MTL - This is How the Heavens and the Worlds Come-Chapter 714 Invasion of the Holy Family

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Then, Yang Shou thought of the legendary battle of the Great Dao!

The Lord of the Black Mist controls the Great Way of Creation, while the Lord of the Upper Realm controls the Great Way of Destruction.

It's no wonder that the two are at odds with each other, and the Lord of the Upper Realm desperately plots against the Lord of the Black Mist.

Creation and Destruction...

The horror of these two avenues is self-evident.

The Dao of Creation can give birth to endless creatures and evolve many changes, but the Dao of Destruction is the exact opposite.

It is the way to destroy all living beings, and to a certain extent, it is very similar to Yang Shou's doomsday energy.

However, Yang Shou's doomsday energy is in charge of the way of destruction, which is full of the aura of destruction. As long as it reaches a very high level, everything will be destroyed.

And the avenue of the Lord of the Upper Realm is the Lord of the Black Mist that is completely aimed at.

"No wonder he wants to plot the Lord of the Black Mist and find Cang Gu in order to obliterate the Lord of the Black Mist."

Yang Shou murmured, followed by the realm of the Lord of the Upper Realm, the peak of Venerable.

Top ten!

According to Candeng, the Lord of the Upper Realm has been trying to reach the eleventh level, a realm that has never existed since ancient times.

"How much do you know about him and the Holy Race?"

Finally, Yang Shou stared at the residual lamp and asked.

Candeng shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I only have partial memories, and then I was trapped in the door of life and death until I was discovered by the master, and I didn't know much."

Yang Shou asked carefully, and this allowed him to re-enter the lantern.

This lamp has been repaired by him, and as his realm climbs, the effect of the residual lamp is getting smaller and smaller.

Now it is just used as a simple storage function.

Yang Shou asked Candeng to accompany Fu Nao, waiting for Fu Nao to wake up.

Afterwards, Yang Shou didn't dare to stay in this world for a long time, and hurriedly left with the lantern.

This world is transformed by the body of the ancestors, and it will end if you are not careful.

Although the other party has always been seriously injured, Yang Shou feels that even if the ancestor is in front of him, he is not necessarily the opponent of this ancestor.

Not long after he left, on World No. 7, on Earth, a will slowly awakened.

This will was aware of the abnormality in the sky, because he found that... the sun's irradiation from the sky actually lost its healing effect.

With his eyes fixed, he looked at the sun in the sky.

"Who... who... trespassed here?"

He pondered, and then a will followed the aura left in the heaven and earth, chasing the direction of Yang Shou's departure.

It turned into a long black dragon, very fast, and quickly caught up with Yang Shou.


He bombarded Yang Shou fiercely.

Yang Shou, who was traveling through the void, felt his scalp numb, and quickly raised his realm, once again possessing a tenth-level combat power.

Then the stomach and the black long dragon were smashed hard.

It took three thousand punches in a row to use the energy of doom to destroy the black long dragon.

And this long dragon, Yang Shou estimates, is very likely to be displayed by the other party at will.

Even more horrified, he did not dare to stay for a long time, and left directly.

"This son... not bad."

On the Earth of World No. 7, Tianzu heard a groaning sound, smiled softly, but did not pursue him any more.

Leaving the scope of the earth, it was the greatest blow he could deliver just now.

If this can't kill Yang Shou, he really has nothing to do with Yang Shou.

"The Lord of the Upper Realm, the Lord of the Black Mist, the ancestors of the spirit, the ancestors of the barbarians, during the time when I was sleeping, you played a good show."

This time, when he woke up, Tianzu glanced at the sky, and actually got everything that happened during this time.

"In the end, I stumbled into that world in the last epoch, causing heavy damage, but the early paintings I got are unimaginable for all of you!"

Tianzu sneered, and simply continued to sleep to heal his wounds.

He seems to have no interest in the opening of the market.


Yang Shou left the world where the ancestors lived with lingering fears.

With the five wills hidden in "Yang Shou", Yang Shou can grasp his dynamics at any time.

As long as he entered the ruins, Yang Shou would be able to find the location of the ruins through the line of karma.

He is also very interested in Xu.

But at this time, Yang Shou was rushing towards the Saint Clan.

Because he discovered... the third ancestor of the holy clan, Tianzu, was sleeping in World No. 7, Lingzu was trapped in the river of time by him, and the barbarian ancestor split into a real body. In order to calculate him, he did not recover.

This time...

He wants to enter the Saint Race world and turn it upside down. If possible, simply give the Saint Race a genocide!

Yang Shou didn't have any good feelings about the race that calculated his own.

This race, in particular, regards all things in the world as cud-dogs, especially for those who rebel.

He was nailed alive in the blood-colored mountains of the Rebellion Sect.

Among them, Emperor Xiao, Yang Shou has a particularly deep memory.

"Lord of the Upper Realm, I'm afraid this is also your plan, right?"

Soon, Yang Shou stood in front of the gate of the saint clan, looking at the boundless gate of the saint clan, and the holy mirror hanging on the gate, and muttered.

But this is exactly what Yang Shou wants. If he can destroy the big world where the saints are, Yang Shou estimates that he can reap tens of millions of doomsday crystals.

After all, the Saint Race is an extremely ancient race that can carry their world, and the same is true.

World No. 9 can still provide nearly ten million doomsday crystals, and the Saint Race world naturally has more.

Now Yang Shou has obtained tens of millions of doomsday crystals. If he obtains doomsday crystals from the Saint Race world, it is not far from the 100 million doomsday crystals required by the legendary sixth layer.

Standing outside the Saint Clan like this, Yang Shou summoned Diefeng, Xue Liuli, and Xu Mu.

Xu Mu waited by Yang Shou's side, and immediately guessed what Master was thinking at this time.

In this regard, he also quite agrees.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

No one guards the three ancestors of the holy clan.

He can destroy the holy clan unscrupulously, and even cut grass and roots...

Diefeng and Xue Liuli's eyes were full of doubts, and they couldn't help but ask: "Is this going to attack the saints?"

Because this time, Yang Shou didn't hide at all, but chose to show up!

Yang Shou nodded and pointed at the gate of the Saint Clan, the meaning was very clear.

Diefeng and Xue Liuli's hearts trembled, and they couldn't help but fall into a tangle.

Do you want to betray your family in order to save your life?

After so long contact, they already knew Yang Shou's character.

Have no interest in them, and keep them because there is no benefit in killing them.

And if...they didn't do it, Yang Shou at this time would probably kill them directly.

After all, next to him, there is the traitor Xu Mu.

He was also a saint.

After some entanglement and hesitation, the two women still made a decision. They stood in front of the holy mirror and let the holy mirror identify it. After passing through, the door of the holy family slammed open.

Afterwards, Yang Shou brought the two girls into the Great Thousand World, and he jumped in with Xu Mu and entered the Saint Clan!

There are people in blue everywhere.

Yang Shou and Xu Mu's outfits immediately caught the attention of these blue-clothed men.

Because in the Saint Race, not wearing blue clothes is equivalent to being dissatisfied with the Saint Race.

Serious cases will be directly executed.

"You... are you a senior?"

Soon, following the reports, disciples of the Counter-Rebel Sect came one after another and recognized Xu Mu's identity.

Xu Mu smiled and told everyone to leave. The disciples of the Counter-Rebel Sect didn't dare to disobey, so they left directly, and they didn't picket the problem that they didn't wear blue clothes.

Even in the Holy Race, strength is a crucial issue.

"Master, where should we start?"

As a traitor living in the Holy Clan, Xu Mu rebelled without any pressure.

Yang Shou glanced at this huge world and looked in the direction of the Sect of Rebellion.

"Help them escape from prison first, and let them stir up turmoil in this world."

Yang Shou took a deep breath and took Xu Mu directly to the Scarlet Mountains.

After all, there is Xu Mu, a natural condition, so there is no need to use it in vain.

What made Yang Shou puzzled was that the ancestor did not designate that Xu Mu was a traitor. After so long, Xu Mu's identity was just as good.

Either the ancestors have no plans.

Or there are traces of the Lord of the Upper Realm intervening in it.

Soon, Xu Mu brought Yang Shou to the blood-colored mountains, looking at the geniuses from one world after another.

Especially at the peak of the blood-colored mountains, a big man had seventy-two heavenly knives inserted all over his body!

On top of his head, the ancestors even left a paragraph of text to suppress him!


Yang Shoushen took a The power inside the Daqian world was running, making his own power crazy, reaching the tenth level in an instant!

The tenth-level aura spread out, causing the entire blood-colored mountains to boil again.

"Barbarian ancestor, fight me again if you have the ability!"

"Barbarian ancestor, I know you are here, get out of here!"

"I'm unwilling, why is my clan born weak and enslaved by your clan?"


Many people roared in the sky, very miserable.

Among them, Emperor Xiao shouted the most fiercely.

He was suppressed by the ancestors himself, and his strength even reached the beginning!

It's just that after being suppressed, under the seventy-two Heavenly Swords, his strength has begun to slowly decline, and now it has declined to the peak of the ninth level.

At this moment, his two **** tears slowly opened, staring at Yang Shou in front of him.

"You... who are you?"

His thick voice was very hoarse, but instinct told him that the person in front of him was not a barbarian ancestor.

"The one who saves you."

Yang Shou grinned, and immediately violently tore the words sealed on the top of his head, and in one breath, he blew off the seventy-two heavenly knives stuck on him!

"You do it yourself."

Immediately, Yang Shou turned around and continued to save the others.

The rescued Emperor Xiao, half-knelt on the ground, showed a wry smile and contemplation. After a while, he looked at this world with a cold glow in his eyes.

"You claim to be a saint, enslave my clan, and kill 30 million souls of my clan. Today, it's your time to pay your debts with blood!"

There was deep hatred in his eyes.

With the accumulation of his hatred, his strength gradually increased, and in a short period of time, he actually stepped into the Beginning Realm again!

"Vengeance! Revenge!"

Afterwards, Yang Shou destroyed those beings detained in the Suppression of Rebellion Sect.