MTL - The System Wants Me To Attack the Female Protagonist of Abuse-Chapter 87 Eighty-seven tripods

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◎Dingding (two shifts in one)◎

A trace of confusion appeared in Song Dingding's eyes.

The Song family's wife seemed to see through her thoughts, looked at her and asked, "Girl, do you think the past made the future, or did the future make the past?"

This question is too simple, almost no need to think about it, she replied: "Naturally, the past achieves the future. If the future achieves the past, wouldn't it be a paradox..."

Before he finished speaking, Song Dingding was stunned.

Since it happened in the past and achieved the future outcome, why does she feel that the future is a foregone conclusion and the past cannot be changed?

She is in the past now, how can she not change the past?

Even if it changed a little bit?

Song Dingding crossed for the first time. Although he failed to rescue the boy, he used the future destruction of the Song family and the death of the original owner to sound the alarm to the Song family and his wife.

This prompted them to realize in time that something was wrong with the original owner in the next three years, and the fact that the Song family was gradually going to collapse.

Now that the Song family's wife is repenting and trying to rein in her horse, it is the best proof that the past has changed.

The second time she traveled to the vicinity of Li Zhi's village, she failed to prevent Li Zhi's tragic ending, but God gave her a second chance to reverse the situation.

That is now.

She originally wanted to leave directly from Li Tan's house, but she didn't make it, she actually traveled back to an earlier time.

Now that Li Zhi has not died, the young man has not been gouged out, and now the Lady of the Song family is willing to help, who said that the past cannot be changed?

As long as the young man's heart is not gouged out, then the Heavenly Clan's Prince Yuan will die, and the Heavenly Sovereign will not be able to become a great weapon.

If no one succeeds to the post of Heavenly Emperor, the Heavenly Emperor will continue to serve, so that the Song family can be kept, the young man will not be turned into a Daojun without Zang, and Li Zhi will not be involved because of the Chaos Lock.

Song Dingding regained his confidence, and his dim eyes were lit up again.

She glanced at the long mirror, retracted her arm that was hanging in the air, and bent down to help up the Song family's wife who was kneeling in front of her: "Can Madam know the art of bone grafting?"

Madam Song was stunned for a moment, and said with a slightly uncomfortable expression, "Have you been to the cellar, girl?"

Song Dingding nodded: "What is the purpose of Tianjun inviting you to come here as guests?"

She said it tactfully, and the implication was that they came to the island to check the boy's body or prepare to gouge out his heart.

If it is the former, there is still time to prepare carefully. If it is the latter, it will be a little tricky, they must think of a perfect plan to deal with it before gouging out their hearts.

"Heavenly Clan Prince Yuan is at the end of his force, but his body and bones have suffered serious losses. The husband has already told Tianjun that the heart-changing technique should be postponed for a month."

Mrs. Song frowned: "It's just that Mrs. Tianjun heard about Tai Ziyuan, and she has been out of control in the past two years, and she always takes her anger out of the poor child."

Her use of the word "out of control" is euphemistic enough.

Tian Jun has been staying in the Celestial Clan to stabilize his heart recently. Although Prince Yuan is the most reasonable heir to the Celestial Clan, he was seriously injured and has been in a coma for half a month.

Not only are the courtiers panicking, but the Emperor of Heaven has also begun to reconsider the candidates for succession.

This made Tianjun panic. When he was angry, he couldn't help but sprinkle it on the dragon princess. When the dragon princess heard that Prince Yuan was seriously ill, and Tianjun was fighting the fire, she sprinkled all the anger on Pei Ming.

There is a formation in the cellar, which can purify the evil spirits in his body, and can also suppress the spiritual power, preventing him from secretly cultivating and escaping.

The shackles around his neck and ankles were all made of thousand-year-old black iron. They were invulnerable to swords and guns and were extremely hard. He couldn't escape at all, and he was almost at the point of being slaughtered.

The Dragon Princess still did not let him go. In the name of preventing him from escaping, she would order someone to break his leg bones every month or so.

This is not the end, whipping him and humiliating him are commonplace, and the dragon princess can often come up with some new tricks to torture people.

The two most memorable memories of the Song family were when the Dragon Princess cut his flesh with a knife and sprinkled salt water on the **** flesh to clean the wound.

Another time, he poured honey water on him, causing ants in the cellar to crawl all over his body, biting all over his body with blood.

His flesh and blood were curled up and wriggled because of the pain, and thinking about it now makes one's heart skip a beat.

She was born to be a medical practitioner, and her mission was to save the dead and heal the wounded. She never thought that one day, she would become an accomplice of such a perverted crazy woman.

Although Mrs. Song didn't say these things, Song Dingding had just met the young man in the cellar, and probably understood the meaning behind her words.

"How long can you stay on the island?"

Mrs. Song said slowly: "At most half a month, we will stay on the island for the reason of conditioning his body. When his health is better, we have to go back to the Song family to prepare for the art of gouging out the heart."

She hesitated and said: "This child is very strange. He seems to have the ability to heal and regenerate by himself. Whenever he is injured, he can heal on his own within half a month at most."

Mrs. Song didn't dare to tell the princess of the dragon family about this matter. She was afraid that if she said it, the princess of the dragon family would torture him even more.

In order to cover up this matter, she could only take the initiative to report to the Dragon Princess every once in a while, and they cured Pei Ming's body.

Even Pei Ming himself didn't know about it. He thought they cured him, and then deliberately reported it to the Dragon Princess so that the Dragon Princess could continue to torture him.

The Song family's wife could not explain this to Pei Ming, because her daughter threatened Tianjun, Tianjun no longer completely trusted them, and every time he was diagnosed and treated, he would be watched by someone.

Song Dingding knew that he had the ability to heal wounds, but that was based on spiritual power. Now that he has not started to cultivate, how could he have the ability to heal himself and regenerate flesh and blood?

She wondered for a moment in her heart, and when she thought of more important things, she forgot about it: "It's a coincidence that I have the same name as your daughter, and we will be called mother and daughter in the days to come. Avoid revealing your identity."

"In the past two weeks, I hope that Madam can help me stabilize that crazy woman, so I don't let her get close to him anymore because of the upcoming heart transplant operation and the need to recuperate his body."

"Also, I'll make him some medicated meals to replenish his body recently, and I'll ask Mrs. to help deliver it, and then add some medicines to make him drowsy."

Song Dingding was orderly arranging what to do next. She is not familiar with the island's structure now.

In the days to come, in addition to helping the teenager take care of her body, she also needs to carefully observe the topography of the island and plan her escape.

The Song family's wife responded one by one, but when she heard the last, she couldn't help being stunned: "Sleep... Gu, Dingding, why do you want him to fall asleep?"

Song Dingding lowered his eyes: "Last time, he left in a hurry and made him wait in vain."

Not only that, Mrs. Song said that she had been gone for three years, and the boy had also been detained for three years, which meant that he had discovered the truth shortly after she left.

Although she didn't know how she found out about it, she always felt that it had nothing to do with her.

She wanted to take care of him more to make up for the regrets left three years ago, but she didn't want to see his hated and desperate eyes, so she could only do this.

As long as she put some medicines in the medicated meal that would not harm his body, but could make him fall into a coma, she could visit him more while he was in a coma.

Mrs. Song nodded her head with a vague understanding: "Although his leg bones can heal in half a month, I can still teach you some basic things to help him recover faster."

Song Dingding closed the doors and windows and learned medical knowledge about leg bones overnight.

In the early morning of the next day, the head of the Song family came over. Seeing that Song Dingding was in high spirits, he couldn't help but take a second look.

Both he and his wife belonged to people with the talent for immortal cultivation. They established foundations at the age of three, Jindan at the age of seven, and they had already formed Nascent Souls when they were teenagers.

But the strange thing is that the children born by the combination of the two of them have no talent for immortal cultivation.

Even smashing into rare medicinal pills is useless, like a bottomless abyss.

To put it bluntly, she is not suitable for immortal cultivation at all.

But in the end, she is her own daughter, and she cannot cultivate immortals. As long as she wants to cultivate immortals, their parents will support them unconditionally.

It's a pity that she has a bad mind and took a detour. In order to win the position of a family head, she even pulled the entire Song family into the water.

Unless they deal with her with their own hands, after the Crown Prince of the Celestial Clan takes the throne, Tianjun will definitely attack the Song family.

Now the only plan is to fight to the death and go all out to keep Pei's name. After the death of Prince Yuan, the Song family still has a meticulous hope of survival.

The head of the Song family couldn't help sighing, and looked away, his eyes fell on the Song family's wife: "Ma'am, it's time to go to the cellar."

Every once in a while, they would come to the island to stay for half a month, basically going to the cellar twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, to check his physical condition.

They just arrived on the island yesterday, and the princess of the dragon family asked them to rest for a day before going back. When they woke up this morning, it was time to go to the cellar to see him.

The Song family's wife was not in a hurry to leave. She took Song Dingding's hand and said to the Song family's patriarch, "Dingding is going to make a medicated meal. I'll go later."

The Song family patriarch was stunned for a moment.

Since it is a medicated meal, it is naturally eaten by sick people. Neither of them is sick. Could it be that the medicated meal was made into Pei Ming?

He looked at her in disbelief, his lips squirming slightly: "Medicine, medicinal food?"

The Song family's wife first asked Song Dingding to go to the small kitchen in the yard to cook the herbal meal. After she left, she couldn't help grabbing the hand of the Song family's head: "Genius, Dingding is really a genius!"

Her voice was a little trembling, and her eyes were shining brightly. This was the third time she showed such a cheerful and excited look after she met the Song family's patriarch.

The first time was when we got married, and the second time was after the birth of our daughter.

The head of the Song family was at a loss: "What kind of genius?"

"I taught her how to fix her bones last night. I was worried that she could not remember clearly, so I was going to tell her a few more times."

She patted his arm twice in a row, looking slightly excited: "Who would have guessed that she would not only remember it once, but also learn from other parts of the bone by making inferences."

The Song family's patriarch heard this, although his heart was also happy, but he felt that she made a fuss and was not so excited.

Bone-setting is nothing but the most basic thing, which he learned when he was six years old.

"I saw that she was learning fast, so I taught her a few more things. I didn't expect that in just one night, she even understood the "Five Yang Jing" and "Zhao Yuan Law"."

The Song family patriarch was startled, and his expression gradually changed.

The "Five Yang Jing" is the entry-level medical knowledge of the Song family, but the "Zhao Yuan Law" was only after his golden elixir period, and he slowly explored the medical secrets that he had thoroughly learned.

It took him about half a year to fully understand this book, while ordinary people need three years, five years, or even longer to understand.

Unexpectedly, Song Dingding, who has no talent for cultivation, has such outstanding achievements in this area!

With a happy expression on his face, he asked twice in a row, "Really, is this true?"

"By the way, I forgot to tell you." Madam Song lowered her voice and whispered in his ear, "She is not our daughter, but the girl from three years ago."

The Song family patriarch pursed his lips and sighed: "I said, how can Dingding be so talented..."

His eyes touched Madam Song's displeased look, his voice stopped abruptly, and he closed his mouth angrily.

Song Dingding quickly walked out of the small kitchen. She put the herbal meal and a bowl of white porridge into the food box, and then delivered it to the Song family's wife.

Madam Song was a little curious. She opened the food box and took a look. The upper layer was white porridge. The rice porridge simmered on a slow fire was sticky and glutinous.

The lower layer is the medicated black-bone chicken soup. The dumb slave in the yard helped to slaughter a chicken. After Song Dingding washed the black-bone chicken, he added ginseng, angelica, astragalus, red dates and other medicinal materials, and added the water to the fire and turned it to a fine fire to smother it for a while.

After the black chicken has completely absorbed the essence of the medicinal materials, pour it into the soup bowl and sprinkle with a handful of wolfberry.

The head of the Song family praised: "The craftsmanship is good, not like some people."

Mrs. Song knew that he was connoting that she didn't know how to cook, and rolled her eyes at him: "You are good at craftsmanship, and I have never seen you cook. Dingding ignores him, you didn't sleep well last night, go back to rest first. meeting."

Seeing that the two of them had a very good relationship, like children bickering, Song Dingding couldn't help laughing: "No need, I'll go out for a walk."

Madam Song nodded, and was about to turn around and leave, when she heard a soft call from behind: "Mother, don't forget to provide food and fresh food."

To raise freshness, that is, to prescribe medicine in the diet.

This 'mother' shout made the Song family's body stiff, and she was a little startled.

There is a very wonderful feeling flowing in the bottom of my heart, like throbbing, mixed with an indescribable taste.

She pursed her lips slightly, adjusted her expression slightly, turned her head and smiled at her: "I see, Dingding."

Song Dingding didn't think much about it. She had to go for a walk nearby and observe the terrain on the island. When the medicinal effect of the medicated chicken soup became effective, she would find a chance to visit the boy in the cellar.

Thinking like this, after the Song family left, she walked out of the yard.

The dumb slave followed her. He was assigned to the original owner by the lady of the dragon clan. During the short stay of the original owner on the island, the dumb slave took care of the original owner's clothing, food and daily life.

The original owner didn't like the dumb slave, because the dumb slave couldn't speak, she felt it was inconvenient to communicate, and he was dark, thin and shriveled like a dead corpse.

When she came to the island for the first time, she protested to the Dragon Princess, but the Dragon Princess was deliberately disgusting her. She was stopped by her confidant Cuizhu, who even saw the Dragon Princess.

Song Dingding really likes dumb slaves. Although dumb slaves can't speak, he works neatly and has a honest personality, making him easier to get along with than Cuizhu.

She said to the dumb slave, "I want to walk around the edge of the island."

The dumb slave nodded, took out his notebook, and wrote in charcoal: Madam is by the sea.

Seeing what he said, Song Dingding wanted to go to the beach even more.

The last time, someone had poisoned her behind her and nearly strangled her to death on the beach.

At that time, there were not so many servants on the island, probably because she didn't stay on the island long enough.

The only servants she had seen in those days were the dumb slaves and Cuizhu in the juvenile yard.

Together with the Dragon Princess, there are three people.

The man overwhelmed her from behind, with great strength, but not completely unable to break free.

It's just because the original owner was only eight or nine years old at the time, she transmigrated into the original owner, no matter how strong the sense of resistance was, she couldn't resist such a chokehold by an adult.

She still remembered that the person who locked her throat used the strength of her elbow. Although she couldn't see the person's appearance, she could see the person's elbow clearly.

The man deliberately rolled up his sleeves and seemed to be very cautious. It's just that the person forgot that even if she couldn't identify it by her sleeve, she could judge some useful information by looking at her elbow.

For example, the man's elbows were as smooth as jade, white and slender, without even a single hair, so it would definitely not be the arm of a dumb slave.

Then if there were no other servants on the island at that time, only the Dragon Princess and Cuizhu, the person who nearly strangled her at the time would obviously only be one of the two masters and servants.

While Song Dingding pondered, the dumb slave was already leading the way, walked out of the mansion, and reached the edge of the island.

It is now the end of August, and the cool sea breeze is blowing in, rolling waves and crashing on the reef.

The princess of the dragon clan was dressed in a crimson silk tulle skirt, with a plain white red-gold shawl on her arms, with a jade hairpin inserted between her buns, she still looked dignified and noble in her memory.

Song Dingding couldn't figure it out, looking at such a noble and reserved woman, how could she do one thing in front of others and one behind her, doing all sorts of dirty and dirty things.

If gouging out the heart is a last resort to save Prince Yuan, then what is the matter with the abuse of young people now?

Cuizhu next to the Dragon Princess held a plain snow-colored cloak and draped it behind her: "Princess, the sea is cold, go back."

Her voice was light, with an indescribable softness, like a puddle of clear water, flowing brightly.

Song Dingding heard her voice, like a thunderbolt, his face turned pale, and he stopped.

This voice was from Yu Jian's woman who killed Aunt Liu, and even spent a lot of money to bribe Aunt Liu and dismember Li Zhi into a murderer who was torn apart.

No wonder she felt that the voice of the woman over Yu Jian was familiar. She had just heard it on the island when she crossed over not long ago, and it was naturally very familiar.

Her mind was a little confused.

Cuizhu is a member of the Dragon Princess, so he should be the Dragon Princess. Why did he deliberately kill Li Zhi to anger Daojun Wuzang?

This will only make Daojun Wuzang hate the Celestial Clan even more after he finds out the murderer, and establishes a passage between the Immortal Cultivation World and Celestial Clan through the Chaos Lock.

At that time, if the heart of the Celestial Clan's Prince Yuan is exposed, it will be of no benefit to Prince Yuan and Tianjun after the matter of Wu Zang Daojun is exposed.

Why does Cuizhu do this?

She didn't understand, let alone figured it out.

Song Dingding glanced at Cuizhu's back from a distance, changed his mind, made a silent gesture to the mute slave, turned around and walked back.

Cuizhu, standing beside the dragon princess, raised his eyes slightly and turned his head as if sensing something.

Seeing the back of Song Dingding leaving, she slowly narrowed her eyes.

After Song Dingding turned back, the Song family had already returned from the cellar.

Seeing her, Mrs. Song sighed: "He won't let us touch his legs, and he'll go crazy when we get close to him."

No wonder he had this kind of reaction. Every time his leg bones healed, after their hands were checked, the Dragon Princess would order someone to break his legs again.

Over time, Pei Ming would rather keep his leg bones broken than let them get close to him. It's just that he didn't know that his leg bones were completely self-healing, and it had nothing to do with their dressings.

And reporting to the Dragon Princess that his leg injury has healed is just to cover up the fact that he has the ability to heal and regenerate himself.

As for the green bamboo beside the Dragon Princess, the city is very deep, and if they reveal a little bit, they will make him suffer the torture of life rather than death.

If Cuizhu knew that he had the ability to heal himself, he would have someone cut off his limbs to test whether his flesh and blood could regenerate.

The Song family believed that it would be more comfortable to have a broken leg bone than to cut off a limb, so they could only continue to play the role of the villain.

Song Dingding frowned: "What about the herbal chicken soup and white porridge?"

The Song family hurriedly said: "He seems to have been hungry for a long time. As soon as he saw the medicinal chicken soup, he took it and finished it. It was the white porridge. He didn't touch it. Maybe he wanted to eat it when he was hungry."

According to Song Dingding's intention, she put the medicine that causes drowsiness into the medicated chicken soup, so it is no problem not to drink white porridge.

Song Dingding nodded: "Please, Madam, make another trip to spare the servants who guard the cellar."

Now that the Dragon Princess and Cuizhu are both at the beach, this is the best time to visit him. It happened that his leg bones have not been bandaged yet, so she went to see him and help him connect the leg bones by the way.

This time the mute slave was outside, so she didn't call her mother. Madam Song heard this, and for some reason, she felt a little disappointed in her heart.

She felt that she should not have such thoughts, even if Song Dingding was excellent, even if her daughter was unbearable, she would be her daughter after all, the bloodline she gave birth to in October of her pregnancy.

She can't have such unwarranted emotions because the girls in other families are excellent.

In order to hide her gaffe, she nodded and replied, "Okay, I'll go right now."

After saying that, she turned around and left, for fear that Song Dingding and her husband would see the difference.

Song Dingding followed Mrs. Song not far behind and saw Mrs. Song talking to the two cellar guards.

She hurriedly stepped forward, took out the long sword from the storage ring, silently recited the formula of the sword, and flew towards the dark hole with the sword.

The Song family's wife was very considerate. She stayed up all night last night, afraid that her body would not be able to support her, so she brought her a bottle of elixir to nourish her qi.

That medicine pill is more effective than the Reiki Pill that Pei Ming gave her. After taking it, not only the tiredness in the body is swept away, but also the body can feel light, as leisurely as a dragon swimming in water.

She felt that her body was full of spiritual power, and Yu Jian became more and more handy, and soon stopped at the bottom of the cave.

This is outside the secret passage. Mrs. Song told her yesterday how to enter the cellar from outside the secret passage.

She put the long sword into the storage ring, bent down and placed dozens of long swords in the wooden basket outside the secret passage, looking for a bronze-colored long sword with a dragon pattern engraved on it.

The palm of the hand pressed on the hilt of the bronze long sword, and with a slight twist, the wall moved away.

Song Dingding looked at the dark cellar, took a deep breath, and walked in slowly.

At this moment, Cuizhu's affairs had been forgotten by her, and in the light brown eyes, only the youth who was imprisoned in the cellar was clearly reflected.

The teenager curled up, lying in the water, like a stray dog ​​that was abandoned just after birth, the black shackles around his neck glowed with a faint luster, revealing a bit of chill.

Noon was the height of the sun, and the bright sunlight reflected only one or two golden rays of light through the thick wooden planks pressing on the cellar, hitting the wet silver hair.

It seemed that he had been plated with a layer of holy light, shining brightly, making Song Dingding a little absent-minded.

Seeing the soft strands of hair hanging down from his forehead, she couldn't help squatting down, trying to pick up that strand of silver hair for him.

Just as his fingertips touched his silver hair, the sleeping boy suddenly opened his dark eyes, raised his hand and grabbed her arm.

"Song... Dingding?"