MTL - Too Early-Chapter 65 Xia Yun naturally started to fight

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Qin Haoxuan’s move attracted more people’s incomprehension. Although it is a weak species, it is also a disciple of emergence. Whether it is Li Jing or Xu Yu and Murong Chao, they can help him. The right to speak is still not small. In order to win over the three of them, the same face will bring him together. Why choose natural hall?

In the face of these criticisms, Qin Haoxuan ignored it, and Pu Hanzhong had already been used to others to look at the natural hall with a different look.

When Qin Haoxuan wants to come, he is just a weak species, and the disciples of the Nature Hall are also weak. Compared to the four halls where the strong people gather, the nature hall knows more about how the weak should try to improve the cultivation, and the four halls full of seeds. The brothers do not know how the weak should cultivate to improve the fastest.

On the contrary, the weakest natural church is the most understanding of how the weak are cultivated. After all, they have accumulated so many years of experience.

Only the weak can understand the weaker.

Qin Haoxuan chose Pu Hanzhong of the Nature Hall and was puzzled by everyone. Even the younger brother of Xu Yu’s camp felt that he had no face. Qin Haoxuan was also a figure of Miao. If he could put the following, let Xu Yu help to say a few words. If you make a fuss, it is not difficult to enter a team of four brothers in the lobby.

In their hearts, even the one-on-one counseling in the four halls is stronger than the one-on-one in the natural hall!

In the eyes of Zhang’s mad eyes, it’s just a chuckle. Qin Haoxuan was originally a weak breed. Now I’ve chosen a fellow of the garbage hall. It’s hard to think about it later!

The only thing that has confidence in Qin Haoxuan is Xu Yu. In her heart, every decision of Qin Haoxuan has his reason, and every decision he makes is not wrong!

After the group was divided, the elder Chu was brought to a large wasteland in Lingtian Valley.

Looking at the weedy pastures, there is a thick layer of gravel in some places, saying that the wasteland is somewhat lifted.

The elders of Chu pointed out: "The land here is uncultivated, and it is also different. You are all separated by your own brothers. You have no land, no disciples, no land, and five roots of each disciple." The seedling disciples are 10 mu per person, and the disciples of the leaves are 20 mu of land per person! After I have made a good plan, I will inform you that this land belongs to you."

The sounds of the elders of Chu have just fallen, and the experienced brethren have entered their wilderness with their own people. For those who have been in the field for many years, it is not easy to choose a place, but it is even more difficult to choose a good place!

When everyone went into the wasteland and began to work **** land selection, Qin Haoxuan did not panic to the elders of Chu.

Seeing Qin Haoxuan coming, the elder Chu was just looking at him, thinking that he had any difficult problems, and he was prepared to answer questions for him. He also educated the primary and secondary students, but the strong disciples also counted one. The essence of the Enlightenment Master.

I saw Qin Haoxuan respectfully doing a ceremony, said: "Chu elders, disciples were lucky enough to emerge yesterday, can you ask the elders of Chu to mention the age of my family to the stage of emergence, the standard of 602?"

The elder of Chu, who was preparing to answer questions for Qin Haoxuan, stunned. After a long time, he was stunned and sighed. His heart was angry and funny. Others went to grab the land. He still had the heart to think about it. Is it ten? Isn't the acres better than the six hundred and two silvers?

After the emperor Chu nodded, Qin Haoxuan and the equally stunned Pu Hanzhong went to the wasteland.

In the wasteland, Pu Hanzhong began to choose the local language to teach: "Would you like to know if a piece of land is good, we can calculate from the surrounding feng shui terrain, then you carefully look at how I do it."

Pu Hanzhong took out a compass from his arms and was preparing to use the knowledge of Feng Shui and the combination of the number of the Eight Diagrams.

This scene is falling in the eyes of Xia Yuntang Yeluqi, who is also holding a compass in his hand. He snorted and yelled at his tutor: "On the number of gossip, Xia Yuntang deserved the first, the other three The lobby has to be served. You can see the broken compass made by his coffin. The accuracy is very low at first glance. Look at the posture of the compass. He has to be a lot of laymen. You can watch my posture carefully. ”

After all, Yeluqi took the exquisite compass made of tiger bone wood, and made a few strokes against the sun in the sky. He found the direction of the gossip and then deduced it. The whole process was like a flowing stream, and he was a good man, compared with Pu Hanzhong. The action is really much beautiful.

Zhang madly watched Yelly's familiar movements in addition to admiration, but also a little worried, although this Yeluqi is a Taoist disciple of Xia Yunzi, and Xia Yunzi also said that Yelu Qi was in the six squats after thirty years. Achievements will never be lower than themselves, and it is difficult to compare the six hexagrams.

It’s just... Qin Haoxuan’s last place in Lingquan... Zhang Meng’s memory is clear now, but it’s something that elders have lost face.

"Teacher, this land is not a good place." Yerüzi turned and said: "This place is very suitable for the natural and weak species. We go to other places to look for it?"

A few younger brothers after the madness, the expressions on their faces are different. Some people are convinced that Xia Yunzi’s Taoist disciples have something extraordinary, and some people are worried, Qin Haoxuan... What are the weird means.

"The people of Nature Hall can figure out what is going on, and lawyer Joe asks you, when you calculate it for a year!"

Zhang’s younger brother tried to challenge him and wanted to see Qin Haoxuan’s reaction. He only insulted the edge of the natural hall when he came up. Rao was very good at Pu Hanzhong’s cultivation and was on the verge of anger.

Yeluqi is not a bitter person, but today it is a last resort, because since there is a chance to be with the madness, then you must try to make a good relationship with him, thus becoming attached to Zhang.

In the cultivation of immortals, the connection is not so simple, it is more time for two people to get along with each other for a long time, and to give birth to some inexplicable spiritual connections, so that in the future cultivation can help each other.

If you can get in touch with Zhang, it is definitely a big chance for Yeluqi. After all, Zhang Mania is a supreme purple!

If he can pull him into Xia Yuntang, Master Xia Yunzi may be grateful to himself!

When Yeluqi was about to go to other places to find a good place, Zhang Haoxuan couldn't bear to sneer and said: "Is this the function of Xia Yuntang? Calculated to calculate, and finally only figured out that this is not a good place, you see this place. Lilian grass is not as good as the soil next to it. Doesn’t that know?"

Zhang madly heard Qin Haoxuan's words, his heart stunned, and there was a feeling of being beaten.

Qin Haoxuan satirized, regardless of a gloomy Yeluqi, striding about a hundred meters, the gods spread out, deep into the ground ten meters, began to investigate the underground aura.

Generally, the calculation of the number of gossip is calculated. At most, there is no aura in the underground three meters. Qin Haoxuan’s knowledge of the undead witches is not only easy to go directly into the underground ten meters, but also to deepen into each soil and walk. While comparing the aura of the nearby soil, it is the same distance of 20 meters.

Before he spread his knowledge in the nearby area, he felt that these underground auras were not rich, but some soil particles contained a very strong aura. After comparing these fields, he finally chose an underground aura. It is rich, then the soil contains the most ten acres of field, and then stand on it, Lang said: "You Xia Yuntang's flower boxing embroidered legs and then beautiful? How do you look at Pu Shixiong's calculated action is not good, but can not stand him! Pu Shixiong figured out that this land is a good spirit!"

He said that he began to draw the ground, only to see that he had drawn an irregular ten-acre field, and then looked at Yeluqi with disdain.

Qin Haoxuan ridiculed Yelu Qi, when he began to make a land claim, Pu Hanzhong’s forehead was cold and sweaty. This place was calculated by him, and the surface of the ground was a layer of gravel with an inch thick, and the gravel was two inches below. Deep sand, the soil below the sand is not very bad, but it is definitely not good! If you choose this land, it will be a huge project to cut off the surface of a layer of gravel and a layer of sand.

However, since Qin Haoxuan has chosen, Pu Hanzhong is also not well dismissed in public.

Yerüzi, who was ridiculed by Qin Haoxuan, quickly cleared his face. He kicked a few feet on the ground chosen by Qin Haoxuan. It was all gravel. This kind of land is not good in the wind and water. He thought: "Pu Hanzhong The weak people from the natural hall, the knowledge is shallow, how can it be calculated? This Qin Haoxuan is different from the rumors, it is Menglang. If so, then I will carefully calculate and let Zhang know the ability of Xia Yuntang in the beginning... ”

Yeluqi shook his head and smiled at Pu Hanzhong, picking up the compass in his hand, and calculating it with skill and speed. The posture was even more gorgeous with a bit of scent.

The mad younger brother wanted to cheer up, but was stopped by a cold eyes. The three-month immortality of the immortality made him feel the vastness of the fairy, and his heart was not as impetuous as he was at first. Of course... Qin Haoxuan’s hate not only did not say that it was weakened, but also increased.

Therefore, now that Zhang Hao is doing anything to Qin Haoxuan, he has become more cautious than before, so as not to let his purple identity be dull.

Elder Chu saw a mad attitude, and his heart nodded and admired. His legs went unconsciously to the vicinity of Qin Haoxuan. At the same time, he took out the compass and began to deduct it quickly. After the last time Qin Haoxuan’s magical performance was selected, he also had some doubts about Yelu. Qi's calculation, although this is the Taoist disciple of Xia Yunzi, it is said that there will be no problem.

Regardless of the angle, Qin Haoxuan chose this piece of land is not a good place, but with Qin Qianxuan's hand in front of the car, Chu elders still seriously deduced.

At the beginning of the two men’s deductions, there was a faint smile on their faces. As the two of them calculated faster and faster, the compass in their hands would rotate like a gyro in their hands, and the complicated gestures would be more interesting. The others who study are dazzled.

The more they were pushed, the more they were shocked. The sly smile that was hanging from the corner of the mouth disappeared without a trace. It was replaced by a dignified and horrified expression.

"Good! Good!" Elder Chu first completed the calculation, and took a long breath and issued a heartfelt admiration!

The admiration of the elders of Chu made the people who had just mocked Pu Hanzhong and Qin Haoxuan open their mouths one by one, as if they could be stuffed into eggs.

Immediately after but listening to the "啪", Yeluqi fell into the ground with a compass in his hand. He looked at Qin Haoxuan palely, his eyes filled with incredible things, as if he saw ghosts.

After the elders of Chu completed the calculations, he also completed the calculations, and looked at the results of the calculations. Together with the determination of the elders of Chu, Yiruiqi, who had been incredulous, had to believe that Qin Haoxuan had chosen a good place.

As for Qin Haoxuan, this piece of land was picked up by Pu Hanzhong. It was completely fart. When Qin Haoxuan began to choose the land, Pu Hanzhong was still working hard, and he gave him three or five days by his means of inheriting the three-legged cat from Nature Hall. I couldn't find this land, even if it was the elders of Chu and myself, it took a lot of effort to verify that this was a good place.

To know that finding a piece of land is more difficult than verifying a piece of land.

The aura in this place is extremely deep, and the soil particles are full of aura. It is completely contrary to the general knowledge of Feng Shui. It must be calculated by means of anti-gossip, but whoever uses the anti-gossip Very complicated, generally only used in the calculation of the array method? So if Qin Haoxuan did not find this land, they could not argue that this was a good place.

The elders of Chu and Yelu Qi looked puzzled at Pu Hanzhong. Didn't this natural church study the new way of finding spiritual land? Throughout the early days, this church is the weakest, and because they are the weakest, so it is best to study all kinds of strange methods to improve their cultivation. Is this another way?

Zhang madly saw the reaction of the two people, and suddenly understood what happened. The heart was secretly glad, but fortunately, they stopped the swearing words of the followers, otherwise they were beaten again, and they must be seen by Li Jing and others. A joke, the elder's ear, can only ruin his reputation.