MTL - Tomb Raider: Bandit Chief-Chapter 50

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"It's annoying enough, I won't accompany you."

Seeing this, Wei Chuan's face turned cold, and he used the ghost and **** coiling dragon halberd to slam King Xian into the air again, ignoring the dead hands on the ground, and ran straight to the entrance of the cave.

This place is too narrow, even after dismantling his heavy halberd, he still can't use it in this hole.

Now that the Muchen Bead was in his hands, he just ran away and it was over.

If the old lady wants to **** the muchen bead after she wakes up, she should lead it to the ten auspicious position and destroy it.

At a height of three or four meters, Wei Chuan jumped out with just a little leverage on the fleshy wall.

At the same time that Wei Chuan jumped out of the meat hole, the meat hole also began to squirm violently, and the surrounding flesh walls melted rapidly. King Xian, who still wanted to chase Wei Chuan, was pulled down by the wall of flesh under his feet.

In an instant, a dark and deep vortex eye hole slowly emerged from the position where King Xian was pulled down. Like a black hole, it devours the surrounding corpses and flesh walls...

At this moment, when they saw Wei Chuan jumping out of the meat hole, Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle were also taken aback, thinking that something had escaped.

"Brother Wei!" After seeing that it was Wei Chuan, the two breathed a sigh of relief.

But Partridge Whistle saw the strange jade-like head in Wei Chuan's hand at first glance, and said with some doubts:

"Brother Wei, what is this?"

"The Muchen Bead was swallowed by the King Xian, and in his mouth, the power of the Muchen Bead had already assimilated the head of the King Xian."

"Let's go out and talk, the corpse cave is about to wake up!"

Without waiting for the two to say more, Wei Chuan urged them to run away.

Hearing Wei Chuan's words, Partridge Whistle showed ecstasy, and his mouth was about to burst into laughter. But Chen Yulou's body trembled violently.

"It's really a corpse cave?!"


But both of them reacted in an instant, and rushed towards the entrance of the cave when they came.

At this time, there was enough yellow water in the tomb to swim. Most of the surrounding flesh walls also melted, revealing the corpses that had been swallowed by the old Tai Sui. Those corpses have become part of the old Taisui, like the old Taisui's hand, rushing towards everyone.

"Forget about these little zongzi, hurry up!"

Wei Chuan snorted coldly, took out two paper figurine stand-ins and shot them towards the wall of flesh.

As soon as the paper figurine came out, those dead bodies rushed towards the paper figurine, ignoring Wei Chuan and the others for the time being.

As expected, these dead bodies had been assimilated by the old Tai Sui long ago, otherwise, just this kind of little zongzi, just the mysterious aura on the paper figurine talisman would have overwhelmed them so that they dare not move.

But now, the old man is using his blood as a tonic. .

Chapter 103

In just a few breaths, the three of them rushed out of the meat hole.

After exiting the cave, Wei Chuan posted two more paper figurines on both sides of his mouth.

The old old Sui woke up so fast, who knew how fast he could run, he didn't want to be swallowed by the old Sui when he entered the water. It can be delayed for a while.

The corpse cave is a fierce force from the sky, and it cannot be broken without the power of Feng Shui. We must wait for him to come out of the mountain before finding the Fengshui acupoint to break it.

He also felt the continuous chaotic atmosphere in the cave... it was very scary, he couldn't run away!

After the paper figurine got up, Wei Chuan held King Xian's head, greeted Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle, and ran towards the exit.

Sansheng Coffin, Sanshiqiao, Tianmen...

In less than a minute, the three of Wei Chuan ran out of the Tianmen from the main tomb of King Xian, and came to the stone **** waterway.

It's just that the stone **** has been completely submerged by the pool water, and the water level is still rising.

Because the feng shui bureau was broken, the air of the earth veins in the water dragon's dizzy eyes could no longer be suppressed, and it entered a gushing state. For a while, the water eyes didn't drink water, and they sprayed out. It is estimated that in less than half an hour, the entire mountain tomb will be flooded.

Coupled with the fact that the black pig crosses the river and the rain comes, within a day or two, the two waters of heaven and earth will turn into monstrous floods. Maybe the water potential is so great that it can flood the Lingyun Palace.

At this time, Xiao Hei, who was standing at the entrance of the human-shaped cave, was so wet that he also laughed when he saw that everyone came out safely.

"Just came out? Hurry up, the vortex outside has stopped now, go in the morning."

"I've already pulled the rope."

At this time, the three of Wei Chuan saw that Xiao Hei was still holding a safety rope in his hand, and it seemed that he had fished it in specially from outside.

"Okay, go up first!"

Wei Chuan nodded solemnly, and then called Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle to grab the rope.

After all the four people in the group clenched the rope tightly, Xiao Hei pulled the rope heavily. After a few breaths, there was a huge force on the rope, pulling everyone towards the **** waterway.

Not long after, everyone was pulled to the surface of the water by the rope.

"I rely on..."

Getting out of the water and looking at the scene in front of him, Wei Chuan frowned.

This water eye vortex played with a big fountain just now!

I saw the land on the shore of the pool full of flopping carps and countless algae plants.

Looking at the mountain walls on both sides of the cliff, there is no moss and weeds at all, and they are all washed away by the water.

And that team of unloading wrestlers didn't look too good, everyone was dripping with water, and a few were wounded, it seemed that they were dealt with by the energy of the earth veins...

At this time, it was obviously not yet sunset, but the sky was completely dark. There are countless dark clouds in the sky, and even the patter of raindrops has begun to fall.

God knows how terrifying this water dragon's dizziness is, but just stopping at the water eye for a moment can affect Feng Shui to such an extent.

"Boss, what's going on down there?"

"A water dragon shot straight into the sky just now, and we were also rushed up. Fortunately, we fell into the water when we fell."

"That's right, the water dragon rushed into the sky, and when this water dragon rushed up, all the dark clouds in the sky came!"

Seeing that Wei Chuan and his party came out of the water, a kind of warriors from Xiling Ridge asked questions one after another.


Before Wei Chuan and the others rested for a while, there was an explosion on the surface of the water, and a black figure jumped out of the water, smashed **** the ground, and the yellow juice splashed everywhere.

"Don't be dazed, run away if you don't want to die! This is a corpse cave!" Seeing this scene, Chen Yulou roared immediately.

Isn't this thing jumping out of the water the old Tai Sui!

The old man in front of him looked like a mass of sewer mud, in a huge square shape, with countless yellow and black juices flowing down the surface of his body.

In the middle of the muddy body, there are two holes, one large and one small, and black mist is constantly rotating from those empty eyes, and the black mist is still spreading towards the surroundings.

As long as it touches the black mist, no matter whether it is a rock or a tree, it will all be wiped out in an instant, turning into clouds of gray mist.

Seeing such a horrific scene, all the master unloaders were also very frightened. Who hasn't heard of the corpse cave? That is death if you touch it!

So a dozen people from Xiling quickly protected Chen Yulou and went up the plank road on the mountain wall. He ran towards the entrance of the gourd cave.

Wei Chuan and the others hurried to follow.

If he was caught up by that old lady, let alone Ming Qi and Muchen Bead... it would be considered amazing to be able to leave a whole body behind.

On the plank road, Wei Chuan heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the plank road on the cliff was not destroyed by the recoil of the previous earth veins, otherwise he would really have to fight this old Tai Sui desperately.

It's not that he really can't deal with this old old man, but that he doesn't want to go all out until the last moment.

Running at the end of the team and climbing up the plank road, Wei Chuan took the time to look back at the old man.

I saw that the old lady's body was getting smaller and smaller, but at the same time, the melted part was also replaced by two corpse holes, and the corpse holes were getting bigger and bigger, and now they are probably more than one meter.

And the black mist emitted from it became more and more fishy. Just a sliver of black mist can wipe out an ancient tree in an instant, which is extremely terrifying.


At this moment, Wei Chuan suddenly sniffled.

When the air was full of stench, he actually smelled a subtle fragrance, and after just two breaths, he felt extremely light all over his body. .

Chapter 104

"What thing? Precious medicine?"

Wei Chuan was taken aback for a moment, then quickly concentrated his energy and searched for the place where the fragrance was coming out.

"Brother! There is someone in the crack of the rock!"

At this moment, the exclamation of the old foreigner sounded on the plank road ahead.


Wei Chuan also hurried forward two steps.

I saw the old foreigner and the partridge whistle looking solemnly at the rock crevice on the left, drawing their bows and drawing their guns, as if they were about to shoot in.

"Don't do it, let me see."

When he came to the rock crevice, Wei Chuan said quickly, then looked into the rock crevice.

I saw a vertical crack in the rock, about two feet wide, covered with countless rock moss and green vines.

At the same time, the refreshing fragrance that Wei Chuan smelled also came from this crack in the rock.

Take a closer look, there is actually a woman surrounded by green vines in the crack of the rock!

Judging from her figure, she could only see half of the woman's body blocked by the vines, her facial features looked a bit blurred, her head was lowered and she was motionless. The scariest thing was that her skin was still a kind of jade green. Looks like a weird time.

Looking at this green figure, Wei Chuan was overjoyed and remembered something.

The fragrance is coming from this 'woman', and this thing seems to be a kind of panacea called 'wood stalks'.

This wood stalk is such a treasure, ordinary people have never even heard of it, and rich people can't buy it even if they want to.

Sapilla is a rare and rare medicinal material, which only grows in the crevices and cliffs of some primeval forests, and it must be grown in extremely cloudy winds and water levels. It can be eaten raw or used as medicine.

The effect of this wood stalk is similar to that of ginseng, except that the effect of nourishing the body is slightly weaker, but it can detoxify and restore energy. It can be said that it is the real version of the "red and blue potion" and the "perfect version of the stimulant".

Similarly, as the tree grows longer, the lower body is the root, while the upper body will gradually transform into a human form.

Because the wood stalk only absorbs the essence of heaven and earth, once the wood stalk is picked off, it will wither in less than half a day.

"Sure enough, it's a wood stalk...well, good thing, take it off and make some blue potion¨"! "

This tree stalk has fully grown into a human form, and even a human face has grown out. It should have lived at least two thousand years. In the shopping mall, at least 10,000 luck points are required to start.

It should be after King Xian changed to set up a water dragon halo, the wood stalk started to grow.

It's such a waste to eat this kind of baby dry!

Under the strange eyes of the partridge whistle and the old foreigner, Wei Chuan stretched out his hand and stroked the face of the human-shaped woody locust, still smacking his lips.


Under the horrified eyes of the two, Wei Chuan directly tore off all the vines around the 'woman', and immediately tore the 'woman' out of the crack in the rock.

At this time, the two discovered that this 'woman' was actually a herbal plant, with the upper body resembling a human and the lower body just a plant root, very much like the legendary ginseng essence.

And the smell that Wei Chuan smelled before came from the liquid medicine flowing out of the arm opening of Mu Zhi's upper body. It should be that the energy of the earth's veins erupted earlier and was rubbed by the falling rock.

Without even thinking about it, Wei Chuan directly put the wooden stalk into the space ring. Fortunately, everything in the space ring is still, otherwise Wei Chuan would have to reluctantly chew on this treasure.

"Wood stalks?"

"Musculus... this water dragon halo is indeed a treasure land, and it can even grow such a miracle medicine as Mussia."

Seeing this, both Partridge Whistle and the old foreigner said with emotion.

Xiao Hei curled his lips and said with a smile: "It's indeed a good place. If it wasn't for the deep mountains and tombs here, I would want to live in this kind of place."

Seeing that the three of them were chatting again, Wei Chuan hurriedly urged them.

"Don't die? Hurry up, the corpse cave is about to catch up!"
