MTL - Throne of Magical Arcana-v9 Chapter 7 "Carl"

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Alas, when Downey was struggling to get up, the sudden knock on the door interrupted "Carr" 's "introduction", and they both turned their eyes to the door at the same time.

I saw the fan half-open and crumbling in front of the room due to the collapse of the wall chain, and the proctor Necromancer wearing a classical magic robe looked at them facelessly.

Donny's face muscles are still paralyzed, but his heart can't help but he can't help but say that as a mage who is responsible for the discipline and security of this magic tower, you have to wait until the danger is lifted! Is it really like the TV series "Sky TV" and "Lentat TV", the police or the Cavaliers will always be late?

The gray-haired Necromancer held a notebook with a black cover in his hand, glanced indifferently at the two, and swept over the broken monster and the sutured corpse, and chanted while recording: "Variable sutured corpse, with Most of the low-level materials have produced sutured corpses close to the level of the Great Knights, exceeding the best level in years, but the refined sutured corpses are not controlled and the corresponding score must be deducted. "

"Ordinary sutured corpses can give full play to the capabilities of the" mummy arm ", which is equivalent to a formal knight, able to withstand mutant sutured corpses twice. This is a rare finished product for magical apprentices, and this one The corpse is completely under the absolute control of the refiner ... "

Donnie was stunned. Did he just watch the accident just now? But why don't you take a shot? Confident in Carl? Or take the opportunity to identify our level of suture?

"So, we have no problem with the extra test?" The original name was Blaze, but he called himself a young man of Carl, and asked with a little joy in his expression, "Actually, I joined in the refining Part of the concept of the "first body", if you want ordinary suture corpses to reflect relevant ideas, the ability to integrate flight can be put into practice ... "

He explained his refining thoughts in a frantic manner. He heard the twitching of Donny's mouth. If you don't say your original thoughts, that is now a successful mutant suture corpse. It can definitely pass the assessment and can be based on your real plan and experiment plan This is an experimental accident. Not only does it not have the ability to fly, it has become a strange product of death and strange power! Can such things be said casually?

The necromancer at the door had a pair of amber-colored, slightly cloudy eyes. At this moment, he lowered his eyes, blocked his pupils, and continued to say in shock: "The ability to make these two suture corpses shows your identification of the materials. There is no problem."

Donnie was awakened, and the parchment paper on which he wrote the recognition result had decayed into gray under the aura of death of the monster. Fortunately, the teacher recognized his sutured body and judged the recognition result in the opposite direction.

"Your specific results will be announced together with the basic subjects, and you can check them by yourself." Necromancer put away his notebook, and ignored Carl's move to still share his refining ideas, turned and walked out, suddenly, he paused He paused: "Crying for help at critical moments is indeed more useful than his hopeless resistance ..."

After brushing it, Donny's face turned red. Just now his shout was really stern and stern, even sharper than the girls scared by ghosts in general school, and he always thought that he was calm and resolute.

But the surge of blood also resolved the paralysis around him, making him struggle to get up.

"Well, I'm so sorry. I just patronized myself and forgot to help you up. How about it? Are you hurt? Move your hands and shake your body to see if there are hidden problems." Carl's silver-purple eyes faded With sharpness, it was like a quiet lake gently rippling, shimmering with light and gentleness, and seeing that Downey closed his eyes subconsciously, it was too beautiful, just listen to the sound, otherwise he Can't help cursing this world.

"Your expression tells me that your spirit has been greatly impacted, but I have observed mutant sutures before. In addition to death shock, there should be no mental impact. Is there a problem that I did not see, uh ... … ”Carl suddenly woke up and scratched his head.“ Haha ”laughed.“ Should just be scared, right. My self-introduction was interrupted by the invigilator just now. My name is Blaze. This is me. My father ’s name means 'happy people' in common language, but I prefer ... ”

Donny quickly interrupted him: "Karl, well, I know you like people to call you that."

"Very good! You are the first person to accept my new name so quickly." Carl narrowed his eyes with a smile and his mouth widened. "My biggest goal at the moment is to be a real man, yes. I do n’t know what your name is? I think your magic robe should be a student of “Heart of Nature”? Is there a lot of elves in it? When I went to the Stroop Forest last time, the elder elders Tell me that more and more elves are now in love with our human life and are willing to seek a sustainable development path where social development and nature protection coexist harmoniously ... "

"Me, my name is Downey." Downey listened to the magnetic man's voice, how awkward and awkward he was, ma'am, no, classmate, if you don't speak, it's all right, when you stand there quietly, really A quiet and moving scenery, "We have finished the exam and cannot stay here according to the regulations."

Carl patted his palm suddenly, "Yeah, let's talk as we walk, Donny, your sutured corpse is very good, but there is no higher-level theoretical guidance, such as the" first body "I used concept……"

"What is the 'first body'?" Downey asked half-curiously, half-stopping Carl from rushing to speak.

"The" first body "is derived from the concept of the" first person "and the" return to life "ritual of the ancient Mesquite empire, and they believe that ..." Carl's method clearly outlines the origin, theory, development and evolution of the first body. Once again, until the two walked out of the magic tower, he didn't stop, and seemed to enjoy it. "For example, the reason why Lord 'Dead Lord' can become the pinnacle of legend is to complete and refine the 'first body' and succeed ... ... "

This kind of thing, "Voice of Mystery" and the TV station will not mention it, and the teachers in the magic school will not be contacted at all, so although Downey was dizzy, he was still full of interest, just secretly muttering, if Carl can briefly describe Just fine, of course, if his voice is as clear as spring water, it would be even better.

Suddenly, he stunned for a while. Where is this secret that an ordinary magic apprentice can know? Carl, is Carl the big man who arrived in a large aircraft before? Is it protected by the Guardian team of the Knights of Truth?

I thought of this, and he looked around subconsciously, as if the knights of the "Guardian" team were hiding behind the street trees on both sides, and their Gauss rifles kept aiming at themselves.

Thinking like this, a cold sweat came out of his forehead instantly, and there was a cold wind behind his instinct.

"Donny, do you understand?" Carl's voice passed into his ear.

Downey trembled, stuttering, "Why, what?"

啊 "Ah, you didn't understand? Then I'll say it again." Carl was not exasperated at all, but was more excited, and seemed to explain it in detail.

Downey's head swelled and interrupted Carl's words: "I probably understand."

"Oh." Carl stopped talking a little unhappy, his face was a bit heavy, Wen Wentian's undeterrent face unconsciously revealed a bit of majesty.

This made Donny's heart beat a few times, and after that, would he be set on fire by a Gauss rifle? Can there still be dead bodies intact?

其 "In fact, in fact, you are more suitable for the Cavaliers Road. I think your strength is comparable to that of the Grand Cavaliers." Downey stammered and shifted the topic, and what he wanted to say was that he was comparable to the dragon.

Carl chuckled: "My strength is just average."

He waved his right hand at will, hitting a sidewalk tree like a sycamore next to him.

After a few clicks, the street tree went straight from the interruption into two, and fell backwards, seeing Downey's mouth half open, completely closed.

"Haha, I'm just demonstrating my strongest power, you see, it can only interrupt an ordinary tree." Karl "haha" laughed and patted Downey's shoulder with his right hand.

Downey only felt his internal organs rolling, so he didn't fall down.

When Carl saw this, he immediately converged his smile. "A serious book" was authentic: "The road of the knight will eventually return to the exploration of essence and self. Therefore, arcane and magic are the most important things, and I applied for Hyde. Le Magic Academy is also in order to change its appearance from the most basic 'gene' level, uh, 'gene' is the concept proposed in the manuscript of "What is Life". Have you seen this manuscript? It is very outstanding Use the micro ...

Donny's facial muscles twitched slightly. I didn't even ask. You said it all yourself, but in order to prevent Carl from dragging the topic further away, he hurriedly said, "Change your appearance? I remember that many magic potions can To accomplish this goal, you should, shouldn't be able to afford a permanent change potion? "

其实 "Actually, don't you think I look good?" Carl smiled slightly, but it fell into Downey's eyes but bloomed like flowers, making him nodded dullly.

Carr continued on his own words: "The kind of permanent-changing potion has changed so much that it will ruin my perfect looks now. All I need is to make my appearance more masculine, not to change it fundamentally ~ ~ By then, I will be very handsome and very manly! Hey, this is my wish from childhood to age, who told my mother to want a girl when she was pregnant with me ... "

"What does this have to do with your mother's wishes?" Downey's nervousness has subsided a lot, because he found that when he stayed with Carl, he basically did nothing and said nothing, just nodded and agreed. Just listen to him, and he can speak almost everything, and fully satisfy his curiosity, really an easy-going person!

Carr gave Donny a strange look: "Will and mental power can act on the underlying material and change heredity ..."

He meant to continue to teach Downey.

"What a terrible will ..." Donny blurted out.

Carr stunned, Hahagan laughed twice: "I still have something to go. See you at the Heidler School of Magic, you will be able to pass in. I can judge from your ability to make sutures ..."

After a series of words, Carl said to go and leave, leaving Downey in a daze:

"Really a very innocent and cheerful young man."

"By the way, he said that the mutant suture corpse should not have a mental impact except for death shock. When did he observe?"

Donny suddenly seemed to be smashed by lightning.

In the dense canopy of a street tree, a knight stowed a Gauss rifle, touched an alchemy item in his ear, and whispered, "Investigate his information in secret, and there must be no omissions to prevent accidents." Continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to mobile phone (), reward, your support is my biggest motivation.)