MTL - Tomb Raider: Bandit Chief-Chapter 65

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"Gouf Stew? . . I just happened to be hungry."

At this time, Xiao Hei grinned and said something, then walked straight ahead.

Hearing Xiao Hei's words, Hua Ling standing beside Wei Chuan also sniffled, and then said to Wei Chuan in surprise:

"Looks like... someone's doing beef stew?"

As soon as these words came out, Partridge Whistle and the old foreigner also took a few deep breaths, and immediately their faces brightened.

"Brother Wei, there may still be people in this city! Let's go and check it out!"

After finishing speaking, Partridge Whistle and the old foreigner quickly followed Xiao Hei.

Seeing this, Wei Chuan laughed helplessly, took Hua Ling's hand, and said softly:

"Let's go, eat stew!"

Listening to Wei Chuan's words, Hua Ling let out a chuckle, with a sweet smile on her face.



Take the flower spirit into a stone room hall.

I saw a mud stove standing next to the wooden table in the center of the hall, a fire was lit in the stove, and a stone cauldron was placed on it.

A pot of beef was being stewed in this stone cauldron. It seemed that the stew was rotten, and the smell of the meat was scattered, and Wei Chuan felt his stomach growl.

And Xiao Hei was squatting beside the stone cauldron, grabbing the beef inside with his hands and gnawing.

Partridge Whistle looked at Xiao Hei in shock.

It seems to be frightened by Xiao Hei, dare to eat the food in Ghost City?

And the old foreigner... kept swallowing his saliva, staring at the beef in Xiao Hei's hand.

If it wasn't for the partridge whistle to stop him, he would also want to go up and get two pieces of beef to eat.

"Brother Wei! I've searched the house, and there's no one there, but the beef is stewed..."

Seeing Wei Chuan coming in with the flower spirit, Partridge Whistle pointed helplessly at Xiao Hei.

And Xiao Hei smacked his lips at him and laughed, then took out a piece of beef from the stone cauldron and ate it.

Wei Chuan nodded, walked in front of Shigao, picked up a piece of beef and looked it up in his eyes.

"No corpse, no yin, no resentment..."

While Wei Chuan's eyes flickered with black light, he was extremely amazed.

The eyes of this snake mother are really amazing!

This evil Luohai city was realized by using the ghost mother's eyes to mobilize the power of the ghost cave.

The scene in it stayed at the moment when the snake mother's eyes saw E Luo Haicheng for the last time.

I know it's fake, but...

But this ancient city, and everything in the ancient city, can be said to be true!

Wei Chuan didn't know how to explain the evil Luo Haicheng that was embodied.

It's like... all the things in this city that have lost their souls have been copied by the power of the ghost hole!

And the medium for copying is the ghost mother's eye, and what is copied is the remaining scene of Eluohai City in the ghost mother's eye! A timeline of evil Luohai city without a soul!

For example, the pot of beef stew in front of me is real beef stew.

Even with Xuan Ming's eyes, no flaws can be seen, no trace of energy can be seen.

"It's hard to explain what's here, but... it's all real, so eat it with confidence. Just don't take things from the city."

After thinking for a while, Wei Chuan shook his head, dispelling the thoughts in his mind.

There are so many miraculous things in this world, if you don't understand it, it's better not to think about it.

All I can say is that this aspect is amazing.

After serving a bowl of beef to Hua Ling, Wei Chuan started to eat it himself.

Needless to say, this Moguo people are good at beef's so fragrant.

Seeing that Wei Chuan started to eat by himself, the partridge whistle was taken aback, and then nodded to the old foreigner.

He still believed in Wei Chuan's words.

Along the way, Wei Chuan didn't miss anything.

With the approval of the partridge whistle, the old foreigner could no longer bear the glutton in his stomach, picked up a big bone and gnawed on it.


Seeing this scene, Xiao Hei wiped his mouth and laughed.

"I've said it's all right, but I still don't believe it. Mr. Hei, my eyes are no worse than Lao Wei's."

The five people took one bite at a time, and quickly finished the pot of stewed beef.

"Hi... just stay here for one night, and I will take a closer look at this evil Luohai City tomorrow."

"According to the construction style of the Demon Kingdom, the most important area should be at the bottom of the city center."

After hiccupping, Wei Chuan leaned directly on the rock wall and said something to everyone.

Everyone also nodded.

After all, it was already late at night, and there was no light on the glacier wall, and the entire belly of the iceberg was plunged into darkness.

Even though the ancient city is brightly lit, it is still inconvenient to explore.

"Daughter-in-law, come here~"

Waving to Hua Ling, Hua Ling obediently sat beside Wei Chuan, leaned against Wei Chuan's arms, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Seeing this, the three partridge whistle, Xiao Hei and the old foreigner also found a place to rest.

Before closing his eyes, Wei Chuan took a deep look at the depths of the inner room connected to this stone room, and then closed his eyes lightly.

(Ask for a flower monthly ticket evaluation ticket~~).

Chapter 131


After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, a low moo sounded.

This place is located in western Xinjiang, where there are many yaks, it is not a big deal to hear yaks.


This place is under the glacier!

The sound was not loud, but it seemed very abrupt and strange in this extremely silent ancient city.


The moment they heard the cow moo, all four people except Wei Chuan jumped up from the ground.

Holding the weapon, he stared at the direction of the sound.

"Is there really someone in the city?"

Partridge Whistle's face was serious, and he raised his guns and probed towards the cave where the sound came from.

"The voice is coming from the stone chamber behind, go and see--"

Only Wei Chuan looked calm, and walked directly to the back room connected to the cave.

Everyone followed suit, but they all had serious expressions on their faces.

When they came to the back room, everyone saw several caves and stone rooms.

There is only one stone room with a stone door, and the sound of the cow mooing earlier came from inside this stone door.

What is chilling is that there is still a bright red **** handprint on the stone gate.

Upon closer inspection, the bloodstain on the **** handprint was still new, as if it had just been left there not long ago.

"Brother, this is not human blood.. Does it smell like cow blood?"

The old foreigner sniffled, and whistled to the partridge with some uncertainty.

Partridge Whistle nodded, kicked open the stone door, and pointed his guns at the stone room.

As soon as the stone door was kicked open, a strong smell of blood came out of the stone room.

Smelling the **** smell, Partridge Whistle was stunned.

"Everyone, this **** smell is indeed the smell of cow blood."


At the same time, there was another cry of a cow in the stone room.

It's just that without the barrier of the stone gate, the moo sound became more low-pitched and easy to hear.

With a cold face, Partridge Whistle walked directly into the stone room with the gun in hand. Everyone followed closely behind.

Walking into the stone room, the scene in front of me was not as weird as everyone thought, but it looked bloody.

I saw traces of cow blood everywhere on the walls around the stone chamber.

There is also a desk in the center of the stone room, and several wooden stakes stand on the ground around it.

There is blood everywhere, and there is even a large pile of freshly cut beef and cowhide on the counter.

Just cut it!

The beef and cowhide are even warm and steaming!

But these are just common sights, nothing special.

What's special is that on the top of the stone chamber, there is a skinned bull's head hanging on an iron hook!

The bull's head was so big that it was three times the size of an ordinary bull's head!

The bull's head's eyes were still rolling, white smoke was blowing out of its nostrils, and there was still a slight mooing sound coming from its mouth.

This bull head is alive!


When he saw the bull's head, the old foreigner cursed angrily, and immediately wanted to shoot an arrow with his bow.

"Old foreigner!"

Seeing this, the partridge whistle stopped the old foreigner, and began to observe carefully on the bull's head.

"This bull's head is indeed a real bull's head, just like the beef stew last night."

"It's just... the bull's head seems to be still at the moment before death."

Speaking of this, Partridge Whistle looked at Wei Chuan, hoping that Wei Chuan could see the mystery.

Seeing the Partridge Whistle looking at Wei Chuan, the three of Hua Ling also turned their attention to Wei Chuan.

They can all see that the things in this city are real, but they can't imagine what's going on at all.

"It's all true."

Wei Chuan nodded, stroked his thoughts, and then explained softly:

"According to my guess, this city should be embodied by a mysterious force."

"In other words, the whole city is a replica."

"But there is no breath of life in the city, which shows that that power cannot embody a soul."

Speaking of this, Wei Chuan also pointed to the hanging bull's head.

"The method of slaughtering this cow, according to the sacrificial culture of the Demon Kingdom, means that the soul has been released, there is no karma, and you can eat it with confidence."

"That's why the bull's head can be visualized. In fact, the soul has dissipated."