MTL - There is Room For the Hot Lady In the Farmhouse-Chapter 831 Liu Sanqiang's plan

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  Chapter 831 Liu Sanqiang's plan

  Dong Yue took Liu Ru and Liu Yiyue to peek outside, seeing them fighting and seeing the murderous aura released by both sides, Dong Yue took the two children away.

   "Your father taught you that boy a lesson, so you won't be angry this time?"

   "Mother, you are amazing!" Liu Yiyue admired her mother's piercing eyes, they didn't say anything, and mother knew it.

   Liu Ru thought more, looked at Shang Niang's gaze, and slightly dodged, "Mother, I'm sorry."

   "My child, even if he does something wrong, he can only learn from me as a mother, and no one else can."

   "Mother—" Liu Ru rushed to her mother's arms with red eyes, seeking comfort.

  When Liu Yiyue saw his sister crying, he didn't dare to make a sound, and stood quietly by the side.

  Dong Yue gently comforted her daughter, and when her mood stabilized, she deliberately said viciously, "Why did he bully you, mother will help you teach him a lesson!"

   Liu Ru was a little embarrassed, "Mother, he did nothing wrong."

   "I'm so angry with you, how could you do nothing wrong." Dong Yue still looked annoyed.

   "Mother, he didn't let us go out just because he was afraid of danger."

When Dong Yue heard this, she immediately turned her face, and poked Liu Ru **** the forehead, "You child, I always thought you were grown up and sensible, but I didn't expect that sometimes your head still doesn't open up, don't you know We just came to Beihang University, so we don’t know how much danger lies behind us, how dangerous it is to go out, don’t you know?”

   "Mom, I know I was wrong!"

   "Hey—" Dong Yue sighed, "I wronged the third prince this time, and let your father teach him a lesson, how should I apologize!"

   "He dares!"

   "He has nothing to dare. He is a prince and a member of the royal family. We can't just trample on his kindness just because he is far away from the capital and he doesn't have parents by his side."

   Seeing Mother like this, Liu Ru could only bow her head, "Mother, I understand."

"what do you know?"

   "I will apologize to the Third Prince later."

   "Look, this is my daughter, she is so generous, she even apologizes so confidently."

   Liu Yiyue laughed at Dong Yue's exaggerated expression.

   Liu Ru also laughed.

   Things were done, Dong Yue took her children and started cooking.

   Originally waiting for many people in the kitchen, seeing the wife, lady, and son cooking, they couldn't calm down.

  Is this really Mrs.?

   It doesn't look like it no matter how you look at it.

   Madams never come to this kind of place. When they come here once in a while, they are disgusted by all kinds of people. At this moment, I saw that the madam was busy with her children, and they didn't speak the whole time. They both knew what they were going to do.

   Waiting for a delicious meal to be ready, they will know that the meal is delicious just by smelling it.

  Dong Yue doesn't care what other people think, and there is no need to have a short-term relationship with them.

  The meal is ready, and leave with the children.

   When they came to the main hall, Liu Sanqiang and the third prince were already sitting at the table drinking tea. Judging by the atmosphere, it seemed to be very good.

  Dong Yue came and said nothing, the food was put on the table, Liu Sanqiang took the initiative to help take over the bowls and chopsticks, the third prince followed suit, and put the food on the table, Liu Ruchong smiled slightly at the third prince.

   "Brother, I was impulsive just now, I'm sorry."

  The Third Prince no longer felt reconciled to it not long ago, "It's my fault, it's just as well that Junior Sister is not angry."

  Dong Yue looked at the two of them, "Okay, don't stand still, let's eat first!"

The tense atmosphere was easily resolved. After the meal, Liu Ru and Liu Yiyue left, Liu Sanqiang was still drinking, Dong Yue looked at the third prince, "Xiaobao, Ru'er has experienced few things, and she doesn't understand many things. The next time we came to Beihang, there were many invisible dangers, you should remind her more in the future."

   "Yes, Master."

  Dong Yue nodded, glanced at Liu Sanqiang, and knew that there was something left unsaid. There was no need for the third prince to intervene in today's matter. Because they had conflicts today, Dong Yue could only change the original plan.

   "Tomorrow, Liu Sanqiang and I have something to do. If you don't see anyone, you can entertain any visitors."

   "Yes." The third prince felt baffled. Seeing Dong Yue's seriousness, it should be a big deal.

  The third prince was excited and happy about the burden on his shoulders.

the next day.

  The third prince saw Liu Sanqiang and Dong Yue busy reading in the backyard, and the people who came at the door almost broke through the prefect's threshold. Only then did the third prince know the meaning of the visitors and the reason why Dong Yue was 'busy'.

   After entertaining for a day, the third prince is tired.

Later, seeing that there were too many people coming, the third prince really didn't want to deal with it, so he deliberately asked the **** Feng Man to say in front of everyone in a sharp voice, "Third Highness", and the excited people around froze in an instant, waiting for the third prince to leave , they haven't reacted yet.

  The court lady Jiang Xue happened to pass by with a snack. When Wushuang saw the maid who was serving the young master, she boldly asked.

   "Miss Jiang."

  Jiang Xue turned her head to look over and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

  There are not many expressions on the face, which gives people a feeling of superiority.

Wushuang carefully looked at the maid's clothes, she looked very ordinary, but this kind of fabric is very rare, thinking about the "Third Highness" just now, boldly asked, "Miss Jiang, I just heard about the "Third Highness", but I don't know the three Who is His Highness?"

   "The current third prince."

   Wushuang was pinned down, and many people around him were pinned down.

  They couldn't believe that there was a master in each mouth, a junior sister in each mouth, and the little treasure that the wife said was actually the third prince of today.

  Wu Shuang realized that when she saw Jiang Xue who was about to leave, she hurriedly stopped her, and asked, "Why did you hear that the third prince called his wife Master?"

   "Ma'am is General Liu's wife, and also a well-known genius doctor in the capital, Mrs. Dong. What's wrong with the Third Highness following Mrs. Dong to study medicine?"

   "Don't dare."

  Wu Shuang couldn't accept that he was wrong.

   Watching Jiang Xue leave, she couldn't digest the news she just learned for a long time.


  Dong Yue and Liu Sanqiang were in the backyard, and soon they knew everything that happened ahead.

  Liu Sanqiang put down the book in his hand, moved around a bit, and looked into Dong Yue's eyes when he stopped, feeling a little embarrassed.


  Dong Yue stared at the man, "What did you say to the third prince yesterday?"

   "I didn't say anything." Liu Sanqiang was a little guilty and didn't dare to look at Dong Yue.

   "What's the matter with so many people suddenly coming today?"

  When Liu Sanqiang heard this, he immediately begged for mercy, "Yue'er, I have no choice but to do this."

   "Tell the truth." Dong Yue didn't want to be taken advantage of.

  Yesterday, she was just trying to ease the relationship between the children and show her respect and trust to the third prince. She didn't want Liu Sanqiang to take advantage of them, which is unforgivable.

  Liu Sanqiang had no choice but to approach the woman and tell his plan.

  Dong Yue was surprised when she heard this, but finally said nothing.

  She knew that the matter was important, but she didn't expect it to be so difficult this time.

  If she knew this, she should be more cautious.

   Liu Sanqiang was worried about scaring the woman, so he quickly explained, "Yue'er, you don't have to worry, I've already thought of these things."

   "Are you sure?" This concerns the Crown Prince and the Third Prince, so it cannot be sloppy.

  (end of this chapter)