MTL - The Venerable Swordsman-Chapter 14 : There is a brother like this!

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Ye Xuan walked with his sister for a short time. Suddenly, he stopped.

Not far from him, standing three people!

It is Jiang Nian three!

Jiang Nian three went to Ye Xuan, Jiang Nian smiled slightly, "The old man sent Ye Gongzi!"

Ye Xuan put down his sister and hugged the three men. "Thank you!"

Jiang Nian smiled and smiled. He took out a white jade bottle and handed it to Ye Xuan. "There is a body of Dan, a total of 30. It is the small care of our three families, but also hopes to laugh!"

Yang Dan!

Ye Xuan looked at the three people, some puzzled.

It seems that I know the mystery of Ye Xuan, Jiang Ning smiled: "The old man also bluntly said that the old man wants to have a good relationship with Ye Shaoye. Although Ye Shaoye is not a Yejia person, but Ye Shaoye can still be a Qingcheng person. You go out from here, if you are famous in the future, the old man and others may still be smeared!"

Ye Xuan took the white jade bottle, and then a slight gift, "Thank you!"

Although I don't want to owe a lot of people, he really needs this body. For the younger sister, he is willing to owe in the big people!

At this time, Li Yu suddenly said: "Is Ye Shaoye going to the emperor?"

Ye Xuan nodded. "This is going to the Imperial Park!"

Li Yu smiled slightly, and his right hand was a move. Soon, a carriage was running in the city.

Li Yu smiled and said: "This is a long way to go to the emperor. If you walk on foot, you are afraid to go for half a year. Your brother and sister can take the carriage to Qianshan City first, where you can take the cloud boat to the Imperial Capital, just in January. After that, it is the time for the recruitment of Cangmu College, which should be just enough."

After Li Yugang finished, Zhang Zhang took out a money bag and a picture scroll and handed it to Ye Xuan. "Ye Gongzi, this is also a little care. This is going to the emperor, you need all kinds of expenses. Although this is not much, But it should be able to respond urgently. This picture is a map with some dangerous places on it, so don’t go through these places."

Ye Xuan looked at the three people, then he hugged his fist. "Three of today's feelings, I remember in my heart, I am coming to Japan. He is repaying three people and saying goodbye!"

When he finished, he took things up and then took up his sister and entered the carriage.

Soon, Ye Xuan and his brother disappeared into the sight of the three!

Looking at Ye Xuan's brother and sister disappeared into the distance, Li Yu suddenly whispered: "Does this person know?"

Jiang Nian smiled: "Is seeing his sister?"

Hearing the words, the three suddenly understood.

Jiang Nian looked at the increasingly fuzzy carriage in the distance and whispered: "This person is decisive and decisive. He is never a soft-hearted person. It is a sly character. If Ye Jiaru has this person, I am afraid that we will have to bow our heads for countless years. Fortunately, Ye Jia, a group of idiots, actually went to hold the people of the day, even if they hold, they should not suppress another genius! This is good, and he will force him to break with Ye Family. The Ye Family elders and patriarchs are really human heads!"

Li Yu smiled: "For us, it is a good thing, isn't it?"

Jiang Nian smiled: "Nature!"

Zhang Zhang suddenly smiled and said: "Two, Ye Jia, this big cake, how do you think it should be divided?"

Li Yu haha ​​smiled. "Nature is how to divide how to divide, go, let's go back and divide this pie!"

The three turned and left.

On the other side, above a mountain, a woman with a long gun looks at a pilot carriage underneath.

This woman is An Xiu Xiu!

After Anzhen’s show, he stood still with an old man with a deadwood cane.

An Zhenxiu said: "Ling old, what do you think?"

The old man glanced at the carriage and said: "From his previous shots with you, this child should have experienced numerous battles between life and death. As for his swordsmanship, he still can’t see where he is, but there are One thing is certain, that is, he is already a sword repair."

Speaking of this, he hesitated, and then said: "Miss, he is good, but with you, but two world people, after all, you have been on the list!"


The whole Qingzhou, hundreds of small countries, four or five big countries, there are hidden family and Zongmen, and all the children of all forces have a common goal, that is, on the list!

Wubang, is the most valuable and most authoritative list in Qingzhou. It can be on the list, it is the genius in the genius, the enchanting enchanting!

And the whole Jiang Guo, only two people on the list!

One of them is An Xiu Xiu!

An Zhenxiu glanced at the old man and smiled a little. "I always feel that I am giving him jade, and I am interested in him. I am afraid that I am tempted?"

Ling Lao did not think that her own lady was so straightforward, she bowed slightly and did not speak.

An Zhenxiu looked at the carriage that had disappeared at the end. "The old man will be wrong. I asked you earlier, not asking his talent, but asking him."

The words, the old brow wrinkled.

An Xixiu chuckles, "There is a brother!"

After that, she turned and flew away.

In the same place, Ling Lao was silent for a long time, then turned and left.


Ye Xuan drove in a carriage, beside him, Ye Ling holding his arm tightly.

Ye Xuan took a look at the distance, and then took out the map that Zhang cracked to him. He glanced at the map, and his brow suddenly wrinkled. He never found out that Qingcheng suddenly found that the world is really big. !

They have been rushing for nearly two hours, but they are still in the Qingcheng boundary, and, in order to reach Qianshan City, at least at this speed, it will take at least four or five days!

Ye Xuan did not choose to hurry, because the weather was late, he did not dare to drive into the mountains with his sister late at night.

If he is a person, he is not afraid. After all, he used to kill people in the mountains, but now, with his sister around, he dare not be so unscrupulous!

Above the sky, the moon stars are thin, long and deep.

Next to the campfire, Ye Xuan and Ye Ling were sitting together, above the campfire, a half-cooked turkey, which Li Yu and others had prepared for them in the carriage.

Ye Ling glanced around, except that they could be said to be reaching out and seeing the fingers, because at this time, the moon in the sky had been covered by dark clouds.

Extremely quiet around!

Ye Ling clung to Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Don't be afraid!"

Said, he glanced around, "How familiar!"

Familiar with!

Since he became a son, he often competes with Ye Family and two other disciples for the mines. Their battlefields are often such deep forests. He is no stranger to the forest and is used to the night. Life and death!

Ye Ling looked at Ye Xuan with his head in his head. "Brother, I am not afraid of you!"

Ye Xuan gently licked the small head of Qi Yeling. "I don't want to be afraid, you have to remember that the sky is falling, and the brother is holding it first!"

Ye Ling smiled sweetly.

After the brothers and sisters ate the turkey, soon, Ye Ling fell asleep.

Ye Xuan took Ye Ling into the carriage, and he sat down and entered the prison tower.

When he left Ye Jia, he had a battle with An Zhenxiu and made him feel deeply!

After seeing each other's speed and reaction ability, as well as fighting consciousness, he found that he still has many and many shortcomings.

Ye Xuan did not practice with the shadows, but recalled every detail of the previous battle with An Xiu Xiu!

In the beginning, I was thinking about it, but gradually, he began to assume that if he was an An Xiu Xiu... It should be said that he was studying An Xiu Xiu and also the timing and angle of his sword before he reflected on himself.

After an hour, Ye Xuan suddenly stood up, and then he began to practice the sword!

Practice alone!

No, it should be said that he himself imagined an enemy, and this enemy is the peace show!

I don't know how long it took, Ye Xuan suddenly put away the sword, and then sat on the ground, his mouth faint smile.

"What's the harvest?" The mysterious woman suddenly said.

Ye Xuan nodded. "Before I was fighting against her, the first sword should not be so out. It was the loss of the sword, which made me suppress behind. If I didn't immediately give up the sword, I was afraid that I could even fight back. None!"

The mysterious woman said: "You can understand this, very good!"

Ye Xuan looked up and looked at it. "Predecessors have known for a long time, right?"

Mysterious woman said: "I know how it relates to you? Some things are only self-understood, that is your own, others tell you, there is no practical meaning!"

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, "Teached!"

After a few moments of cultivation, Ye Xuan left the prison tower. He glanced at Ye Ling, who was already asleep, and smiled slightly, then got out of the carriage.

At this time, it is late at night!

At this moment, Ye Xuan's brow suddenly wrinkled, and he turned his head to the right. On the right, there was a rush of footsteps coming!

Soon, a woman appeared in front of Ye Xuan!

The woman was about twenty-five and six years old, and she was wearing a pretty tight dress with a white flower on her chest. And on the woman, there are several scars!

The woman saw Ye Xuan, a slight glimpse, and in a flash, she suddenly ran to Ye Xuan’s body. "This son, someone wants to kill me, please save me!"

Said, she clasped the leaves of Ye Xuan with both hands, and then Ye Xuan suddenly felt a soft bun from the arm.

And the woman is still dying with her own pair of big heads to Ye Xuan's arm.

Just then, three people suddenly appeared not far away. The head was a middle-aged man with a long knife and the other two were old men.

Seeing three people, Ye Xuan’s heart glimpsed, the middle-aged man headed by the breath, at least the temperament, and the two old men, have also reached a gas change!

The middle-aged men also saw Ye Xuan at this time. When they saw Ye Xuan, the three brows were also wrinkled.

Middle-aged man looks directly at Ye Xuan, "Who are you!"

Ye Xuan has not spoken yet, and the fox girl suddenly said: "The things have arrived, you stop them, see you in the old place!"

When she finished, she turned and ran, and at this moment, Ye Xuan, who was next to her, suddenly lifted up and swept her legs.

Hu Meimei's face changed a lot. She didn't think that Ye Xuan would suddenly take a shot.


The fox woman was directly attacked by Ye Xuan’s whip leg to a few feet away.

On the other side, the three people who are about to rush to Ye Xuan are stunned.

Ye Xuan glanced at the fox woman and said seriously: "Where is the old place you said, make it clear, I am afraid I can't find it!"


PS: Sorry, just got off the plane, late! ! ! This problem will not occur in the future. Big brothers forgive me!