MTL - Tomb Raider: Bandit Chief-Chapter 41

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Hearing this, Wei Chuan shrugged, looked at Xiao Hei and said, "Don't you already know that I know?" After speaking, Wei Chuan also walked towards the outside of the hall.

Looking at Wei Chuan's back, Xiao Hei pursed his lips and pressed in a low voice:

"What's so great about the beast's blood, the side effects that should come have come."


When Wei Chuan and Xiao Hei came to the front of the hall, they saw that the Partridge Whistle had already opened the stone gate under the original red gourd.

The original red gourd has been split in two and fell to the side.

Looking down along the stone gate, a narrow passage appeared in front of everyone.

To be on the safe side, the Partridge Whistle did not light a fire, but threw a phosphorescent tube into it.

The light blue light emitted from the phosphorescent tube instantly dispelled the surrounding darkness.

I saw countless ivory and huge bones piled up in the passage below, which looked like the burial pit of the elephant clan.

There is also a hole on both sides of the passage, but the two holes are not symmetrical. Wei Chuan knew that these two cave entrances were suspicious caves, not real cave entrances.

Looking in, you can still see the underground river, and there is a row of ancient wooden boats lined up on the river bank. It just looks pretty bad.

"Hold your head, come down?"

"It must be a raft. Fortunately, the centipede raft was dismantled earlier."

"It smells so good.. I can't bear to smell it."

Hearing the nonchalant words of several Xiling masters, Wei Chuan couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

It's not just smelly in there, there are countless cherry blossoms in the water.

Fortunately, these twenty or so people are all good players, with extremely high skills, and they have enough guns, so there is no such thing as a burden.

After looking at the sky, Chen Yulou suggested:

"Everyone, it should be sunset in another hour. Why don't you rest in this mountain temple for one night, and then enter the cave tomorrow. It's also a good time to dissipate the air in the cave. Don't overturn the boat when you get here. go."

Everyone didn't have any opinions, even the partridge whistle held back their eagerness and decided to make a firm move.

Although Muchen Bead was right in front of him, he only had one life. If even he fails, there will be no next leader in moving mountains. Even if there is, there may not be anyone who can surpass him.


After a peaceful night, everyone got up early and made preparations before going down to the cave.

When the sun rose, a group of people got into the passage one after another.

The passage is not big, so everyone can only tie the valve on the spot in the passage. Fortunately, Xiling has always been a guy who never leaves his body. The centipede hanging ladder is a must-have thing, and the raft made of centipede hanging ladder is comparable to fine steel.

The two rafts were pulled out quickly, and everyone got on the bamboo rafts one after another, and went to the depths.

To be on the safe side, Wei Chuan and Chen Yulou were on a raft, Xiao Hei and Partridge were on a raft, and they each brought ten men with them.

When the raft was just driving out, the distance between the cave roof and the water surface was very close, and countless vines hung down from the cave roof, even reaching the heads of everyone. Under the water surface, there were also countless natural stone pillars, which looked like It's stony coral.

These stony corals should be ancient tree fossils, which means that this place was also land countless years ago, but it was washed away by groundwater.

You can even see some small fish and shrimp swimming in the coral group.

But no one dared to take it lightly.

Who knows if these fish and shrimps are poisonous? In this kind of place, even an ant may kill someone.

As the raft moved forward, the water surface became lower and lower due to the topography, and the distance between the cave roof and the water surface gradually increased. Finally, the feeling of narrowness was no longer there.

"Nobody touch anything in the water!"

At this moment, Wei Chuan saw a white figure floating up from the bottom of the water, and immediately gave a low drink.

Hearing Wei Chuan's words, everyone was shocked and all looked into the water.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but goose bumps all over your body when you look at it.

I saw countless white-clothed corpses emitting a dim blue light floating beside the two rafts, which were extremely eye-catching in this dim space.

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flower evaluation tickets.).

Chapter 84

Since Wei Chuan had already greeted them before, everyone lowered their guns and did not shoot directly.

Before everyone could think about it, they saw that the countless water dumplings that floated up quickly sank again, and darkness enveloped the water surface again.

Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts sank again.

It would be fine if these water zongzi exploded directly, more than 20 submachine guns would go up and it would be over, but they sank after showing their faces, which made everyone feel a little uneasy.

No one knows if there are so many water dumplings, will they suddenly rush out again.

The unknown is always the scariest.

"Don't panic, as long as those things don't wake up, don't worry about it, in case the fire accidentally wakes up something."

Seeing that everyone's faces were a little dignified, Wei Chuan also said in a low voice.

This is the first batch of water zongzi... There are countless groups of water zongzi behind, and the most difficult thing in the gourd cave, Huo's undead worm.

"The ancient corpses in the water can actually emit phosphorescence, it should be the brains of the gods!"

"Brothers, there are countless gold and jade in front of you, so be more energetic. If you encounter something difficult, shoot directly, and if you can't kill it, you will blow it up! The hole is getting bigger and bigger, and the explosives can't affect the hole. The gold and jade will not affect us. It's decided!"

Seeing that everyone was a little nervous at this time, Chen Yulou also raised their morale.


After being told by Chen Yulou, all the Xiling warriors also showed a fierce look, staring at the water surface viciously.

Indeed, in front of mountains of gold and silver, don't care what monsters and ghosts you are!

The raft drove for a while, and everyone soon discovered that the river began to gradually narrow again, and there was another cave in front of them. The entrance of the cave was not big, and the raft could no longer pass through it.

On the other side of the cave entrance is another cave.

"It turns out that this cave is also shaped like a gourd. The gourd statue in front of the mountain temple earlier represented this gourd cave."

After Partridge Whistle finished speaking, Chen Yulou immediately continued:

"The landing in front of me should be in the middle of the gourd. It seems that the second half can only be walked¨". "

So everyone had no choice but to stop the bamboo raft in front of the cave, stepped ashore, and went to another cave.

With the light of the phosphor tube, the scene inside the cave is also printed in the eyes.

The interior of the entire cave is like a gourd. Starting from the middle, the further you go, the larger the space. The stone walls on both sides are as smooth as jade, even glowing red under the light.

On the roof of the cave, there are countless drops of water and vines falling down.

"Two aisles were washed out at the place where the stone walls on both sides received water. Let's walk by the side."

Seeing that two stone layers were washed out by the river water on the mountain walls on both sides of the river, Chen Yulou greeted his subordinates. A centipede was hung at the entrance of the cave to cross the mountain, and it was used to climb to the stone layer at the entrance of another cave. layer.

In the river water next to the stone layer, there are still many fossils standing in the water, but there are even handrails.

After climbing the stone layer, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the distance between the river and the stone layer is only one meter, it is just a small plank road on the stone wall. But it finally made everyone feel down-to-earth again.

After walking for more than half an hour, the entrance of the cave began to shrink, and everyone saw a little light in the distance.

The hole at the mouth of the gourd is almost here!

The exit was close at hand, and everyone quickened their pace.

But at this moment.

Countless phosphorescences light up from the water!

Everyone took a closer look, and suddenly gasped.

I saw countless floating corpses emerging from the bottom of the water, and they were all female corpses in white! There are too many of them to count, and the entire water surface in front of them is filled with floating corpses!

At first glance, I thought it was a land of corpses!

If so many water dumplings exploded, let alone twenty submachine guns, even twenty rifles would be enough. At least a few artillery shells brought by Chen Yulou had to be used.

And the roof of the cave is only about ten meters high, so the artillery cannon is useless even if it is set up, and only the grenade with a wooden handle can be used.

"Tsk, there are still female corpses, this battle is... terrible."

At this moment, there was a burst of laughter, and everyone turned their heads, only to see Xiao Hei, who was walking at the end of the line, looking at the group of water zongzi gathered in front with relish.

After Xiao Hei said this, everyone suddenly remembered that the water dumplings were all female corpses, and their bodies were not rotten at all, they looked almost like living people.

Half of them are wearing white clothes.. The other half are wearing nothing at all, the hazy curves..


Wei Chuan could swear that he definitely heard the sound of swallowing.

It's amazing, isn't it even more terrifying to think about this scene full of female corpses? How dare these unloading masters?

"What are you thinking, Mrs. Dut? When the king's tomb is overturned, do you want any women? See if a female zongzi can be on top?!"

Chen Yulou's old face also turned black, and he cursed under his voice. However, his eyes never left the group of water zongzi in front of him.



.I saw that the water surface in the group of water dumplings began to bubble rapidly, as if it was boiling.

Immediately afterwards.

Rows of red gas swept away from below the water surface, forming a red cloud and mist vortex above the water surface!

And those water zongzi actually drilled towards the cloud and mist vortex one after another, fearing that they would be a step slower. The scene was more intense than a 100-meter race.

And those water zongzi disappeared out of thin air after they got into the vortex of red mist!

As if there was a black hole hidden in the vortex of red mist, a large number of water rice dumplings were swallowed by the vortex, but there was no sign of it being filled.

"This red poisonous mist is really evil, but if you eat it at this speed, you can eat up all these water dumplings in less than half an hour. Over the years, how many water dumplings has this poisonous mist swallowed?"

Chen Yulou looked puzzled, and whispered (is that okay).

Swallowing it at this speed, even 10,000 water dumplings in an hour would not be enough for Hong Wu to swallow. After all these years, how could there be so many water dumplings that Hong Wu could swallow?

But the next moment.

The red mist gave Chen Yulou an answer.

The vortex of red mist stagnated directly on the water surface, and at the same time, those water dumplings also stopped instantly, turned to look at everyone.

Seeing this scene, everyone's faces turned blue.

Chen Yulou also gritted his teeth in annoyance, as if to blame himself for his bad mouth.

I just said that the red mist vortex has a big appetite, but now the red mist vortex is full.

It's just... the red mist whirlpool is full, but these water dumplings seem to be awake again!

(Okay, from now on, the thank you words will be added to the thank you building. Previously, because the thank you building is also counted as the number of words in the book, to avoid watery words, I didn’t specially open the thank you building, and I didn’t even write a testimonial for the shelf.).

Chapter 85


Just when everyone thought that those water dumplings in the distance were going to be dead, the water suddenly burst open, and a huge black shadow sprang out from it.

A ferocious square mouth appeared in mid-air, each of the four corners of the mouth grew a seemingly incomparably sharp fleshy tooth, and inside the mouth, the membrane wall was covered with wriggling blood.



"I will kill you!"

"Damn, do you eat guns?"