MTL - The Village Doctress-Chapter 34 Da Ya

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Speaking of the jewellery left by Chu, there was a joke at the time.

Zhao and Wu had to take down the jewellery that Chu had on him, because she had to leave those jewels with Chu to be buried.

For this reason, Wu's and Zhao's Qi almost rushed to bite her.

Gospel Lin now think about it, if it wasn't for Grandma Li who saw the silver ring and put it away, no matter who picked it up, I'm afraid it would never be returned to her.

As long as people pick it up, Wu and Zhao's daughter-in-law have reasons to own it.

On the second day of the Gospel, Lin asked Affin and Afang to take a look at the land of her house, and saw a few acres of broad bean planted on the land. She couldn't help laughing.

These broad beans are old and the harvest is not good.

But it must be retracted. For her who is sitting and eating, mosquitoes are as small as meat.

"Sister Gospel, it's very hot these days. You go back first. This old bean, Afang and I have dug wild vegetables and picked it up for you by the way." Afen said watching Lin Gospel.

Gospel Lin looked up at the blazing sun, it was really very hot, but she came out without a straw hat.

When she was tanned by the sun, she felt her cheeks burned and sweat dripped down her cheeks.

Reaching out and touching a sweat, Lin Gospel's eyes turned and he had a plan.

"It's okay, I will ask my uncle and uncle to pick my beans for me tomorrow." Lin Goshen said briskly to the sisters.

"That's all right." Afen nodded, his voice lowered. "My family has only a few plots, and my dad can pick them up in a day. I will let them help you to put those fields in your house. Do your best. "

"That is, Uncle San won't care for the land. My father and mother are distressed when they see the field." Afang also said.

It turned out that the sisters also knew about the fields in Lin Gospel's house.

"That's not right. I just asked Uncle Er to grow me cabbage." Lin Gospel laughed. "I'll spend five pennies a day. Er Erniang helps me to do things at the same price."

Affin and Afang didn't look happy, just worried.

You can't help the gospel with everything, she has helped their family a lot.

She is just a child.

Uncle San doesn't know what's wrong yet ...

With a little thought of Lin Gospel, they knew what they were thinking, and then unlocked them. "This day is all people live. As long as we are diligent and use our brains, we will not worry about this day."

Affin suddenly said, "I just worry about Uncle San, he hasn't been back for so many days. If ... then what will you and Xiaobao Beckham do ..."

Lin Gospel froze, and did not expect that the sisters were worried about her and the two children.

In fact, she never saw the original father, and because she was a mature soul, she wanted to rely on herself from beginning to end, so she didn't worry about her life without Father Lin. Instead, she has a better life.

But Saffen and Affon's concern, she was very useful.

So she looked at Affin and Afang and whispered: "My father is still alive and dead. Your parents are used to being oppressed by the old house. The adults in the family ca n’t rely on it, so we can only live on our own. Now. "

Affin and Afang didn't expect her to say so much, and they both froze.

But think carefully about what she said, every sentence makes sense, and the two girls had some ideas in their hearts.

Gospel Lin hauled a lot of fresh Houttuynia to home, and Affin and Afang continued to dig herbs.

After Gospel Lin returned home, he turned the plantain, half stick lotus, and houttuynia in the yard.

Then the freshly pulled Houttuynia cordata was picked and washed.

Then go to the vegetable garden to pluck a new garlic, wash it and pat it away, boil the water and put the houttuynia cordata in it, chop it again, cut it into small pieces and put it in the sea bowl, and pour the patted garlic out. Then pour old vinegar, cut a few spring onions and mix, a bowl of fresh cold Houttuynia cordata, also known as cold oyster.

Then she went to the grocery store and found out Chen Mung Bean and Red Bean. She grabbed a handful of crushed corn kernels and washed it. She put it in a large pot and planned to make a pot of mixed grain porridge.

When she had burned the firewood, she heard someone knock on the door.

She opened the door and took a look. It turned out to be the old girl next door.

Da Ya is a young girl with a strong black face, with a long face and round black eyes. She is wearing an old washed and patched lilac summer shirt.

As soon as she saw the Gospel of Lin, the black eyes murmured, and smiled shyly and squeezed into the courtyard of the Lin Gospel family.

"Gospel, I came to your house secretly." As soon as she entered the door, she said with a smile to Lin Gospel, and then watched her drenched weeds and wild vegetables in the yard, and said sympathy: "Gospel, your home is true Are you going to open the pot soon? "

"Who did you listen to?" Lin Gospel's eyes rolled around as well, concentrating to the bottom of his eyes.

Don't hide my appearance when you are aunt, and look at her and say, "Everyone in the village said that you spent a lot of money to mourn your mother, and you spent a lot of money to ask your father to go. Your grandmother pays old-age silver, for fear that all the money saved at home will be spent by you. "

Gospel Lin blinked, but did not refute, she spread her hands, "Yeah, there is no silver money in the family."

Auntie immediately stepped up and asked, "Will your younger brother and younger sister spend more money to ask my elder sister and her elder sister to milk?"

It turned out to be this matter.

In fact, it was her grandmother who asked her to come and explore the words of Lin Gospel.

Seeing that Lin Gospel's siblings are approaching the full moon, because of the milking silver that her two daughters-in-law earned, their family has had much better life this month. The food in the family is all the best. I don't want to live the hardships of the past.

This is to hope that the Gospel of Lin will continue to pay for her Zhu's milk to her children.

"Naturally, I still spend money asking them to breastfeed my brother and sister. At that time, I said good to your second concubine. I always talked and talked. I was afraid you wouldn't talk." Gospel Lin said softly.

Although she had a soft tone, Da Ya had the feeling of being out of breath.

Lin Gospel didn't mean to embarrass her teenage girl, but she knew that when she went home, the adults who instructed her to inquire would ask her what Lin Gospel had said.