MTL - There is Room For the Hot Lady In the Farmhouse-Chapter 916 Borrow flowers to offer Buddha

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  Dong Yue thought for a while, but had no idea, so she simply drank tea.

  She was going to wait for two pots of tea, but it could be too long.

   After a while, the waiter knocked on the door, Dong Yue didn't pay attention, Zuo Qing didn't say anything when he saw it was the waiter,

When the waiter in the shop was pouring tea, she accidentally spilled some. Dong Yue saw that she was not proficient in her work, so she took a second look. The other party raised her head at this moment, but with just one glance, Dong Yue recognized that it was Liu Xing, and she also knew it was Liu Xing. To see myself.

  I was very excited in my heart, but my face was calm again, "Zuo Qing, Qing Lan, you go to Shiweizhai to get some snacks."

  Zuo Qing didn't think much, turned around and left.

Qing Lan took a look, only saw the side face, and found that it was the person who bumped into his wife not long ago. The other person changed his clothes, but they didn't notice. They were annoyed and refused to leave. Can only leave temporarily.

   Waiting for everyone to go out, Dong Yue excitedly looked at Liu Xing who had grown up in front of her, "Xinger, is it really you?"

   "Third Aunt!" Liu Xing knelt on the ground excitedly and kowtowed to Dong Yue.

  Dong Yue quickly helped her up, "Where have you been all these years, why didn't you contact us?"

   Liu Xing saw that Dong Yue cared about him, and thought of the days he had lived in these years, his eyes turned red, "Third Aunt, I...I."

   "Your third uncle said that you left with an old man back then, and there was no news of you after that. Your father has been looking for you for these years, but there is no news. Do you know that we are very worried about you?"

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault." Back then, he was ignorant, and left with others in anger. When he regretted it and wanted to go home, he was stopped again. Over the years, he has experienced many things, and later he was sold. , He worked hard at that place for eight years, and only then did he become what he is today.

  If Commander Wei had not given the token, he would not have appeared in front of Dong Yue.

"It's over, it's all over, as long as you're doing well, it's better than anything else." Dong Yue pulled Liu Xing to find Liu Sanqiang, "Go, your third uncle has been thinking about you all these years, he saw you growing up I will be happy."

   "Third Aunt, it's not enough yet."

  Dong Yue looked at Liu Xing, then looked at the clothes of the waiter in the shop, and suddenly understood, "Where are you now?"


   "Jin Yiwei, where is Commander Wei?"

   "Yes, Third Aunt knows Commander Wei?"

  Dong Yue smiled, "Commander Wei is a bit cruel and fierce, without a bit of humanity, but he is not bad." If he mingled with Commander Wei, he would become a eunuch.

  Dong Yue didn't dare to ask this question.

   I also feel that the incense of the Liu family cannot be cut off like this.

   Liu Xing looked at Dong Yue's evaluation of Commander Wei, no outsider mentioned Commander Wei's gnashing of teeth, and there was a hint of playfulness.

   Then he thought that he was brought up to Commander Wei by someone. Is his current honor related to Dong Yue?

  Thinking of this, I feel happy in my heart, and feel that I am in the palace, protecting Liu Ru nearby, and a smile has appeared on his face for many years.

   "Third Aunt, I am in charge of the area of ​​the imperial palace now. I came to see Third Aunt this time to tell Third Aunt that I will protect Ru'er in secret."

  Dong Yue's eyes were red with excitement, "You child, you are always so caring."

   "If it wasn't for the third aunt, I wouldn't have done it."

   "You are a good boy, seeing you grow up, the third aunt is very happy for you."

Dong Yue's eyes were red as she said that, thinking of such a young child leaving her parents, I don't know how it has come all these years, now that the child has grown up and is capable, how can Dong Yue not be moved when he meets again and says this .

   "Third Aunt—" Liu Xing was moved when he saw his long-lost relative.

  In these years, he had imagined the scene of meeting countless times. He thought he was thinking too well, but when he saw Dong Yue, he felt at home again.

  Thinking of the things my mother did back then, it was a bit difficult to face.

Dong Yue looked at the child in front of her and said, "Ru'er has also learned martial arts, it's different from when she was a child, you can go to her when you have nothing to do." Wanting to go to Ru'er in case of difficulties, Dong Yue said no Exit, the daughter is the queen, the daughter can help with small things, but the matter is too big, she, as a mother, doesn't want to make her daughter feel embarrassed.

   "I've seen Ru'er from a distance a few times, and she's really different." Liu Xing sighed in his heart when he thought of the girl who was following behind his back turned into a queen.

   "How about you, how have you been these years?"

"pretty good."

   "Why didn't you come to us?"


   "Remember, I will always be your third aunt."


   "Did you see your dad after you left?"

   "I have seen."

  Dong Yue smiled happily when she heard this, "Great, where is your father now?"

   "Dead." Liu Xing said with his head bowed.

  Dong Yue was stunned, and after a long time, she asked, "What happened?"

   "Father slipped into the river and drowned." Liu Xing lowered his head as he spoke, thinking of the scene when their father and son met. If it wasn't for his stubbornness back then, father would not have died.

  Every time he thinks about this, he always regrets it. If he had forgiven his father at the beginning, it would not be like this.

  Dong Yue sighed for a while, thinking of Liu Daqiang, who treated the original owner badly. If it weren't for them, the original owner would not have died.

  At that time, Liu Yongyuan, Liu Wang, Liu Daqiang, and Zhang who attacked the original owner were all dead.

   With their death, everything becomes the past.

  Looking at the child in front of her again, Dong Yue said, "Let him pass the past! Don't be too sad!"


  Dong Yue looked at the child who had become an orphan, feeling a little bit sad in her heart, "Come over to my house when you have time, and I'll cook something delicious for you."

"it is good."

  Dong Yue glanced at the sky outside, "Do you have time today, let's go home now!"

   Liu Xing looked at Dong Yue, the words were true, and he yearned for it, thinking that he had been out for a long time this time, so he should go back, "Third Aunt, let's do it next time!"

   "Okay, you will be back any time."


   "The room is packed for you, so I will live in Nanyuan."

   "Third Aunt?"

"We all live in Liu's Mansion outside the city now, Ru'er lives in Xiyuan, and Yiyue lives in Dongyuan," Dong Yue said after a pause, "You probably haven't met Yiyue yet, he and Ru'er when he was a child It's very similar. I'll know when you meet. As for you, I plan to arrange for you and Liu Shan to live in Nanyuan. You brothers probably haven't seen each other for many years. When we meet again, we should have a lot to talk about. .”

  Dong Yue has a lot of plans for the future, as she spoke, Dong Yue smiled.

Looking at Dong Yue, Liu Xing envied Ru'er and Yiyue in his heart. They both had a good mother, but his own mother was so unbearable. Thinking that both his parents were dead, he felt a sense of relief in his heart. He looked at Dong Yue again. Looking at Dong Yue in front of him, he yearned for the home that did not belong to him.

   When Liu Xing left, he was still a little bit reluctant.

  Dong Yue brought a lot of snacks from Shiweizhai when he left, and asked Liu Xing to pass a copy to Commander Wei.

  Now I can be regarded as Liu Xing's parent, and Commander Wei is Liu Xing's immediate boss. The so-called relationship is good, and it will be convenient in the future.

   Borrowing flowers to present Buddha and letting Liu Xing take it away.

  Zuo Qing, Qing Lan and his wife sent the man to the door together, watching the figure gradually walking away.

  Zuo Qing asked, "Madam, who is Liu Xing?"

   "The son of Brother Liu Sanqiang."