MTL - To Be A Virtuous Wife-Chapter 17 Woman heart under the sea needle

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The new winter clothes in the village have been sent down. The people found that this year's winter clothes are the same as in previous years, but they are a lot thicker. Each person has a single coat, each of them is beaming, and there is a hostess in the secret hall. After that, it is different, and the living standards of these people are also improved.

Xiao Ganzi’s hand slid the following person’s filial piety to him, with a smile on his face, and said to the little **** around him: “There are all smiles in this house, like the New Year’s.” He knew clearly, this The palace is full of flowers, but the lowest minions are just enough to eat. If it is better than the slaves in front of the master, it is really a day and a day. It’s no wonder that these people have a little bit of benefit. .

"This is not Wang Yiren's kindness, and my brother and the two general managers are well managed." Carefully followed the eunuchs around him and said with a smile. "Some days ago, several things were severely punished by Wang Hao, and even the grievances did not dare to have Honestly, who is going to dare to toss the people below?

"They are what they are. When Wang Hao is fined, he will be fined, that is, they will have their lives, and they will only complain that they are not lucky." Xiao Ganzi said this and blinked the eunuch. "You are also my own person. And remember that this backyard is Wang Hao, if you do a mixed thing, don't blame my brother, I don't care for you."

"My brother can rest assured, you can rest assured," the little **** got a reminder from Xiao Ganzi, and he was grateful for his ignorance. "Small must listen to your brother's words and never do anything wrong."

Xiao Ganzi nodded with satisfaction. Although he was not as good as Qian Changxin and Minghe, he was also used by Wang Ye. Now Wang Ye obviously wants to lift Wang Hao, Wang Hao is also a resolute and vigorous, that means fast, even he has not returned to taste.

What kind of warning, what is the first time after the rituals are not used, first a good fight, the people are stunned, this thing is still easy to handle. Those people thought that Wang Hao would be swayed by the thoughts of the prince, and even he thought so, so after the incident broke out, he found an excuse to leave the government to avoid embarrassment. I know that Wang Hao directly disposed of the person, and even the prince did not give a notice. When Wang Ye stayed in the main courtyard overnight, the second morning of the morning, he knew that this incident made Qian Changxin and Minghe a big bargain.

The skill is not as good as people, and it is no wonder that these two people have the most face in front of the prince. Xiao Ganzi sighed, and he still has to look more in the future. Even if he is not more than money and Ming, at least he can't replace his position.

In the Wangfu Garden, Huang Yang hurriedly walked forward, and came face to face with a sweet gimmick. The mouth was screaming at Huang Yang’s brother and blocked him at the intersection.

Huang Yang’s heart was not happy, and asked as usual: “This sister, what is the matter?”

Where is the little girl who dares to be a sister? If it is not in the past, who is in the house now knows that he is the most used **** in front of Wang Hao? She smiled and said that she did not dare, said: "Huang Yang brother, our family has been ill in recent days, and called Langzhong is not good, ask you to tell my family in front of Wang Hao good words, let Wang Hao give the hospital next The post made it?" After that, he put a purse into the box of the box.

Huang Yang saw her strange, and did not accept the purse. The back of her hand was behind her. The tone was serious: "Which is your master?"

Xiao Yan saw the boxwood not accepting, but the heart was anxious but could not, but said: "Good brother, I am waiting for the cloud to pour the girl, you and I ask for the king of my family, I thanked you first." Give the boxwood a deep blessing.

"Where is this waiting for the gimmick?!"

Xiaotou listened to this voice, and when I looked back, I saw Wang Ye with Qian Changxin and Minghe coming over. It was Minghe who spoke. She suddenly had a joy and sighed with a sigh: "The slave is a girl, it is a cloud girl." Prostitute, slaves have seen the prince."

He Wei walked slowly and looked down at Yu's feet at the foot, then looked at Huang Yang: "What is going on?"

Huang Yang said: "Wang Ye, this Yuer girl said that Yun Guan is ill, wants to let the slaves sue Wang Hao, let Wang Hao give a post to the hospital, ask a doctor to give the cloud a girl."

He Yan frowned and did not hesitate to lift, and Qian Changxin was busy with it.

The Ming and the disdain looked at Yu'er, and smiled like a smile: "The cloud is dumped and the girl is afraid of being confused. In addition to the Wangye Wangfu, there are only side squats and serious servants who can ask the doctor, I don't know which side she is. Can someone on the doctor call the doctor?"

When I was first admitted to the government, I was not full of faces and said that I would rather be a poor person than a rich person. A kiln sister who was sent by someone really thought that she was a young family. If she could be accepted as a passer-by, she would give the face of the adult, and she would not be a servant in the palace. What spring and autumn dreams? Now that I am sick, Langzhong outside the government is not worthy of serving her, but also too medical? what!

Ming and Xiao laughed and walked away with the steps. Huang Yang looked at the jealous child who was stunned. His face changed unchanged: "Go back and tell your master. Since this Lang is useless, change the lang. If nothing is missing, tell the raft. The girl, I have something to do, take a step first."

Waiting for the boxwood to go out a dozen steps away, Yuer only reacted. She looked at the direction in which Wang Ye left. Some understand that when she was assigned to Cui Yuyuan, the eyes of the people around her were sympathetic. It turns out that Wang Ye didn't care about the master, not the master. What is the king's heart and the heart of the master? Is this the master?

If he is really happy with the master, how can Wang Ye be so indifferent? Yuer slowly stood up and slowly walked back. Ming and his father-in-law said so clearly that even if the master was dissatisfied, she had tried her best.

After Huang Yang returned to the main courtyard, he reported the matter to Qu Wei, and said everything from beginning to end.

"Clouds girl?" Qu 裾 裾 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对

The prince of the prince is fascinated by the singer, because the singer Gao Jie is more deeply rooted in the roots, and finally resists the forces of all parties and is happy with the squad. This story is the story.

The silly woman really thought that He Wei was the character in the book?

"People send some herbs in the past, and call them a lang," Qu Quxiao said with a smile. "But the 16-year-old girl is still a long time, and she will not let her die."

"Wang Ye is good, you are not so big, why bother with others?" Yin Liu put a brocade soup in the hands of Qu Wei, "At the beginning of her face, but very proud."

Qu gently smiled and put Tang Pozi in both hands: "You are awkward." Silver will not be as good as hibiscus, but such a person sometimes has a magical effect. What is even more rare is the loyalty. She listens like this. nagging.

"This is full of people looking up and down," standing next to the raft, helplessly looked at the silver willow, "such a person is not hurting for Wang Hao, so watching her life, what is in the eyes of others It’s like it.”

Regardless of the conversation between the two, Qu Yang said to Huang Yang: "You personally told people to do this, and said that I am polite and beautiful, so that people can take good care of her." Yun Li people do not like it. But not to be sick by her, she has not been so distorted.

The boxwood retired, and his heart sneered, and the cloud girl did not recognize herself as high. Nowadays, it is not because of Wang Hao’s pity that he can keep his life. If you have the ability to ask for help, then it is really high.

In Cui Youyuan, the cloud was lying on the bed with a sallow look. Listening to Yu’s face, he said with joy and joy that Wang Hao’s kindness has done something, and his hatred is getting deeper and deeper. Why should she let other women lie on the sympathy? Can save lives, why she is only like a singer-like singer?

Drinking bitter medicinal juice, she has a strong survival in her eyes. She can't die, she can't die. She has to stand on the heights to see who dares to sympathize with her? Still dare to look down on her? !

Qu 裾 裾 裾 翠 翠 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠 翠

The raft put a tangled peony incense burner on the table and smiled and said: "Wang Wang was expected?"

"Where people like this, if they listen to such pity," let the paper draw freely, and the scorn began to outline a beautiful peony flower. "Feng Zikai is not very busy recently, otherwise how can I take things in the house?" Passed to godliness?"

"How is Wang Hao sure that she is her?" Muxi hesitated. "It’s not very good to see them with respect."

"People like God, who wants to suppress me who doesn't like her, don't want to really let the side crush me, so she will know something about me in a certain side, but I don't want that side. Lost the rules, so in the day of Zhongjing Palace, she would be so easy to avoid my service, and let the two side squats from the beginning to the end," Qu 裾 裾 waving a pen, quickly traced a peach, "Jiang Yan Feng is a smart person, so I will not do this to offend me. The most suspicious thing is Feng Zikai." In this era, the mother-in-law is probably the strangest mentality in the world. Many times they like themselves. Bullying a daughter-in-law, but seeing others let the daughter-in-law have no face. Or how do you say a woman's heart?

Muxi listened to this, and thought it carefully, but also felt that there was some truth, but when she thought of godliness, sometimes it was difficult for Wang Hao’s intention. Muxi still felt that goddess was not good at serving.

A simple narcissus picture jumped on the paper, and the music was light and stunned. The golden plaque next to it received the painting and smiled at the hibiscus. "You don't have to worry too much. It is difficult to respect this person. Dealing with it is not impossible to deal with." To deal with people who have too big a brain hole, natural stay is a big killer. She is not a natural person and can always be dressed up. The woman in the palace loves to poke people with a knife, and she can suffocate her if she can't understand it. Anyway, no matter how chaotic, godliness does not dare to really move her, she is afraid of what? 2k novel reading network