MTL - The Troubleshooting Diary at Hogwarts-Chapter 27 rain on october 14

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Angelina thinks that Zhu Yi is really strange recently. I don't know from the day when Zhu Yi sees Fred, she will be tied up, and she will involuntarily hunch back. Although Zhu Yi tried her best to be as lively and cheerful as usual, as a roommate who often shared the same bed, Angelina discovered it right away.

Like today, Zhu Yi was playing crackling cards with Li, and as soon as Fred and George appeared, she immediately threw the cards to Angelina and pretended to be reading a book seriously.

George greeted them and went back to the boys' dormitory with a bunch of things. Fred sat next to Zhu Yi and laughed loudly with Li. According to Zhu Yi's character in the past, she threw the book directly on Fred's head. But what did Angelina see? Zhu Yi seemed to have some scruples, and began to shrink her chest again. According to Angelina, it was like a poor little who was often beaten when she saw the perpetrator.

Fred's voice was surprisingly loud, and Zhu Yi kept holding her "Curse and Anti-Curse" without any resistance. Of course, if she hadn't kept turning the page, Angelina would have I really thought she was studying hard.

"Fred beat you?" Back in the bedroom, Angelina finally couldn't help but ask after rubbing off her skin care products.

Juey fell off the bed with his arms thrown like a frightened bird.

"What...what, no, of course not!" Zhu Yi got up from the ground and replied embarrassedly.

"Then why did you shrink your chest when you saw him?" Angelina asked curiously.

Juey crawled back to the bed, wrapped herself in the quilt, only showing her head, and her long braided hair was messed up on top of her head, looking even more stupid.

"I just suddenly thought he was a boy..." Zhu Yi said hesitantly.

"Ha, congratulations on finally discovering this!" Angelina laughed happily. Look, I found out that he is a boy, people are boys! This silly girl!

Of course, Zhu Yi heard Angelina's sarcasm, she rushed over in a bit of anger and pressed Angelina on the bed and squeaked.

"Hahaha! Okay! I won't laugh at you! Hahahaha! Please! Hahaha!" Angelina laughed and begged for mercy.

Ju Yi let her go, squeezed into her bed, and told her recent troubles to her good friend.

"You mean that you feel ashamed about your own development when you see Fred?" Angelina listened for a long time and concluded this conclusion very concisely.

"'s almost...that we grew up together and never felt any different from each other. Suddenly I found out that I was completely different from them, and I felt very uncomfortable." Zhu Yi used the quilt Blocking my little steamed bun, I felt that the right thing would split me and my twins.

"But you are different!" Angelina couldn't understand what was going on in Zhu Yi's mind.

"I didn't think about it before..." Zhu Yi said shyly, "I've changed their clothes before..." Merlin, what stupid things she did before! It's so embarrassing to think about it now!

"Oh!" Angelina made an unintelligible voice, she blinked and asked curiously, "Have you seen it all?"

"No!" Jue retorted sharply, "They blocked it and turned around!"


Angelina's voice was obvious this time, Zhu Yi heard that it was disappointment, and Zhu Yi began to squeak her again.

"Hahaha!" Angelina was almost breathless with laughter, and she resisted not to be outdone, and the two girls got into a fight on the bed.

"Okay, my silly girl, it's not too late for you to realize that you are a girl. Besides, we girls are all growing, this is the process of breaking out of a cocoon into a butterfly, it's not something Bad thing!" Angelina twisted Zhu Yi's face before going to bed and said, "Just get along with them as usual, I don't think George and Fred are too afraid to talk to you recently. But best friend, cherish it! At most, don't let people be naked. Haha!"

Zhu Yin started to snort when she was all over, and Angelina didn't know if she heard it.

Juey listened, specifically when she appeared in front of Fred again and gave him a snap of her head.

"Well, it still feels the same as before." Zhu Yi grinned. Angelina was right, she was a girl, why did she have to force herself not to accept this? This doesn't need to affect her getting along with her friends!

Fred's scalp hurt when she bounced, which shows how hard the girl is. But seeing that she finally stopped avoiding him, Fred was also relieved, and the little thought about his girlfriend in his heart was quietly hidden.

George also joined in the fun and stretched out his head, and said with a smile: "Why don't you give it to me, you haven't beaten us for a long time!"

"Let's go, let's eat!" Fred put his arms around George's head and walked to the auditorium first.

"Hey! Hey! Let go of my head! You're not Nick! You don't need two heads!" George stumbled as his head was held hostage.

Angelina looked at Jue and shrugged and said, "Look, they've been waiting for the normal Jue too."

Zhu Yi nodded vigorously, pulled Angelina to chase the twins, and completely regained her usual vitality. This is what a teenage girl should be in!


Professor Snape doesn't care if you're a teenage girl, only Slytherins and idiots in his heart, oh, maybe a few Ravenclaw can have their own Name.

Since Zhu Yi partnered with Fumira, her grades in potions class have been getting better and better, but the frequency of being scolded by little trolls has become more and more frequent. Jue seriously suspects it's because she got enough points in Defence Against the Dark Arts.

"Pfft—" After Zhu Yi added a small piece of horned rhino scale into the cauldron, the cauldron spewed green foam like vomiting. Fumira hurriedly threw a piece of cornel root into it, and the foam slowly disappeared, but Zhu Yi's cauldron was a little cracked.

"It seems that Professor Blake's pet has not received much love, why, besides giving you points in the class, did he not make up for other classes for you?" Professor Nep quietly stood behind them and watched them scrambling to clean up the mess. A clearing spell made Zhu Yi, who was just about to wipe the residual foam on the table with his hands, to wipe away the loneliness, and he said maliciously, "Oh, , I'm sorry, I just stopped a brave Gryffindor from rubbing the poison-foam of the horned rhinoceros, maybe I should let her experience the feeling of rotting from fingers to arms, so that she will not try to make the whole thing in the future. —A piece of scale was put into the cauldron."

Professor Snape's accentuated words made many Slytherins laugh proudly, and some of Gryffindor's students laughed too It was only after a hard bump that he reacted, and he quickly stopped laughing.

"Professor Snape, maybe not every second-year student knows that the scales of the poison-horned rhino are also highly poisonous." The door of the potions class did not know when to open, Sirius He was leaning against the door, tilting his head and smiling at Zhu Yi.

"Oh." Professor Snape sneered and said, "Professor Black can't live without your pet, but this is my potions classroom, maybe you shouldn't be there here."

"I was just passing by, and when I heard your beautiful voice, I couldn't help but come in and have a look, oh, I happened to see you teaching the Gryffindor children so hard, and I was fascinated." Sirius didn't care about Professor Snape's death stare, walked into the classroom staggeringly, and commented casually on the Slytherin students. ,

"Well, this buckle is good, it's made by goblins, right? But the water color of this sapphire is not very good, it seems that you are not a famous family. Oh, what is this, you Is there today's scabies medicine in the cauldron? I didn't expect that a Slytherin student could make such a failed potion!" Sirius covered his nose exaggeratedly, and said to Professor Snape friendly, "I suggest deducting He's very good, what do you think?"

Juey covered her mouth and was about to laugh, but she saw Professor Snape's distorted face, and quickly hid herself behind the desk. Fumira lowered her head and looked like she was still cutting dogwood roots seriously, but Zhu Yi clearly saw that the corners of her mouth were always bent, and the dogwood roots were also of different lengths, and she was also snickering!

"I - don't - need - you - come - teach - me!" Not the classroom, maybe that's what he did!

Siris waved his hand and said with a smile: "Oh, of course! I understand! So I don't dare to give students a potions class casually, after all, with a great potion master like you, you Enough to teach them for a lifetime! Oh, I'm not talking about being unlikable."

Professor Snape looked at him fiercely, the wand in his hand squeezed and loosened, and it was about to explode.

Juey, who is closest to Professor Snape, has now begun to slowly move towards the twins. She winked at Fumira, who ignored her. Let's do it, let's just pretend that your dean won't hurt you, an innocent Slytherin, but she, a Gryffindor, can't bet!

"Oh, do you want to fight?" Sirius raised his eyebrows excitedly.

"Get out of my classroom." Professor Snape took a deep breath, finished speaking to Sirius coldly, then turned his head sharply to Zhu Yi and said sharply, "French Lester! Ten points for leaving the seat without authorization!"

Before reaching the twins table, Zhu Yi rolled her eyes helplessly, I knew the evil fire would definitely burn me! Unlucky!

This is not the first time Sirius has appeared in the Potions classroom to provoke him, he seems to have found some kind of fun, every time he provokes Gryffindor and Slytherin in the same classroom. , then angered Professor Snape. And Gryffindor and Slytherin's potions classes have always been in the same class since the beginning, it's really an unbreakable fate!

Charlie said that there were only a few Gryffindors in their seventh-grade potions class, and they were deducted a lot of points because of Sirius, and the deducted points would soon be used by Sirius Various reasons to make up for it from Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

"The classmates in our college don't want to count the scores at all. Anyway, in the end, you Gryffindors and their Slytherins must have the lowest score, haha!" Cedric wrote it in the library. Handing the Magic History Paper to Zhu Yi, he said with a smile.

Fred's hand took over the paper directly over Zhu Yi, and said thank you very politely.

As long as the Quidditch matches between your two academies can't be separated, we will be Ravenclaw's in the end for this year's House Cup."

"Then he's going to be disappointed, we'll definitely beat the other three of your academies to nothing!" Zhu Yi raised his head proudly and said, "We have four Quidditch tomorrows. star!"

"Well." Cedric touched his nose and said apologetically, "Then I won't agree. I also joined the Ravenclaw team, still Seeker."

"Oh! That's great! Then I can hit the Bludger in your nose!" Fred finally found a chance to interject, he said with wide eyes excitedly .

"Haha." Cedric laughed dryly and said, "You're not serious, are you?"

"Haha!" George also laughed dryly, looked at Cedric sympathetically and said, "Maybe he's serious, buddy."

The author has something to say:

Well, this chapter is still coded very smoothly! I still can't let my daughter fall in love so early! Hahaha!