MTL - The Villain Runs Wild-Chapter 271 After the traitorous dignitaries x loyal ministers

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Even though the Queen Mother has been gone for a few years, the Emperor still remembers what she looked like when she died.

Even if the imperial power is in hand, and the whole country searches for a famous doctor, she still cannot save her life.

Emperor Ming was afraid of death, he hadn't enjoyed the carefree life of being an emperor enough, and when he heard Lin Sui say this, he immediately moved.

According to the meaning of Lin Sui's words, Jinyiwei is a military and political intelligence collection department with a wide range of functions and only serves him. His will is the highest will. Whether it is delicious food or beauty prescription, as long as he wants to know, he can know it at the fastest speed.

"Then it will be done according to Aiqing's advice. I will send you anything you need."

The emperor's reaction was as expected by Lin Sui, he opened his mouth and said: "Wei ministers go to find people to select first, only need to have His Majesty's word of mouth is enough, if the matter is successfully completed , it will not be too late for His Majesty to issue another decree."

Lin Sui bowed her hands and left the imperial study.

This upfront payment is nothing to him. Once the thing is done, as long as you have the right, you don't have to worry about money.

The wish of the original owner of this world is to be the first official, this is very easy for Lin Sui, it is only a matter of time, if the original owner dares to think, it is not impossible for him to do that supreme position, it just needs Just put some effort into it.

However, due to the characteristics of ancient imperial power, Lin Sui felt that being a powerful minister who controlled the state was more comfortable than being an emperor. die.

In Yan's house, Yan Qin listened to the little servant who came to report the news, and hurriedly went to pick up his father who came out of the prison.

Because I was in a hurry, the paper on the desk was not collected, and the strong wind blew in from the half-supported window, blowing the paper all over the room.

The realistic or freehand osmanthus swirls in the air with the wind, interspersed with a few silhouettes that only have eyes or faces and bodies that cannot see the whole picture.

Outside the prison, Yan Yu was wearing a wrinkled shirt and stepped onto the soft sedan chair.

In order to welcome him back, Mrs. Yan also dipped a willow branch in water and patted him a few times to remove his dark spots, and then asked him to wash, bathe, change clothes, and eat together.

When Yan Yu finished this, the family asked what His Majesty's will was.

"Your Majesty did not send me to Hengzhou."

The Yan family breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

Yan Qin asked: "Is that staying in the capital?"

He knew in his heart that this should be the credit of Lin Sui, and the celebrities around the saint were indeed unusual.

"It's still out," Yan Yu's face was thin, but his eyes were very bright, "Your Majesty asked me to go to Yangzhou to be a prefect. It seems that Your Majesty also knows my heart of boxing."

Yanzhou was the land of the previous floods. Yanyu once received news from the magistrate there about the river embankment, so he made it clear to His Majesty, but he did not expect His Majesty to pay attention to it. The floods still occurred, and even that gave Xiaozhi County, who delivered the news by himself, was also punished for his ineffectiveness, which made Yan Yu extremely indignant, so he made the words clear in the foreword under His Majesty, so that he was sent to the Heavenly Prison.

When he was in prison, he didn't worry about where he was going, and he was even thinking about how to deal with the hidden dangers in Hengzhou, but he didn't expect that His Majesty would not let him go to Hengzhou.

A minister who doesn't have much to do, might as well go downstairs and do some practical things for the people.

The news made the Yan family both happy and sad. The happy thing is that the environment of Yanzhou is much better than that of Hengzhou. Although it is not rich and not even taken seriously, the folk customs are simple and there are not too many troubles. .

The worry is that they still have to go out, from Shangshu to Yanzhou Zhizhou, but they have also experienced a few days of depreciation and a few liters with Yanyu. Compared with the original result, they are still more fortunate. .

Mrs. Yan looked at Yan Qin and said, "Erlang, remember to send some gifts to the people you walk around later, and thank them for interfering with your father."

Yan Yu looked at Yan Qin and asked him who he had asked for help.

Yan Qin vaguely said the names of several of his father's colleagues, Yan Yu stroked his beard and said with emotion, "I have to thank them."

Listening to her father's words, Yan Qin was silent.

He didn't say the most important one, he was thinking about the will of the Sage, how much of it was Lin Sui's mind, and why did Lin Sui do this.

Back in the study, he saw the mess caused by the strong wind, and squatted down to pick up those paintings.

Looking at the ink marks on the paper, Yan Qin frowned slightly and burned them one by one.

Thinking about it is annoying, not wanting it is annoying, he can't concentrate on his work these days, and he often gets distracted when he reads a book.

In the afternoon, Yan Qin asked his servants to send Mrs. Yan's thank-you gift to everyone's house, while he took the scroll and went to Lin's house.

As soon as she walked to the gate, Yan Qin hesitated again.


He told the concierge: "Can you pass it on and say that Yan Erlang is here to give your master a gift of thanks."

The doorman waved his hand and said, "My master is not in the house today."

I don't know if Yan Qin was relieved or a little disappointed, he turned and left.

He knows that he can naturally leave the gift here, just leave his name and let the concierge hand it over. This is the best way, but there are always some thoughts in his heart, thank you This kind of thing naturally requires sincerity to meet in person, otherwise the powerful Lord Lin might not be satisfied with his attitude.

After making a good excuse for his behavior, Yan Qin took the scroll and left the splendid Lin Mansion.

Lin Sui was working hard for Jinyiwei, and at the same time supervising the affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so she did not stay in the house, and only heard Cai Xiao's report when she was drinking medicine at night.

"Tomorrow, let someone go to him to spread the word, let him come to see me at the house every three minutes, and you don't have to tell me my name."

Caixiao responded, Lin Sui drank the medicine in the bowl and rinsed her mouth with clear tea.

He touched the red jade bead in his hand and called Yun Qian to ask him to prepare the things he needed.

Yan Qin received the news during the next solar eclipse.

Little sister Yan Rongzhen asked curiously who it was, but Yan Qin only said she was a friend.

Yan Rongzhen knew that her brother made a lot of friends, and now that the family affairs have regulations, it is time for the elder brother to go out to socialize.

"Brother, mother said you don't want to go with me and daddy?"

"Well, I'm going to prepare for next year's meeting."

Eighteen is already an adult, and she has a lot of wives and children. Yan Qin has always focused on reading. He traveled abroad when he was young, and he was able to become independent long ago. .

The meaning of the saint is to leave Beijing within half a month, but Yan Yu is impatient. This morning, people started to pack up, and he wants to take office as soon as possible.

Yan Qin had long been accustomed to being separated from her family, but she had no regrets. Knowing that her parents did not have to travel to the bitter and cold places, she was relieved.

After talking with her sister, Yan Qin went out with a gift.

Yan Rongzhen, who was wearing a double bun, looked at her brother's hurried steps away, and blinked: "When did the second brother have such a rush, is he rushing to see his lover?"

"I said it smoothly, I read a book yesterday,"

"Miss, you secretly read the script again. If the lady finds out, you will be punished for making a fuss."

Yan Rongzhen muttered: "I'm not the second brother. I either write or draw all day long. It's very boring. I think my future sister-in-law will definitely like to write, write and draw."

Yan Rongzhen feels good, Lin Sui is very interested in writing and drawing now.

The pavilion surrounded by the living spring is hung with gauze tents, and the smokeless silver filament carbon is burned inside, exposing some corners and corners for ventilation.

When Yan Qin was led to the center of the pavilion, a young man in black was writing an article.

The black clothes made him look thinner and thinner, and the faint and bitter medicinal fragrance lingered in the pavilion.

After seeing the ceremony, Yan Qin saw the handwriting on the paper, and the content was exactly a word he had written.

He grabbed the edge of the scroll with a little force unconsciously, and with Lin Sui's pen, he read the next chapter in his mind, as if Lin Sui followed his heart to drop the pen and ink .

"Is this your thank you gift?"

Lin Sui unfolded the painting scroll that Yan Qin brought, which was quite picky.

This pair is the original work of the masters of the previous dynasty, and it is very valuable. Yan Qin also chose this one after careful consideration.

Seeing Lin Sui's dissatisfaction now, Yan Qin felt a little helpless.

He pursed his lips and said, "Considering that adults like painting and calligraphy, I chose this gift as a thank you gift."

Yan Qin didn't know why Lin Sui suddenly came to him, but he thought that the reason why the other party found him was his painting skills, so he would never go wrong in choosing a painting.

He actually doesn't know what Lin Sui likes, he also tried to find out, but it is full of gold and silver treasures, but there will be no shortage of these things in Lin Sui.

Lin Sui looked at the eyebrows of the young Lang Qingjun, and said: "Yan Langjun should know that Mr. Yan went to Yanzhou, this great favor, only relying on a painting to repay, is it too much? Take advantage?"

"What does the lord mean?"

Yan Qin was a little hesitant, not knowing what Lin Sui planned.

Is it asking him to paint again to make amends? If Lin Sui wants it, he can paint a few more pictures.

"Today, I have Yaxing, and I also want to paint. Lord Yan Lang also asked me to paint once, so I can repay this favor, how?"

The young man's voice was lazy, as if it fell on Yan Qin's heart, and the last word hit the heavy string, which made Yan Qin's heart skip a beat.

His eyes fell on the young man's hand, and this hand would draw traces on him, Yan Qin thought, what's the harm, even if Lord Lin draws a **** on him, It's worth it to be able to fill this relationship.

Looking at the surrounding curtains, Yan Qin knew that Lin Sui had already made up her mind.

He didn't refuse, he took off his clothes, and when he was about to turn around, he heard Lin Sui say, "I didn't say I wanted to paint it on the back."

Yan Qin tightened his hand on the edge of the long table, his heart beat faster and faster, took a deep breath, and met Lin Sui's gaze.

"How can the picture scroll be in the way, are you right, Xiao Langjun?"

The pen in Lin Sui's hand touched Yan Qin's leg, and the ink smeared on the fabric, causing Yan Qin's eyes to widen in astonishment.

Although this veil cannot be seen from the outside world, in case a servant comes forward, if the wind blows too much... In short, this is too much a challenge to the bottom line for a thin-skinned young man.

Yan Qin froze in place, the atmosphere was a little stagnant.

"It seems that Langjun doesn't want to pay off my favor. That's fine. Langjun can rest in my mansion and leave when he wants."

Lin Sui's threat method is very good, and if he enters his door, Yan Qin can't escape even with his wings. If it doesn't go with his heart, Yan Qin can't leave. know this.

half step.

The young man had a cold face and complied with Lin Sui's request.

His eyes, as if to say: already so, what should you do.

However, he didn't know that, for surly people, the softer the softer and the more boring, the more compromised, the more humiliating fun.

Lin Sui chuckled, leaving traces on the scroll.

He knew that Yan Qin's reluctant appearance was mixed with water, and if he had a memory, he might blushed and asked him to draw more.

But even if he doesn't remember, he doesn't seem to be able to last long, and he can't be tough.

No, it's tough.

"It's a little difficult for me to do things like you."

Lin Sui used the pen to pick up the thing that hindered his writing, with a light tone.

He has no self-awareness that this is his own writing without rules, blaming the young man for being ignorant and giving him a chance to repay his favor, but not only did he not thank him for his generosity and kindness, on the contrary, it was a mess , let something get in the way.

Sweat dripped from his forehead, and he didn't even think about it when he was a painter last time, but this time he knew the taste of soft writing.

Unfortunately, he is still facing Lin Sui directly, and you can see Lin Sui painting with her head lowered and her eyes falling on him.

Lin Sui raised her hand, traced along the top with interest, and then commented: "It's ugly."

"You disturbed my interest in painting, Yan Langjun, what do you think now?"

Lin Sui threw the pen aside and waited for the young man's answer.


Yan Qin's chest heaved and he knew that this was Lin Sui's trick, but he had to continue.

"What do you want, sir?"

Yan Qin couldn't fathom the minds of the people in front of him, and didn't know how the situation could be, so he simply obeyed Lin Sui's mind and let him do whatever he wanted.

"Wipe clean, since you said so, then please trouble Yan Langjun to serve me. When you are satisfied with serving me, this matter will be turned over."

Unbiased, right where he said ugly.

Yan Qin has a smart mind, so his eyes are slightly wide, and his heart is full of shock.

He suddenly understood the reason why Lin Sui came to him, not for his paintings, but for his people.

He should have despised the traitorous behavior, but his legs seemed to betray his reason, so he walked to the corner, wiped himself with a handkerchief, and the originally clean water was stained The ink stains become cloudy.

Yan Qin turned around, the things on the long table were set aside, only a box of grease was in it, Lin Sui was sitting on a chair, holding her chin, waiting for him to approach.

Scholars mostly only hold pens in their hands, but Yan Qin is different. He has practiced swordsmanship, and his fingers have thin layers of calluses.

Doing work that he has never done before, he seems to be more careful than drawing to outline the edge.

It's a pity that the basin of water has turned black and can't look like a human, otherwise he would have found the face reflected in the water when he just wiped it. On the contrary, it is extremely bright.

The slender and thin meniscus is beautiful in the world.

Sanqiu osmanthus incense overflows from the courtyard of the study.

Caixian and the others were ordered to stay three feet away from the small courtyard, and no one could enter.

Rahu Pearl radiates light and is fleeting.

Lin Sui can't take it before the sun sets, her body is useless, she hangs on medicine to continue her life, she can't lift her tired hands twice, even her breathing becomes difficult. Some effort.

In spite of this, he is still a powerful person, and he commented on "Shang Ke" to today's visitors.

Yan Qin's throat was slightly tight, and he resisted the urge. It was true that the person in his arms looked too weak, which also made the contented atmosphere between his brows more arrogant and cold.

Since Yan Qin wanted to serve, she naturally did a comprehensive job, tidying up people's clothes, and the dirty new handkerchief sank into the water along with the wiped old handkerchief.

"Yan Xiaolang-jun go out, this time the two will be cleared."

The youth's words hovered in Yan Qin's mind, he should have relaxed, but Yan Qin's expression when he left the house was unwittingly ugly.

The arrogant man suddenly broke into his world, and when it was used up, it was discarded.

Yan Qin was depressed and locked himself in the room, but his parents were about to leave, so he had to deal with these things.


Even if she is used to separation, Mrs. Yan doesn't know how long it will take to go to Yanzhou, but she can't help but chat with Yan Qin, telling him to study hard and try not to offend people on weekdays.

Yan Qin was a little distracted when he heard the last sentence. He didn't know if he had offended someone unintentionally, and that Lord Lin would appear again and make him owe him more favors.

This idea crossed the limit of reason, Yan Qin suppressed it and responded in a low voice.

Outside the door, Yan Yu walked over with a frown and called Yan Qin's name seriously.

In this way, Mrs. Yan said a little angrily: "Master, what are you doing, we have to leave tomorrow, Erlang has been busy with your affairs these days, and he has not done anything in the past few days. , why are you talking to him like that?"

"That's it, besides my colleagues, have you asked others to help?"

Yan Yu turned blue when he thought of what he had just heard.

There is no wall in the world that does not leak the wind. The fact that Yan Yu went to Yanzhou because of the advice of the Minister of Punishment Lin Sui was also brought up. Most people do not believe it. But it doesn't prevent them from ruining Yan Yu's reputation.

Yan Yu quarreled with people in a hurry, and plans to ask carefully after returning.

Seeing this, Yan Qin stopped hiding and nodded.

"Is it Lin Sui?"

Yan Qin still nodded, and Yan Yu's eyes darkened with anger, even Mrs.

"The big deal is to go to Hengzhou, what do I have to choose, you actually begged him because of this matter, Yan Qin, you are confused!"

Yan Yu really had a mouthful of blood stuck in his throat. He felt that he had taught his children like this, and he had no face to face the plaque of loyalty from generation to generation given by the Queen Mother.

"Sir, calm down, we Erlang don't know that Mr. Lin at all, how could we ask him to go there, Erlang, please explain to your father what's going on."

Mrs. Yan gave Yan Yu smooth air and winked at Yan Qin.

Yan Qin didn't say anything about Lin Sui's threat to him, only said: "Dad, don't worry, my son and him have settled, and he didn't do anything against his conscience. He just likes the child's paintings."

Yan Yu thought that he knew Lin Sui somewhat, and said angrily: "He likes your paintings so he sells your face? I don't believe it, he must have other ideas."

Mrs. Yan tugged at Yan Yu's sleeve and said, "Erlang's painting skills are even recognized by Master Wuyazi, maybe it's true."

When Yan Yu thought that he had inherited Lin Sui's love, he was scratching all over his body, and he was afraid that there would be a pit waiting for him.

Yan Qin was forced to go with him. After all, he couldn't say that he had paid the favor with his own body. If his father found out, he might faint on the spot.

The two father and son entered the hall.

"We don't have any personal friendships. In the future, if you ask us for help, we will never agree to things that go against your conscience."

"Young Master Yan District, Yanzhou Zhizhou, what can I ask you to help me? Linglang has already repaid me, so you don't have to worry."

Lin Sui sat on the main seat and took a long sip of hot tea.

Yan Yu looked at him with a smile, an alarm bell in his heart, an idea came out of his mind like a thunderbolt.

He said sternly: "Don't make a child's idea, he will definitely not betray your father and accept someone else as your father like you!"

Yan Yu understood that his son was unparalleled in talent and would surely achieve success in the future, so Lin Sui took a fancy to him.

Lin Sui didn't live to Chen He's age, so she started to choose her son! Don't even think about it! This is his son!