MTL - Tomb Raider: Bandit Chief-Chapter 17

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This level of martial arts is really astonishing.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the corpse king of the Yuan Dynasty. Reward 500 luck points, and the total luck value is 5280."

At this time, Wei Chuan also heard the system's prompt in his mind.

Hearing that the luck value has increased by 500, Wei Chuan was overjoyed at first, and then began to complain in his heart.

Compared with the six-winged centipede, this bottle of mountain corpse king is like the younger brother, and it is actually worth 500 luck points.

And he killed the six-winged centipede before, but he didn't give him 1 point of luck. In terms of strength, the six-winged centipede was at least worth four or five Pingshan Corpse Kings.

"Ding! System mission goals are not included in the achievement of extermination, and are not included in the recycling item."

Seemingly hearing Wei Chuan's complaint, the air transport system also gave Wei Chuan an explanation.

Hearing this, Wei Chuan curled his lips and stopped complaining about the system.

Although there is no luck value for killing the mission target, the mission rewards are still enough.

Compared to killing zongzi with a search tool, it's still a good deal to do the task!

"Brother Wei, back quickly!"

At this moment, the partridge whistle exclaimed.

Hearing what the partridge whistle said, Wei Chuan was startled, and hurriedly dodged to the rear.

At the same time, he also felt a cold stench, and his whole body was a little hot.

"Huh? This is poison..."

Wei Chuan's eyes froze, and the basalt tattoo on his back flashed black light, and the hot feeling on his body disappeared without a trace.

Only then did Wei Chuan see that black air visible to the naked eye emerged from the incisions on the corpse king's neck and arms, and spread towards the surroundings.

Without saying a word, Partridge Whistle grabbed the torch from the Lishi Xiling beside him and threw it towards the corpse king's body.

Seeing this, Chen Yulou also reflected it, and said in a cold voice:

"Sprinkle wine, burn it for me! Cover your mouth and nose!"


As soon as Chen Yulou gave an order, dozens of torches flashed across the air, surrounding the corpse king's body. Luo Laowai was even more exaggerated. After hearing that it was poisonous, he even threw out the oil lamp in his hand.

After a long time, after the black air completely disappeared, Chen Yulou looked at Partridge Whistle and said:

"Brother Dao, did you recognize the origin of the black energy?"

Hearing this, the partridge whistle nodded.

"I have entered many Yuan tombs in the years since I moved to the mountains. There are records, but this is the first time I have seen them."

"Before these Yuan people enter the museum, they will soak their bodies in strange poisons to refine their bodies into poisonous sources. In order to prevent the corpses from being destroyed after death, once the poisonous gas seeps out, it will cause hallucinations after contamination, and even kill them in severe cases. The poisonous gas is strange, If it is not exposed to the scorching sun, it can even spread throughout the entire Pingshan Mountain."

"There are only two ways to deal with this poisonous gas. First, burn all the poisonous gas at high temperature. Second, there are no living creatures within the range of the poisonous source, and the poisonous gas will gradually disappear."

As the voice of the partridge whistle fell, everyone was two minutes away from the position of the bottle mountain corpse king, and they regenerated torches in their hands, waving them beside them.

"Damn it, this is to drag those who enter the tomb to die together."

"Little Yangzi, light a fire! Fill this place with torches!"

Luo Laowai also spat at the burning Corpse King's corpse cursingly, and then yelled at Adjutant Yang.

Hearing Luo Laowai's words, Wei Chuan shook his head with a smile and said:

"Don't forget, Luo Shuai, this is the tomb of the general of the Yuan Dynasty. We are the robbers, and the general of the Yuan Dynasty can't go too far if he eats us up."

"Haha...Brother Wei's words are also reasonable. The owner of the tomb and the guest will live and die according to their own abilities."

Hearing Wei Chuan's words, embarrassment appeared on the faces of Chen Yulou, Partridge Whistle and others, and Chen Yulou laughed loudly.

Wei Chuan shrugged and said nothing.

After all... in the face of immortality, even he, a good young man in the new century, has entered the industry, so there is nothing to say about whether he is lacking in virtue or not.

In this day and age... people don't do it for themselves. .

Chapter 33

The most famous corpse king in this bottle mountain was eliminated, and the haze hovering in everyone's hearts was completely eliminated.

"Brother Hei, I don't know that Brother Hei..."

At this time, Chen Yulou also came back to his senses, and said to Xiao Hei.

The inside and outside of the hall were searched, but the corpse king's coffin was not found.

Since the corpse king was brought by Xiao Hei, then Xiao Hei should know where the main tomb is.

"Hey, Mr. Chen just said that he hasn't seen the coffin until now."

As soon as Chen Yulou opened his mouth, Luo Laowai moved closer to Xiao Hei, and he had long been thinking about the burial artifact of the general of the Yuan Dynasty in his heart.

Xiao Hei grinned, and glanced at Wei Chuan, seeing Wei Chuan nodded at him, and then pointed to the stone gate where he entered the hall from the mountain wall earlier.

"It's up there."

"Okay! Come on, bring the ladder over here!"

As soon as the words fell, Luo Laowai clapped his hands heavily, and looked at the stone gate on the mountain wall with a look of joy.

"Luo Shuai, let's use our Xiling centipede to hang the ladder."

"Okay! Listen to Brother Boss!"

In a short while, the mountain wall was covered with centipede hanging ladders more than ten meters high.

A group of people climbed up the centipede hanging ladder one after another, and entered the stone gate on the mountain wall.

Entering the stone gate, you will be greeted by two gates carved with murals.

Xiao Hei pointed to the huge stone gate on the left and said: "Don't touch the gate on the left, there is a quicksand arrow array built by the people of Yuan Dynasty. If you enter, you will not be able to get out. If you are not careful, the mountain will collapse."

Although Xiao Hei was talking and laughing with an indifferent look on his face, it was different to Chen Yulou's ears. Chen Yulou hastily arranged for a few warriors to stand guard in front of the stone gate that Xiao Hei had mentioned.

At this time, Xiao Hei walked towards the stone gate on the right. Press on the mural of the human eye ancient bead on the stone gate.

click.. click..

Hearing the crisp sound, the huge stone gate slowly descended in the surprised eyes of everyone, and what appeared in front of them was a gloomy and pitch-black space.

Under the light of many torches, the scene inside can be vaguely seen.

Rather than the main tomb, this place is more like a military camp. It's just luxurious enough, the surrounding lampposts and mountain walls are inlaid with countless jewels, gold and jade.

On the ground ahead, countless weapon racks fell to the ground, as well as countless arrows. There were even several corpses in military uniforms.

Presumably, it was the soldiers who were looking around, who were caught by the corpse king.

Xiao Hei walked straight into the stone gate, raised his chin facing the space on the left, "Where is the coffin, I used the mechanism on the corpse king before."

Taking two steps forward, following Xiao Hei's line of sight, a magnificent boulder platform appeared in his eyes.

Under the high platform is composed of sixteen load-bearing columns in a square, and on top of the sixteen load-bearing columns is a huge stone base that is raised layer by layer, like the top of a pyramid.

Around the stone seat, there are four stone steps extending to the ground.

From a distance, one can vaguely see a dark brown on the top of the stone pedestal. The one embedded on the stone seat is the coffin of the general of the Yuan Dynasty.

On the whole, the main tomb looks like an altar shaped like a pyramid, and the coffin is placed high above.

As for the coffin lid, it had fallen to pieces under the stone seat long ago.

As soon as he saw the coffin, Luo Laowai became excited and said, "Brother, let's see what's inside the coffin!"

"Well, the status of this Yuan Dynasty general can be considered prominent, compared to the gold, silver and precious jade buried with him, he is also quite rich!"

With anticipation on Chen Yulou's face, he walked in the front, climbed the stone steps and walked towards the stone seat at the top.

Seeing this, Wei Chuan also followed, and at the same time glanced at the bulging chest and pockets under the little black clothes.

No need to look, the best things must have been put away by Xiao Hei.

On the other hand, the three brothers Partridge Whistle were not at all interested in the corpse king's coffin, but leaned in front of the load-bearing pillar and looked at the murals on it.

Because... the ancient beads of human eyes engraved on the murals are Muchen beads!

Soon, everyone boarded the stone platform and moved to the opened coffin.

At a glance, all the wooden walls inside the coffin were covered with golden patterns of various dragons and phoenixes.

There are also dozens of precious artifacts placed inside, including gold, jade and pearls. There was even a pile of gold nuggets as thick as a baby's arm in the corner of the coffin.

"Damn! So much gold?"

The moment Luo Laowai saw this artifact, he was about to reach out for a golden jug that was bigger than his head.

"Luo Shuai, wait a minute!"

At this time, Wei Chuan stretched out his hand to grab Luo Laowai.

"Brother Wei, what's wrong?"

The baby was right in front of his eyes. Being blocked by Wei Chuan at this time, Luo Laowai frowned subconsciously, and turned his head to look at Wei Chuan. The other hand even rested on the revolver at his waist, as if Wei Chuan would turn his face if he fought him.

Wei Chuan didn't care, but pointed to the coffin and said:

"The body of the corpse king was full of strange poisonous miasma, who knows if there is any poison in this coffin?"

"I know a little bit about furnace fire, and I know a little bit about poisons. Ordinary poisons can't help me. Why don't Luo Shuai let me test the poison first?"

While talking, Wei Chuan looked into the coffin, frowning from time to time.


Hearing Wei Chuan's words, Luo Laowei paused, quickly withdrew his hand, and nodded sharply at Wei Chuan.

"The corpse king is very poisonous, please ask Brother Wei to check it first! Brother Wei has worked hard!"

Luo Laowai is not stupid. When Wei Chuan mentioned it, he naturally remembered all the strange things he had encountered before, so he naturally dared not do anything casually. .

Chapter 34

"It's okay, everyone should stand back a little bit, so as not to have any tricks in the back."

Hearing Wei Chuan's words, everyone also retreated a little later, tensing their bodies.

Everyone saw Wei Chuan's performance before, but now they also think that this is the end, so it's better to be careful.

Seeing this, Wei Chuan also pretended to scan the coffin, and then stretched out his hand to touch the gold and jade artifacts in the coffin one by one.

'Ding! A bronze mirror in Sanskrit in Zhunti was detected, worth 45 luck points, is it recycled? '

'Ding! A three-legged gold furnace was detected, worth 90 luck points, is it recovered? '

'Ding! The Longquan gold pot was detected, worth 55 luck points, is it recycled? '

'Ding! A purple-red silk-wrapped agate bracelet was detected, worth 60 luck points, should it be recovered? '

A series of system prompts sounded, Wei Chuan suppressed a smile, and quickly swept his hands in the coffin.

Everyone saw Wei Chuan's solemn face, his hands poking through the coffin, his expression changing from time to time.

Thinking that Wei Chuan had discovered something amiss, the crowd became more and more nervous.

After a long time, Wei Chuan pulled his hand out of the coffin, asked for a bottle of sulfur wine and washed his hands.

Under the puzzled and expectant eyes of everyone, Wei Chuan nodded and said:

"It's not a big problem, but it's better not to touch it with your hands. Wrap it up and put it in the hot sun for half an hour, and the evil spirit on it will be completely removed."

After finishing speaking, Wei Chuan "retired with success", and went down the stone platform to chat with sister Hua Ling.

"Okay! Did you hear what Brother Wei said? Wrap them up carefully for me, don't let any one go, and don't let me drop a single one! If anyone drops the baby, I will kill him!"

"Yes, Luo Shuai!"

Soon, Chen Yulou and Luo Laowai got together and chatted vigorously, pointing at the artifacts in the coffin.