MTL - The Village Doctress-Chapter 1008 Peach Blossom Debt Incurred

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Several people's eyes were fixed on Lin Gospel's face.

"It's something you provoke." Lin Gospel didn't know if it was funny or speechless. She never dreamed that her younger brother who was still unmarried also got a peach blossom debt.

But when they heard the Gospel of Lin saying that it was caused by Lin Si, several people were stunned.

Both are unbelievable.

Since my mother-in-law used a provocative character, it is naturally not a good thing.

Several people were worried for Lin Linsi.

Sambo's temper was a little more urgent, and he immediately looked at Lin Gospel and asked, "Mother, what a stable person, how could you have troubled the Louxiao department?"

Gospel Lin said "Hi", "Naturally, you wouldn't be idle to mess with Lou Xiaobu, but he provokes Wushuang Princess of Lou Xiaobu, and Wushuanggong marries him."

When Luer heard that it was a romantic case, they all laughed, and all the worries on their faces were gone.

"Mother, I heard that the Princess Wushuang in this building is also a strange woman. When she is old, she does not want to marry or stay in the tribe all day. She likes to run around the world and likes to do business. . "Sambo rushed to say what she knew.

Gospel Lin nodded with a smile.

Lin Er also smiled and said, "Princess Wushuang likes to do business is a bit like her mother when she was young."

Gospel Lin shook his head, "It's really different. When she was young, she loved silver, loved to do business, and was forced to live. She wanted to live the life she wanted. Later, when you met your father, you knew that he was noble. I thought that although I was a woman, in order to be worthy of your father, I would also be a wealthy woman who is well-known in the world. Later, where would I know that my mother had a relationship with the Great Wei Dynasty? "

The people who said it all laughed.

Luer added Liner ’s words, "The Princess Wushuang in Lou Xiao Bu was born to like doing business, but she was n’t savvy. She just likes to ship goods from other places to another place, which is her hobby, and earning silver is not in her eyes. . "

Sambo laughed: "This world is truly amazing, there are people like that." Then looking at Lin Gospel with another gossip and asking, "Mother, why did we provoke her?"

The Gospel of Lin Gou looked slightly dignified, "Princess Wushuang saved your uncle, and they knew each other. Your uncle once promised to marry a wife from Dawei to marry Dawei ..."

"So, this is the rejection of Princess Wushuang, and Princess Wushuang went back and told her mother, did Lou Xiaobu come here to find father and mother?" Asked Sambo.

Lin Goshen nodded.

"So, is the Louxiao department here to force the marriage?" Xiaosi sneered.

There was also a touch of irony on Luer's face.

Lou Xiao's move is definitely not simple.

Even if the Princess Wushuang truly loves Xun, she just wants to marry Xun as his wife, and the Louxiao Department is not simply to take the lead on behalf of Wushuang Princess.

"This is the eye on Mrs. Zuo's seat." Liner said a meaningful look after looking at Luer.

Gospel Lin saw several children so acutely aware of the nature of the matter, and smiled at Huang Fujin with relief.

"You don't have to worry about this, you and I have your father." After that, I specifically explained to Luer, "Since the Lou Xiao Department came to your father and me as relatives, you don't need to do this first. Get involved. "

Several people promised to come down.

After the family had dinner, Luer took Chao Yan back to the palace.

Lin Er and Sambo spoke with Lin Gospel while Huang Fujin and Xiaosi went to the study.

"Mother, I don't think you have said everything today?" Lin Er smiled and asked Lin Gospel.

Sambo frowned, and she also felt like her mother hadn't said anything, at least not in front of her brother-in-law.

Gospel Lin glanced at their sisters with a smile, "Can't hide you two smart ghosts."

"Mother, don't say it first, let me guess, is it related to the emperor?" Sambo immediately said.

Liner also guessed and laughed: "Since the mother is not in front of the eldest brother and the emperor, it is naturally related to them both."

Gospel Lin nodded, thinking of a scorn of lips on the lips.

"The chief of the Louxiao department discussed with your father and me, saying that your elder brother has married the queen, and there should be a few concubines to enrich the harem. The words and the words are that your emperor's identity is too low, the grandmother's grandson His children and granddaughters have been taunted by him. "

Lin Gospel's face remained motionless, but Liner and Sanbao frowned.

"The chief of the Louxiao department really treats himself as an onion. The emperor is now the queen of Beirong. No matter what her previous identity is, it is not something that a tribal chief can despise." Sambo's displeased sarcasm Road.

Even if Huangyan Chaoyan is not the kind of person she likes, she can't even turn around to a chief of the building department to dislike it.

They even brought their future nephew and niece.

"Birth brother and emperor's future children will naturally be Bei Rong's most noble bloodline. The chief of the Louxiao department really considers him a personal character." Lin Er was also very angry.

"What are you mad at? Your father and I will not take it seriously. He just wants to take the opportunity to send a few beautiful women in the palace to the palace." Lin Gou laughed.

Liner and Sambo were worried.

Sambo couldn't help asking Lin Gospel saying, "Mother, Lou Xiao is anyway a father's mother. Dad values ​​affection like that, and great-great-grandfather. I'm afraid of him ..."

"In the past, the Lou Xiao Department was valued because your great-grandfather was there. After the great-grandfather went, then the elders who had a good relationship with your father went, and now all these cousins ​​are left. A table is three thousand miles The relationship between your father and them is just the interest relationship, rest assured. "Lin Gospel comforted them.

But Sanbao was still worried, and continued: "Even if it doesn't depend on love, the Lou Xiao Department has become more powerful over the years. Dad and big brother always have to appease the Lou Xiao Department?"

This is worried that if the appeasement is not good, the Louxiao Department will betray the royal family of Beirong.

Lin Gospel heard that the momentum came out invisibly. "The Dharma Ministry didn't dare. Your father abdicated and let your elder brothers. Naturally, everything was arranged, and he was relieved."

Sambo was relieved.

Lin Er frowned again, looking at Lin Gospel and asking, "Mother, what if the Lou Xiao Department had to plug some beauties to the big brother?"

Gospel Lin laughed, "If there is such a thing, then your elder brother and imperial concubine will discuss it with you, what are your concerns?"

"Not the emperor yet, I saw her dumbfounded, simple." Sambo pursed her lips.

"Huh? Do you still think that your emperor is a dull and simple person?" Lin Gou asked with a smile.

Sambo tilted his head, "Mother, if you really don't worry about her, why didn't you mention the chief of the Louxiao department when the big brother and her were present to say that the big brother should be concubine?"