MTL - This Game is Not Easy-~ Pseudo one

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"Report to the leader, Room 315 of the Tai'an Hotel is empty!"

Yu Che hadn't answered yet, but the communications department responded first.

"No one? Impossible! Experiment No. 11 is still in video communication, and he never left that house!"

"Then tell me what's going on now? You are a traitor, you lied about information, and you still dare to argue now!"

"You must have checked the wrong place. When experiment No. 11 left the screen before, there was a corner of room 315 behind the stool. Coupled with the familiar room layout, it is definitely the Tai'an Hotel."

The sound of scolding and accusations between the Communications Department and the Doomsday team rang through the earphones.

Changed to normal, Yu Che had already given orders to adjust internal conflicts.

But at this moment, he just slowly took out the extremely secret small earphones in his ears.

The world returned to peace, and Yu Che's eyes looked straight at the screen.

"You...not in room 315 of Tai'an Hotel."

Fang Yi on the screen smiled, and he smiled leisurely.

"When did I say I was here?"

"But my subordinates clearly stated that they saw the room key..."

Fang Yi heard the words, slowly stood up with a smile, the stool legs that were originally blocked by the shoes were exposed in the eyes of the car.

Behind the foot of the stool, there is indeed a key with No. 315 written on it, which is exactly the same specification as the Tai'an Hotel.

" said this."

Fang Yi bent down to take out the key and shook it in front of the screen.

Immediately, the people from the Communications Department exploded.

"That's right, this is it! This is what we saw just now!"

"Room 315 of the Tai'an Hotel is definitely the key to the Tai'an Hotel!"

"The doom team must have found the wrong place!"

The Doomsday team immediately counterattacked and roared.

There is only one Tai'an Hotel in the entire Pine City, how could it be wrong!

At this moment, Fang Yi on the screen slowly opened his mouth.

"Do you think this key is very similar to the Tai'an Hotel? No doubt, it is!"

Yu Che looked slightly stunned.

"But you're not in the Tai'an Hotel."


"Then why do you have a key..."

"I bought it."



Everyone was stunned, but Yu Che was the first to react.

"Those decorations similar to Tai'an Hotel..."

Stools, rugs, lampstands…

According to the Ministry of Communications, these items are all standard equipment of the Tai'an Hotel, and there is no possibility of error.

"These things? Of course I also bought them, and I bought them from the owner of the Tai'an Hotel. I asked the moving company to deliver them for me, and I also paid a lot of sealing fees. The cost is very large. But it doesn't matter, it is not used anyway. my money."

This made Yu Che very depressed.

Needless to say, the money Fang Yi used must have been stolen from the deceased escort.

"And this wall, I chose it on purpose. I searched for a long time in this area before I found a similar wall, but you didn't notice this detail, which makes me a little disappointed."

On the screen, Fang Yi finished introducing the furniture, turned around and touched the white wall behind him.

Yu Che's face gradually became gloomy, staring coldly at the screen.

"You are misleading us!"

"Wrong, wrong, wrong, I'm sincere, but you are not. That's why it's misleading, otherwise everyone would have been happy, right?"

The principle is this principle, but Yu Che could not really form an alliance with an experimental body, and he never thought about it.

"...What exactly do you want to do?"

"Don't worry, let me analyze it for you first."

Fang Yi sat back on the screen, and Yu Che took the opportunity to put the headphones back in his ears.

The analysis from the communications department and the Doomsday team came from the earphones, and they were constantly expanding the scope of the search and interrogating the hotel owner.

Things seemed to be going well, but on the screen, Fang Yi's next sentence made everyone stop again.

"First of all, please let your people stop busy. Since I have told these things, it is impossible for you to leave a gap for you to investigate. The moving company doesn't know where I went."

"...You are thoughtful, but things like furniture are hard to carry, right?"

"There are so many ways to let the moving company throw things on the side of the road, stop a long-distance truck, and give him money to help. Or simply rent a large truck by yourself... By the way, you should have found out what the moving company will put on the furniture. Are they all taken to the side of the road?"


Yu Che was listening to the search situation in real time. They just found out the number of the person in charge of the moving company.

This old monster with the face of Zhengtai really thinks far enough.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that your people came very quickly. It was a bit faster than I expected. This means that either you have a sub-base near the Tai'an Hotel area, or... your main base. Right next to Tai'an Hotel!”

When Yu Che heard the words, his heart sank.

Patronized to track down the location of the No. 11 experimental body, and pursued a quick solution. Unexpectedly, the information of the organization was exposed instead!

Fortunately, the other party is still not sure whether it is a sub-base or a main base, and everything is based on speculation, and there is no actual evidence.

"Huh? This reaction, could it be that I won the grand prize? Your main base is near the Tai'an Hotel, right!"

The sound from the front made Yu Che's heart tremble.

impossible! The subconscious reactions just now were all restrained, even if there was a movement, it was very subtle, how could it be observed.

However, he didn't know that Fang Yi didn't see any subtle movements at all.

It is purely a wave of a certain form.

Infer a very threatening conclusion, then pause for a while to give the other party a few seconds of buffer time, and then immediately finalize the biggest threat, pretending that he has seen through everything.

That's right, it's just pretending. As long as others don't know, the fake can become real.

At least now, Yu Che was completely trapped inside.


"Boss Yu, it's dangerous, it's very dangerous. If you're not careful, you will reveal important information. You said, what do you think will happen if I accidentally tell this news to the people at Lingyuan Research Institute? ?"

Yu Che was completely silent, and after a while, he slowly raised his head and said, "You shouldn't do this, we are allies."

On the screen, Fang Yi slowly put down his crossed hands and grinned.

"Wrong, we are businessmen."

Allies represent cooperative relationships.

Merchant, representing the relationship of buying and selling.

The meanings of the two are completely different.

"What... what do you want to do?"

This is the first time Yu Che has said this.

The more he got in touch, the more he felt that the little boy on the screen was unfathomable.

"I want to sell a piece of news, a piece of news about the location of the headquarters of your Xuanmo organization. I think you should be interested in buying this news back, right?"


On the screen, Fang Yi's smile bloomed silently, like a demon.

Three days later, late at night.

Moon District, a single room on the second floor.

The dark room was silent.


At this moment, along with a slight sound, the door lock suddenly failed, and the door opened silently.

A short figure entered the room lightly and closed the door again.

"I didn't expect that the level of psychic technology in Xuanmo's organization is not low, and there are such good things."

Three days ago, Fang Yi extorted a batch of materials and materials from the Xuanmo Organization.

When handing over, the other party didn't play tricks and let Fang Yi's preparations be useless.

In the words of the leader of the Xuanmo organization, after that confrontation, the Xuanmo organization really wanted to establish a cooperative relationship with Fang Yi.

It's a pity that Fang Yi's previous actions made Fang Yi give no hope for his integrity.

So I just made a few perfunctory sentences and then ignored it.

Most of the materials were stolen from the Lingyuan Research Institute, the latest research and records on the experimental body, and the description of the new seal ring.

A small part is a detailed record of what happened recently in Pine City, as well as the common sense perception of this world.

This information allowed Fang Yi to fully understand the current situation and how he should act to win.

As for the materials, there are not many, but they are all top-notch military equipment.

This made Fang Yi's actions in the past few days even more powerful.

Small Psionic Pulser: It can temporarily disable the psionic alarm signal for a short period of time.

It doesn't last long, but it's enough.

It is definitely not possible to deal with Lingyuan Research Institute, because Lingyuan Research Institute has more advanced countermeasure equipment.

But in the Moon District, there are not so advanced things.

Metal flowing corrosive liquid: Just drop a little bit into the keyhole, it can automatically corrode the internal structure of the door lock and unlock it easily.

Fang Yi just used these two items to sneak into this room safely.

The furnishings and arrangements in the room are not complicated.

After careful inspection, after confirming that there were no other alarm facilities, Fang Yi began to feel towards the bedroom.

Using the metal flowing corrosive liquid to destroy the bedroom door lock, Fang Yi gently pushed it.

In the room, there was no light, only the sound of steady breathing, fluctuating slightly.

Looking at the effect of the six-way, Fang Yi has a simple night vision ability, and can see the situation in the room clearly.

He quietly touched the bedside, took out a dagger, and placed it on the other's neck.

Then Fang Yi casually turned on the lamp next to him.

The light source came on, illuminating the sleeping person's face clearly.

He is Ruoying's boss, a middle-aged man who lost an arm in the Blood Word Spirit Field.

"Captain Liang, it's time to wake up."

After patting the face of Captain Broken Arm a few times, the other party finally opened his eyes in a daze.

The next moment, his whole body suddenly stiffened, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

"Experiment No. 11... uhh?!"

Before the exclamation could be fully shouted, Fang Yi covered his mouth with one hand.

After all, it was the people from the Lingyuan Research Institute. After realizing that they were being controlled, they immediately began to struggle.

It's a pity that Fang Yi's hand was so stable that the opponent only struggled twice, and two blood openings were drawn on his neck. The blood flowed directly down the wound and stained the sheet red.

The severe pain made Captain Broken Arm quiet, and he also realized that the No. 11 experiment was not as innocent and cute as it appeared.

Only two days ago, he saw the photo of the No. 1 experimental subject at the secret meeting held by Captain Jian Feng.

At the time, I thought that such a cute appearance had nothing to do with the murderous No. 11 subject.

As a result, he suddenly saw himself now, making him realize the reality.


He stopped, looked at the little Zhengtai in front of him quietly, and asked in a low voice.

It's a pity that his mouth was covered, and all that came out was a mumble.

"I ask, you answer, just blink once if you understand, if you don't understand..."

Fang Yi smiled and didn't finish the rest of the sentence, but the meaning was already conveyed.

Because the voice just fell, Captain Broken Arm blinked.

"very good…"

Fang Yi released his hand and asked with a smile, "How much do you know about me?"

This question, Fang Yi had asked the leader of the Xuanmo organization before.

It's a pity that the Xuanmo organization knows too little information, and even the ability is not clear.

At that time, Fang Yi was fooled and limped. He really thought that Fang Yi possessed some powerful supernatural abilities such as signal shuttle, spiritual piercing eyes, and invisibility.

Even after getting the experimental body data from the Xuanmo organization and grabbing it from the Lingyuan Research Institute.

There is no detailed description of Fang Yi's abilities, only general information such as health records, appearance and weight are recorded.

Obviously, this part of the information belongs to high-level secrets, and the Xuanmo organization did not grab this key information.

Therefore, Fang Yi had no choice but to target the people at Lingyuan Research Institute.

Of course, his purpose is not limited to this.

"You... About your information, I have only recently come into contact with it, so I don't know much."

Captain Broken Arm was very calm, even though the wound on his neck was bleeding, he still answered questions smoothly.

Bleeding from the wound is not fatal.

But if he can't answer the question of the eleventh subject, he may die in the next second.

"Very good, tell all the information you know."

When Captain Broken Arm heard the words, he glanced at Fang Yi and felt a little doubt in his heart.

Experiment No. 11, come to inquire about the information about Experiment No. 11?

What is the logic?

Could it be that the subject will still have amnesia? Captain Jian Feng never mentioned this information.

"Experiment No. 11, with the appearance of a seven- or eight-year-old boy, has the ability to create a spiritual field, and is extremely dangerous..."

Create a spiritual field?

Fang Yi immediately remembered that he had triggered the **** and weird ossification phenomenon It seems that this is it.

That kind of ability is really powerful.

The bizarre way of killing people, and the effect that can be said to follow the law, is simply invincible in the spiritual field.

But the problem is that this ability is completely beyond his control.

At least not yet found a way to control it.

It is completely a double-edged sword. Pull yourself and the enemy into the same environment, and use your life to fight for luck.

With such a pitiful ability, it's not worth the effort of the Psionics Research Institute to dispatch nearly 50% of the people to search for it, right?

"...According to the researcher, the eleventh experiment can create dozens of different spiritual fields."

"Wait! How many?"

"Dozens of kinds... They didn't tell me exactly how many. On the eleventh, I'm just the team leader of the entire search department. If you ask me, you won't be able to get any useful information."

According to common sense, this is indeed the case.

But the problem is that Fang Yi knows too little about his abilities.


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