MTL - The Troubleshooting Diary at Hogwarts-Chapter 17 Sunny on February 14 (Part 1)

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Juey and Cedric ran upstairs covertly all the way, until they needed to go to different towers, they said good night to each other and went separately. Joey felt that Cedric was less strange, and Cedric also felt that Joey was less scary.

When Zhu Yi finally woke up the fat woman and got into the lounge, Boo Boo had already brought the big basket over. Fred and George are also handing out Butterbeer to everyone.

"A bottle of silver xike, dear." Fred handed the wine and collected the money, and was very busy, "Oh, you know how our butterbeer comes from It's a commercial secret, do you think I'll tell you? Hahaha!"

"Anyway we guarantee it's real Butterbeer, and the brother who drank it told him it's real?" A banner hung around George's neck that read "Butterbeer Hogwarts processing". He was also promoting it hard, and he was caught by one of the Quidditch team's Chasers.

"Yes, yes, Butterbeer is good!" The Chaser cooperated with his head and took a sip, smashing his mouth with endless aftertastes.

Several first-year students have received orders, and they are now walking toward the catwalk to find them, and they are still holding up the silver, but they have to let George accept it before they make trouble.

George and Fred sold all the butterbeer they brought back in a blink of an eye, and most of the students who were still listening to Quidditch hero stories were dizzy.

The girls laughed and admired the embarrassment of the boys. Jue took the opportunity to place a full basket of strawberry puddings and brownies on the table, causing a commotion.

"Oh, Jue, where did you get so many delicious treats! It's yours!"

No one can refuse the food, everyone filled their stomachs with snacks, and this lively celebration ended in a drunken corpse.


Angelina was also knocked over by a bottle of beer, Zhu Yi pushed the two boys on the sofa to the ground, and supported Angelina to lie on it.

"What did you do tonight?" Fred and George put their income for the night into a small pocket and asked.

"You guys are too embarrassed to ask me, why didn't you take me with you when you went to Hogsmeade today? We have disbanded?" Zhu Yi ignored their villain's complaint first and asked directly.

"Come on, I saw it all on the Marauder's map. Where are you and that Cedric Diggory, where have you been?" Fred saw these two The name has gone through a lot of places together!

"I was looking for something to eat, and Cedric just happened to know where the kitchen was, so he took me there." Zhu Yi was so sleepy now that she wanted to sleep, she yawned a little replied patiently.

Fred's expression became weird, and he mocked: "Oh, you've called Cedric now, and your relationship has grown by leaps and bounds, huh?" Swaying in front of you, it's really annoying to look at!

"It's endless, I'm sleepy!" Zhu Yi said in a vicious voice, her eyelids could barely open, this person has always been yin and yang strange, didn't they put her down first Is it right?

The more Zhu Yi thought about it, the more angry she became. Even Angelina, who was sleeping on the sofa, ran back to the dormitory and fell asleep. In her dream, she was going to rub Fred on the ground a hundred times and beat him to bruises!

Fred was also very angry, he just asked, why is she so impatient? Isn't he worried that she will be deceived by Xiaobailian! She is so stupid!

"George, did I say something wrong?" Fred and George returned to the dormitory together, and after reckoning with today's income, he still couldn't help asking.

"Huh? What?" George's eyes are almost narrowed when he smiles. Today's income is very impressive, oh yeah! They can buy a lot of stuff again for crackling poker, which is their most profitable thing right now! As for his brother's question, he really didn't listen at all.

"Forget it, it's fine." Fred decided to chat with Zhu Yi tomorrow, early love is not good, especially if the other party is a Ravenclaw little white face!

"Oh, brother, don't worry, we have a big victory today, be happy!" George shook his purse vigorously. Dance! How sweet!

Fred was quickly excited by the sound of the temptation, and he and George were on the same bed chirping about what materials to buy in the middle of the night. Li, who was in the dormitory with them, was snoring loudly, and he was not awakened at all.


Juey and the twins quarreled, and the Gryffindors even secretly bet on how long they would be reconciled, and many people couldn't last for three days. But in fact, they haven't spoken for nearly two weeks in a row, which is too rare!

Everyone is very curious as to why this group, which has been like triplets since the beginning of the school year, became deadlocked. Several girls tried to ask Angelina about it, but were rejected. Of course Angelina knew the truth, but she wouldn't take things about her good friends as a conversation piece.

In fact, the source of their quarrel was Cedric Diggory, the handsome Ravenclaw guy.

Angelina still remembered that she just woke up from a hangover that day, and she didn't know when she crawled back to the dormitory. The next day, she had a splitting headache, but was pressed by Zhu Yiqiang to go to the restaurant to eat.

On the way to the restaurant, I met the twins of the Weasleys, and I couldn't tell which twin was one of them, so I told Jue to play with Gryffindor's classmates, Ravenclaw's The little white face is too good at talking, be careful to be deceived and so on. He also said that Zhu Yi's brain is simple, maybe he was cheated and helped others count the money.

Zhu Yi was blown away when she heard it, and asked her why she had a simple mind. Who does she want to be friends with, do you want Fred to agree?

Ah, which is Fred? Angelina felt that the two people in front of her were double images, and really admired how Zhu Yi could tell them apart.

Then the two of them talked more and more, the other twin couldn't hold it, and she couldn't stand herself, let alone hold the frame.

In the end, they broke up, and Zhu Yi swore that she would break up with those two people.

When she was in herbal medicine class with Ravenclaw that afternoon, Joey ran to Cedric Diggory uncharacteristically and whispered together. . One of the twins almost stared out his eyes, and as a result, the situation of the three of them became even more rigid, to the point where they could see each other and turn a blind eye.

But Angelina really thinks it's not necessary! Isn't it normal that Jue has other friends of her own? And as far as she knows, that Cedric has a good reputation in Ravenclaw, and it is very good to make friends with him!

Tsk, boy, what trouble!

Today is Valentine's Day, but Angelina and Zhu Yi are in the library writing the papers arranged by Professor Snape.

"I think you should have enough time to write your papers today, on this happy day." Professor Snape's smile was full of evil at the time, his eyes from every Gryffindor's The student swiped over and added slowly, "If I find that someone's paper is similar, she has to be careful, she may have a masterpiece that is enough for her to write next year's Valentine's Day. After all, I think , even triplets can have their own independent heads, even if it's a troll head, right?"

Juey seriously suspects that Professor Snape is alluding to her! She has proof!


"Oh, Zhu Yi, you have already sighed thirty-seven, hurry up and write!" Angelina was almost driven mad by her sigh.

Zhu Yi pushed away the small piece of paper she had squeezed out in front of her with great difficulty, spread it on the chair and said, "I don't want to write anymore - why do people spend Valentine's Day outside, but I want to Tortured here!"

"You don't have a boyfriend!" Angelina said impatiently, this guy kept sighing, she was out of ideas!

"But I can go and see how other people date!" Zhu Yi said confidently, "By the way, talk to them about the disadvantages of early love."

"Actually, you just want to make trouble!" Angelina knows her very well now, if she is not going to prank her, she is willing to screw her head off!

"Ah—" Zhu Yi didn't refute, and sighed again. What a good day, sure to find a lot of little lovers in hiding, if she doesn't need to write a paper, she can sweep Hogwarts with Peeves! What a pity!

"Pop" Zhu Yi's head was knocked twice from behind, she was about to get angry when she saw a roll of parchment appear in front of her.

If you need..."

"Need, need!" Zhu Yi grabbed it and shouted loudly.

"Cough cough!" The librarian Mrs. Pince coughed a few times and gave them a warning look.

Juey hurriedly covered her mouth, Cedric also sat down quickly, Angelina was dazed before she could react.

"Cedric, you are the savior sent by Merlin!" Zhu Yi opened the parchment, looking at the neat writing on it, tears welling up in her eyes.

Angelina stretched her head over and took a look, and took a deep breath, Ravenclaw's paper is really amazing!

"There are four here, you can use them!" Cedric's smile was very gentle. He loves being with Gryffindor, especially Joie, it's so much fun with her, though it's a little scary at times, hahaha.

"We only need two." Zhu Yi said so, but the parchment in his hand was reluctant to let go, four! She has never had four papers! She really wants to take it back and take a breath, maybe she will be able to absorb some literary talent!

"Aren't you two good friends with twins?" Cedric explained.

"Oh, we broke up!" Zhu Yi said in a nonchalant manner, but her tone was still angry.

Cedric thought for a while, but decided to say it: "I just saw the Weasley twins and Slytherin's Shafiq and his gang fight, and they were all killed by McGonagall Professor and Professor Snape took away, I..."

On the table.

Angelina picked up the sheepskin with some embarrassment and said, "Uh... don't you mind if I copy it first?"

The author has something to say:

I am so sleepy...