MTL - Thrown Into the Wolf’s Den! Zaizai Holds Space In His Hands To Survive the Disaster Year-Chapter 636 Ren Si's biological father

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 Chapter 636 Ren Si’s biological father

 After solving Tian Xuezhen, Shen Ningning and the others were not in a hurry to return to the capital.

 Lingshan City was severely damaged, and there was still some finishing work to be done, which required the Crown Prince and Xie Suzhi to come forward to settle matters.

The charge of being a prefect was tantamount to treason, and he also attempted to assassinate the princess and the prince, and was immediately sentenced to confiscate his family and exterminate his family.

 Fortunately, at this time, the people sent by Mo Lingwei also found out that Ren Si was not the daughter of Prefect Ren at all.

But Tian Xuezhen asked him to raise the adopted child as his own.

Just because Tian Xuezhen had a vague vision in his dream that an extremely distinguished man would come to Lingshan City, so Grand Administrator Ren’s original plan was to give Ren Si to this distinguished man as his wife and concubine.

However, before the plan was implemented, it caused a catastrophe of genocide.

Since Ren Si was not his daughter and Shen Ning was keeping her safe, nothing happened.

Ren San and his family were being escorted to the prison by officials when they saw Shen Ningning coming to take over Ren San.

 She rushed to Shen Ningning and knelt down regardless.

"Sister, it was my fault for bullying you before. It was all because of that **** Ren Er who forced me. In fact, I want to get close to you just like the fourth sister."

Ren San cried miserably: "Can you please spare my life?"

Ren Er, who was being escorted by police officers next to him, had an angry and twisted face.

"You shameless person, when you saw her gaining power, you went up to please her. Have you forgotten how you scolded her in front of me? I remember it all!"

Ren San denied it hysterically to her: "That's not what I wanted to scold, you forced me to do that!"

 Ren Si stepped forward and stood in front of Shen Ningning, keeping some distance between her and Ren San.

"Stop trying to get close to each other here. She is neither your eldest sister nor a member of the Ren family," Ren Si snorted coldly: "Usually you sisters work together and bully others everywhere, even me, but now we have ended up like this. , you just want to fly away separately when disaster strikes, that’s a beautiful idea!”

As she said that, she laughed: "Ren San, didn't you say that you and the second sister would be good sisters for life? We will go to the guillotine together for the rest of our lives!"

  They have often united together to bully Ren Si.

Going to the Lantern Festival, he deliberately cut her clothes to make her look embarrassed in front of the public.

Going for a boat trip, he deliberately pushed Ren Si into the water and asked the servant to rescue her, trying to destroy Ren Si's innocence.

On Ren Si's birthday, they deliberately deceived her into a dark ancestral hall and locked her up. When the maids were looking for her, they refused to tell the maids where Ren Si was.

Shen Ningning has heard Ren Si talk about all kinds of evil deeds, so now Ren Si's attitude towards them does not seem strange to Shen Ningning.

Unexpectedly, after seeing Shen Ningning being indifferent and Ren Si's sharp mouth, Ren Er became angry from embarrassment.

She yelled: "If you die, you will die. We also died together as a family. Rensi, you are just a little orphan that no one wants, a bastard!"

These words really struck a chord in Ren Si’s heart.

No matter how strong she was, her face darkened when she heard this, and she clenched her fists: "Don't be so proud, I will find my parents!"

"Hmph," Ren Er sneered: "My father said that when he picked you up, you were thrown into a mass grave. Maybe your mother was a lonely ghost who died in a mass grave, and you crawled out from the belly of a dead person. Of!"

 Shen Ningning couldn't bear it when she heard this.

"That's enough! Give her another hundred lashes before she dies. It is said that people speak kind words before they die, but you still spoke so viciously before you died, you are simply unrepentant."

Ren Er’s eyes widened: “Why?”

Shen Ningning said confidently: "I am a princess."

As soon as she finished speaking, the officials around her pushed Ren Er away. They heard her yelling curses and stuffed her mouth with a rag.

Ren San was also dragged away, while Prefect Ren fell into a coma, and Mrs. Ren also became crazy after the incident. She has been muttering now: "Ren Liuyue, your mother's curse must have come true when she died. Now I really have to die badly. It's all your mother's curse..."

Shen Ningning pursed her pink lips and her beautiful eyes were ruthless.

Mrs. Ren also deserves what she deserves. When she robs someone else’s husband or plots to force her first wife to death, she should have thought about the cycle of cause and effect and unfavorable retribution.

Perhaps my first wife, Mrs. Ren, has a spirit in heaven, and she can really breathe a sigh of relief.

Shen Ningning was glad now that the real Ren Liuyue and Fang Huan should have gone to live in a safe and prosperous place.

 Otherwise, they, who have never enjoyed the blessings of the Ren government, will still be implicated in the crimes of the prefect Ren.

 A month later, the new governor sent to Lingshan City by the emperor also arrived.

It is a coincidence that this prefect’s surname is Zhong. He had been the prefect in Lingshan City in his early years. However, he was later impeached by people around him for making mistakes in official duties.

The emperor demoted him and transferred him to a county three continents away as a small prefect.

So many years have passed, and his case has been found out. It turned out to be an unjust, false, and wrongful conviction.

 Zhong Taishou had a good reputation when he was an official, and the local people had a good impression of him.

So taking this opportunity, officials who were familiar with him recommended him to return to Lingshan City, and the emperor also approved it.

Unexpectedly, this was the opportunity. Shen Siyi used Shen Ningning's Lei Dian to test the blood and confirmed that Governor Zhong was Ren Si's biological father.

 Ke Zhong, the prefect, was over forty and claimed that he had never been married.

 With the help of Shen Ningning, the mystery was solved.

It turns out that when Governor Zhong was working in Lingshan City, he fell in love with a fisherman girl.

But their status was very different at that time. Before Zhong Taishou could marry her, he was forced to leave Lingshan City because of the unjust case, and he didn't even have a chance to say goodbye.

After the fisherman's daughter's pregnancy was discovered by her family, her father believed that her pregnancy before marriage was a disgrace to her innocence.

So he beat her half to death, threw her into a mass grave, and left her to fend for herself.

 Ren Si was born at this time.

  Shen Siyi guessed that the fisherman's daughter was too seriously injured and died in childbirth.

They later investigated and found that Ren Si was not picked up by the prefect Ren Si, but a woodcutter who passed by in the morning. He heard the child's cry and followed the sound to find him.

 Finally, she found out it was a girl, so she casually sold it to Ren Yazi for ten taels.

More than a year later, Prefect Ren bought Ren Si, a girl with delicate features, for fifty taels from Ren Yazi.

 After the truth came to light, Mr. Zhong and Ren Si’s father and daughter hugged each other and burst into tears.

Mr. Zhong never married because he had lost contact with the fisherman girl. He thought she had married a long time ago, but unexpectedly, she was killed by him.

He regretted it so much that he grabbed Ren Si's hand and said, "If I had acted faster, you two wouldn't have suffered like this for me."

 Ren Si was crying and couldn't say anything, but she was very happy that from now on, she had a real family.

 Shen Ningning understood her mood very well.

When you find your biological parents, the feeling that you are no longer alone in the world is worth shedding tears of joy.

 After another half month, things in Lingshan City were almost settled, and everyone decided to set off.

 The teacher returns to Beijing!

Mo Lingwei was the happiest, because it meant that his dream of marrying Shen Ningning would finally come true.