MTL - To Save the Female Supporting Role As My Duty-Chapter 9 The Green Tea Supporting Girl Who Saved the World of Romance ()

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In the evening, a new episode of the program was aired again, and the ratings and discussions reached a new stage, mainly around the most changed Yu Qin and her wronged roommate.

[I'm coming! Let me see if Yu Qin is green tea! ]

[It's a good day for CP again! ]

[I eat the sweets of the male, the female and the first, and now I want to eat something different, such as Yu Qin and Guan Yue's hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee

[Oh mo oh mo, Commander Guan~ what a special nickname! ]

[Why do you think Chen Yueming is about to betray? He shouldn't be writing to Yu Qin, right? ]

[Is it just me that feels wrong? Yu Qin's eyes on Guan Yue are so drawn! ]

[Wow, Guan Yue is so handsome riding a motorcycle, the guy with flying hair in the back seat made me laugh like crazy, the BGM of this young and Dangerous boy is amazing hahaha! ]

[Being fined is too real hahahahaha]

[I'll go, Guan Yue's company is too cool! I really want to go to work! ]

[I have bought clothes of this brand! It's actually Guan Yue's brand! Ahhhhh! ]

[Help, Yu Qin's hug just now made my heart move! ]

[Photographer, are you serious? I'm almost dizzy with this lens turning! ]

[Sweet to death woo woo woo woo]

[I’ll just nibble lightly~]

[Hold high the "pleasure" banner! Girls and girls are the best! ]

The next day is Saturday, everyone does not have to go to work, get up early to freshen up, and prepare for today's appointment task.

Seeing her roommate constantly changing clothes early in the morning, Guan Yue said, "You look very looking forward to it."

"I'm just trying on clothes." Song Lingshu tried on every piece of Yu Qin's clothes, and checked her eyes. It's not her own aesthetics at all. When she is free, she must change her wardrobe!

In the end, she randomly chose a white suspender dress, which looked clean and gentle, revealing her beautiful collarbone and slender arms.

Guan Yue didn't believe that she didn't look forward to it at all, otherwise she would have spent so much time picking out clothes and putting on such delicate makeup?

"Actually, I still prefer the clothes in your studio. When did you give it to me the one I picked out last time?" Song Lingshu asked while retouching her lipstick.

"I don't have any in stock, so I'm adjusting from the warehouse." The clothes of the other five people were all in stock, but Guan Yue didn't give them to others because she was missing this one.

After cleaning up, several female guests also went to the meeting place set up by the program group one after another.

Song Lingshu stood by the side of the road, watching the passing vehicles, while the camera revolved around her.

Time passed by, and she stood for half an hour before she saw a male guest from the other side of the road. It was Chen Yueming, the third male guest.

Chen Yueming is a literary boy, holding a bunch of baby's breath stars in his hand, when the two faced each other, he smiled and handed the flowers to her: "I didn't expect it was really you."

"Did you guess it was me?" Song Lingshu took the flowers politely.

"You and Guan Yue's postcards have their names written on them." Chen Yueming said.

"That's right, the name I wrote is Guan Yue." Song Lingshu became even more curious.

"Well, Yu Zhe thought the postcard with your name on it was you, so he should have seen Guan Yue now." Chen Yueming's first reaction was to get the postcard with Yu Qin's name on it, but he moved slowly. Yu Zhe took a step ahead and took it away first, so he took this one by chance, but he didn't expect to win the lottery.

Chen Yueming's curiosity towards Aya is far less than that of Yu Qinzhong. After being frustrated in love, Chen Yueming's temperament of bitterness and hatred before has become cheerful and cute, but the maturity revealed occasionally inadvertently is particularly fascinating.

He has paid a lot of attention to Yu Qin these days, and he really wants to know more about what kind of person she is.

"Do you want to go to the movies?" Chen Yueming found a common hobby for the two of them.


The two chose a nearby shopping mall and went straight to the cinema, but the quality of the films released recently was so-so, so Chen Yueming had no choice but to choose the more popular films.

In the movie theater, there were not too many people, and the two sat in the middle. Chen Yueming didn't want to disturb others, so he could only watch the movie silently, but the more he watched, the more sleepy he became, so he secretly observed Yu Qin's state and found that she was very serious. Some wonder if this movie is so good?

He cheered up again, continued to look at the screen, repeated this several times, and finally finished watching the movie. He thought that Yu Qin was really not an ordinary person, and he had too much artistic appreciation. Anyway, he couldn't appreciate it.

In fact, if he observed carefully, he could see that she blinked extremely slowly, and she didn't even change her sitting position.

Because Song Lingshu was in his spiritual consciousness, he found the system to act as a projector and watched a 5D movie, which was exciting and refreshing!

The lights in the theater came on, and she came back to her senses with a slightly excited expression on her face.

"Does it look good?" Chen Yueming asked casually.

"It's beautiful! Especially the fighting scene, it's very exciting!"


This is an emotional drama, where is the fight coming from? Could it be that the hero and heroine fight each other with their lips?

After walking out of the cinema, Chen Yueming asked her what she wanted to do.

Apart from filming, Song Lingshu has no other actual dating experience. She was so excited last night because she just wanted to experience a real dating experience.

But now it seems that there is nothing interesting, nothing more than watching movies, eating and shopping.

But she didn't say casually, and asked instead: "Is there anything you want to play?"

Now it was Chen Yueming's turn to make trouble, and said, "Whatever you want."

"Then let's go for a stroll." It seemed that she was in control of the date, and she was very considerate and mature.

It was hot outside, and the two of them were wandering around in the shopping mall, chatting with each other. Suddenly, Song Lingshu paused.

"What's the matter?" In the blink of an eye, Chen Yueming saw her rushing into the nearby video game city like a wild horse, and hugged the woman standing in front of the basketball hoop.

"Commander Guan! What a coincidence!" Song Lingshu said happily.

Guan Yue turned her head in surprise: "Why are you here?"

Chen Yueming approached and saw Yu Zhe under another basketball hoop, so he guessed that the two of them were dating here.

"What are you guys playing?" Song Lingshu looked curiously, "Wow, are you in a battle?"

"En." Guan Yue nodded, with a faint smile on her face, which stunned Yu Zhe beside her.

Only then did Yu Zhe secretly heave a sigh of relief, he had never met such a difficult date before!

Throughout the whole process, Guan Yue kept a cold face, her reaction was indifferent, and the chat was not speculative. It can be said that it was an epic embarrassing scene. And her temperament is always like this, so it's hard to say anything about others.

He brought people to the video game city, wanting to relax, but Guan Yue actually wanted to compete with him in shooting, and said that this would not hurt his legs.

Well, they have competed for half an hour, their legs will not hurt, and their hands are almost useless.

He was almost tortured to death by these two beauties!

"You guys came just in time, do you want to play?" Yu Zhe said.

"I'll come, I'll come." Song Lingshu introduced himself, "Commander, shall we compete?"


The result was clear at a glance, Song Lingshu was sure to win. After all, she was also very athletic, and she had just arrived, full of energy, unlike Guan Yue who had been fighting for half an hour. It would be a lie to say that she wasn't tired.

However, the possibility of Guan Yue deliberately releasing water cannot be ruled out.

"I can't win by martial arts!" Song Lingshu said, "But the commander is really good. He has been able to compete with Yu Zhe for so long. He is a professional!"

"It's all in the past, I haven't practiced for a long time." Yu Zhe said quickly, so as not to embarrass professional athletes.

"What are you doing next?" Song Lingshu asked.

Guan Yue and Yu Zhe looked at each other and shook their heads. If she hadn't appeared suddenly, Guan Yue would have planned to compete with Yu Zhe all afternoon.

"Then why don't we go shopping, I want to buy clothes, Commander Guan, help me get some professional advice."

The few other people had no objection. The two men found a place to sit down as soon as they entered the store, and watched them go around the room, saying things they couldn't understand.

Song Lingshu went to try a few sets, and the men all spoke in unison: "All are fine, all look good, and all are good."

Guan Yue is different: "The material looks a little stiff and uncomfortable to wear; the tailoring is a bit messy; a smaller size would be better; the yellow suits your skin tone better; the dark green one matches your temperament... ..”

Look, this is the advantage of shopping with beautiful women! I understand so much, she likes this kind of professional advice so much.

I went in with a few sets of clothes to try on, and when I showed them off, the boys said in unison: "It looks good."

"I almost mean, go change a set." Guan Yue said indifferently.

Boys: "..."

Song Lingshu took the trouble to try the last set. After a while, she opened the door and hooked her fingers: "Commander, come in and do me a favor."

Guan Yue walked into the fitting room. The two of them were already tall, and the room seemed even narrower.

Song Lingshu showed her back in front of her: "The zipper is a bit difficult to pull."

Guan Yue's eyes lingered on her back for a moment, looking at her nose, nose, and heart, while silently reciting the Diamond Sutra in her heart, she slowly pulled the zipper up until it stopped on the slender and tender nape of her neck.

"Does it look good?" Song Lingshu turned around and asked, but her chest accidentally rubbed against her arm.

Guan Yue took a breath and said dryly, "It's pretty."

"You didn't take a good look at it." Song Lingshu held her face in both hands, and pulled it down a little, "What's so interesting about the ceiling, look here."

Guan Yue was forced to lower her head, seeing the deep gullies filled with desire, her face was inexplicably hot.

"Is this dress really okay?" Song Lingshu asked.


"Okay, then buy it."

After Song Lingshu changed her clothes, she was about to pay the bill, but when she saw that Guan Yue had already paid, she hurriedly said, "I'll do it myself."

"It's okay, and it's not expensive." Guan Yue said.

Song Lingshu thought about it for a while, but without any hesitation, she accepted it with a smile, took her hand and went to the next house: "Come on, I'll send you a suit too!"

The two walked around for a whole afternoon, and finally collapsed on the back seat of the car out of breath, leaning their heads together. Song Lingshu suddenly asked, "Did we miss something?"


"Where are Yu Zhe and Chen Yueming?"

"...I don't know, maybe I went back."

At this time, the two men who were still looking for someone in the mall looked at each other silently: "Today is a date day, right?"

"Forget it, leave them alone." Song Lingshu turned his head and looked at her with a smile, and Guan Yue couldn't help showing a faint smile.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the car made a sharp turn, Song Lingshu was caught off guard and fell to the side, and kissed Guan Yue's lips accurately.

Both of them widened their eyes at the same time, and after a while, Song Lingshu blinked and frowned.

Not to mention, it's pretty sweet.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-07-13 12:29:53~2022-07-14 11:59:14~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the mine: CBY1;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 3 bottles of tukfhj;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!