MTL - Thrown Into the Wolf’s Den! Zaizai Holds Space In His Hands To Survive the Disaster Year-Chapter 505 God takes action, it’s really extraordinary

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 Shen Ningning and Mrs. Shu were sitting in the hall drinking tea and talking and laughing.

 Looking up, she saw Su Zhirou still standing at the door, with a cautious look on her face, which made Shen Ningning purse her pink lips.

The girl put down the tea cup: "If you want to take a look, come in. My wolf father will not hurt anyone easily."

Su Zhirou shook her head decisively.

 In front of Mrs. Shu, her voice was very weak.

 “Forget it, I’m still scared.”

The Black Wolf King is as strong as a black bear. When he yawned just now, he saw that his fangs were very sharp.

Those four powerful wolf claws can tear an adult into pieces in an instant.

Su Zhirou is self-aware.

She has a bad relationship with Shen Ningning. If Shen Ningning lets the Black Wolf King eat her, she won't even have a chance to escape.

 But she didn't want Shen Ningning to be attentive in front of Mrs. Shu.

What's more, she knew that Shen Ningning came today because of Qi Xiuwei's matter, so she wanted to hear the truth and was unwilling to leave directly.

Mrs. Shu looked at her cowering appearance and sighed instead.

 “Zhirou, please go back to your room first.” She seemed embarrassed to be here all the time.

Su Zhirou was a little reluctant, but Mrs. Shu had already spoken, and she had no reason to stay.

  Can only walk slowly.

When she returned to the house, she closed the door with an unhappy look on her face.

Su Zhirou sat in front of the dressing mirror, complaining with bitter eyes: "Why do you accept me as your adopted daughter if you don't like me so much? You just don't like me in everything, and you keep favoring Shen Ningning!"

As she spoke, she looked up and saw a man in black clothes and a mask standing in the corner of the mirror behind her.

Su Zhirou was startled.

 Look back quickly.

After seeing the other person's eyes clearly, she breathed a sigh of relief: "Why is it you again? Who are you? You appear in my room silently every time. If you do this again, I will call someone. "

 The man spoke, his voice deliberately kept low.

“You don’t need to know who I am, you just need to know that in the entire Cangyun Kingdom, I am the only one who will fight for you through life and death, and others will only treat you as a foil.”

These words touched Su Zhirou's unwillingness.

 She bit her lower lip: "Then who are you?"

"I'm someone who can help you. You said yesterday that you wanted Jiang Zhi's affairs to be made public. Look, didn't I do it for you?"

 The man's words made Su Zhirou fall into deep thought.

That’s right, she also met this masked man before leaving the room yesterday.

She thought the other person was just joking, after all, he didn't even dare to show his face.

But unexpectedly, everyone who really caused the instigation would be suspicious of Qi Xiuwei. No one knew that she was the instigator of this incident.

Not only did he pick her clean, but he also destroyed the friendship between Shen Ningning and Qi Xiuwei.

Su Zhirou's evil thoughts grew in her heart, and she became even more complacent.

As if this masked man was her support and could help her achieve anything.

She narrowed her eyes: "Can you help me continue to drive a wedge between Shen Ningning and Qi Xiuwei? This is the perfect time to break up the relationship between them!"

Shen Ningning didn't want to see her, and even Qi Xiuwei didn't pay much attention to her.

Jiang Zhi didn't care about targeting him. After all, she had gone to General Fang Qingdai's place, so she expected that there would be no easy place to attack.

But Qi Xiuwei is different. She is in a moment of crisis. If Shen Ningning can be provoked, the two will definitely break up.

Su Zhirou just doesn’t want to see their relationship be so good!

The man in black was silent for a while before nodding: "I'll try my best."

His figure flashed, jumped out of the window and disappeared.

at the same time.

 Xie Mingan has found some clues and returned to the main hall.

 “Smelly second brother, have you discovered anything?”

"I saw the footprints you mentioned. The size of ordinary men's footprints. There are no less than fifteen servants in the Su Mansion who have matching feet. What's more, there are so many guests coming that day. It's impossible to check the feet one by one. size."

As Xie Mingan spoke, he asked the maid to get some water to wash her hands.

Hearing this, Shen Ningning held her chin in frustration: "So, there is nothing suspicious that can be found?" Mrs. Shu patted her hand comfortingly.

“It doesn’t matter if we can’t find her out. We all know who Miss Qi is and we won’t doubt her. When the time comes, Ning Ning will hold a banquet and invite her to participate.”

 Shen Ningning didn't think so.

 Qi Xiuwei is delicate and sensitive, always thinking about others.

 When something like this happened, she might be concerned if she couldn't find out who did it thoroughly.

Xie Mingan looked at her with a smile: "Just call me brother, and I will tell you a new discovery."

Shen Ningning raised her watery black eyes and glared at him coquettishly.

 “You stinky second brother! If you don’t tell me, I will ignore you. I will ignore you for three days!”

Xie Mingan frowned slightly when he heard this: "This is so unreasonable. In the past, the threats were only ignored for one day, but now it has become three days?"

"You have no conscience! That's all, you are my sister, I don't mind telling you, just wait."

Just then the maid brought a basin of clean water, and he washed his hands that had been turned over in the soil.

 Xie Mingan said: "Come and take a look."

 Shen Ningning hurriedly walked over curiously.

I saw Xie Mingan holding a small, round pearl in his hand.

 The girl was confused: "What is this?"

“Pearls are very common and are usually inlaid on clothes for decoration.” Xie Mingan said.

Shen Ningning nodded: "So what's so strange about this?"

 “Look at the color, look carefully.”

 After Xie Mingan reminded her, Shen Ningning discovered that the pearl was a little black.

She pouted: "It's just an ordinary pearl, it's just not of good quality."

"No," Xie Mingan shook his head: "Smell it, is it fragrant?"

Shen Ningning took a sniff and said, "It's true, it has a light fragrance."

Xie Mingan asked Mrs. Shu to smell it twice to confirm that it was indeed fragrant.

But what does this mean?

Xie Mingan smiled faintly: "Little sister, please remember, my second brother will teach you a lesson today. An ancient book once said that when pearls touch musk, they will turn black."

“I was looking around the grass you mentioned, and I found a small pearl. It should have fallen from my clothes, but the man didn’t know it.”

“Now let me test you again, why is this pearl associated with musk?”

Shen Ningning scratched her face in confusion.

“The pearls on the clothes...could it be that the incense on the clothes turned the pearls black?”

 “Think again, musk is expensive, how can it be used to fumigate clothes?”

Hearing this, Shen Ningning suddenly realized: "It's the incense in the room! The person wearing this dress must have stayed in a room filled with musk for a long time."

Mrs. Shu also understood. She asked: "But how can we accurately determine who it is? After all, all the dignitaries who came yesterday are using musk incense, which is normal."

 Xie Mingan laughed, his eyes narrow and shadowy.

"Yes," he said casually, but it made people feel more confident, "But if you can smoke pearls black, you must often rely on a stove burning musk, or wear a musk sachet with you."

“Musk is generally just a type of spice, but there are only a few people in the capital who like this smell so much.”

Shen Ningning blinked: "Who?"

Xie Mingan smiled and took her wrist: "Let's go, second brother will take you to the spice shop and have a look, and you will know!"

 The girl was taken away by him, and his second brother was very excited when he investigated the case.

She turned around hastily, said goodbye to Mrs. Shu, and was then dragged away.

The Black Wolf King jumped up and ran away like a black shadow.

 After they left, Mrs. Shu frowned and recalled.


 She remembered that a spice that Su Zhirou loved to use was called "poppy poppy".

This spice is mainly musk.

Mrs. Shu's eyes deepened and she called the maid: "Go and quietly inquire about where the young lady was and what she was doing yesterday before the maid of the Qi family came to see Vice General Zhang." (End of Chapter)