MTL - This Game is Not Easy-Chapter 159 The experiment was a great success

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Fang Yi estimates that this has something to do with the lack of basic knowledge.

At the beginning, there are all kinds of high numbers, and no one can stand it.

Replacing it with the most basic common-sense knowledge related to magic, Wu Yan really learned a lot easier. He could learn two books a day, and it looked like he could learn it step by step.

Fang Yi compared the efficiency. Fang Yi calmed down and studied by himself. In terms of learning basic knowledge, he can also achieve a similar effect as Wuyan is now.

But this requires you to really look into your knowledge, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it will be even more difficult if you are not professional.

Unlike Wuyan, which explains the profound things in simple terms, like a top-level teacher is teaching in real time, the knowledge is directly poured into the brain, which is very easy to learn.

After this test, Fang Yi found that the new special effect of the Alien Knife has great potential, which can completely make Wuyan farm in the dungeon and become a great scholar!

It's just that Silent's mental consumption can't keep up.

Books with basic knowledge are okay, but when you start to advance to a more difficult secretary, with the special-shaped knife, you can probably read a book in a day without words, and you will feel a lot of sluggishness.

In the past few days, every time the guards at the gate of the palace saw that they entered Fang Yi's palace with full of energy and spirit silently.

After a few minutes, Wu Yan walked out of the palace with a sullen face, as if he was about to fall apart, and he seemed to be unable to walk even when he was tired.

"This, this, this..."

"Master Mo's majesty is unfathomable..."

The guard whispered, and when he saw Fang Yi come out, his face was filled with admiration.

This made Fang Yi very confused.

But he didn't think much about it and went straight to the training camp.

In the past few days, in addition to researching the new special effects of the special-shaped knife, Fang Yi has not left anything about the training camp.

Because of knowing the whereabouts of the golden dice, Fang Yi's special training these days can be described as particularly severe.

Fortunately, the candidates selected these times are all relatively good seedlings, and they absorb knowledge very quickly. They basically have half of the quality of the last reconnaissance team.

From experience, it is definitely not as good as the reconnaissance team that was wiped out last time.

But in terms of quality, it was much better than the last time, because Fang Yi knew that it was almost impossible for him to leave this time, so this time he directly pulled the team leader with one vote for training.

In the training camp, everyone is at the level of a captain and a vice-captain, and their strength should not be underestimated.

If this team is just pulled out like this, people in other countries will only think that the Fire Leaf Kingdom is going to start a full-scale war.

After going to the training camp, Fang Yi taught him sternly for another morning, and then nodded in satisfaction.

Whether it's a mule or a horse, it's always going to be pulled out for a ride. It's almost time now.

Let the people in the training camp be mentally prepared, and the people below immediately responded loudly, seeming to be confident.

However, they didn't know the horror of the Mist of Destruction at all. No matter how good they are now, pulling their hips in the Mist of Destruction is still useless.

Of course, it's always good to have confidence.

After leaving the training camp, Fang Yi went to the most important laboratory in the Fire Leaf Country.

Unlike other places, the surrounding of the laboratory can be described as being heavily guarded.

This kind of defensive situation even exceeds the fortification level of Fang Yi's own palace!

There is no way, Fang Yi has the strength himself, and is not afraid of someone coming to attack, and now the last black team player has fallen into the fog of destruction, and it is impossible to threaten him at all.

And now, the importance of the laboratory is much more important than Fang Yi's own safety.

That's where the real and virtual reagents are to be produced!


When Fang Yi entered the laboratory, there was a loud noise of the operation of a large magic device.

"What about Dean Yue? Didn't you say that there was a major breakthrough, so I must come over earlier today?"

"I'm coming!"

Dean Yue, who was dressed in white, rushed out of the room in a hurry, smiling all over his face.

"Sir! Lord Mo! Come in!"

Different from the past, the current Director Yue called Fang Yi that was a kind and sweet dog. He looked at Fang Yi like he was looking at his parents.

Who asked Fang Yi to really send over a sample of a medium-sized Destroyer Beast?

This is Dean Yue's lifelong dream.

He originally thought that the dream of studying medium-sized destroyers would never be realized in this life. Who would have thought that Fang Yi would be born out of nowhere and not only get ordinary destroyers first, but also medium-sized destroyers a few days later.

It's amazing, it's amazing, young and promising!

If it wasn't for his lifelong dedication to magic research and no children under his knees, I'm afraid he would definitely marry his daughter to Fang Yi now.

"How's the research going?"

"There is new progress! New progress! Lord, please come with me!"

Fang Yi has given such a large authority, and the resources of the whole country have been smashed. Not to mention how happy Dean Yue is.

Of course, while he was happy, he didn't forget that this master wants to see results, not the kind of person who doesn't care about things.

Compared with the time Fang Yi saw in front-end time, the current laboratory has expanded a lot, become a lot more spacious, and added a lot of rooms.

I saw that Dean Yue led Fang Yi all the way, and quickly walked into a laboratory.

Across the large glass windows, you can see the pure white structure in the laboratory. In the middle of the space, there is a long white table.

On the white table, there is an empty bottle and a black plate.

"Start the 866th experiment!"


Following Dean Yue's order, something resembling a robotic arm stretched out from the white wall and lifted the white bottle upside down.

After waiting for a while, inside the bottle slowly, a drop of viscous liquid slowly condensed and landed on the black plate.

The next moment, a miraculous scene happened.

I saw the black plate, the middle seemed to have been erased by an eraser, and it was divided into two halves.

As the liquid slowly spread, the entire black plate disappeared completely.

At least visually, it does!

"Sir, the first feature, invisible, has been broken!"

"Next is the second feature, please take a look."

Something similar to a robotic arm, open your hand, and within a while, something similar to a wind blade is condensed in your hand.

Swipe hard.


The wind blade came out of his hand and slashed directly to the position where the black plate was before.


The white table split in half at the sound, broke apart, and fell to the ground.

"Now sprinkle the Visibility Potion and find the plate."



The clear water of unknown composition was sprayed from all angles of the laboratory.

"Sir, look here."

Looking in the direction that Dean Yue pointed, I saw a black plate slowly emerging from the place in the middle of the white table, where it was sprayed by the water.

And the black plate that appears at this moment is complete!

It wasn't cut in half by the wind blade just now, and it wasn't torn apart because it fell to the ground.

"Take out the black plate and show it to me."


