MTL - The Transmigrated Senior Martial Brother-Chapter 68 Engage

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There are constant drops of water falling from above the sky. The Qinmo station has collapsed under the rock wall, and the eyes are faintly looking forward.

When the three were about to leave the Blackrock Cave, the sky suddenly started to rain heavily. The heavy rain had no effect on the three people, but the three decided to wait for the rain to stop and leave.

Qin ink reached out and took the rain. He looked at the rain in his palm. The brow was wrinkled. This rain was faintly black, but no matter how he looked, he could not find the cause of the rain.

Lin Zizhen stood next to Qin Mo, blocking the oncoming wind, even if he knew that these winds and rains could not bring any influence to Qin Mo, he also habitually wanted to protect Qin Mo.

In a corner behind the two, Wen Qing sat quietly on the ground, watching the back of Qin Mo and Lin Zi, with a funny smile on his face.

Suddenly there was a footstep sound in the quiet space, and then a figure slowly appeared in the three-person line of sight.

The man was wearing a black robes and walked facelessly toward the three people. The rain had just disappeared around him and disappeared, and he could not influence him.

Under the previous heavy blow of Lin Zikai, the entire volcano has collapsed. Only the middle magma burned in a burning state. The man walked flat on the gravel, only ten steps away from Qin Mo and Lin Zikai. Stepped down.

His eyes lifted lightly, his eyes swept over Wen Qing and Lin Ziyu without any fluctuations, and then fell on Qin Mo, his lips moved, and said: "The owner of the cemetery has a request."

Qin Mo and Lin Zizhen were in a stale place. They couldn’t say a word. The black man appeared at that moment, obviously he didn’t do anything, but their body could not move at all.

"Tick and ticking..." In the entire space, only the sound of raindrops on the rocks can be heard.

Seeing that Qin Mo did not answer, the man did not care at all, still maintaining a faceless expression, his right hand gently waved, wide sleeves in the air across a touch of strange arc. Under his movements, Qin Mo, Lin Zikai and Wen Qing were physically stiff and their feet moved and they came to him involuntarily.

The man turned and did not rush to leave. Qin Mo three followed him and his body walked uncontrollably with him.

Feeling the stiff state of the limbs, watching the black man's back, Lin Zi blinked in the eyes, he has never been so subject to people. Looking at Qin Mo, Lin Zikai only felt that there was a flame burning in his body, and Yuan Shenli immediately rushed to move.

"Hey?" Feeling the fluctuations behind him, the black man snorted in his mouth, but his face remained the same, with long sleeves.

A dark light shone straight toward the forest, and Lin Zi’s face turned red, and he spit out a blood, but his eyes

But staring fiercely at the black man.

The gaze was extremely dull, and there was no deep meaning. The man in black had a slight jump in his heart, and then his right hand was raised. He seemed to want to make another blow to Lin Zikai.

Seeing this situation, he was always under control of Qin Mo's body, and his body shape flashed, directly blocking the face of Lin Zikai. The body of the gods quickly mobilized and rushed toward the man in black.

Seeing Qin Mo, the man’s dawn flashed slightly, and seemed to be scrupulous. He shook his long sleeves and took back the attack against Lin Ziwei. When the Qin ink attack arrived in front of him, it immediately turned into a group of light spots to dissipate the air.

The man looked at Qin Mo's eyes coldly, his lips moving, and he seemed to want to say something.

"It's not wrong, the previous power fluctuations are here." At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared around several people.

The man in black was swaying, looking facelessly at the front, and the air in front was shrinking, and a figure appeared in front of a few people.

Qin Mo's hole was slightly shrunk. After this person appeared, there was a long white line behind him. It can be seen that his speed has reached its limit.

The man is an old man. He has a long beard and his hair is a bit gray, but his eyes are bright and obviously not an ordinary old man.

The old man looked intently and swept a few people. When he saw the body of the gods boiling in the forest, the light flashed in his eyes. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. After a moment, he opened his eyes and rubbed his hands. His face was excited. Looking at Lin Ziwei: "Sure enough, you are really back."

With that said, he moved forward with his right hand and leaned in the direction of Lin Zikai. It seemed that he wanted to capture Lin Ziyu to his side.

"Hey!" The crisp sound rang, the old man retracted his hand and looked at the bright red marks on his hands. His eyes finally turned.

Moved to the black man on the side, his beard shook and his eyes showed a doubtful color.

However, immediately, the old man's expression was calmed down again, his footsteps stepped out, and the light in his eyes flashed. The mighty Yuanshen force swept through him and condensed into a huge fist, directly blasting the man in black.

Seeing the old man's movement, the black man's face is unchanged, and there is no horror. Without a long sleeve, he will hit the three people behind him, and then his hands will move. A huge golden light will form in front of him, and the front will meet the attack of the old man. .

The two men attacked and slammed together. Under this attack, the old man and the black man’s figure were back a few steps.

The man in black was tight and looked at the old man with vigilance. Obviously he did not expect the strength of the old man to be so strong.

The old man also showed some horror on his face. He looked up and down the black man and whispered: "When does the dark tomb have this kind of strength?" In his heart, the people in the dark tomb cannot be awakened. The power of ordinary people, I did not expect that someone could block him from attacking.

However, the old man glanced at the side of the forest, shook his head, and only then could not.

Thinking this way, the old man looked a bit, his right hand stretched forward, and the strange fluctuations slowly swayed on his hand, and an unpretentious brush appeared in his hand.

He wrote the pen in his right hand and wrote it in the air. The faint golden light overflowed from the pen end, and a complex word appeared in the air as the pen end moved. Retracting the pen and watching the floating gold characters, the old man sighed: "Go."

When the voice fell, the word made a dazzling ray, and the thorns made people really open their eyes, and the strong fascination of the gods spread out. The giant character swayed and slammed directly into the black man.

Seeing this word, the black man's face was white, his face changed greatly, his lips trembled, and his tone was not smooth for the first time: "Golden pen old man." From his words, you can clearly hear a thick taboo. The meaning, but his actions did not stop.

He shouted in his eyes, and there was a black light faint on his body, his hands moving in front of his chest, and he quickly glared at a law. As he moves, a black shadow slowly forms behind him.

Seeing the shadow, I have been waiting for Qin Mo's hole to slam, the shadow is a hateful ghost, the evil spirit is the same as the evil spirits seen on his previous coffin.

It seems that Qin Yin’s line of sight was felt. The evil spirits licked their teeth in the direction of Qin Mo, and they could not see the full face of the five senses.

The huge gold characters are already in front of the black man, and the evil spirits are shocked and turned into a group of ghostly black smoke, intertwined with the huge gold characters in front.

"Booming ......" The heavens and the earth seem to have shaken up. The black gas and the golden light are intertwined together, causing great energy fluctuations. When the waves sweep over, the surrounding air is tightly shrunk.

The strength is not enough for Qin Mo three people. Under this strong pressure, the figure has stepped back a few steps.

The black gas and the golden light slowly spread out, revealing the figure of the black man. At this moment, his breath was weak, and blood dripped from his mouth, which was obviously seriously injured. The old clothes are also somewhat damaged, but they are much better than the black people.

Looking at the old man, the black man's eyes flashed, and the blood on the soles of the feet crossed over, and then he lifted his legs and stepped on the ground.

The surrounding earth suddenly broke open, and a huge black spike emerged from under the ground, and it was stabbed to the old man with lightning speed.

The old man clenched his right hand and condensed into a fist. He slammed into the ground, moved his feet, and quickly retreated.

When the old man was busy defending this attack, the black man’s figure flashed with a ghostly appearance. After Qin Mo’s body appeared, he waved the side of Qin Mo’s body next to Lin Zi’s body. He pressed the thin arm of Qin ink on his shoulder and directly mentioned Qin Mo. In his own hands, the man stepped on his feet and quickly left here.

"Master!" Looking at the farther and farther away, Lin Ziqi clenched his fists and screamed in his mouth.

A burst of violent sacred power came out of him and turned into a giant eagle to chase the direction of the black man.

"The Condor." Seeing the giant eagle, the old man's eyes are shining, and the warmth of the atmosphere is also slightly changed, but it converges in a moment.

Looking at the giant eagle quickly chasing them, the black man’s face changed slightly, and then he snorted, and the hand hangs forward with his hand. The blue veins on his hands are like snakes, and they are bulging in the hands, a black long The whip pulled out from his palm and pulled to the giant


He has been in control of the hands of Qin Mo, his eyes are drooping, his palms are clenched, and Yuan Shenli’s sword has appeared in his hands. In the eyes of Qin Mo, there was a violent chill, and the wave flashed in his hand. The long sword was directly inserted into the black man's chest behind him.