MTL - Tomb Raider: Bandit Chief-Chapter 197

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The blind man turned around silently and took out a military shovel from his bag.

Xiaohua took a deep breath and glanced at the shovel next to her.

"You brought a shovel!"

Hei Xiazi said it as a matter of course: "Yes! Isn't this necessary for going out?"

Xiaohua said that she was about to be **** off: "Then why didn't you take it out just now?"

"I, didn't I forget that just now?" The blind man smiled.

Xiaohua gave a thumbs up, turned around and kicked the lunch box that Heixiazi put on the ground.

The blind man immediately rushed over to pick up the lunch box: "Then what are you doing!"

Xiaohua's face was also full of innocence: "I'm sorry!"

"My eyes are not as good as yours!"

The blind man was about to cry: "If the fried rice is gone, half of me will be gone."

"If you still want to get out of the remaining half, go and dig it quickly."

Xiaohua glanced at the blind man very coldly.

When Wu Xie woke up, Ah Ning's people had already opened the pots in the boat.

"Wu Xie is more clear about this, you have to take a look."

The reason why Aning didn't call Professor Wei was because Professor Wei was resting with his eyes closed.

Wu Xie saw the bird on the jar: "Three green birds?"

"Yeah, you're looking at the broken one, the diameter of the skull is bigger than the diameter of the can."

Wu Xie didn't understand: "What do you mean?"

"It means that this person was canned at a young age."

"Send him food from the mouth of the jar or from the cracks in the ground."

"By the time the skull grows up and the food can't fit in, the head can no longer be taken out."

"At this time, cut down from the neck and seal the casing."

Wei Chuan slowly opened his eyes: "This is an ancient criminal law."

"At that time, the victorious country was very cruel to the defeated country."

"The Queen Mother of the West should also use this method to frighten other tribes."

Wei Chuan had already walked around the clay pot while speaking.

"This is too cruel!"

"If you do this, you will only be punished by the gods." Tashi said while pinching his waist.

The person next to him picked up his head and looked at it carefully, and Wei Chuan immediately heard the sound.

"Throw the head away, run!"

Wei Chuan heard the frequency of the thing flapping its wings inside, it should be a group of corpse kings!

Sure enough, after Wei Chuan finished speaking, many red bugs flew out of his head.

Wu Xie's expression changed: "Yes, King Shilao!"

"Everyone stay still, this thing is poisonous, don't touch those medicine jars."

"Take the necessary equipment and run!"

Of course Wei Chuan has a way to kill these bugs, but it's not the time to contribute.

Tashi also went to find his grandma immediately.

I don't know how many of Ah Ning's people were bitten to death by King Shilao.

Wei Chuan threw Wu Xie a piece of cloth with his blood on it: "Take it and run."

In the pipeline, after Xiaohua's unremitting efforts, a gap was finally opened: "Okay."

The blind man expressed doubts: "Is this all right?"

"It's so big, do you know that I can only head over it?"

"I still have shoulders, pecs, hips and other important parts of my body that need to go."

Xiaohua stretched a little: "I know."

····Ask for flowers··········

"Then what should we do?" Hei Xiazi looked at Xiao Hua seriously.

Xiaohua glanced at the hole and stopped: "I'll go over the collarbone first, and wait for you over there."

Hei Xiazi immediately stopped Xiao Hua: "You are a little careless!"

"I dig by myself and I have to dig until the year of the monkey!"

Xiaohua looked back and forth, but didn't express anything.

Hei Xiazi put his hand on Xiao Hua's shoulder: "Okay, okay, stay with brother."

Xiao Hua remained expressionless: "Get your dirty hands away!"

The black blind man held a military shovel as if to please: "I'll give you the easy-to-use guy."

The corner of Xiaohua's mouth curled up: "Thank you, I'm used to iron rods."

Instantly turned into an indifferent face.


"Okay, Master Hua, you rest, I'll dig!"

The blind man resigned himself to digging the sand.

Xiao Hua deliberately said: "Use a little force!"

On the other side, Wei Chuan was always by Wu Xie's side, and Aning was also by their side.

"How does this mark go!" Wu Xie looked at Tashi's mark with a confused face.

The corpse king in the sky has already chased him.

Wei Chuan has never experienced such a useless attitude in his life!

"I can't take it anymore!"

"Professor Wei!" Wu Xie immediately wanted to stop Wei Chuan, as long as the corpse king encountered him, he would die!

Wei Chuan didn't want to waste his energy here before, but this corpse king is too annoying.

"Find a place to hide for a while and talk." At this time, Ah Ning doesn't care about others at all.

"No, we can't keep Professor Wei here. Just now, it wasn't Professor Wei, we would all die here!"

Wu Xie followed Wei Chuan very persistently.

Aning was a little speechless, how did Wu Xie develop such a character like a virgin now?

A group of corpse kings had already flown in front of Wei Chuan, but they didn't intend to bite him at all.

Aning's eyes changed: "These zombie kings seem to be very afraid of Professor Wei."

When he was in Qixing Lu Palace, the last corpse king was also dealt with by Professor Wei.

"Professor Wei and brother's blood is different from that of ordinary people." Wu Xie really didn't have any guard against people.

Wei Chuan was really speechless to Wu Xie, when will this child know how the word Chengfu is written? work.

Chapter 311

"Wu Xie took Aning out of here." Shi Lai King was stopped here by Wei Chuan.

Wu Xie and Aning's departure is nothing short of easy.

Of course, you can't use the ghost halberd to deal with these poisonous corpse kings.

At this time, the hidden weapon of the Tang Sect showed its effect. He, Wei Chuan, had never been chased by anyone in his life!

Wei Chuan didn't stop until Wu Xie walked away.

"If this kid doesn't have the aura of the protagonist, I really don't know how he has lived in this world for so long."

When Wei Chuan stopped, King Si Lai had already fallen halfway from the air.

"These things seem to be raised by Queen Mother Xi."

Wei Chuan looked in the direction of King Si Lai, and it seemed that they had to go somewhere.

Since it is Queen Mother Xi's pet, there will only be one place to go.

King Shilao seemed to be afraid of Wei Chuan, and he ran faster with him behind.

Brother and the others finally found the sunken ship after many twists and turns.

"Why does this man have a big boat?" Fatty's face was full of confusion.

Pan Zi looked at the place beside the boat: "The one next to it should be Aning's camp."

"No wonder the third master wants to follow Aning's team. They really have a way of opening the way."

The fat man's hand touched the knife: "Then let's salute first and then fight, first find Wu Xie and talk!"

When I got closer, I realized something was wrong. The place was almost full of corpses.

The fat man looked at Pan Zi: "What's going on?"

The little brother squatted down and inspected the corpse: "Corpse King!"

The fat man's eyes widened: "King Shilao? Why is that thing from Qixing Lu Palace running here?"

Pan Zi glanced at the direction of the camp: "Let's talk to the third master first!"

But the little brother saw Wu Xie's clothes and walked over immediately.

Fatty and Pan Zi also ran over, "This is the coat worn by innocent."

The fat man stepped forward and took off his clothes and turned him over.

He was relieved to see that it wasn't Wu Xie.

A corpse king flew out at this time.

The fat man immediately drew his knife: "It's been a long time, I'll fight with you!"

Before the fat man could make a move, the younger brother Hei Jin Gu Dao slashed down, and the corpse king was cut in half immediately.

Pan Zi took a careful look and let out a breath.

The fat man was also really frightened: "It's a good thing I wasn't naive, so I didn't go with him this time."

Ah Ning and Wu Xie could only walk down the road, but it didn't take long for Shi Lai to catch up again.

Wei Chuan probably figured out the way to go from the direction Shi Lai walked.

Fortunately, he still has a compass on his body, and there is probably a way to go down if he keeps walking to the northeast.

"Zi Lai is here, Professor Wei..."

In Wu Xie's mind, Professor Wei is as safe as his little brother, but now he is not sure.

Wei Chuan watched the two people walk and climb into the cave: "Come out!"

Wu Xie and Aning looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes: "Professor Wei."

"Those corpses that won't come down just happen to be on the way."

After listening to Wei Chuan's words, Wu Xie and A Ning climbed down.

Sure enough, when Wu Xie went out, he could no longer see the dead king.

"Professor Wei, did you just say drop by?"