MTL - This Text Adventure Game is Absolutely Toxic-Chapter 376 world of dead gods

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  Chapter 376 The world where the gods are dead

  The soul disappeared after speaking intermittently.

   Mu You frowned and looked at the place where the soul disappeared.

  I don't know what the purpose of this person left him with such a message before he finally died.

  However, since he already knew about it, he had to check whether it was a trap or not.

  After cleaning the battlefield, Mu You went to several other areas, but found that the children who were originally imprisoned in these areas had disappeared. Judging from the traces on the ground, it was probably when the Shadow God erupted and escaped.

   After turning around, there was no one alive in the underground factory except the three of them.

   Immediately, Mu You and Lin Xue returned to the high platform above the Gu pool, and on the north side of the high platform, they found the floor tile that the ghost had mentioned.


   Mu You leaned over and knocked on this brick, the sound was indeed different from other bricks around.

  Use the floating spell to move the bricks away, and there is a hollow space below, which houses a mechanism with a knob.

Turn the knob, and a series of "click" sounds are heard immediately below the grid. The bricks at the bottom are indented inward layer by layer, and soon a chimney-like passage is revealed, leading directly to the ground more than ten meters deep. Looking down It was pitch black.

   Mu You switched to robot skin and activated the sand spider nest.

  Dense sand spiders poured into the passage, climbing all the way down, and soon reached the bottom.

  Through the perspective of the sand spider, Mu You saw that there seemed to be something like a notebook underneath, which was tightly wrapped in a transparent insect-proof bag.

  Ten seconds later, the sand spiders crawled back to the ground, surrounded by the thick notebook.

   Mu You took the note, took it out and checked it.

  Title on the cover of the note: "Shadow Pompom Cultivation Journal".

  Opened it and quickly flipped through a few pages. It was just like the name. It recorded all the growth and changes of shadow pompoms in different periods.

  According to the instructions at the bottom of each page, this diary is recorded every year on a yearly cycle. In the upper right corner of each page, there are also hand-painted pictures to draw the real-time shape of the shadow pompom at that time.

  Mu You flipped through it quickly, and it can be seen that the shadow pompom has indeed grown up year by year, and its shape has gradually grown from a cute hairball shape to a ferocious and ugly giant monster.

  Of course, while its appearance becomes ugly, its level and ability will also increase step by step.

Judging from the description in the notes, basically after the first few years of training, after entering the growth period, the shadow pompom will have a preliminary combat ability, and then every few years will evolve an existing ability, or a new ability will appear .

According to the article, once the shadow pompom has been cultivated for more than 50 years, after the shadow pompom enters the mature stage, it is no longer necessary to look for the shadow to feed it, because at that time it already has the ability to automatically prey, and even if you want to stop it from growing up, you will not be able to eat it. Can't stop it.

  The people behind the scenes also started from this time, only then did they realize that he had lost control of the shadow pompom, and from then on began the long stage of confrontation with the shadow god...

  Of course, this is not a problem for Mu You, and he didn't plan to feed shadow pompoms for a long time.

   After it finishes eating the hundreds of shadows it had devoured before, Mu You will stop feeding it, and it will not grow to the stage where it can forage independently.

   What's more, there is a perfect shadow ghost beside Mu You who can completely restrain the shadow pompom. As the host of the shadow pompom himself, plus the existence of the box shadow ghost and Mianmian, it can be said that the people behind the scenes have been pursuing the condition of controlling the shadow **** for a lifetime, and they have gathered around him. When it grows up, there is no problem of being unable to suppress it.

   Mu You continued to browse backwards.

   It wasn't until the last hundred pages that there were some more diary-like text descriptions in the diary.

"Over the past year, whenever Shadow God fell into a deep sleep, I was occasionally able to connect to its perspective. Shadow God would recall some pictures that he had experienced in his dreams. It was through these pictures that I learned Lots of things about the 'Protoss'..."

"The 'Gods' are a complete and highly developed civilization. Every 'God' is as tall as a giant, so they also call themselves the 'Giant Race'...Of course, not all giants have 'divine power', and ordinary races The structure of the gods is similar. The vast majority of people in the Protoss are actually just ordinary giant humanoid creatures, while the remaining few giants with "divine power" have infinitely raised the upper limit of this race. Using various divine powers, they can do Seeing many things that ordinary people can hardly imagine, this also makes the protoss look like gods on a high level in the eyes of ordinary creatures..."

"...I was originally immersed in using the shadow god's perspective to visit the world of gods, but soon, I discovered a fact that made me desperate and horrified... Originally, the astral world was governed and protected by the gods, and each race had its own gods. , everything is in good order, hundreds of clans prosper, all things are peaceful, and there are few disputes. At that time, the star spirit world was much more prosperous and beautiful than it is now, and the area was much wider than it is now, with abundant resources and various species, just like a real land. The Taoyuan of Taoyuan... But since a certain day tens of thousands of years ago, the gods suddenly disappeared, and the entire **** race seems to have encountered some kind of catastrophe, and no gods have ever appeared alive since then..."

"...The Shadow God is the last living god. In other words, the Shadow God's body has also died in the catastrophe. It is only because of the particularity of the Shadow God that he survived the crisis in a special state of suspended animation by relying on his shadow. In the shape of a shadow pompom, he fled to the astral world, and then waited for the resurrection after a long time in a parasitic way..."

"...What puzzles me is that the history of the astral world that I know is pitifully short. All human writing and language records can only be traced back to about two thousand years ago, even through those long-historic tombs and immortals. The skeletons of the living beings, their limited existence time is only more than 3,800 years... So from the extinction of the gods to the tens of thousands of years since the birth of the existing civilization, has the star spirit world been blank?"

   Several consecutive pages describe some extremely informative content one after another.

   Mu You frowned, the Protoss was actually wiped out?

  From the strength of the shadow god, one can imagine how terrifying the perfect **** race is, and such a race has been wiped out, so what kind of existence should it be to kill them?

Mu You hurriedly continued to rummage backwards. In the next log, some additional content would appear from time to time, but there were only a few words, describing one or several dream scenes, which seemed quite confusing, and it was mentioned many times. Two words: Great Calamity and Minor Calamity.

Connecting these fragmented information, it seems that every four thousand years or so, there will be a "catastrophe" in the astral world. It will also become smaller after the Great Calamity.

   And what is the "Little Calamity Chronicle", but there is no specific description, only a sentence "related to the fool".

  These chaotic descriptions lasted for dozens of pages. It can be seen that the person behind the scenes who wrote this log was in a worrying mental state during this period.

   It was not until the last page that Mu You finally saw a longer and logically complete extra text.

"We live in a world where the gods are dead, no gods control, no gods take care of us, let us fend for ourselves, every four thousand years, the star spirit world will usher in a cataclysm, the catastrophe will be Destroy everything, cleanse everything, and now, there are only a hundred years left before the next cataclysm comes... A hundred years later, the world will come to an end...I must control the power of Shadow God as soon as possible , it is possible to escape the disaster..."

"However, recently, the shadow god's dream has become more and more unstable. I understand that it will wake up in the near future. At that time, its ability will completely suppress me, the master, and swallow me... Before that, I need to find To the trace of the 14th, or to create a new perfect work, it is possible to suppress it..."

   "If anyone finds this log, it means that I have failed, and I may have been swallowed by the Shadow God..."

   "Then, please remember this place: Mount Chuangjie."

  "One hundred years later, the world will come to an end, and everything will be destroyed, and Chuangjie Mountain is the only place that can change everything."

   "To be honest, I don't know what this place is, but according to the information I have so far, as long as I find this place, there are infinite possibilities..."

  The text came to an abrupt end here, and Mu You subconsciously turned back again, and the last half of the page was blank.

   But when he turned over, a piece of paper fell out from the cover of the book and fell to the ground.

   Mu You picked it up and saw that there was a hand-painted pattern on the paper, depicting a mountain, hidden in misty clouds and mist, it couldn't be seen clearly, only an outline could be barely discerned.

   "This is Chuangjie Mountain?"

   Mu You was dumbfounded. He thought that the other party had left a map or something in the end, but it turned out to be just a stick figure, and the drawing was too **** abstract, how would he find it?

   Shaking his head, Mu You looked back at the log on the previous page.

  The various bits and pieces of information in this log can be summed up to say three things.

  First, the Protoss has been exterminated for some reason a long time ago.

  Second, there will be a catastrophe every four thousand years in the star spirit world, and the catastrophe will destroy everything, and now there are only a hundred years left before the next catastrophe.

  Third, it mentioned an important place called "Chuangjie Mountain". It seems that as long as this place is found, there is a chance to prevent the catastrophe from happening.

  In addition, there is actually a hidden hint in the message left by the other party: Those who have mastered the power of the **** can avoid the catastrophe, and the other party is anxious to control the Shadow God, precisely for this reason.


  While Mu You was contemplating, the ground under his feet suddenly trembled violently.

  The entire underground factory was shaken, and countless gravel and dust fell from the sky. When Mu You looked up, a large number of cracks had appeared on the ceiling, and they were all expanding rapidly.

   "This place is going to collapse!" Mu You said.

   "Trap?" Lin Xue subconsciously looked at the book in Mu You's hand. They had just taken out the book when such a change occurred. It was hard not to make people think that it was a trick prepared by the person behind the scenes for them.

   "That's not enough to..."

Mu You shook his head: "It is impossible for a landslide of this magnitude to kill us, not to mention that he has no time to arrange it... It should have been arranged in advance, as long as the diary he hid is taken away, there will be It will automatically collapse and bury all the evils of the Undead Society."

  The vibration is still intensifying, and the density of falling rocks above the head is rapidly increasing.

  The two of them didn't have time to talk nonsense, they hurriedly placed teleportation arrays on the ground, and teleported back to Dawn City.

   "My lord!"

  Dawn City was quiet at this time, only the shadow wolf was patrolling near the gate of the main castle with a bow and arrow.

   "Is there no outsider coming up?" Mu You asked her.

  After the octopus king was killed and all the players were wiped out, Dawn City is now completely empty. It is the weakest time. If someone comes to attack at this time, it will be very troublesome.


   Shadow Wolf shook his head. The two left in less than two hours. Even if there were people who coveted Dawn City nearby, it was impossible to react so quickly.

  However, for the sake of insurance, Mu You immediately took action. Among the players who applied to enter the city, 2 million people came in, filling the gap in the number of residents and providing some defensive power for Dawn City.

  A large group of players suddenly appeared in Dawn City, running around in the city, and immediately brought a lot of vitality to the dead Dawn City.

  Many enthusiastic players also teleported to the gate of the main castle, trying to interact with Muyou. The entrance of the main castle instantly turned into a vegetable market, and all kinds of twittering inquiries were heard endlessly, making him one head and two loud.

   After dismissing these players, Mu You and Lin Xue didn't stay for long. They came through the crack in space, and the crack is time-limited, and it will only open for about seven hours. Now four hours have passed.

If they don't go back before the crack is closed, they will be left in the astral world. People who come through the crack will not lose their lifespan here, but after that they will be counted as people from the astral world, and they want to go back But it's difficult, if you go back through the door, your life will be deducted on the other side of the earth.

  The only way is to wait for half a year later, the space crack opens again, so that they can return to Earth without sequelae.

   But this is impossible, their home and roots are on the earth, and it is impossible to walk away for half a year.

  However, you can take advantage of this opportunity to transfer the two worlds at will, and transfer some creatures from the other side of the earth.

   Such as the two-headed dragon and the little spider.

These two are pets that need to fight frequently to upgrade. Although staying on the earth has the light of evolution, it is difficult for their high-growth pets to evolve further. It's better to transfer to the Star Spirit Realm, and you can follow him to fight monsters and upgrade, and Xiaoya's evolutionary light can also be used in the game.

  The two quickly returned to the crack, and after transferring the pets, they returned to Tokyo.

Before leaving, Mu You sealed the dry well with hidden space cracks in dust, and re-covered the stone slab above. This thing will not be opened again until half a year later, and after the undead are wiped out, they will know that this place exists. There should be only the two of them left, and he has no plans to say anything about it for the time being, maybe it will be available in the future.

  Back to Tokyo, it's almost morning.

  Lin Xue took the little girl to teleport back to the country first, and Mu You had to go back to meet the people from the exchange group.

  Take out the satellite phone from the space, turn it on, and see that there are many missed messages, all from Blood Emperor and others.

  He disappeared for four or five hours, and he didn't participate in the operation last night at all. At this moment, a group of people are busy looking for him.

Mu You hurriedly sent them back a message, explaining the situation last night. He said that after the riot last night, he found a relatively weak human-shaped shadow ghost in Qingmu District. Tracking alone, it took some effort to eliminate the opponent in the end.

  The human-shaped shadow ghost he was referring to was of course the little girl last night. The little girl killed someone before she left. After an investigation, she knew there was something wrong, which can fully support his words.

   Overall, their mission was a complete victory. Of course, the Blood Emperor and Director Wang didn't pursue anything after hearing this. They just reprimanded him and told him not to act alone next time, so they exposed the matter.

   Afterwards, Mu You rushed back to the guest house to join the crowd, and there were still some handover matters with the Japanese side.

  Here in Tokyo, last night’s shadow ghost outbreak caused a lot of damage, but most of them were economical, and there were not many casualties in terms of personnel because of the early warning.

   Those ordinary shadow ghosts had a single mode of action. After the initial chaos, Japanese folk masters were forced to join the war one after another, which gradually suppressed the shadow ghosts one by one.

   Even so, this incident still caused quite a stir in Japan. As the truth gradually broke out on the Internet after the incident, public opinion was in an uproar, and various responsibilities and abuses continued to erupt, which made the defense agency very busy...

   Mu You and the others couldn't care about this aspect. After hastily handing over the procedures, the exchange group boarded the plane back to China.

  (end of this chapter)