MTL - There is Room For the Hot Lady In the Farmhouse-Chapter 820 Campfire

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Wu Chengan was busy in the field in the distance, and seeing the darkness here, he began to be puzzled. The shopkeeper said that he heard that this land belonged to Dong Yue, so he hurried over. Seeing this situation, Wu Chengan felt that he worry is unnecessary.

  Because everyone held a torch and stood not far away from each other, as long as the locusts flew over, they would be burned one by one immediately.

   "Miss Dong, what are you?"

  Dong Yue saw Wu Chengan, thought he also had a piece of land, and gave the torch to Zuo Qing, and she came to Wu Chengan.

   "Go back quickly and follow this method."

   "There are no locusts over there."

  Dong Yue rolled her eyes angrily, "I burned a lot here, and there are still some alive. Besides, these locusts are not stupid. They see that there is no hope here. They went to your land, what should I do?"

  Wu Chengan understood, talked to Dong Yue, and left quickly.

  Dong Yue asked Li Dazhuang to go to a nearby field and tell the farmers over there to use this method.

  For a day, everyone fought against the locusts. In the evening, when there were not many locusts, Dong Yue began to build haystacks one by one in the field.

  Li Dazhuang saw this and couldn't understand, so he asked, "Miss Dong, what is this?"

   "Today we worked together to drive most of the locusts away, and there are still some alive. I'm going to wait until night, light this up, and let the locusts fly over by themselves."

   "How is this possible?" They waved torches during the day, and the locusts knew how to avoid them, so how could they fly over by themselves.

  Dong Yue didn't explain, she stared at the people setting up the haystacks one by one, and then got Zuo Qingqinglan and the others busy, prepared enough ingredients, and prepared to wait for everyone to make a bonfire party tonight.

   Thinking that it would be dark soon, Liu Ru and Liu Yiyue were worried at home, so they simply asked someone to take them over.

   When the sky gradually darkened, the entire fief gathered people in circles.

  Dong Yue sat beside a haystack with her children, and before her eyes were the ingredients they prepared.

  Dong Yue sat on the ground and chatted with her children.

   Liu Yiyue said something interesting happened in the Imperial College, but Dong Yue only heard about it and thought it was interesting.

   Liu Ru was in a bad mood because of the quarrel between the three princes, and wanted to talk to his mother, but her mother disappeared for a day, and only then did she know what happened, and she admired her even more.

   It seems that nothing can trouble the mother.

  Watching mother talking to younger brother, her mood gradually improved.

   Not long after, Li Dazhuang brought people over. When they saw Liu Ru and Liu Yiyue, they were embarrassed to come over, so they only brought the pancakes they made to Dong Yue to satisfy his hunger.

   "Miss Dong, you haven't eaten all day, so eat some of this pad first."

   Liu Ru subconsciously wants to refuse when she sees it, how can mother eat these things.

   I didn’t want to, but my mother took it, put it on her mouth and took a bite, “Well, that’s the taste.”

   "Miss Dong, do you still have the habit of eating?" Li Dazhuang knew that Dong Yue was approachable, and now she is the wife of the Great General Hussar. Her status is different, so it shouldn't be unusual.

   "It's still enjoyable to eat if you're hungry." Dong Yue said and took another bite, "Is there any more, give me two more."

"Yes, yes, yes" Dong Yue's arrival allowed them to live a life full of food and clothing. Hearing Dong Yue's words, Li Dazhuang hurriedly brought over a few more. Some of the wild vegetables and pickles that came were brought over.

  Dong Yue began to eat in big mouthfuls, and she didn't forget to ask Liu Ru and Liu Yiyue to eat along with her.

  Everyone was happy to see Dong Yue being so approachable, and they began to talk more.

  Qing Lan took the opportunity to share the food she brought with everyone.

  Originally there were only a few people in one haystack, but there were more and more people. Before the fire was lit, Dong Yue asked everyone to help to increase the height of the haystack.

  This place was originally empty, no matter how many people there were, they could sit down.

After everyone sat down, they ate and talked about the past few years. When they knew that Dong Yue had turned one crop of rice into two crops and increased the yield, they knew that Dong Yue had also planted tea trees. Farmers followed to live a life of adequate food and clothing, and one by one began to envy them.

   Originally, there were some people who were depressed because of the bones, but now they see the future, and this place is even more lively.

   Later, with the arrival of Wu Chengan, Xie Baishan, Lu Haiwen, and Qin Feichen, there were more people.

  They have all heard about what happened today, and that it was Dong Yue's idea, and that Dong Yue's acting leaders are here, so they came over one by one to have a look.

  Seeing so many people sitting on the ground and chatting, there is a sense of freshness.

  Dong Yue saw them coming, and greeted them to sit on the ground.

  At first everyone was embarrassed, but after sitting down, they felt very comfortable, and then Zhu Mingtao, Lu Xiaoyang, and Zuo Xiacheng came, and people changed even more.

  There were more people, and the topics increased. Everyone felt sorry that Han Lei was not in the capital. After talking about Han Lei, they also talked about Guan Yifeng. Guan Yifeng is now at the time of herb harvest, and he is very busy now.

  They all received Dong Yue's help. The former son-in-law was gradually valued by his family and many people outside. They were grateful to Dong Yue.

  How could they miss this opportunity today? They feel a little pity for Guan Yifeng.

   While talking, a carriage arrived.

   "Look, it's the Guan family's carriage."

   "Could it be Guan Yifeng?"

   Soon, Guan Yifeng got off the carriage. He smiled slightly at this side, then turned to look at the carriage.

  Dong Yue and the others looked over, and soon, they saw one big and one small getting off the carriage.

   Seeing their family of three, Dong Yue was happy for them from the bottom of her heart.

  When Guan Yifeng arrived with his wife and daughter, Guan Yifeng and his daughter were very excited, and his wife Wang Lingyan was a little nervous seeing Dong Yue.

  Dong Yue took a look and didn't care too much. Zhu Mingtao, Lu Xiaoyang, Zuo Xiacheng and others were familiar with them and greeted them warmly.

  Guan Yifeng brought his wife and daughter to Dong Yue, "Ms. Dong, I heard that you are here, so I came here. Didn't bother you?"

   "The more people there are, the more lively it is!" Dong Yue said, looking at the three-year-old little girl next to her. She was beautiful, with big flickering eyes, and looked around curiously.

  Facing so many people, she wasn't shy at all. After looking around, she stared at Liu Yiyue directly, "Dad, mother, what a beautiful big brother!"

   "This is the little girl Guan Xuan."

   "Guan Xuan, what a nice name, Xuan'er told Auntie, who gave you this name?"

  Guan Xuan is not unfamiliar at all. When she came to Dong Yue, she said, "Mother's name."

   "Where is your mother?"

  Wang Lingyan was a little nervous when he heard this, and the handkerchief in his hand was almost twisted into a rope.

  Those things between the Wang family and Dong Yue have already passed for many years, and Jiu Yiniang died long ago. Seeing Dong Yue, she was always worried that this benefactor who changed Guan Yifeng would look down on Guan Yifeng because of her own reasons.

  Dong Yue smiled slightly, glanced at Guan Xuan, then at Guan Yifeng, "Guan Shao, your wife is a bit shy."

   "Ah, I'm not, I" Wang Lingyan said nervously.

  Guan Yifeng looked at Wang Lingyan, "Sit down!"

   "Yes." Wang Lingyan sat tightly against Guan Yifeng, not daring to move.

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