MTL - The Village Doctress-Chapter 1006 Auntie Hele

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Huang Fujin snorted, "He's the rest of him playing with me."

Lin Gospel glared at him silently, and Liner covered her lips and laughed.

"Yes, our dad is the smartest person in the world! The fourth child all learned with dad." Liner laughed.

Huang Lin, nodded by Lin Er's soothing Shutan, was very helpful.

"Mother, I think the brother Huang is also the same as father. The wedding party was late. I never expected that he would find an emperor for me and marry back so soon." Liner held Lin Gospel's arm, and It is joy and sigh.

Gospel Lin laughed: "Your brother is more prosperous than your father. Your brother is married at this age, and you can be a father later. Chao Yan is more prosperous than your mother. She is younger than you, even if you wait Twenty births can also be an early mother. If their husband and wife are willing, they can give you more nieces and nephews. "

Liner laughed and said sincerely, "My father and mother are also very good!"

"His Majesty the Emperor, Her Majesty the Queen, Her Royal Highness Princess, Her Royal Highness Comes Down!" Omiya Omura came to the newspaper with joy.

The three looked at each other, and Lin Gosuke smiled, "Please ask the second princess to come in."

The two girlfriends usually have their own things to do. Liner often has to go out and visit on behalf of the emperor. Sambo is in the army all year round. If it is not for Lu Er's wedding, it is difficult to gather a family.

So when they heard that Sambo also came, the three were very happy.

When Sambo was wearing a delicate red palace costume, she opened the bead curtain and entered the inner room. Lin Gou Huang Fujin and Liner looked at her.

"You little monkey is finally here." Lin Gou laughed.

"Mother!" Sambo was not too old. When she saw Lin Gossip running lightly like a butterfly, Lin Gossip opened her hands and hugged her in her arms. At a glance, her Sambo was so old. She is taller than her.

After holding her for a while, Sambo and her mother-in-law released her mother-in-law and turned to salute his father Huang Fujin. "Daddy!"

Huang Fujin smiled like an old father, nodded and praised: "The three treasures have grown taller."

"This girl is almost catching up with me, she's going to grow longer." Lin Er smiled, her eyes were pleased.

The sisters are not very young. When Sambo and Xiaosi were younger, Liner did not take them less, and the relationship between the sisters was excellent.

My sister is now in the army and has made military achievements several times in a row. As the oldest sister, Liner is proud of her sister.

"Dad and mother, why did the emperor marry the emperor so suddenly? I didn't expect it at all. After receiving a letter from my mother to the army, I thought the mother had mistaken the person who got married. "Sambo complained.

Gospel Lin laughed: "This is not to blame me, to blame your father, he was afraid that this thing told you in advance, you will have no intention to do things. Then the matter of your emperor's brother was completely settled before I went to the letter to let you back Attend a big wedding ceremony. "

As the elder brother and the emperor supreme, Luer's marriage is as long as the control of his parents. The younger sister and younger brother do not even have the right to suggest. They did not tell them a few in advance and nothing.

Coupled with the time when Luer and Chaoyan knew each other, Liner was visiting the Hualizi tribe, and Sambo's army was guarding in the northeast frontier of Beirong, even if they told them that it didn't make much sense.

Moreover, Chao Yan is Luer's own fancy marriage, as the younger brothers and sisters, even if they do not like long-term, it will not help.

"Hey, my mother-in-law. But you and your father should also tell us in advance the history of the emperor. What if some of us can't come with this emperor?" Sambo complained.

After all, he was younger, and in front of his parents and sister, he said something.

Gospel Lin and Huang Fujin looked at each other, only smiling and not talking.

Instead, Liner reached out and nodded Sambo's forehead, "Smelly girl! What nonsense, do you want me to agree to marry the emperor? The father and mother worry about these things.

After a pause, Liner's eyes became more serious. "Furthermore, if you like or dislike the Emperor's Emperor, go out this door and swallow it to my stomach! Since the Emperor Brother is going to marry her, she is the Empress of Beirong, not a person Anyone can be Queen of Bei Rong! What if we don't like it? Brother Huang becomes like it. "

Seeing Sanbao's straight-handed mouth scolded by her sister, Lin Gospel thought it was funny, "Okay, Sanbao's mother-in-law fully understands, but your sister is right. As long as your elder brother likes your long-term wife, it will become. Besides, Chao Yan Very good, you will know when your aunts have been together for a long time. "

When Sambo saw his mother-in-law saying the same, it was not so wronged.

But Liner frowned again, how could she listen to her mother's meaning, her emperor should not be such a shrewd person.

Moreover, his identity was a bit overwhelming.

"Daddy and mother, can the Emperor really pick up the Queen?" Liner asked worriedly.

Gospel Lin smiled softly, "Since she is married to your elder brother, no matter if she can afford that seat, she must raise that seat. You all know that her identity is not obvious, but this is already We can do what she can do for her. No one can change her origin. She can only change herself. "

Both Liner and Sambo nodded thoughtfully.

"Chao Yan is a child of the inner show. Don't worry about her. You can summon someone who is recognized by her as the Lord. Do you think it can be worse?" After thinking about it, Lin Gospel added a word, "You will respect her in the future. She should be your elder sister."

Although Lin Gospel's upbringing of children has developed freely with the children themselves, as long as there are no major problems, she will not interfere, but she still hopes not to abandon discord.

However, each person has his own personality and his own relationship, and some people are born to dislike each other.

But at least, she hopes that her children must be kind and tolerant people, respect the differences between others and themselves, and respect others in order to win the respect of others.

Seeing her mother teach with her heart, Liner and Sambo nodded sensiblely.

"Well, today your emperor and his grandmother are getting married. This palace is very busy. Your two sisters will rest with us as we go back to Prince Jin's palace." Lin Gospel still heard the enthusiasm and excitement outside. Stood up.

Luer's big wedding, there are not many things that allow their husbands and wives to intervene in person. They are handled by the courtesy. They have a distinguished status and do not need to accompany the guests.

The royal representatives who accompany the guests this time, the county kings who own the royal family and the eldest princess Rashio family.

Liner and Sambo happened to be.

But as the emperor's younger brother, the fourth child did not live so well.

He has to handle many things.

... Chao Yan has been married to the Royal for more than half a month. In these days, she likes to run to Prince Jin's Mansion.

Liner and Sambo still took leave to accompany Lin Goshen and Huang Fujin. Chao Yan liked the two little aunts more, and more like the family eating and talking together.

Often she came to Prince Jin's mansion on her forefoot, and Luer followed.

The fourth child is the most leisurely of the sisters. Under the persuasion of Liner, he did not go out to visit the side to practice medicine immediately, but also stayed with his parents.

But he couldn't stay at home, and often ran to the medicinal base, or stayed in Tai Hospital.

Gospel Lin and Huang Fujin didn't bother him, but Sanbao had a lot of opinions on him, and they quarreled when they met.

Chao Yan hopes for such a family atmosphere, and feels that it is wonderful for a family to get along with each other.

On this day, when Chao Yan took care of all things in the harem, he was prepared to cheat out of the palace to Lin Gospel.

Seeing her hurriedly entering the middle hall, Lin Er and Sambo, who were sitting on the chairs, stood up to salute her, saluted her favors, and turned around to salute Lin Gospel and Huang Fujin sitting in the teacher's chair.

"Huanghuang, seeing your face in a hurry, you must have sneaked out of the palace without hiding the emperor?" Sambo laughed at her.

Lin Er still likes the imperial concubine Chao Yan, but Sambo doesn't like Lin Yan so much. Sambo feels that Chao Yan is a little bit stupid and thinks that she has a good temper. She is often ridiculed by those noble ladies who do not know how to fight back.

Chao Yan smiled embarrassedly and said to her, "I can't hide the second sister. There are a lot of things in this palace. I have dealt with one batch after another, and I quickly ran away. Daddy and mother are serious here. "

Gospel Lin smiled lightly, but Huang Fujin stood up to go to the study, leaving space for women.

Each got up and sent Huang Fujin away. Lin Gospel let them all sit down, and ordered the large kitchen to make pastries that everyone liked.

Sambo picked up the words from Chaoyan last time and continued, "Huanghuang, those female relatives who handed signs into the palace, you can see them whenever you want, just don't want to dismiss their brand. I see that you are bothered by this every day. Look, I'm worried for you. "

Although Sambo did not like the emperor, she knew very well that the emperor was the only woman his elder brother was willing to marry back, and that was their relatives.

She is going to protect her.

In fact, this is Auntie Hele, and you don't have to be so sticky to make a good relationship.

Liner saw Sambo being so rude, her eyebrows frowned, and she saw that there was no bad look on Chaoyan's face, and she was slightly relieved.

She went to see her mother-in-law's face again. Seeing her mother-in-law still smiling with a smile on her face, she didn't scold Sambo or plan to rescue the emperor.

Gospel Lin knows Chao Yan, and he doesn't care about Sambo. She has a wide heart and cherishes her family. This is more than satisfying her mother-in-law daughters.

And what Sambo girl said is also true.

Sambo didn't say it, she also wanted to say to Chao Yan.

After all, Chao Yan is the new queen. Although her family history is not obvious, since she entered the harem, every move has made Lin Gospel very satisfied.

So the Gospel of Lin is not in a hurry right now, people are making progress little by little.

"Second sister, the sister-in-law you remembered, but some lifewife is not easy to refuse, let me take it slowly." Chao Yan smiled, and did not mean to blame Sambo's words at all.

Sambo saw her always having such a good temper, and she was a little embarrassed, and it wasn't up to her to take the initiative.

Chao Yan said with a smile: "My sister is concerned about sister-in-law, and sister-in-law is still a strange little sister, so who am I?"

Liner smiled and said, "Huanghuang, this girl is a quick-spoken character, she cares about you. These days, she is always muttering, for fear that you will be made difficult by those lifewife, and you will be wronged."

Zhao Yan looked at the two aunts gratefully and was moved.

Although these days, when they were close to the internal and external commanding women, they were indeed aggrieved and secretly ridiculed, but those internal and external commanding women who aggrieved and secretly ridiculed her queen queen were not pleased.

Is she really bullying?

"Big sister, my second sister, rest assured that there are such people, but people don't offend me and I don't offend them. They are uneasy and will always be punished. Although the sister-in-law is tender, they can't bully them." Chao Yan laughed.

Lin Gospel said with a smile on his eyes before he said, "That's right."

The mother-in-law and aunt-in-law said that the four were happy to speak, and the big palace girl Furong reported that the emperor had come.

Lin Er and Sambo looked at each other, and they both saw the playful smile in each other's eyes.

"Imperial brother, our emperor is really inseparable from you. Look at these few times you come, he can't help but follow." Sambo tuned.

If it had been Chao Yan before, it would have been shy, but after spending a lot of time with the husband's family, they also showed a lot and just smiled.

Then he looked up again and said, "Actually, Your Majesty saw our family all in one place and left him alone in the palace. He was also very lonely and came here in a hurry."

The Gospel of Lin and Lin Er, the three treasures laughed.

When Luer came in, he saw that his family members were smiling happily, and his eyebrows laughed.

First of all, I greeted my mother-in-law Lin Gospel and saluted my wife and sisters. Then I asked, "I just came in to see my mother-in-law and your aunts who laughed so cheerfully. What did you say?"

Sambo was busy telling him by pouring beans in a bamboo tube. As soon as Luer grinned, he heard that Lin Rong, the great housewife, hurried over to report.

"Mrs. Empress Dowager, the Chief of the Louxiao Department brought some elders from the Louxiao Department, and said it was to find an adult from the left!" Furong has been following the Gospel of Lin for several years. He has been experiencing calmness and generosity, Lin It was the first time the gospel saw her so panicked.

"Ma'am, what's wrong?" Lu'er also noticed that Furong's face was not right. Although he didn't deliberately listen to what Furong and his mother said, he saw that his mother's face was still sober, and he also realized that things might be bad.

Chao Yan, Lin Er and Sambo also looked at Lin Gospel with concern, but Lin Gossip waved at them.

He said to Luer again, "Don't worry."

Luer nodded. He knew that the incident reported by Furong had nothing to do with Beirong's government, then it was a private matter.

Gospel Lin looked at Furong again and asked her, "Prince Jin's Mansion with the elders of Lou Xiaobu directly into the palace of Prince Jin?"