MTL - Tomb Raider: Bandit Chief-Chapter 55

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With Wei Chuan's ability, even if he enters the king's tomb alone, he can come out alive.

In Chen Yulou's eyes, Wei Chuan is a strange person who is definitely worth making friends with. If there is anything to help someday, as long as Wei Chuan is asked to help, it means everything will be fine.

He was also very fortunate that he took the time to invite Wei Chuan to accompany him this time. If only the Xiling faction broke into the King Xian's Tomb alone, they probably wouldn't be able to come back.

Therefore, Chen Yulou simply revealed the harvest of this trip and let Wei Chuan pick half of it.

What's more, most of the gains from this trip were gold and silver, but Wei Chuan didn't want any gold or silver. Even if all the artifacts were given to Wei Chuan, the remaining gold and silver mountains could support him.

Wei Chuan wasn't too polite, as long as he scratched away everything he liked, he picked a full 50% of the weapons.

The rest were ordinary artifacts and ancient coins that were not worth a few luck points, and he didn't ask for any more, leaving them to Chen Yulou to sell for money.

After distributing the artifacts, Wei Chuan took out another batch of gold and silver pancakes, and exchanged them with Chen Yulou for some ancient artifacts collected by the Chen family.

Once down, everyone is happy.

Wei Chuan got a large amount of Luck Points, and Chen Yulou got a lot of money, so everyone got what they needed.

As for the Partridge Whistle, he only wanted to lift the clan's ghost curse, and he didn't care about gold and jade artifacts at all. At that time, Wei Chuan will give him some pills and weapons.

Late at night, in the house.

"A lot...Chen Yulou is really willing to give you so many artifacts?"

Looking at the pile of artifacts covering the ground, Hua Ling felt his eyes were dazzled, and asked with some doubts.

Hearing this, Wei Chuan grinned and said:

"It should be said that I gave him the Tomb of the King, and he returned these artifacts to me as a favor. Besides, I didn't want the countless gold and silver, and I gave him a lot more."

"He... is looking at me and your senior brother."

Hua Ling nodded half-understanding, and then asked curiously: "Do you want to put away these artifacts? Just like in Tongtian Great Buddha Temple."

"Well, the exercises I practice are related to the luck of the heavens and the earth, and I need to absorb the power of luck on the bright weapon."

Wei Chuan explained softly, and then began to recycle.

'Ding! The red dragon elephant ear bottle was detected, worth 40 luck points, is it recycled? '

'Ding! A bamboo-shaped silver hairpin was detected, worth 30 luck points, should it be recovered? '

'Ding! detected..'

Watching the artifacts disappear in Wei Chuan's hands, Hua Ling watched with relish....

She had never seen this kind of spell in the clan.

After recovering for ten minutes, Wei Chuan stopped.

The ten minutes went by too fast, and it was over in the blink of an eye.

[Host: Wei Chuan]

【Age: 20】

【Luck Value: 157907】

[Physique: Xuanwu Body]

【Skills: Heart Awareness, Divine Cross Thunder Sutra, Sixteen-Character Fengshui Secret Technique, Paper Figure Substitution Technique, Kuixing Kick Fight, Xuanming Sixteen Hexagrams, Wenzi Jue, Coiling Dragon...】

[Items: Space Ring, Coiling Dragon Halberd of Ghosts and Gods, Coffin Nails of Qixing Town, Eight Diagrams Town...]

The harvest of this trip is indeed much greater than that of Xixia Black Water City.

He only picked half of the bright weapons, and his points increased by more than 100,000. If all the artifacts in Xianwang's tomb were recovered, even if the value of the remaining artifacts was low, they would still have an additional 30,000 to 50,000 luck points.

Of course, one cannot be too greedy. You can eat and eat, but you can't walk around.

After all, he still recognizes Chen Yulou as a friend in his heart, and the investment is definitely worth it.

Another reason is that he is already content with this trip!

The points rose from less than 3,000 to nearly 160,000, awakened the sixth sense of mind, collected the three nails to move mountains and destroy evil, and got the Suzaku feathers and the two thousand-year-old wood stalk medicine.

Task rewards other than points are the most precious. This trip was much better than Xixia Heishui City.

If there were ten or eight more missions like this, he would feel like he would transform into a superman.

It's a pity that he doesn't know the whereabouts of the other two divine beads, otherwise he could have inherited the paper figurine technique and Taoism medicine technique.

Mission rewards are much more cost-effective than buying them yourself!

With these hundreds of thousands of luck points, he can evolve his bloodline again, and he can buy a few secret techniques for the rest.

I don't know how far it can reach after this bloodline evolution! .

Chapter 113

That night, Wei Chuan spent the hundreds of thousands of points, leaving 52907 points.

First, he bought a drop of basalt blood worth 100,000 yuan to evolve his basalt blood.

He also spent 5,000 yuan to buy a secret technique, to send out his fingers.

Originally, Wei Chuan thought that he knew enough, but in the gourd cave in Zhelong Mountain, he changed his mind.

Naturally, the more secret techniques, the better!

When he opened the bronze box spit out by Huo's undead worm, if he had pointed fingers, why would he bleed half a catty of blood because of the mechanism of the box?

Simply buy a **** skill for the lock orifice of the mechanism, once and for all.

Although Xiao Hei is proficient in organ traps, it is impossible for Xiao Hei to always follow him and help him.

Now he has learned some of the skills of Faqiu touching gold, moving mountains and unloading mountains, watching the mountain and the Taibao, which is very cool to think about.

But seeing that the luck value was only over 50,000 left, Wei Chuan sighed. This luck value is worth more than money, but it’s impossible to spend 13..

Luck value is obtained by earning, but not by saving.

However, after the bloodline evolved this time, he didn't have to think about the bloodline issue for the next few years.

One is because it is enough, and the other is because the next stage... requires too much luck!

Seeing a drop of blood with black mist floating in the palm of his hand, Wei Chuan said to Hua Ling who was fiddling with the sparrow feather coat.

"Hua Ling, I'm starting. I may sleep for a few days after that, so don't worry about me."

"By the way, the golden feather coat was taken out of the tomb after all, so don't wear it, it feels weird."

"Oh! I see! Go to sleep."

Hearing this, Hua Ling waved his hands, and continued to look at the sparrow feather coat in his hand.

"Okay... Anyway, you are invulnerable to all poisons now."

Seeing this, Wei Chuan smiled helplessly, swallowed the Xuanwu blood, and lay down directly.

Soon, the effect of Xuanwu's blood essence appeared directly, and bursts of pain came from all over his body, and Wei Chuan soon fell asleep.


When Wei Chuan woke up again, Hua Ling also told Wei Chuan how long he had been asleep.

For three days and three nights.

When he woke up, Wei Chuan only felt extremely light, his whole body seemed to be twisted into a rope, and there was still endless power in his body.

After eating a big meal, Wei Chuan began to test the strength improvement brought about by this bloodline evolution.

If you don’t try, you don’t know, try it and you will be shocked!

With just a light jump, he can jump directly over the two-meter wall, and with a little effort, he can even jump four or five meters high.

Coupled with his leg skills, now he can completely fly over the eaves and walls, stepping on grass and flying.

It's not just the jumping ability, but even the strength and physical vitality have greatly increased.

Now he can use the 300-jin ghost coiling dragon halberd as a stick. Instead, you can pick a time and find the system to buy a handy weapon.

Estimated...he can play five or six hundred catties now. A halberd smashed down with a force of over a thousand catties, and any corpse king or demon would turn into a shrimp.

As for the question of physique, Wei Chuan didn't try much. Instead, he asked the system directly. He just cut himself slightly on the arm, and the wound healed in less than a minute.

This luck value system is quite reliable, and none of the things that have been said are wrong.

According to the system's explanation, the Xuanwu bloodline that has evolved three times has at least increased his lifespan by 500 years! The peak state can last until the last moment before death. Ordinary wounds with severed skin and flesh can be recovered within three to two hours.

In other words, Wei Chuan's body can always be kept in an active state without aging.

With self-cultivation, the longer you live, the stronger you will be!

And now Wei Chuan's physical body has reached the point of steel and iron.

It is the kind that can really resist ordinary bullets with bones!

This gave Wei Chuan a great sense of security. From now on, he no longer needs to worry about accidents.

Even if I encounter some ignorant people looking for trouble, I will block bullets with my hands and show you!

If you want to kill him now, you need at least ten guns to besiege or bomb him with explosives at the same time. You have to fight like a corpse king!

I just don't know if the bleeding and weakness situation has improved, sometimes I still need to rely on basalt blood to clear the way to the grave.

After familiarizing himself with physical strength for a while, Wei Chuan returned to the house.

Seeing Hua Ling wiping with an umbrella, Wei Chuan was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled.

The umbrellas used by the school of moving mountains are all made of special materials to ward off evil spirits, and they are very useful when walking in the deep mountains. However, its defensive ability is still much worse than that of Mojin's Vajra Umbrella.

"Hua Ling, do you have the weapon you want?"

Upon hearing this, Hua Ling opened her mouth and thought for a moment, then shook her head and said, "I don't like to use weapons, but seniors like to use guns, bows and arrows, but I can't learn it."

"That's it, how about I make an umbrella for you?" Wei Chuan nodded and said with a smile, "Make a changeable umbrella, just like my halberd."

Hearing this, Hua Ling's eyes lit up immediately, and she nodded obediently.

"Okay! But it's a bit heavier... My strength may be stronger than my senior brother, maybe even my senior brother can't beat me!"

Hearing this, Wei Chuan couldn't help but rolled his eyes, curled his lips and said:

"That guy Kunlun's natural strength is not much worse than mine. Can he beat your senior brother?"

"If you want to surpass your senior brother, you still have to practice hard for a few years."

Hua Ling chuckled, threw herself into Wei Chuan's arms, and spoke with a smile.

"Just teach me, at have to beat old foreigners!"

"Okay, tell me about what kind of umbrella you want, and I'll get one for you. It just so happens that my heavy halberd is about to be replaced."

Squeezing Hua Ling's head, the smile on Wei Chuan's face became more gentle. .

Chapter 114

Afterwards, Wei Chuan spent another 10,000 Luck Points to buy a system-modified Vajra Umbrella and a new ghost-god coiling dragon halberd.

The Vajra Umbrella is for Hualing's self-defense. The umbrella surface is made of fine iron, which is strong enough to withstand the shooting of modern submachine guns. There is also a small dagger hidden in the umbrella bone, which is both offensive and defensive.

Even with the three nails of the Moving Mountain School, Wei Chuan handed them over to Hua Ling.

These three nails are absolutely good things, and they are excellent magical weapons made by the former Taoist masters. However, for Wei Chuan, a human-shaped Xuanwu, they are a bit tasteless, and they are just for his wife's self-defense.

And Wei Chuan's own new halberd has three characteristics.

The first is the weight, which weighs six hundred catties! It was almost three times as heavy as Zhang Pingzi's ancient black gold knife.

The second is hard, enough for him to sweep and slash wantonly.

The third is to split, the old style, easy to carry! It is also shorter than the first one.

Compared with the first one, it is heavier and harder, but the body of the halberd is half shorter, only 2.67 meters. It is very convenient to carry after taking it apart.

As for the old one, it will be given to Xiao Hei directly in two days. That guy Xiao Hei has a special bloodline, and when he is serious, he can still swing a 300-jin heavy halberd.