MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 608 new king

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  Chapter 608 New King

  The moment Linmu Studio announced "Day of Reincarnation".

  Actually, Mou Feng of You Tianhu was not the only one who felt annoyed, why he didn't think of it.

  In fact, all the competitors of Linmu Studio, and all the game companies that make mobile games, think so...

   To the chagrin of all competitors.


  Why can’t I think of it myself!

  After "Hearthstone" appeared, I should have thought of it!

  This kind of card-collecting gameplay is promising.

  The gameplay of "Hearthstone" still stays in the field of conventional card battles.

  The art style is relatively more mature, more inclined to Europe and the United States.

  Then why can't we change our thinking?

   Replace the face of the card with a beautiful girl, let the player collect the beautiful girl, and then make the conventional card battle method easier?

   This will definitely attract countless users!

   This can be understood by looking at the real-time comments sent by the players in the live broadcast room.

  Everyone is talking about what role they want...

  Everyone is talking about which character they want to bond with...

   "Day of Reincarnation" has only released a PV.

  A total of 20 five-star characters appeared on the stage, and all of them had only one line with unknown meaning.

  As for the plot PV of the game, there are only a few words, which simply explain the cause and effect and establish a clichéd plot structure.

   But even so.

  Linmu Studio still relies on strong brushwork to make the beautiful girl drawn, even if there is only one line, it can make people imagine.

  The beautiful girls have very different personalities, and they can be called a hundred flowers blooming.

  The clichéd story is no longer clichéd at this moment, but has been covered with a veil called "illusory beauty".

  Strictly speaking, the word Jinger this time is really not a derogatory term.

  Because you can’t expect everyone to be like a dragon in reality, and everyone is a winner in life, which is unrealistic.

   And beautiful things, to be honest, are really hard to resist.

  Limwood Studio cleverly enlarged the beautiful parts.

  Beautiful girls are all shaped to the extent that one sentence can make people feel good, and they are all-inclusive and have their own characteristics.


  Through the plot, let the protagonist, or more precisely, the player's avatar, get in touch with it.

  Is this cliche?


   But tm looks easy to use!

  Let's not talk about players.

  Now the competitor of Linmu Studio, the younger person in charge, many want to play "Day of Reincarnation" at this moment.

   Again, beautiful things are hard to resist, even if they are man-made.

  Because it’s really awesome!

  Who draws beautiful girls so outrageously!

   Not even a single duplicate!

  From character to outfit!

   Twenty characters, all different!

   And the characteristics of each character are highlighted!

   It's outrageous!

   This is also a point of frustration for Linmu Studio's competitors.

   Fuck it, it's late!

  Even if he copied "Day of Reincarnation" now, let alone the point of losing the opportunity, whether he can design and draw a beautiful girl to compete with it is a problem.

  Even if it can be designed, it probably won't take too long!

  So, why is Linmu Studio so proficient! ?

this moment.

  Everyone looked at the stage, and at the host of the press conference who didn't have the slightest sense of disobedience even if it was put into the game.

   Just an idea.

   Could it be because the other party is also a beautiful girl?

   But the saying goes that men understand men better! ?

   Really so evil! ?


   “…This is our new mobile game.”

on the stage.

  Lin Yao can probably guess how the audience feels when they see such a mobile game this time.

  Because this is the first time Linmu Studio has made such a game—a game full of beautiful girls...


   This is also the first time that Lin Yao, as an original painting, has fully fired...

  She really used all her skills in painting beautiful girls.

  Plus this kind of game, when it first came out, it was really amazing.

   This kind of card-drawing method of collecting beautiful girls was the reason why Lin Yao became popular in her previous life, and it has been enduring for nearly ten years.

   Not without reason.

   To a large extent, it is because it has captured the hearts of players.

  There were so many skin-changing mobile games back then, and 80% of the responsibility was due to the card-drawing game.


  In this world, the card game debuted for the first time.

  The players here are not different species.

   So the reaction is still easy to guess.

  She did not continue the introduction.


  She just needs to let the game beta beta, and that's it...

   "At the same time, this game, like Hearthstone, will support dual-end play. Whether it is FutureS1 or the upcoming FuturePAD, you can download this game."

Lin Yao continued: "Of course, the audience at the scene can also go to the trial area to try this game first. This is also the first mobile game we made for FuturePAD. I hope it can provide some ideas for developers. .

  We promise that FuturePAD welcomes all developers and will provide developers with the same development environment as FutureS1. "

   "So, now let's get to the price part..."

  Lin Yao started announcing the prices of the three new products just now without any pause.

  For the smooth progress of the press conference.

  She specially put this link at the end.

   "FuturePAD, the starting price is 3999 yuan."

   "FuturePods, priced at 1599 yuan."

   "FuturePods MAX, priced at 2799 yuan."

   And Lin Yao didn't give a shit.

   Almost announced together.

  Three products appeared on the screen at the same time, and the price was immediately given.

   And this price.

   Apparently... more than a lot of people expected.

  Especially what the average user would expect.

  FuturePAD is actually cheaper than a mobile phone.

   But the earphones... even broke the thousand!

  The earphones of the big cup are even close to 3,000!

   Whether it is worth it or not, everyone has a steelyard in their hearts.

   Of course there is no unified view.

  In the end, it depends on the feedback after the product is released...

   As for Lin Yao.

   This price is well thought out.

  YouMedia is definitely not suitable for focusing on cost performance, at least not now.

  Otherwise, the development of the follow-up Youmedia will be greatly limited, and as a pioneer, it is too outrageous to hit the high end again...

   "The new products just introduced will be officially open for pre-sale after midnight tonight."

   "On December 27th, it will be officially released."

   "The new versions of FutureOS and Weixin will be updated tonight."


  Lin Yao continued.

   And she just finished speaking.


   Huge cheers broke out.


  As soon as the press conference is over, you can buy new products.

   are extremely rare.

   No ink, no marketing.

   Announced that the pre-sale has started.

  This means that as long as interested users can immediately have the opportunity to buy.

   This is worth cheering anyway.


  Looking at the cheering audience, Lin Yao suddenly thought of something, pursed her red lips, but still couldn't hold back, and smiled: "Finally, I want to say a few more words."

   “I’ve heard this question once… What is a good product?”

   "This question, I think we have just, given the answer."

   “The answer is—the intersection of humanities and technology.”

   “As long as we can find the best combination of the two, and then make a product that is extremely advanced from a technical point of view.

   And make the product extremely innovative, easy to use, and fun to use, and adapt the product to the user instead of making the user adapt to them. "

   “That’s a good product.”

   "And this, is the answer."

   "The above is all the content of this press conference."

   "Thank you, everyone."

  Lin Yao left a meaningful speech, and finally bowed to the audience.

   Then, regardless of the stupefied audience, he straightened up, turned around and walked towards the end gate.

   And the moment she left.

  Cheers as if they were about to blow off the roof of the venue.

   broke out again...

  In the corner, members of the Jiaming Alliance, those in charge, all showed expressions of thought.

  Lin Yao turned her back to everyone, smiled lightly, then sped up her pace a little, and left everyone's sight.

  After crossing the end gate.

  Lin Yao finally breathed a sigh of relief,

  The whole person relaxed.

  Mu Wanqing, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately went up to greet her, stretched out her hand with a smile, and wanted to hand over the rubber band on her wrist to Lin Yao.

   "Miss Mu!"

But Lin Yao didn't take off the rubber band on Mu Wan's clean white wrist, but put her pale fingers into her fingertips, held her hand instead, and said with a little excitement, "I just pretended to be wave... Big one!"


   Seeing the touching smile on Lin Yao's round oval face, Mu Wanqing was immediately infected, and burst out laughing.

   If there were no other staff members.

  She wanted to hug her up.


the other side.

  In the venue.

  The person in charge of the Jiaming Alliance is still thinking about the intersection of humanities and technology that Lin Yao just mentioned.

  They want to understand the design concept represented by this sentence.

   But soon.

   They just gave up.

  Because the cheers stopped and they were eager to try. The audience, who couldn't wait for a long time, all got up and looked towards the trial hall next to it.

   Waiting for the staff to open the trial.

  See this scene.

  The leaders of the Jiaming Alliance all put on masks and stood up.

   Fuck the intersection of humanities and technology...

  Now the Jiaming Alliance is about to die...

  What's the point of thinking about it...

   Let’s try it honestly.

   Hope it doesn't work.

this moment.

   Their ideas are surprisingly consistent...

   is in stark contrast to the user.


   Also looked at the trial area, eager to see through.

  But full of expectations.


   They also have troubles.

That is…

   All of a sudden.

  They can't decide what to try when they enter the trial area by themselves...

  I want to try everything, and everything feels very fresh.

  They want to try everything!

  There are really too many surprises in this press conference.


   Live streaming site.

  The moment the press conference ends.

  The audience doesn't know which product to focus on.

  Because it has everything.

  Some discuss products, some discuss applications, some discuss operating systems, and some discuss games...



   I don't know what to focus on.

  Limwood Studio blossomed more.

  Hardware, Operating System, Mobile Payment, Games…


   Multiple fields.

   completely subverted…

  Sky fox.

  Mu Feng finally made it to the end of the press conference.

   And the notebook he took out halfway was also full of content at this moment, densely packed into a whole page.

   He took a look.

  First of all, he has to evaluate the potential of FuturePAD and the necessity of porting Tianhu mobile game to FuturePAD.

  Secondly, he wants to evaluate the QR code payment updated by WeChat, and think about whether Tianhu payment can be done.

  Then, he will evaluate the mobile game "Day of Reincarnation"... and then consider whether he can make a similar competing product.

all above.

   You need to actually get a new product or actually use it before you can draw a conclusion.


   After evaluating these, we also need to evaluate the impact of this press conference of Linmu Studio on multiple markets...

   In addition, Tianhu cannot offend this competitor and the largest platform party...

  The more Mou Feng thought about it, the faster his breathing became.


   His eyes went dark.

  My head feels like it's going to explode.

   "Can you give me a good year..."

At last.

  Mou Feng held his head.

   cried out.


  It really hurts...

   And after the press conference.

   In fact, even if you are a media person, you are not much better...

   They have the same trouble.

  That is... what should tm report tomorrow?

  For example, Chang Zhiming.

  Before admission.

  His purpose is very clear, just catch Lin Yao for a while, and then introduce the press conference.

  The subject is Lin Yao.

   Followed by the press conference.

but now.

  After watching the press conference completely.

  He felt that if he still caught Lin Yao, it would be pure injustice.

  Tablet, headset, QR code payment, system update, game...

   Which one is not of interest to the audience?

   Isn’t that amazing?

  So until the trial area opens, let's enter.

  Chang Zhiming still hasn't figured out what he should focus on experiencing...

  The only thing he can be sure of is.

  He wants to experience it all!

   While he was queuing up to enter the arena, he looked around and saw wherever he could see.

  I found that everyone was excited.

  Everyone thinks so...

   And walk in.

  Chang Zhiming looked exactly like the layout of the Future offline store.

   There is also a spectacular scene of crowds that is exactly the same as the Future offline store.

   Slightly in a trance.

  He subconsciously took a few steps forward.

   Then I saw the FuturePods placement area near the door.

"Hey Hey hey?"

   "Damn it!?"

"can you hear me?"

   "Very barely, very small!"

   Several users are wearing headphones, shouting loudly.

   Chang Zhiming immediately thought of what Lin Yao said at the press conference just now, even if FuturePods are not connected to FutureS1 and PAD, they can still reduce noise.

   Almost without any hesitation.

  He immediately picked up a FuturePodsMAX.

  Before you put it on.

  He specifically listened to the noisy sounds coming from around him.

  At that moment, he was a little skeptical whether the so-called noise reduction of the headphones was useful.


   When buckle the earphones.

  The infrared sensor of the headset detected his ears.

  The noise canceling function is activated.



   disappeared in an instant.

  Chang Zhiming opened his mouth slightly, and immediately took off his earphones.

   The noisy voice came again.

  He put it back on.

   Then he took it off again.

   Then put on...

   After repeating this several times.

  He stopped his movements, put on his earphones, stared round his eyes, and suddenly yelled, "Damn!!? I'm deaf!!!?"

   This roar.

   spread throughout the trial area.

   Got a lot of heads up.

  Including a group of people wearing masks in front of the FuturePAD trial area.

  Yu Tianbo and Miao Yuan each hold a FuturePAD.

   is sliding, feeling the silky smooth system of a tablet and a mobile phone.

  I felt the application that sounded like black technology when Lin Yao introduced it just now...

  The whole person is in a state of absence.

  So when Chang Zhiming yelled.

   Undoubtedly equivalent to a blow to the head.

  The two woke up instantly.


  The two of them saw Chang Zhiming switching between taking off the earphones and wearing them again, and saw countless trial users with round eyes.

  The products they tried were different.

   But the expressions are all the same.

  Yu Tianbo and Miao Yuan fell silent.

  The leaders of other Jiaming Alliance members behind them were also silent.

   They stood there blankly, looking out of place, feeling like thorns on their backs.

   Because of this moment.

  They seemed to see a new king, a new king holding a sharp sword...

   And this new king has put the tip of his sword across their nostrils, announcing to them—

   or die.

  Or, get down on your knees!



  Yu Tianbo swayed.

  The people behind him quickly supported him.


  This conference and FutureS1 conference.

   It is estimated that within decades, it will become their lingering nightmare...


at the same time.

  The heads of major investment institutions have a much simpler idea.

   They don't have a field trial of the product.

  But according to the previous performance of Linmu Studio and YouMedia.

  I already have the answer in my heart.

  The investors on the side of the Jiaming Alliance shook their heads and gave up their unrealistic ideas.

   Turned his attention to Youmedia, the rising star.

  As for those who have always paid attention to Youmedia.

   Or the lucky ones who entered the game in the first round of financing...

  Dawn Capital.

  Shang Zhuang sat in front of the computer, even after the press conference was over, the screen was gone.

  He was still looking at the screen.

  Hands crossed on the abdomen.

  The whole person is like Maitreya Buddha.

this moment.


  Every major event is calm.

   These excellent qualities seem to have disappeared from him.

   Nobody knew what he was thinking.

  But as long as it is a person, standing in front of him, you can probably feel his mood at the moment.

   "Shang Zong."

   At this time.

   There was a knock on the door.

  His personal secretary came in, and then he was stunned when he saw Shang Zhuang who looked like Maitreya Buddha.

"What's up?"

   Maitreya Buddha raised his head, his expression instantly restrained, and his majesty was restored.

   "Mr. Chen of Jingyuan Capital wants to meet with you."

  The secretary looked at the itinerary, and then asked: "Is it okay tomorrow?"

  She knew that the two had a very close personal relationship.

  So directly ask the time, instead of asking if the same person agrees to meet.

   But unexpectedly.

   "Not seen."

  Shang Zhuang shook his head directly and refused.


  The secretary was stunned for a while, and then her professional accomplishment made her straighten her expression immediately, and replied: "I understand."

   "Well, let's get out..."

  Shang Zhuang waved his hand, but when the secretary turned around, he thought of something again: "By the way, what does the other party want to talk about when we meet?"

   "It's about You Media."

  The secretary checked the schedule again and replied.

  In an instant, Shang Zhuang grinned.

   But he held back at the last moment.

   Performed a face-changing performance in front of the secretary...

   "Understood, let's go out."

  Shang Zhuang waved his hand.

  The secretary turned around and left with a strange expression.

  Open the door.


  Turn around and close the door.

  The moment the door is completely closed.


  Shang Zhuang couldn't hold back at all.

   Hearty laughter.

   It came from the office.

  The secretary closed the door, cut off the laughter, and then whispered: "Having a son is not so happy..."

   And in the office.

  The secretary is really right.

this moment.

  Shang Zhuang really felt that he was happier than the birth of his own son!


  After the door is closed.

  He was still laughing.


  He smiled, stood up and looked out the window.

this moment.

  It seems to be at the pinnacle of life.

  Why did the person in charge of Jingyuan Capital seek him.

  He knows it well.

  Because of YouMedia, because of Linmu Studio, and because of the press conference just now.

  YouMedia’s first financing.

  Jingyuan Capital is too expensive, and thinks that the dual shareholding structure is an unequal treaty, so there is no party to enter the game.

   And obviously.

   Now they regret it.


  Why do you regret it?

  Because after this press conference.

  YouMedia’s market value is no longer 40 billion.

  Now, their market value has increased by at least 20 billion.

   This is still his conservative estimate.


  Doubling is possible!

  The financing has not arrived for a year.

   Valuation doubled.

  It is still a company of this level, and its valuation has doubled in such a short period of time.

this life.

  Shang Zhuang is experiencing this for the first time.

   He's fully confirmed.

   This is the most successful investment in my life.

none of them!

  Moreover, UMedia's shares may become the most important asset of Morning Sun Capital.

   There is also no one!

In this situation.

   There are also peer foils.

  How could he be unhappy.

   "Hahahaha... What is expensive, what is an unequal treaty, regret it yourself!"

  Shang Zhuang laughed again: "If YouMedia can keep going, I can call Lin Yao's father!"

this moment.

   High spirits.

   On him, it is vividly displayed.



  After this press conference is over.

  YouMedia's valuation in the industry has indeed doubled...

   And more than double.

   But more!

  Because the first batch of trial users have already walked out of the venue.

   It was the second day of the press conference.

   All media with a relationship.

   Both reported the same thing.

  That is, YouMedia’s new product launch conference—

  【Unbelievable press conference, Lin Yao’s platform, UMedia’s press conference released a variety of new products again! 】

  【Tablet FuturePAD, between smartphones and laptops, the best smart device! 】

  【FuturePods, the so-called noise reduction technology, what kind of black technology is it? 】

  【The new situation of mobile payment, WeChat announced the update before the end of the year, QR code payment is officially launched! 】

  【Linmu Studio's new mobile game, "Day of Reincarnation", a masterpiece full of sincerity! 】

  【A press conference directly doubled the valuation of YouMedia Technology! 】

  【The birth of a new king! 】


   Various media.

   Not at all stingy with compliments.

  Because these media have already tried the product.

this day.

  YouMedia news is everywhere.

   News of the press conference is everywhere.

  There is news about Lin Yao everywhere.

this day.

  Youmedia Technology has completely become an existence like Linmu Studio for games.

   And all in all.

   Let that person appear in front of everyone again, that is—Lin Yao!

  A girl who personally put on the crown for Linmu Studio and Youmedia.

   Maker of all these miracles!

   Sorry, it’s still too late.



  (end of this chapter)