MTL - The Village Doctress-Chapter 1013 Primary four shot

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Gospel Lin saw that the younger son was very suffocated, and reached out and patted his shoulder. "Little four, you know that your father and mother are angry for your sister. It's better that the elders take the shot. My father and I can't let you Your older sister is aggrieved, rest assured. "

Liner knows the big picture, and when she hears such words from her own mother, she will understand that this matter is not big or small.

It's a matter of her reputation, and her parents must be careful.

The fourth child also understood, but said: "Daddy and mother came to the surface, the son came secretly, the son must not bear him!"

"Little four, the older sister is not so wronged, but just think he treats our family as fools." Liner appeased.

The fourth child didn't say a word.

Knowing his son Moruo, Huang Fujin also reached out and patted Xiaosi's shoulder, but said nothing.

Gospel Lin saw the interaction between their father and son, and smiled gently, "Okay, then leave it to their father and son, and we mothers should not worry about it."

The chief of the Louxiao department settled in a post station in the imperial city dedicated to receiving officials or family members.

On the same day, Prince Jin's mansion returned the gift he sent, and he also sent a cart of medicinal herbs.

The royal people didn't say anything, but they also said very much.

He sat down in the teacher's chair with a calm face, and his confidant saw that he had no words for a long time, and boldly came up and asked tentatively, "Master, what do you mean by looking at this royal man?"

"They rejected the chief!" The chief of Lou Xiaobu sneered with a sneer.

Originally, he also relied on Huang Fujin being a nostalgic person. Anyway, he would think about his implied thoughts, but he never thought that he would be completely out of his thoughts.

The confidant naturally knows such a simple truth, but what does it mean that Her Majesty the Royal Highness sent a carriage to me?

"Mr. Chief, why is Her Majesty the Crown Prince sending you a cart of medicinal herbs? What valuable medicinal herbs do we have in the Louxiao Department?" The chief adviser of the Louxiao Department was very curious and wondered.

The chief of the Louxiao Department sneered, "I'm afraid the idea came from the queen mother-in-law. She is ridiculing that the chief is ill and wants to take medicine. It is a humiliation to the chief!"

The confidant was taken aback.

Eyes widened: "No, right? Think back then, our old chief valued the Empress Dowager the same way, and gave all the iron ore and jade mines in the Louxiao Department to the Empress Dowager, no matter how the Empress Dowager did It depends on the graciousness of the old chief, and treats us in the building night party well! "

That said to the chief of the Louxiao department.

Thinking of the old chief giving the large iron ore and jade mine of the Louxian Department to the current queen mother-in-law, whenever I think of it, he can't wait to pull the old chief out of the soil and ask him.

Iron mines are weapons, jade mines are silver money!

The old chief clearly gave the future of Lou Xiaobu to Huangfu's house.

If those are not sent out, stay in the building department, the building department will develop better!

"Huh! That Dawei woman is not a simple woman. She doesn't remember the favor of our Lou Xiao department." The chief of the Lou Xiao department was very sharp.

"Mr. Chief, Her Royal Highness Princess is not a simple woman. According to a small point of view, Ms. Chief still has to go back to the building as soon as possible before trying to find a way."

He paused and said, "Our women in Beirong are heroic. It is better if the Chief Chief thinks about it. As long as Her Royal Highness Princess is attracted by the wise master of the Chief Chief, she will marry you. No one can stop it ... "

The chief of the Building Department blinked.

The counsel may not be unreasonable.

It's just that he is now a wife, and his wife has given him a few smart and wise sons-in-law.

He is also very virtuous and virtuous. He is a good helper and he respects his wife.

If Her Royal Highness ...

Naturally, it is impossible for you.

The chief of the building's night department stared hard, and already had a plan in mind.

What is the sacrifice of a person for the great cause?

The Chief of the Louxiao Department intended to listen to the advice of the counselor, no longer stay in Beirong Imperial City, and did not do anything detrimental again. After entering the palace again to His Majesty His Majesty, he resigned.

Huang Fulu agreed with a smile, and rewarded him with some good things. There was nothing to mention about his sudden gift to Liner.

The chief of the Louxiao department had already prepared for discrimination, but he did not expect that the young emperor did not ask him.

Feeling a little disturbed, I felt relieved.

The Chief of the Building Department left the Imperial City in this way.

Half a month later, there was news that the court also shocked the court. The chief wife and eldest wife of the chief of the ministry made a big mistake and was degraded by the chief of the ministry to a chamber.

Others don't know what's going on, but the Huang Fujin family knows it.

It's just that Primary Four has gone to the Louxiao Department.

Huang Fujin finally decided to let Primary Four handle the matter.

Therefore, half a month later, the Lou Xiao Department sent another big event that shocked the court.

Because the elder lady of Lou Xiaobe was dismissed by the chief of Lou Xiaobe as a chamber, she was unwilling to buy someone to poison the chief of Lou Xiaobe.

And it is a chronic, unsolved poison, not fatal, but it will be painful for a lifetime.

The chief of the Louxiao Department angrily beheaded the elder lady who had been dismissed as a chamber.

The eldest daughter's children have resentment against their father ...

Primary 4 also smoothly returned to Beirong Imperial City.

In Prince Jin's house, the family is together.

"Primary four, this is a very nasty method." Sambo took the lead and looked at him with an eyebrow raised.

Her younger brother is the most cruel one of the four sisters, and he cannot easily provoke him in the future.

But Liner smiled: "Our primary four means, it depends on who it is. If it is a wicked person, our primary four means is bad. We will use evil to make evil!"

Huang Fulu clapped and said yes.

Then he looked at Xiaosi with a smile. "Little four, you are not a life-threatening person. You gave it up, and the chief of the Louxiao department cut off his lady in the front room. What's the reason?"

Xiaosi sneered, "The elder lady is not a virtuous lady. On the surface, she has received a lot of beauties for the chief of the Louxiao department, but she has a dozen lives in her hands. It doesn't include those little lives that she lost before they had time to be born. "

The battle over the backyard has always been cruel.

But a few women with a dozen lives in their hands.

That old lady is too terrible!

Sambo heard a sneer and said, "It really is a **** vicious woman. No wonder he can be anxious and debilitated by chronic poison torture him all his life. He is a vicious man!"

"Since you were so generous with your husband, you must have a metric that is tolerant. If you do n’t have that metric, do n’t give your husband so much beauty. After you have accepted such a generosity, you must kill them As well as their children, it is her deserved destiny! "Liner also sneered.

Gospel sighed.

When she got older, she was unwilling to listen to these cruel things, and instead asked: "Jin, Luer, since the chief of the Louxiao Ministry is now chronically poisoned, it is no longer suitable for the chief of the Louxiao Ministry. .A new chief can you and your father and son have suitable candidates? "