from his mouth.

As for Mr. Mirage, he had no previous courage. His black iron rod was a bit special. Although it was extremely hard ~ ~, he obviously had no spirituality. After less than three moves against the fourth ghost, he was beaten. You have to spit blood.

"Master, I'll help you."

The mad girl rushed up with a silver gun and pierced the fourth Demon Wren.


But this demon is really terrifying. He punched his backhand and turned the mad girl's silver gun away. The mad girl's arms were trembling violently, and she quit hundreds of feet involuntarily.

At the same time, the demon shadow that flew the treasure sea bead fits and pursues in front of Bai Yinuo, the probe clasped to his throat!

Although Bai Yinuo and Yang Shiwen both had half a step of true immortal power, after all, the second daughter had not passed through the immortal calamity, and was still weak in the line. At this moment, Bai Yinuo turned out to be too nervous and had a blank brain. Is about to die!

"Go to hell!"

He arrived at this critical moment. Liu Feng arrived. He stood up the sky mirror and chopped down. He broke the demon shadow in half and rescued Bai Yinuo from the crisis.

But at this moment, Yang Shiwen on the other side was clasped on the right shoulder by the hand of a demon shadow.

"Another fear, there is a husband!" Liu Feng shook his hands and flew the Haotian mirror, and Bao Jing rotated to cut off the arm of this demon shadow, which saved Yang Shiwen from the danger of death.

Liu Feng then tore around, rescued the fantasy city and the crazy girl, and slashed the four shadows of the world.

However, when everyone thought that the immediate enemy was resolved, the four shadows that had been slain by Liu Feng had reunited together and even returned to their original state.

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