MTL - There is Room For the Hot Lady In the Farmhouse-Chapter 848 Ji Li

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  Chapter 848 and Ji Li

  The first month has passed.

   It's February.

   February begins and the trees start to sprout.

  Liu Sanqiang had nothing to do and took his family out for an outing.

  It took them half a year to visit and eat all the places around the capital.

  Every time I go out, although I am very tired, the family is very happy.

  On this day, they suddenly heard that Hu Cairen died of illness, Dong Yue and Liu Sanqiang didn't think it was a big deal.

  Thinking that there will only be Concubine Wu Guifei in the entire palace in the future, I suddenly feel that the palace is very deserted.

  Thinking again, there are fewer women and fewer things to do, and the original cautiousness towards the palace has disappeared a lot.

  In half a year, the crown prince and the third prince have undergone the biggest changes.

  The two of them seemed to have made an agreement, and every time they came secretly in the middle of the night and left when no one noticed.

  Both Liu Sanqiang and Dong Yue knew about this, Liu Ru didn't say anything, and didn't have a bad influence on her daughter's reputation, so they both turned a blind eye.

Five years later.

  Liu Ru has grown into a slim girl.

  Liu Ru is about to pass the ceremony.

   After Jiji ceremony, Liu Ru is also a big girl, and has reached the age where she can get married.

  In these years, God has loved Dong Yue very much, and no trace of time can be seen on her face.

  On this day, Dong Yue and Liu Sanqiang were drinking tea when Liu Ru came from outside.

  Looking at the big girl who came, Dong Yue's eyes were full of kindness, "Look at you, it's so hot, why did you run out again?"

   "It's not bad if it doesn't grow crooked, and you still ask for so much." Liu Sanqiang stayed in his words until death, and every sentence made people feel heartbroken.

  Liu Ru was not to be outdone, "Father, mother has been teaching you for nothing all these years. Drinking tea is like drinking tea. It's a pity that father's emotional intelligence will never catch up with mother."

  "You" Liu Sanqiang slammed the teacup on the table, and directly hit Liu Ru.

  The two fought from the house to the door. Dong Yue saw the father and daughter who would strike at a disagreement, drank tea calmly,

  Zuo Qing and Qing Lan stood at the door, watching the general and the young lady compete for years, they have watched calmly, and from time to time they can comment on their martial arts skills in their hearts.

   After the two had finished their contest, they sat at the table drinking tea again, and their emotions became much calmer.

  Dong Yue blew on the steaming tea, "Liu Sanqiang, you should change your temper."

   "Why should I change it? Is raising a child just to annoy me?"

   Liu Ru rolled his eyes.

   She is a lady, so she can't argue with a reckless man.

   "Okay, what you said is right, when Ru'er gets married someday, you follow along and see if my uncle can kill you with one palm!"

   "Yue'er—" Liu Sanqiang was unhappy.

   Liu Ru smiled, "Mother is the best to me!"

   "Don't be complacent, the ceremony is about to pass, I can't stop it then, you don't want to be annoyed to death by those matchmakers, find one as soon as possible."

   "Don't." Liu Ru is used to being alone, and feels that there is no need to find someone to make him angry.

  When she was young, she still thought about what the other half would be like and what kind of life they would have. Over the years, she felt that being alone was good.

  Dong Yue and Liu Sanqiang saw that neither of them spoke.

Now the crown prince and the third prince are the most powerful in pursuit of their daughter. These two have been fighting fiercely over the years. Dong Yue and Liu Sanqiang are both aware of it. Fortunately, these two are quite reasonable and have not implicated their daughter. They just try their best to behave your own power.

  The year before last, with the return of the four princes to Beijing, the competition became more intense.

   It seems that all of them lost the protection of their mothers, and they are all just the sons of the emperor.

  The imperial palace has been quiet these years, and Concubine Wu is still a noble concubine, in charge of the entire harem.

   Concubine Li Gui has been in the cold palace and has not come out to be a demon.

   Gradually, the second and fourth princes also gained a firm foothold in the capital.

  As they all have their own mansions, each of them has become familiar to everyone in the capital.

  The Fifth Prince has been at Beihang University all these years and has never returned to Beijing.

  After several years of exploration, a navy was established in Beihang, which directly deterred the Eastern Kingdom, which was about to move.

  After Ye Qingfeng defeated the North Country, he volunteered to stay in Qinghai on the border for a long time. Qinghai has been very quiet these years. Later, he invited Dong Yue to Qinghai several times, and Dong Yue developed different rice for them.

   Qinghai comes early in winter and late in spring, and rice grows long there.

  The growing season of rice is long, and the rice grown over there is the best.

  In recent years, the rice in the imperial palace has been transported by Dongye Qingfeng Qinghai.

  Jiazhou on the southern border, General Lingfeng is stationed.

  General Lingfeng was alone in Jiazhou, and this matter started from the year when the Empress Dowager passed away.

During the New Year's greetings, General Ling Feng went alone, but Madam Ling was nowhere to be seen. Later, General Ling Feng also went alone. There has been no news of Madam Ling in these years. As Ling Feng stationed at the border, gradually everyone turned to Ling Mansion and Ling Feng. The lady also gradually forgot.

  Xie Laogen is stationed in Anzhou on the border of the West Country.

  In recent years, Xie Laogen has gradually grown up in Anzhou. From the beginning of leaving Liu Sanqiang’s uneasiness, to now standing alone, he is the one who has changed the most

  In these years, Liu Sanqiang, who is the general of the bodyguard flag, has become an idler, following Dong Yue every day except for the morning court.

  Everyone in the capital knew that when they left the morning court, wherever they saw Dong Yue, they would always see Liu Sanqiang behind him.

  Liu Sanqiang has become more and more serious these years. As long as a man looks at Dong Yue more, he will immediately rush forward protectively. For this reason, many jokes have been made.

  Dong Yue tried to stop him several times but to no avail, so Liu Sanqiang was allowed to continue.

  It was rare to sit together today, thinking about things about Liu Ru and Empress Yan.

  Liu Ru doesn't care too much, she likes her current life, Dong Yue and Liu Sanqiang worry about their future son-in-law.

  Who should I choose?


  The third prince?

   Or choose one of the many little gold nobles in the capital?

  Thinking about it, I think it might not be a big deal, because both the crown prince and the third prince were staring intently at it, and they were all waiting for the ceremony to pass. Thinking of this, they started to get into trouble again.

  Having an excellent daughter is also a headache!

  Dong Yue and Liu Sanqiang were worrying about their daughter's marriage. Liu Ru came back from outside, followed by the grown-up prince.

  Seeing the two of them, I suddenly had a headache.

  What's bothering you, what's coming.

  Seeing the prince again, he is completely different from a few years ago.

  The former prince still had a trace of childishness, but now he is no longer the same as before. At first glance, he is too serious, which makes people awe-inspiring.

   "I see His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

   "The minister's wife sees His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

  Dong Yue and Liu Sanqiang could not ignore the majesty of the prince himself, and behaved in a respectful manner.

   Liu Ru heard the movement, and seemed to see the prince just now, turned around, bent down, and saluted, "My daughter, see Your Highness the Prince."

  The crown prince took a look and raised his hand, "General Liu, you don't need to be polite."

   When Liu Sanqiang took a look and knew that he should appear, he waved at the prince, "His Royal Highness, please!"

  The crown prince glanced at Liu Ru, and took advantage of the opportunity to sit down on the main seat.

   "I don't know what is the sudden arrival of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?" Liu Sanqiang began to insist on words.

  Hearing this, Dong Yue hurriedly pulled Liu Ru to salute, and was about to leave when the crown prince spoke.

   "Miss Dong, please stop!"

  Dong Yue's thoughts of running away were interrupted, so she could only stay.

   Soon, someone came with a cat.

  Dong Yue saw the Persian cat at a glance.

  Persian cat?

  Dong Yue looked over and felt familiar. This is the Persian cat she rescued. Why is it here?

  (end of this chapter)