MTL - The Useless Stepmom Brings Her Kids to Reality TV Shows to Photograph Them-Chapter 530 The staff understands the demands of fans

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  【In this way, whoever exhausts his physical strength first loses. 】

  【Change it to a running competition, everyone is chasing each other. 】

  【It's tearing up, it's tearing up, look, Luo Xi suddenly brakes suddenly, then turns around, and Yue Yue faces each other, Luo Xi has the same head as Yue Yue, and has a long arm, Yue Yue may not be Luo Xi's opponent】

  【Not necessarily, Yueyue is flexible and skillful】

  No one expected that when Qi Yue and Luo Xi were torn one-on-one, Xiao Xiao ran over with lightning speed, and tore off Luo Xi's name tag quickly and ruthlessly.

  Accompanied by the reminder of Luo Xi's elimination, Yaoyao pursed his small mouth, as if he could hang an oil bottle, and ran to Luo Xi: "Dad."

  Luoxi picked up his son: "Yaoyao, just play around, Dad will cheer for you below."

   "Dad, I want to go too." Yaoyao originally thought that she would be eliminated, but unexpectedly it was her father.

  【My coffee prince, woo woo woo】

  【Aren't the returning guests treated specially? 】

  【It originally appeared only in the last half an hour, and then went down after half an hour. Give Luo Xi a shot】

  【Please, let the off-site guests take some shots, I’m afraid they will be disbanded after the mission is over, I want to see Luo Xi more】

  The staff understood the demands of the fans, and directly added two Hue phases to the off-court staff.

  High-definition picture, even the voice of the guests is very clear.

   Seeing the camera face-to-face, the chat content of the guests off the court became scruples.

  Maike straightened his hair, Nan Nan hugged his knees with both hands, Zheng Kuo sat in a more casual posture, Dudu stood up and waved his little hands, vigorously cheering for Li Zekai.

  【Beep, watch out for your voice breaking】

  【This piercing sound】

   After shouting at Li Zekai for a while, Dudu seemed to realize that he should cheer for the other children, so he called out everyone's names once.

  【The beeping sound is so magical, I can no longer hear what other people are saying】

  【It’s deafening, I’m full of energy after eating fruit】

  【Hahahaha, Dudu is excited and happy】

  On the field, the guests who continued the game all stole thankful glances from Dudu, especially Li Zekai.

  No one has cheered him up like this except Doudou.

  Li Zekai decided that if he wins the game, he will share the prize with Dudu.

  Yaoyao heard her own name and said directly, "Thank you brother Dudu."

  The adults took great care of the two cubs, and intentionally or unintentionally avoided them when tearing up the name tags, so Feifei, Yaoyao, and Kaikai were very happy while playing and tearing.

   Xiao Tianlin rushed into the second half with a lot of information, as if he had found a way. Just as he was looking at the camera triumphantly, Li Zexuan took a stride and killed the name tag on his back.

  The atmosphere froze for a few seconds, and then Xiao Tian's caution to be eliminated came from the loudspeaker.

  The cubs who were still playing on the sidelines let out an "ah" and fixed their eyes and found Li Zexuan standing next to Xiao Tianlin, holding a name tag in his hand.

   "My elder brother tore up Uncle Xiao." Li Zekai bared his teeth: "Elder brother is amazing."

   "Brother Xuanxuan, you are awesome." Yaoyao clapped her little hands.

  Li Zexin is not happy at all, that is his idol's father, tearing up his father, can an idol be happy?

  He quickly explained: "Master, my brother only represents my brother."

  Xiao Xiao knew that Li Zexin mistakenly thought that he would be angry, so he smiled: "You can't cheat, you can tear it up, it's so boring."

"Oh, really?"

   "Of course, there will only be one left in the end, and I hope you win." Xiao Xiao's eyes were sincere.

   "Do you really hope that I will win in the end? You are so kind to me, I will work hard." Li Zexin pretended to be moved.

   "Aunt Tao is here, be careful."

   Li Zexin hurriedly turned back to Xiao Xiao, Tao Jingyuan saw that she could not gain the upper hand, so she immediately turned around.

  The match lasted another half an hour, and only Li Zexin, Xiao Xiao and Lin Wan were left on the field.

  This lineup seems to be very difficult for Li Zexin.

  【I and your mother fell into the river at the same time, who do you choose, the real story will be staged】

  【Upstairs is lost】

  【Stepmother, thank you】

  【The stepmother is also a mother, besides, can’t you see it upstairs? Sister Wan and Xinxin have a very good relationship]

  【It’s really embarrassing for the second son】

   Lin Wan was also quite embarrassed by this scene, but how did he persevere until the end? She didn't lie flat in the corner today, she fought hard all the way, and she kept her famous brand.

  Lin Wan didn't know, Li Yanchen followed wherever his **** was facing. It can be said that Li Yanchen was Lin Wan's protection, and in the end he was torn to protect Lin Wan.

   After all, there are no eyes behind you, so you can't see what's behind you.

  Lin Wan touched her name tag, can she tear it off by herself?

  Xiao Xiao saw Lin Wan's actions: "Come on, everyone is watching, you can't let the water go."

  【This is not giving Miss Wan a chance to commit suicide】

  【Sister Wan tore herself, and Xinxin will do the same, so what's the point?】

  【Ms. Wan is wondering why she stayed until the end and faced such a headache decision】

  【Isn’t it? If it’s two against one, the one who isn’t chosen will definitely lose】

  Lin Wan had an idea and pretended to attack when Li Zexin was not paying attention. Out of instinct, Li Zexin turned around nimbly and tore Lin Wan apart.

  It was only when the name tag was held in his hand that Li Zexin noticed that Lin Wan was clenching her fist, which meant that she didn't want to tear herself apart at all, but wanted to make Li Zexin tear her up through a fake attack.

   "Ms. Lin." Li Zexin whispered.

   "Lin Wan is eliminated, who will win the championship? Please hold your breath and wait and see." The director created a tense atmosphere.

   It is the same for Xiao Xiao no matter who wins Li Zexin or herself, if she can't tear herself apart, then let's spend it slowly.

  With the lessons learned from Lin Wan, Li Zexin was worried that Xiao Xiao would use the same method to trick himself into tearing up the famous brand, so he slowed down as much as possible.

  【Miss Wan is so smart】

  【Miss Wan doesn’t want to embarrass Xinxin】

  【But now there are only the second son and the master, isn't it more difficult? 】

  【Great God doesn’t want to attack, and Xinxin doesn’t want to attack, either the mission is over】

  【That’s not okay, there has to be a winner】

  【You two count one, two, three and tear together】

  【This is a good way】

  Off the court, the guests were in great power, shouting two names. For everyone, it doesn't matter who wins or loses. It's already a great thing to reach the final.

   "I hope my second brother wins." Li Zekai rubbed his hands nervously.

   "I also hope Brother Xuanxuan wins."

   "The last three minutes are counting down, please take the time to move the two guests on the stage." The director looked at the two humbly and said to each other.

  Li Zexin and Xiao Xiao gave each other a look, and then started to attack.

  The two grabbed each other's name tags at the same time, Xiao Xiao pulled hard.

   "Xiao Xiao is eliminated."

【what? Didn't the master grab the new brand name? I saw him pull up hard? 】

  【Xinxin has also grabbed the name tag of the Great God, let's be faster as a newbie】