MTL - Tomb Raider: Bandit Chief-Chapter 27

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But now Wei Chuan has to wait until all the knives in the wall fall and all the flying knives pop out before he is willing to take a step forward.

Obviously, this is an idea to use up all the organs, it is really a bold person with a high degree of art.

"Brother, you can go up if you want!" Seeing that Wei Chuan ignored the corridor of the mechanism, the old foreigner also looked at Partridge Whistle and said something.

Hearing the junior brother's words, Partridge Whistle also straightened his waist. Although he didn't speak, there was a confident smile on his face.

That's right, he can go to him too!

But before Partridge Whistle was filled with pride, Hua Ling said:

"Wei Chuan is stronger than Senior Brother. How could Senior Brother break through such a dangerous mechanism!"

"Hahahaha! Girl Hualing is also...a temperamental person."

Hearing Hua Ling's words, Xiao Hei laughed outright. Even the old foreigner and the partridge whistle looked at each other with helplessness and embarrassment on their faces.

At this time, Hua Ling didn't notice the expressions on the faces of the two senior brothers at all, but just looked at Wei Chuan in front of him worriedly.

While everyone was talking and laughing, Wei Chuan had already passed through the formation where the knives were hidden, and came to the stone gate with ease.

As for the aisle, countless stone slabs collapsed, and only a few standing stone pillars remained. Obviously it is the only life gate.

After the aisle completely collapsed, the switch knives on the walls on both sides of the aisle also slowly retracted.

Seeing Wei Chuan waving his hand in front of the stone gate, everyone stepped on the stone pillar and came to the stone gate with ease.

Under the light of the phosphorescent tubes in everyone's hands, the scene of Shimen became more and more clear and conspicuous.

There are two murals engraved on the left and right leaves of the stone gate, and there are oil paints on them, which are very exquisite. And in the center of the two doors, there is a jade plate in the upper, middle and lower positions.

The jade plate is engraved with several rows of Xixia characters, and it can be rotated, just like the number lock in Wei Chuan's memory.

On the walls on both sides of the stone gate, there are also densely carved Xixia characters.

As soon as the partridge whistle passed the aisle, it carefully looked over the stone gate, and the smile on its face became more and more obvious.

"Such an exquisite oil painting can last for thousands of years. The materials used must be extremely precious, and ordinary nobles can't afford it."

"Behind this stone gate should be the tomb! I just don't know if the method of entry is hidden in the ancient Xixia script on this wall."

Hearing this, Wei Chuan shook his head and said:

"This is not a tomb. This is where the Xixia people hide their treasures. This treasure hideout is not like other tombs. The owner of the tomb also dreams of becoming an immortal one day, leaving a door for reincarnation."

"There is a stone gate left in the treasure hunting place...I'm afraid that there are strange poisonous arrows waiting for the treasure thief inside."

"However, most of the Xixia people originated from the Dangxiang tribe. They used to come from the Huangdi tribe. Although they developed differently from the Central Plains people, they were still influenced by various customs of the Central Plains."

After finishing speaking, Wei Chuan also pointed to the abyss where only a few stone pillars stood before.

"Have you seen it, don't you think something is missing?"

Hearing this, Partridge Whistle immediately looked towards the stone pillar in the abyss, and after a while, Partridge Whistle suddenly realized.

"The number of gossip plus the direction of the gossip... from nine is the way!"

Partridge Whistle has traveled all over the world for many years and has rich experience. Now calm down, and soon see through the mystery of this mechanism.

Judging from the direction, the stone platform under their feet is actually the same as the previous mechanism corridor, but this stone platform has not collapsed like the corridor.

And according to the location of the previous stone pillars, the location of the last stone pillar should be at their feet!

And on the stone platform under their feet, there are more than a dozen dark stone slabs assembled into a **** pattern.

The center point of the **** pattern is the last missing point, which represents the position where one can settle.

(Thanks to Xu Jiaming for the 100 tip and monthly ticket, for the monthly ticket, for Gd’s monthly ticket, for Peng’s 600 tip, for Chaofei Mujuan’s monthly ticket, and for Heshuo’s monthly ticket. Thanks to the readers.)

Chapter 54

Partridge Whistle immediately took out the small Luoyang shovel from behind and dug in the center of the swastika.

Just when the shovel was underway, the stone slab in the center of the **** trembled.

Seeing this, the Partridge Whistle worked harder, quickly pushed away the dust around the slate, and moved the slate away.

A narrow and dark tunnel that can only accommodate two people walking side by side appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing this authenticity, Partridge Whistle heaved a sigh of relief and said:

"After all, it is the land of Buddhism, and there is still a vitality left behind. It seems that the stone gate that looks like an entrance is the real gate of death."

"Brother, if you ask me, this should be left by the people who built the mausoleum. The Xixia people know that the country is about to fall, so how could there be a way of life in the place where the treasure is hidden? Isn't that cheap for the people of Yuan Dynasty?"

"Maybe so."

After opening the hole for about five minutes to disperse the air, Wei Chuan said:

"Whether it is the passage left by the treasure hunter or the craftsman, it means that this stone door must not be touched. And after this passage...should be the main tomb."

"You have to be careful, it's all here, don't make a mistake."

Hearing Wei Chuan's words, everyone nodded and their expressions tightened.

Seeing this, Wei Chuan took out a phosphorescent tube from his arms and distributed it to everyone.

This phosphorescent tube is made of phosphorous powder, edelweiss powder and bio-oil. When you shake the tube slightly, it will emit cold light, just like the fluorescent sticks of later generations. Although it doesn't have the effect and light of making a fire like fire phosphorus, it is most suitable for immediate use.

Gradually go down along the hole, and soon enter the lower aisle.

It took five minutes to walk in this winding and narrow corridor before everyone saw the scene at the end of the corridor.

At the end of the aisle, a huge temple hall appeared. This temple hall was the real place of worshiping Buddha in Tongtian Great Buddha Temple. With the dim light, everyone saw a huge Buddha statue at the end of their line of sight.

At this moment, Wei Chuan waved his hand suddenly, blocking the way of everyone.

Everyone was puzzled for a moment, but they saw Wei Chuan slowly stretching out his hand, pointing to a strange honeycomb-shaped shadow hanging upside down on the top of the aisle.

"Insect jade... this is the nest of the zerg. Be careful and slow down, don't disturb them, don't start a fire... This temple is cold, they may not wake up."

Hearing this, everyone's hearts trembled, and they followed Wei Chuan's example of lowering their figure, walked under the insect nest, and entered the hall.

Entering the hall and seeing the scene in the hall, even Wei Chuan couldn't help but feel a jump in his heart.

What appeared in the eyes of everyone was mountains of gold and silver!

A jade tree arch carved from white jade stands in the center of the hall, and under the white jade arch, there are countless gold, silver, jade, vases, seals, and Ming utensils, which cannot be seen at a glance. This mountain of gold and silver is in the eyes.

A strong sense of visual impact is generated.

Even though Wei Chuan already knew from the original book that there are countless treasures in this treasure place, the scene in front of him is too exaggerated.

Those things in Pingshan are just a drop in the bucket compared to here.

"Good stuff, not bad... Hei Ye, I also met Jinshan."

Seeing this mountain of ancient artifacts, Xiao Hei grinned and rushed in.

Seeing this, Wei Chuan couldn't hold back anymore, and walked straight forward, followed by the three of Partridge Whistle.


Immediately, a group of five people rummaged through this mountain of gold and silver.

The three brothers, Partridge Whistle, were only looking for a pearl-shaped artifact. Xiao Hei is also picky, only looking at the best and most expensive ones.

Only Wei Chuan didn't know what to do.

The inside of his space ring is only 8 cubic meters in size, that is, the size of a box with a side length of two meters. Although it is not small, it cannot fit too many things.

Now the remaining space inside can only accommodate two to three percent of the artifacts in front of me.

"Forget it, the value of luck is still can only look at things when you put them on your body."

After thinking for a moment, Wei Chuan sighed, and had no choice but to recycle most of the collection he put in the space ring.

At this moment, Wei Chuan's luck value increased by more than 3,000, and the price was that there were only eight or nine sporadic high-quality artifacts left in the space ring.

When there was a space in the space ring, Wei Chuan went into the pile of artifacts and began to grope.

Recycle whatever is touched by the left hand, put it into the space ring when touched by the right hand, two-pronged approach!

The trouble is here, the reclaimer must be touched or put into the space ring. Even if you want to put the ring in the space, you have to touch it with your hands.

Otherwise, with a wave of his hand, he could take back all the gold mountains in this hall!

'Ding! Yuande Tongbao was detected, worth 2 luck points, is it recycled? '

'Ding! A deer pattern bottle was detected, worth 20 luck points, is it recycled? '

'Ding! The Zhenguan treasure coin was detected, worth 3 luck points, should it be recovered? '

'Ding! Nine stacks of gold seals have been detected, worth 40 luck points, should they be recovered? '

"Turn off the beep, recycle..recycle..recycle..recycle.."

It doesn't matter how much luck is worth, in short, it will recycle everything it touches. At the same time, there were also artifacts in the space ring, and Wei Chuan took them all back halfway through.

At this time, the three of Hua Ling also noticed Wei Chuan. Only Xiao Hei had an envious expression on his face.

It seemed that Wei Chuan was about to get into the pile of gold and jade artifacts, and he was still muttering words such as recycling, luck and so on.

What surprised them the most was that as soon as Wei Chuan touched the gold and jade artifact, it disappeared out of thin air.

It was only a minute, and half of the gold and jade artifacts were missing from the ground. They all disappeared without a trace under Wei Chuan's touch.

Although a few days ago they already knew that Wei Chuan had practiced the five ghosts luck fortune technique and could take away items out of thin air. But they also didn't know that Wei Chuan's five ghosts' wealth fortune technique could achieve such a level.

The fortune-telling technique of the five ghosts in the records is a technique for asking Linggong to improve fortune,

And if you want to move things, you have to use strange things to cast spells, and you have to ask the five yin generals Cao, Zhang, Li, Wang, and Zhu to help you move your money, and you can only move them at night.

However, Wei Chuan was able to collect artifacts so unscrupulously, even a master of Taoism could not do such methods.

Besides, didn't Wei Chuan touch Captain Jin?

Why do you become so... love money now?

However, Partridge Whistle was also excited to see Wei Chuan frantically confiscating treasures, and led the old foreigner and Hua Ling to quickly search for Muchen Bead.

Xiao Hei had already filled the backpack behind him, and stared at Wei Chuan enviously. .

Chapter 55

'Ding! Recycle the Da'an treasure coin and get 2 luck points. '

'Ding! Recycle the ancient jade cong and get 30 luck points. '

'Ding! Recycle the shaved gold amphora, get 40 luck points'

"Recycle, recycle, recycle.."

Wei Chuan was ecstatic in his heart, and kept roaring at the system in his heart to confirm the recovery of a few words, even with a bit of madness on his face.

It's so cool, he's never been this cool after traveling for nearly two years.

Every time he waved his hand, he could almost earn more than a hundred luck points, and in just a few minutes, more than half of the treasures were piled up in the empty space ring.

"I have recovered everything that was put into the space ring within five minutes!"

'Ding! Recycling... A total of 13302 luck points were obtained this time, and the total luck value was 39075. '

Hearing his luck value balance, Wei Chuan's eyes lit up, and he glanced at his panel attributes.

[Host: Wei Chuan]

【Age: 20】

【Luck value: 39075】

[Physique: Xuanwu Body]

[Skills: Coiling Dragon Halberd Technique, Coiling Dragon Kick Technique, Paper Figure Substitution Technique, Kuixing Kicking Fight, Xuanming Sixteen Hexagrams, Xingzi Jue, Wen Zi Jue, Pill Fire Mastery, Gun Mastery...]

[Items: Space Ring, Coiling Dragon Halberd of Ghosts and Gods, Big Five Emperors Divination Coin, Small Five Emperors Divination Coin..]

Almost forty thousand!

He recovered more than half of his collections before, and with the previous harvest from Pingshan, the luck value is only in the early 10,000s.

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