MTL - This Guy is Wrong-Chapter 2537 Ask Immortal Huangquan (117)

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   Chapter 2537 Asking Immortal Huangquan (117)

   In the dark night sky, half a star could not be seen, and various alarms in the city sounded one after another.

  The man stood on the roof, the wind blew past him, and the corners of his clothes swayed slightly.

   He played with the mask in his hand, and looked at the brightly lit urban agglomeration under his feet.

   "Sir, everything is ready."


  The man put the mask on his face and left the rooftop with him.

   There is an artificial lake not far behind this building.

   At this time, the man was standing on the edge of the artificial lake.

  There are many people around, like ghosts standing here without lights.

  The man opened his palm, and a piece of metal was lying in the palm of his hand.

   He squeezed the metal piece, kissed lightly through the mask, and then ordered: "Let's start."


  The figures by the lake walked into the lake one after another, and the water submerged from their ankles, to their waists, and then to their necks.

   But they were not afraid at all, as if it were a very sacred thing.



   "Newly formed junction detected."

  The robot made a sudden noise, startling Xingjue, and he looked at Chuzheng subconsciously.

   The latter was rather calm: "Location."

  Robot: "Position confirmation..."

  The robot quickly determined the location, which is in Jingnan City, which is some distance away.

   Between the electric light and flint, Chuzheng wanted to understand the other party's purpose.

   Tune the tiger away from the mountain and disperse the people who asked about the fairy road.

The    suicide incident stumbled all the security personnel of the Unknown Biological Administration and the city system.

   Chuzheng 'snapped' and pinched the thing in his hand.

   Opening a new connection point that has not been recorded is the purpose of the other party.

  Dog things are okay! !

   "Miss Chuzheng, we found..."

"No time."

   Chuzheng pulled Xingjue away, leaving behind the people who came to report the news.

   "Miss Chuzheng...Miss Chuzheng, where are you going? We found Yao Zhuyue."

   "Catch it yourself." Chuzheng jammed Xingjue into the car, followed him into the car, and drove straight away.

The man behind    chased after him a few steps before being forced to stop.

   How did they catch it?

   Yao Zhuyue's ability, go up and hang one! ! !

   How did he explain this to Professor Su?


  The car galloped past the city, and the light and shadow of the city flowed through the window, forming a virtual shadow.

   "Baby, where are we going?"

   "Take you to gain insight."


The    robot appeared and said in a milky voice: "Master, an unknown creature has been detected... wow! There are so many! I can't count them!"

   The robots didn’t even say how many.

   Chuzheng narrowed his eyes slightly and looked forward.

   The street lights in front were not on, it was dark.

   The car seemed to be heading for unknown danger.

   When the car passed the last light and was swallowed by darkness, the car body was slammed by something.

  Xingjue was pulled over and hugged by Chuzheng Chuzheng: "Close your eyes."

  Xingjue thought about the current situation, he couldn't see anything when he opened his eyes, what difference did he make if he closed his eyes or not.

   But in view of the respect for his baby, Xing Jue obediently closed his eyes.

   The windows seem to be open and the wind is coming in.

   He heard some sort of beast-like growl.

   There was an unpleasant stench in the air, and the smell of Xing Jue was extremely nauseating.

  Xingjue closed his eyes, but he still felt the light.

   He couldn't help but lift a slit to take a peek.

   The car was still galloping, passing by the fire tree and silver flowers, and the picture was extremely shocking.

   The things outside were entangled by the silver light, exploded silently, turned into countless silver light spots, scattered in the air, this is the fire tree silver flower he saw at first glance.

  The number of unknown creatures that rushed up gradually decreased.

  Xingjue swallowed.

  Baby is too amazing...


   Twenty minutes later.

  The car was parked in a relatively hidden place, Chuzheng asked Xing Jue to wait in the car.

  Xing Jue hesitated and nodded: "Okay."

   He can't help even if he goes down, there's no need to make trouble for her.

  Xingjue watched Chuzheng go down, and with a 'click' in his ear, the door was locked.

  Xing Jue: "..."

  I don't know why, but I always feel that this picture is a bit familiar.

  Chuzheng got off the bus, crossed a small road and arrived at the lake.

  The lake is calm and calm, but the spiritual value here is messy, like the unknown creature that was caught.

   There was a man standing across from the lake. Chuzheng appeared, and he looked over at the first time.

   The man was wearing a mask, so he couldn't see his face clearly, and his whole body was full of weird spiritual fluctuations.

   He is not human.

   At this moment, the man suddenly flew up and stood on the lake surface out of thin air.

   "You're not here at the right time." The man's voice was quite nice, not aggressive.

   "I'm sorry to bother you." The tone was cold, without the slightest regret.

  The man was silent: "Why didn't you pay attention to those junction points?"

   "Why should I bother?"


   Isn't it your duty to ride the horse?

   "Those junction points are open, it's also troublesome for you, how can you ignore it?"

   "It's none of my business, I'll take care of it if I'm happy, I'll take care of it if I'm not happy, and no one can talk about me." Without a boss, he can do whatever he wants.


   Chuzheng glanced at the still calm lake: "Jiang Yunli?"

  The man did not deny: "Jiang Jibei has found you."

   He took off the mask, and the face under the mask was almost exactly the same as Jiang Jibei.

   But soon that face changed.

   gradually became less like.

   Chuzheng's eyes narrowed slightly: "Why are you pretending to be Jiang Jibei?"

   "Some things are of course easier for a living person to do." Jiang Yunli lowered his head and played with the mask in his hand: "Jiang Jibei's identity is sometimes very useful."

   "Don't you all let unknown creatures live directly, and whoever doesn't obey will replace him. Do you need to use someone else's identity?"

  Jiang Yunli: "But I am a dead person after all, and it is easy to cause unnecessary trouble."

   You are quite thoughtful.

   It's not that Jiang Jibei will blame you for accidents in the future.

   What can't be done, the first place in the pit brother.

  Chuzheng: "You did that thing outside now?"

  Jiang Yunli defended himself: "That kid stole my things, and now he can't control it, it shouldn't be counted on my head."

   Who's not yours!

  Who built the lab!

Is it me?

**** thing!

   Chuzheng suppressed his anger and calmly changed the subject: "So, you do so many things just to open the passage?"

  Jiang Yunli looked at the lake: "Don't you think the world needs us more? Humans are so weak, we can replace them and live a better life."

   "This is the human world."

  Jiang Yunli chuckled: "Whoever has the greatest ability has the ability to become the master of this world, isn't it?"

   Chuzheng said "oh", "You just think you're amazing?"

   Chuzheng thought Jiang Yunli would admit it, but he denied it with a disapproving face.

   "I don't think so, I just want my kind to have a better living environment."


  The article will be updated tomorrow~

   "The Reason for One Hundred Thousand Krypton Gold"

   (end of this chapter)