MTL - The Troubleshooting Diary at Hogwarts-Chapter 24 Sunny 1st September (below)

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Joey finds Fred getting weird.

After getting off the train, Qiu and all the first-year students flocked to Hagrid, and Zhuy and George waited for a long time to see Fred slowly moving over.

"Why did you come here now, Zhu Yi said you were sick?" George stretched out his hand and pulled his brother over, smiled and touched his forehead, as if it was a little hot, but far from feverish degree.

"'s a little hot in the car, I'm going to get some ventilation..." Fred's eyes were erratic, but he didn't dare to fall on Zhu Yi.

"Did you stick something on me?" Zhu Yi felt that this guy must have done something wrong! Is it a sneak prank? ! Just as Angelina came over, Zhu Yi asked her to look carefully to see if there was anything different about her.

Angelina searched for a long time but couldn't find it, and smiled: "Nothing!"


At this time, they followed the prefects of the various colleges to a wide road, where there were a hundred carriages with nothing to pull. But there were also classmates beside them showing fearful expressions, and the two second-year Gryffindors were still interested and reached out to touch them. Joo Yi really doesn't understand what they have to do with the air!

Next, the prefects urged everyone to get in the car quickly. Fred was unwilling to ride in the same car with Joey anyway. He pulled George to the back car.

Juey said to Angelina in the car: "Look! He looks so guilty, he must have done something bad! Could it be the pumpkin cake that I ate in the car just now? something wrong?!"

Angelina laughed loudly: "Then I won't find a corpse lying on the bed next to me when I wake up tonight, hahahaha!"

"Then you must prepare a crystal coffin for me, maybe you will meet the prince and kiss me awake! Oh! The prince is here!" Zhu Yi smiled and waved to Cedric passing by Said, "Hey! Cedric, there's a seat here! Come on up!"

Cedric heard Zhu Yi's call, and just when he thought about it, he saw a red-haired "whoosh" like a fiery arrow running into Zhu Yi's carriage.

"'s probably full now." The other Weasley twins touched their noses embarrassedly, said something to the stunned Cedric, climbed into the carriage, and told him A friendly wave.

Cedric shrugged, walked back with a smile, and sat with the Ravenclaw classmates.

Juey glared at Fred, who almost knocked her over, leaned against the wall of the carriage and shouted, "You can't tell me about this car!"

Fred scratched his head, turned his face away and said, "Now I want to get in this car again."

Hey, you're in trouble! Zhu Yi was so angry that she pointed at George and said, "You change places with George! I don't want to sit with you!"

George shook his head quickly and said, "Hey, don't bring me when you two quarrel, I just like to sit with Angelina, right dear!" He smiled and squeezed Angelina Focus.

Angelina also responded with a smile: "That's right, it's good for us to sit together, haha!"

Fred and Jue just kept silent without looking at each other.

Until the carriage began to run forward, Zhu Yi finally couldn't help but ask curiously: "What spell is this carriage cast on? Why can it run by itself?"

"This is Thestral." Fred replied beside him. But he still refused to look at Zhu Yi, and his face kept looking outside.

"Fred, honestly, is there something wrong with that pumpkin cake!" Zhu Yi reached out and turned his face forcibly, and asked seriously, "I will become a frog. Or reptiles? Prepare me mentally! Please!"

Fred's face was a little red when he saw her being so serious, he burst out laughing, and saliva sprayed onto Zhu Yi's face.

"Hey!" Zhu Yi quickly wiped off the saliva on his face, I heard that saliva on the face will cause freckles!

Fred also wiped her with his sleeve, he finally got out of his strange mood and smiled: "It won't be frogs and reptiles, but you may cocoon tonight, tomorrow Turn into a butterfly and fly out, and your Nimbus 1700 will be useless."

"No! No!" Jue screamed. Her Nimbus 1700 hasn't flown over the school field yet!

"Hahahahaha!" Fred's laugh sounded very happy.

Until they got out of the car and entered the auditorium, Joey kept asking Fred if there was a cure for this new invention.

Fred was very satisfied, but said to her apologetically: "There is really no antidote, but with wings, you can still participate in the selection, and you can fly faster. baby!"

"No—" Zhu Yi was lying on the long table, wishing to spit out the pumpkin cake now. Woohoo-she don't turn into a butterfly! Fred is an asshole!

George was suffering from internal injuries while laughing beside him. He gave Fred a thumbs up.

"Zhu Yi, look, there is a handsome guy on the teacher's chair!" Angelina pulled Zhu Yi up from the long table and pointed at the teacher's chair in surprise.

Handsome guy? ! Zhu Yi immediately raised his head and saw at a glance that Sirius was sitting on the teacher's chair and talking to Professor Snape with a smile. Oh hoo, Snape's expression looks like he wants to kill!

"What is Dahei doing here?" Fred and George said in unison. Oh, since the last time Sirius cried at the Weasleys, everyone in the Weasleys affectionately called him Big Black.

"Don't you know, the mysterious man put a curse on the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and each teacher can only teach for one year! This curse has been going on for many years!" "I don't know why Professor Alfik left, but I like her a lot!"

"I like her too, but I like this teacher more! His smile is so charming!" Angelina said with a dreamy smile on her face.

"Hey, he's more charming than just his smile." Zhu Yi smiled very lewdly, she patted her chest and upper arm exaggeratedly, and said, "This, this, he is also very charming. !"

"Oh!" Angelina sighed romantically.

Fred and George disliked the "tsk tsk" twice, and turned their heads to show that they couldn't look at the girls' **** looks.

When the first graders came in, Zhu Yi beckoned to the terrified Qiu, stood up and shouted to her: "Hey, don't be afraid, just bring a talking ragged hat!"

Qiu gave her a stiff smile, still a little helpless, followed the other children to the middle of the auditorium.

Angelina tried her best to drag her down, Merlin, Professor McGonagall's eyes are about to burst into flames! Dare to be so arrogant to say that he is a person with a broken hat, Zhu Yi is probably NO1!

Autumn was assigned to Ravenclaw, she waved her hand to Zhu Yi and sat among a group of classmates who warmly welcomed her.

"That's right, she's Ravenclaw!" Zhu Yi said to herself contentedly. It's such a cool feeling that I know everything! ! It's a pity that this feeling is very rare! Ugh-

Dumbledore welcomed the new students, and said that Professor Alfik had been hired as an Auror by the Ministry of Magic, so this year's teacher for the Defense of Magic class was replaced by Sirius Black .

Sirius stood up in the warm applause, smiled and put his left hand on his right chest, made a gesture of taking off his hat with his right hand, and bowed his body slightly forward.

The auditorium was filled with the screams of girls one after another, and it felt like a strange sisters tour.

Professor Snape hugged his chest and leaned on the back of the chair coldly watching Sirius act like an open male peacock, his mouth pursed tightly, his fingers Constantly rubbing.

Dumbledore smiled and waited for everyone to be quiet before saying excitedly: "It seems that we have a heartthrob teacher here, right? Very good, I believe in your black magic this year. The defense class will definitely be very good! Now, let's talk about the dangerous places that are reminded every year..."

"Juey, is he winking at us?" Angelina said excitedly while hugging Zhuy.

"Yes, that's right." Jue was immune to Sirius' wink. Since she saw his snot and tears, it was difficult for her to be as simple as before. Just got moved. Unless there is something else exciting!

Sirius' eyes were almost cramping, and Zhu Yi and the twins didn't even look back at him. Snape sneered beside him.

"Professor Snape, do you want to suffer?" Sirius said to Snape with a smile, he deliberately chose to sit next to Snape, just to see if this old fellow had Nothing had changed, and it turned out that he was just as annoying except that he was more wrinkled.

"Hmph, are you giving me a hard time with your wand in your dog's paw?" Professor Snape didn't want to stay next to this guy for a minute.

"Slug, say it again!" Sirius's hand was already holding the wand and was ready to draw it out.

Professor Snape looked at him like he was looking at a piece of garbage, his eyes were like "Come and kill me".

"Cough cough!" Professor McGonagall coughed twice, stared at Sirius, and said heavily, "Sirius, do you want a glass of red wine?"

Sirius's about to explode suddenly dissipated in Snape's cold gaze, smiled and said to Professor McGonagall, "Okay, I think I need a glass of red wine to honor my old man. friend."

"The days are long, old man, let's get along slowly." Sirius knocked on the goblet, and half a glass of red wine appeared in the glass. He raised the glass and greeted Sri Lanka very friendly. Nep nodded.

Snape raised his chin high and knocked on the wine glass, dark red liquid slowly appeared in the wine glass, he put the wine glass under his nose and smelled it, satisfied and cold He smiled, and raised his glass to signal Sirius.

The completely silent confrontation between the two made Professor McGonagall frown even tighter. Alas, the students at school don't worry, and the teachers at school don't worry too!

The turbulent situation on the teacher's bench did not affect the children's good appetite at all, especially the Gryffindor students, who did not even listen to the headmaster's toast and buried themselves in in the food.

"A child who is active is a strong appetite." Sirius looked at the lively long table of Gryffindor enviously, and if he could, he really wanted to sit there again.

"But their brains don't grow up just because they eat too much." Professor Snape didn't know why he answered, and he frowned in disgust after saying this. Head, quickly picked up the handkerchief to wipe his mouth, got up neatly and left.

Sirius gave a "ha", although he really hated this slug, but they were obviously recalling their school days just now. That age of liking for no reason and hating for no reason seems to be very far away from me.

The author has something to say:

So I said, Joey is a big fool, hahaha—

And there is good news, I am on the clip today! It also caught up with the first issue of the gathering of great gods, the real Shura field, woo woo woo...