MTL - This Game is Not Easy-Chapter 46 autopsy

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No one could answer, but they still looked at the food in front of Fang Yi's table.

I have eaten white bread, eaten hot fruit, beer...haven't you drunk beer? !

Everyone was slightly taken aback.

For mercenaries like them, there is basically no one who doesn't drink at the dinner table.

And according to rumors, the Agud knight is also a good drinker...

and many more!

Everyone's expressions became strange.

"Is the bottle of wine on Knight Argud's table missing a little?"

"Wrong... Illusion, I don't think it's too small."

"Yes... yes, no less!"


There was another brief silence, but the meaning of this silence was completely different.

The former is unaware of the situation.

The latter knew the situation, but did not dare to discuss it.

Because they found that the only difference between the Knights of Agold and them in the scene was that they drank that precious bottle of wine.

The strange silence made the fat earl's face look ugly.

"The wine is not poisonous! I haven't touched my hands or feet!"

After speaking, the fat earl also picked up the wine in front of him and poured it down violently.

When the wine bottle was put down, there was nothing abnormal except that his complexion slightly turned red.

Everyone looked at each other.

The fat earl dared to drink the wine in front of him, but they dared not.

"I, of course we believe in the count!"

"Yes, yes, the Night Demon must be hiding among us! This is a false accusation, and it is to confuse the public!"

The fat earl looked a little better now.

In order to slay the Night Demon, he was almost framed back, which made him very uncomfortable.

Step, step, step.

At this moment, the butler returned to the hall with an old man and a young man.

The old man's clothes are messy and he has a chicken coop.

There is a scar on the left eye, apparently blind.

The only right eye is rapidly turning to observe the situation.

There was a smile on his face, but the smile was a little neurotic, very different from ordinary people's smiles.

The young man wears a black hat and a beak mask.

Hands with white gloves, holding a wooden stick.

Wearing a linen shirt and a cloak.

There was some thick snow hanging on the shoulders of the cloak, which seemed to be in a hurry, but the pace was very steady.

Thick snow?

Fang Yi's heart skipped a beat.

Immediately realized that he had overlooked a detail.

Looking at the people in the hall, sure enough, everyone was wearing a lot of clothes.

"In other words, it's snowing outside? Is it winter now?"

"Doctor Bird's Beak was called by the housekeeper, and it didn't take much time, but there was this level of snow on the shoulders, which meant that it was snowing heavily outside."

Vaguely, Fang Yi had already guessed how the Fat Earl restricted everyone from leaving.

I'm afraid the problem is with the horses and the supply.

On a snowy day, if there are no horses to travel, there is not enough supply of supplies, even a mercenary with strong physical fitness will have to die on the way home.

It seems that the map of this dungeon is much smaller than I expected.

Because, unless the Fat Earl is resolved, the horse control and the supply issue are resolved, no one can leave this manor on a snowy day.

"Lord Lord."

"Lord Lord."

Fang Yi thought about it a lot, but it didn't take long.

At this time, the old one-eyed and bird-billed doctors had just saluted the fat earl.

"Old One-Eyed, dispose of Baron Ram's body. Doctor Goul, go check Knight Agold, what poison did you eat, and what poison did you get."

If you find out what poisoning you have eaten, you can know the source of the poisoning and conduct personnel investigation.

If you find out what poison you have, you can reduce the scope of the investigation and find out who the poisoner is more accurately.

After dividing the work between the two, the fat earl swept over the crowd with warning eyes.

"Night Demon, I know you must be among these people. I advise you to come out and surrender as soon as possible. Otherwise, when Dr. Goul finds out the clues, the end will never be as simple as moving your head. Trust me, you will realize that life is better than death. Feel!"

With these words, apart from letting the old one-eyed glance at the group of people when he was carrying the corpse away, no one responded at all.

In silence, Doctor Birdbeak came towards Fang Yi's body.

Depend on! No, is it really a post-mortem?

Although Fang Yi was a little nervous in his heart, he restrained his body and did not react.

If the identity and skills of the corpse are really consistent with the description of the skills, there should be no flaws.

Even as long as others can endure the pain when they open the knife, there is still a chance to get away with it.

However, in order to do this, there is a very high requirement for restraint.

Fang Yi's restraint, naturally, needless to say.

After so many years in the game, his hard power in all aspects has been impeccable.

The only thing that worries Fang Yi is that if the operation is done and the doctor opens the stomach, it will turn the living into the dead, and it will definitely be finished.

So if it really comes to the point where an autopsy is required, Fang Yi can only give it a shot.

Fortunately, it is [Medieval Instance] now.

In the Middle Ages, due to the prevalence of Christianity, everyone kept the corpse with respect. To disembowel a corpse or something, even an earl would not dare to go against the world.

Therefore, Fang Yi felt that the autopsy step should not reach this step. UU Reading

Under everyone's attention, Doctor Birdbeak came to Fang Yi.

He first circled around Fang Yi's body, then dipped the green liquid that Fang Yi spit out with a wooden stick, picked it up and examined it carefully.

Finally, he investigated the dining table in front of Fang Yi, paused and thought for a moment, and then faced the Fat Count again.

"Lord Lord, I have found out."

Because of the mask, no one could see Doctor Bird's mouth clearly.

But Fang Yi felt that the other party should not have discovered his true state.

After all, just relying on these actions, these inspections, will definitely not find much information.

"This doctor, the autopsy skills are a little immature. Is it because the people in the Fatty Earl's Manor have poor medical skills, or because this guy is a gamer and can't adapt to his current status?"

This situation is possible, after all, no one is omnipotent.

When it comes to a dungeon identity that is highly professional and completely unfamiliar to oneself at the same time, flaws are inevitable.

But generally at this time, the dungeon identity skills will play a role, so that the player will not be completely smeared.

An experienced player, when encountering such a situation, can perfect the details of the process, and then pass the result through the identity of the copy to deal with the past perfectly.

But the one in front of him obviously made the process too simple.

This made Fang Yi feel that it was quite possible that the bird-beak doctor was a player. And he should also be a novice, who has only played a few games at most, and knows nothing about how the medieval bird-beak doctor performed an autopsy, so the autopsy process is so simple.

Ps: There is a power outage today... so there is only one update, let's [owe update +1] first