MTL - Their Commission Pay is Not Right-Chapter 968

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"No, although Luo Luo is very strong and mysterious, and even has Teigu, he really has no money." Shayou shook her head.

"Indeed." Iyeas recalled the scene of meeting Chen Luo, and nodded in agreement.

Didn't Chen Luo go back to Arya's house with them because he had no money to stay in a hotel?

"I thought Lolo was the type to fight with Teigu, but I didn't expect his swordsmanship to be so strong. You can instantly kill a strong man with an umbrella. And it's an umbrella." Leonai looked at Chen Luo, who was still standing on the field, was amazed.

"Is that umbrella some kind of magical Teigu?" Tatsumi suddenly became interested.

"One person cannot use two Teigu. Although I want to say this, and it is true to put it on other people, but if the target is Lolo, it is really not sure. After all, the soul lamp can help people break through Teigu Shi can only use one piece of Teigu. But he was able to kill the butcher shop owner in one blow just now because of his own high sword skills." Lubbock shook his head.

Both Leonai and Lubbock belonged to the night raid members who were not wanted, so they could sit in the auditorium of the martial arts arena openly.

"Speaking of which, didn't the boss say that Lolo's sister is Estes? Isn't Estes sitting at the top now?" When talking about this, Tazmi asked everyone in a low voice.

Tatsumi thinks he remembers correctly, right?

"That's true, but Estes, who is sitting on the top, doesn't seem to be paying attention to the bottom. Maybe Luo Luo participated in this martial arts arena this time for the purpose of getting to know each other, so it's better for you not to get involved, and you If you can't beat Luo Luo and get the bounty, why not just sit here and watch the show obediently." Leonai said.

"What you said is very reasonable, but in a place like this where you can fight openly and aboveboard, no fighter can refuse it? Wait, what is Lolo doing? Are you holding an umbrella?" Chen Luo was surprised by Tazmi's words. His actions caught his attention.

In other words, many people in the auditorium of the Martial Arts Field were attracted by Chen Luo's strange movement of holding an umbrella.

What kind of umbrella do you use in broad daylight?

"Hey, why is it raining? There was a big sun just now. If it rains, will the game be suspended?" Tazmi complained.

Although I can't play by myself, it is also very interesting to watch other people fight.

"Maybe..." Lubbock's voice stopped abruptly, and then he looked at the night sky in shock.

What happened?

This kind of miraculous scene is a bit too unreasonable for people who cut the red pupil world.

Although there are super-dangerous species in this world, there are extremely terrifying monsters, and the magical Teigu, but the situation that can change the sky has never happened.

Not to mention the outrageous thing like nightfall in a second.

If it is placed in the spiritual world, some people may think that it was done by a certain talent.

Strictly speaking, Leo Nai and the others had experienced the effect of the rainy night killing umbrella. Chen Luo had held up this umbrella when he met Ye Xie and the others for the first time.

This also caused a light rain on the night when it would not have rained, and now Ma Yin is still complaining that the rain wet her favorite clothes.

But it was night at that time, and there was no difference between the effect of forcing the night to activate and not activate.

And things like rain are not too weird, so Leonai and the others didn't combine the two at all.

Although Chen Luo is indeed holding the same umbrella now as he did that day, but the brains of normal people should not be big enough to associate forced entry into the night with an umbrella, right?

And the creepy scene that continued to happen later made everyone lose their minds for a moment.

After losing his mind, Leonai's first reaction was to directly summon his Teigu.

blood moon

This feeling as if his whole body was being licked by danger made Leonai terrified. This was no longer something that experienced killers could resist. It was the most sensitive harbinger of crisis from the depths of the soul.

No one has seen Leonai after transformation, because everyone who has seen it has died, so Leonai can indeed use Teigu to transform, but there is a risk of exposing Leonai, because it is impossible for ordinary people Own Teigu.

But just now, Leonai's use of Teigu's transformation was the same as reaching out to the swimming circle beside him when he was drowning. He wanted to grab the last straw in his life.

And when Leonai used Teigu's transformation, Leonai regretted it even more.

Because after Leonai's transformation, his intuition was strengthened and he felt a greater crisis.

The more sensitive the intuition, the stronger the perceived danger.

In order to prevent his head from being overwhelmed by the sense of danger, Leonai chose to release Teigu's transformation.

As the only player holding an umbrella in the audience, Chen Luo slowly walked towards the auditorium, then jumped over the wall and came to the auditorium, holding an umbrella for Abi whose hair was already a little wet.

Chen Luo took out a towel, took off Abi's hat and began to wipe Abi's hair.

If the child is exposed to the rain, if they are not wiped dry, they will catch a cold.

But the blood moon hanging in the sky undoubtedly attracted Abi's great curiosity. While being wiped by Chen Luo's hair, Abi stared at the blood moon curiously.

And the ordinary spectators watching the game in the auditorium of the Martial Arts Arena saw such a bizarre thing at this moment, but they didn't rush away. What kind of commotion happened, but just stared blankly as if their souls had been sucked away by the blood moon. blood moon.

Originally, Chen Luo was also staring at the blood moon very curiously. Although Chen Luo was the owner of the umbrella, Chen Luo really didn't know what the umbrella would attract to destroy these witnesses.

And Chen Luo could also detect some special bewitching abilities from the blood moon.

This kind of bewitching ability will attract the attention of ordinary people to the blood, but if the will is firmer, it can also break free from this temptation, such as Esdes and Bud sitting in the luxurious spectator seats at the top of the arena. Great generals and even ministers can break free

Another example is Lubbock O'Nai and Tazmi.

But ordinary people can't break free from this tempting atmosphere

But when Chen Luo was wiping Abi's hair, Chen Luo was attracted by the keyhole on Abi's forehead again.

Originally, after Abi came to this new world, the keyhole did not disappear, which was within Chen Luo's acceptance range, but after the appearance of the blood moon, the longer Abi stared at the blood moon, the keyhole disappeared. Gradually, the radiant light gradually began to flicker in the center, and Chen Luo was a little terrified when he saw it.

Could it be that the purpose of this blood moon is to detonate Abby's SS-level talent, and then wipe out everyone present?

Think about it carefully, although there are indeed strong people in the field, such as Esdes and General Bude, but their resistance to the spirit is not high. If this kind of bomb full of spiritual pollution is really detonated, then they It is really possible to go into a permanent madness.

Of course, Esdesh's resistance should be higher than that of everyone else, but Chen Luo didn't know how high it could be.

Then... Chen Luo covered Abby's eyes.

After Chen Luo covered Abi's eyes, the smoothness in the keyhole gradually faded until it returned to normal.

Seeing this, Chen Luo heaved a sigh of relief.

But Abby, whose eyes were covered by Chen Luo, was still moving around. Abby seemed really curious about the blood moon.

Chen Luosi let go of Abi's eyes after a while, but just before the keyhole was about to bloom brilliantly and become smooth, Chen Luo put on the sunglasses for Abi.


"Roar!" The moment Abi put on his sunglasses and Chen Luo heaved a sigh of relief, a deafening and soul-stirring roar resounded, as if it directly hit everyone's ears.

Chen Luo raised his head and looked towards the sky, among the clouds that turned blood-red under the reflection of the blood-colored moon, he could occasionally catch a glimpse of a corner of a huge monster.

"Huh?" Chen Luo was a little surprised by this unexpected phenomenon.

What about natural disasters?

If there is really some magical creature that caused the martial arts field to be wiped out in an instant, shouldn't it be a man-made disaster?

But before Chen Luo finished thinking, suddenly there was a strong wind.

Clouds follow dragons, tigers follow wind.

Most of the dangerous species in the world of Crimson Crimson Eyes follow the shape of a dragon after the special level or above, such as the prototype Brand who is haunted by evil spirits, and the corpse of the super dangerous species in the Eight Directions March.

Another example... the dangerous species with the dragon's tail sticking out above.

Originally under the continuous rain, the blood clouds that began to gather and were illuminated red by the blood moon began to be gradually drawn together, and were also attracted by a mysterious force, and began to swirl in a vortex.

"Boom!" Huge lightning surged in the blood cloud.

"Well, it is indeed a natural disaster, and it is not necessarily a natural disaster. The mere existence of such a terrifying creature is a disaster for ordinary people." Chen Luo said to himself.

"Roar!" The dragon's roar sounded like thunder again. This time, all ordinary people subconsciously covered their ears, and it also woke them up from the temptation of the blood moon.

But then came riots, riots born of fear and panic.

"Crack!" But at the moment when the crowd was about to completely riot, a finger snap sounded, and the audience in the martial arts arena was appeased.

Chen Luo doesn't want these people in the martial arts field to go out now. It's not that Chen Luo wants to silence them, but Chen Luo is worried that if these people in the martial arts field leave the martial arts field and spread to the entire imperial capital, it may lead to to a greater disaster.

This umbrella is really powerful

But in this situation, Chen Luo still didn't close the umbrella.

As long as you close the umbrella, all the crises you are facing now will disappear in smoke.

But not enough!

Miracles are not enough!

Chen Luo now understands why God always punishes mortals with thunder in mythology, because only fear can make people believe in gods more.

Fear is the first choice to rule the people.

And Chen Luo can let these ordinary people face their fears on the premise of ensuring their safety.

The highest seat had already become a mess. Although Chen Luo couldn't see the specific situation clearly, there was already a little panic from the little emperor's side.

And this sense of panic soared to the extreme after a huge dragon's head protruded from the blood-colored clouds.

Although the sense of panic had already spread throughout the giant martial arts arena, there was no chaotic noise, because everyone was once again attracted by the blood moon.

And when Chen Luo saw the blood in the eyes of the protruding giant dragon head, Chen Luo understood the principle of eliminating the witnesses this time.

Forced nightfall is self-contained, and light rain is also self-contained.

These don't need to consume Chen Luo's magic power

But that round of blood moon consumed most of Chen Luo's magic power and half of the magic power in the holy grail of the puppet world.

These huge magical powers are not used to control the super dangerous species in the sky that makes people feel fear at a glance, but to condense the blood moon.

The blood moon has different frequencies when facing different people. For ordinary people, the frequency of the blood moon can attract people to look at the blood. As long as the willpower is identified, it is not difficult to break free from this bondage, such as Those Teigu envoys.

But for that dangerous species in the sky, it would make him have an uncontrollable killing intent.

The dragon in the sky has been berserk

This umbrella literally wrought the most disaster with the least amount of magic.

Chen Luo had some guesses about the real identity of the dragon in the sky, so he couldn't help but look at Lubbock who was looking down at Teigu.

Chen Luo has a Teigu illustrated book. In addition to marking the location of each Teigu, it also introduces the source of each Teigu in detail. Among them, there is a Teigu introduction column of Ever-changing · Crossing Tail. A super dangerous species that lives in the clouds of the East China Sea.

And the ever-changing cross tail is made of the body hair of this super dangerous species.


As if feeling a familiar breath, the super dangerous species that was attracted by the blood moon and became mad, roared angrily at the ants below

In super danger, I remembered a past event. When I was sleeping, a group of ants similar to the ants below suddenly broke into my house and plucked my hair.

And the smell of his own hair is nearby.

Originally under the influence of the blood moon, he was impulsive and irritable, but after thinking of this embarrassing thing, the dragon of the East China Sea couldn't help it anymore.

You'd also be **** if an ant or mouse pulled out several hairs while you were sleeping at home.

It's okay if you can't see it, but if you see it again, you will definitely vent your destructive desire unscrupulously.

Just like the dragon of the East China Sea exuding madness all over his body now!

The next moment, the bursting thunder and the huge ice cone met the dragon that was swooping down in the sky at the same time.

And Chen Luo also silently canceled the light rain weather of the umbrella.

water is conductive

Chapter 964 Estes: How many times have I said, call me sister!

The intensity of the battle was beyond Chen Luo's imagination.

Perhaps it can no longer be said that this is a battle, but just a whim from a super super dangerous species.

Esdesh's power is well known in the world of Crimson Pupil, especially Esdesh's ability to control ice, not only can he have a huge advantage when dealing with single players, but also when facing giants It can still be broken violently.

Moreover, Estes is still a tribe that specializes in hunting dangerous species, and has considerable experience in **** dangerous species.

In short, Esdeath has an advantage when dealing with giant dangerous species.

General Bude, one of the two walls of the empire, the other is the strongest. Possesses a Teigu that can control lightning.

Like Estes, Teigu is an elemental type. It has an advantage when facing a large dangerous species, because it can control the thunder in a large area to attack the opponent, and the opponent will not be able to fully attack it due to its huge size. dodge.

But when the strongest of these two empires faced the super dangerous species in the clouds of the East China Sea, its ferocious attack was like mud thrown by a child.

Terrorist attacks are completely useless.

The ice cone will be shattered by the dragon's slap, and the defenseless thunder will be blocked by the dragon's body hair.

This is a terrifying existence that can create Teigu with only body hair.