MTL - The System Wants Me To Attack the Female Protagonist of Abuse-Chapter 59 fifty-nine tripods

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It was not the first time for the Song family and their wife to come to the island. They used to come here, and occasionally, when the weather was bad, they would stay on the island or on the boat for two days.

Today, the head of the Song family was in a hurry, and before he went to see the princess of the dragon clan, when the boat docked, he happened to meet Cuizhu. Hearing that Song Dingding was temporarily resting at the youth's residence, he rushed to his yard immediately.

Seeing that her body is not in serious trouble now, the head of the Song family is relieved, and naturally he must keep the rules in mind and go to see the owner of the island.

After the head of the Song family left, the Madam Song family took Song Dingding away. After all, her biological parents were here and let her live in the juvenile dormitory. Even if the princess of the Dragon family agreed, the Madam Song family would not.

The young man watched Madam Song go farther and farther, the plain white back gradually melted into the snowy scenery, and the temperature in his chest gradually cooled down.

In the past, the Song family had never brought Song Dingding with them. After thinking about it, they knew that it would be difficult for her to meet again after she left this time.

He can wait, wait until she grows up, and when his body is healed, he can leave the island to find her.

But what about Song Dingding?

She is still a baby girl, just at the age of no memory. When he can find her, will she still remember him?

The boy didn't know the answer, he only felt a slight suffocation in his chest.

Although Mrs. Song promised to stay on the island for one night, she did not live in the room arranged by Cuizhu. She took Song Dingding to the painting boat of the Song family.

The foundation of the Song family for millions of years has been passed down from generation to generation. By their generation, it has become deeply ingrained and has become an irreplaceable medical family in the world of immortals.

This painting boat is about two and a half stories high, with intricate and exquisite patterns carved on the hull, luxurious and rich appearance, and colorful lights.

The Song family's wife did not carry Song Dingding into the room to rest, but asked the servants on the painting boat to move two long and wide wooden benches to the deck on the top of the boat on the second floor.

Sitting on the small bench, she patted Song Dingding's back with the palm of her hand, and the other hand gently untied the gauze wrapped around Song Dingding's injured finger, took out the ground medicinal powder, and spread it evenly on the She pointed to the side of her index finger.

This wound is not deep, but if it is not treated in time, it will leave scars. The Song family only gave her an anti-inflammatory and analgesic medicine, but did not use the medicine to remove saprophytic muscles.

Nothing else, just to let Song Dingding remember this incident and take it as a warning forever.

When Tianjun heard the jade slip, Mrs. Song listened to it. Even now, she still remembers the feeling of panic and blood pouring into her head.

Because she knew in her heart that they hadn't taken a boat to the island recently, how could Song Dingding secretly follow, and then accidentally fell from the boat into the sea?

She didn't know what Song Dingding overheard, or how Song Dingding ran to the island, or how he fooled Tianjun.

She only knew that she had to rush over immediately, even if it was a moment later, all she might see was her daughter's body.

But now, after calming down and thinking about it, there is something strange in this matter. Her daughter is only nine years old this year. Although she is usually smart and smart, she is not enough to lie and deceive the emperor.

"Dingding, what do you want to do..."

The winter sea breeze swept away her whispering voice.

The woman's cold and beautiful face was like a half-blooming plum blossom in winter, with a gentle and elegant breath in her bones, which made Song Dingding take off his guards and curled up in her warm embrace with half-closed eyes.

It is hard to imagine that such a gentle mother would raise a daughter with the same personality as the original owner.

It is even more difficult to imagine that this kind and easy-going couple would agree to do such a conscienceless thing for Tianjun.

It is said that cause and effect cycle, whatever cause is planted, it will bear fruit.

They gouged out the heart of Daojun Wuzang, and after Daojun Wuzang turned black, he paid his debts with blood in the stool, making their entire Song family die.

If she could save Daojun Wu Zang when she was a teenager, wouldn't there be no messy follow-up in the future?

He will grow up safely, even if the truth of his life experience will make him suffer a blow, with his current kind temperament, he will not destroy the entire family of the original owner.

The original owner will also grow up under the protection of his parents. He will not meet the elders who are inferior to the beasts, nor will he meet the Yuwei Daojun who made the original owner crazy, then Pei Ming will not be hurt, and everything will be perfect.

Song Dingding heard the deliberately light footsteps on the deck, she instantly became alert and closed her eyes.

After the head of the Song family approached, he sat on another small bench on the deck and asked in a low voice, "Madam, how is Dingding?"

"It's okay, it's just that Dingding was hungry for a while, and was frightened again. I've already asked the maid to fry the soothing soup."

The Song family frowned, paused for a moment, and then changed the topic: "You said, Ding Ding was taken away by someone?"

"What are you thinking about?" The head of the Song family raised his hand and tapped her forehead, then lightly reprimanded, "Who would take away a female doll?"

Song Dingding felt a little guilty when he heard this.

No matter if this is a fantasy or reality, she has indeed taken over the original owner. But this is not her willingness, she didn't know how she came here inexplicably, and even penetrated into the body of the original owner.

"No, what I mean is... Dingding appeared on the island out of nowhere, and became friends with the boy." Madam Song paused, then said hesitantly, "Could this be God's will?"

When she came into contact with the boy on weekdays, she felt pity in her heart. In order to prevent herself from being unable to control her emotions, she simply reduced the number of trips to the island.

And she didn't want her daughter to be exposed to these things, and she had never brought Song Dingding to the island. How could it be so coincidental that she fell into the sea and floated here, but was rescued by the teenager?

Just like the fate destined in the sky.

Hearing what Madam said, the head of the Song family pursed his lips: "I was stopped by Cuizhu just now before I left."

"She said that the young master wants to wait for Dingding to grow up..." He hesitated and said slowly, "Marry Dingding."

After all, the two of them had a stalk in their chests at the same time.

Not to mention that when Dingding grows up, he doesn't have many years to live now. In three or five years at most, the boy will be sent to the Song family to have his heart cut out.

In addition to the sound of the surging waves on the deck, even the sound of breathing can be heard clearly.

Until the maid came over with the decoction that had just been fried, the clear and audible footsteps recalled their thoughts: "Madam, this is the decoction prepared according to the soothing soup recipe you prescribed."

Mrs. Song brought it over, first tested the soup with a silver needle, and carefully wiped the bowl and spoon clean.

She took a sip of the soup and saw that there was nothing in the way, so she scooped a spoonful of soothing soup with a spoon and penetrated it along the gap between Song Dingding's lips.

Seeing her familiar actions, the head of the Song family felt a little distressed: "Are you afraid that someone will poison you?"

She didn't answer, just lowered her head and fed the soothing soup into her daughter's mouth one by one.

Song Dingding was very resistant to drinking medicine, but no matter how hard she closed her teeth, the Song family's wife could easily feed the soup into her mouth.

If it weren't for the fear of being exposed in front of the Song family and her husband, she would not have been pretending to be asleep until now if they would be treated as a monster by the two of them.

After struggling for a while, the bowl of soup and medicine was still fed into a small half bowl.

I have to say that the Song family deserves to be a big family of medical practitioners. The soothing soup is really effective. After drinking it for a long time, she felt comfortable in her limbs, her blood was smooth, and her whole body was filled with warm temperature.

The Song family's wife didn't mention the teenager again, but just patted her on the back and chatted about the new medicine developed by the Song family.

Song Dingding listened to those complicated Chinese medicine vocabulary, as if she felt the fear of being dominated by the teacher again when she was in school. Listening and listening, she felt sleepy.

She was going to stay up all night, but she couldn't resist the boring and intermittent chatting content, and she fell asleep after a while.

Madam Song stopped her voice and looked down at Song Dingding, who was breathing gently in her arms. After a long silence, she said softly, "I added some sleep aids to the soothing soup, which will probably make her sleep for a day and a night."

The head of the Song family was slightly startled: "Why is this?"

"Whether it is God's will or not, Dingding must not be mixed with him. It's foggy tonight, so she will leave early tomorrow morning, and she will just arrive home when she wakes up."

Seeing the resolute expression on Madam's face, the head of the Song family couldn't bear to think of Cuizhu's words, but there was nothing he could do.

No matter how big the foundation of the Song family is, it is only with the help of the Celestial Clan that they can gain a foothold in the three continents and nine continents.

He slowly exhaled a turbid breath: "Okay."

Song Dingding had a long dream. She dreamed that she fell into the snow, her chest was cut open, her heart was gouged out, and her intestines and internal organs were mixed with blood.

She was awakened by a nightmare. When she woke up, her back was cold, sticky sweat stained her clothes, and the broken hair on her forehead was wet into strands.

She looked down at her hand, which was still small.

The dizziness that swayed from side to side, and the wet and cold touch at the corners of his mouth made Song Dingding in a trance for a while.

It's like taking a long nap in the summer, staring blankly, sleepy and confused when the heavy brain consciousness has not yet fully woken up.

There was a faint sound of snoring beside her. Perhaps the window was not closed tightly, and a gust of salty cold wind blew in. Song Dingding rubbed his eyes and felt a little awake.

She changed into a clean and fitted pink dress, her hair was tied into two small tugs, and the fine sunlight came in through the gap in the window and hit the wooden floor, making her slightly startled.

Its daybreak?

where is she now?

Song Dingding jumped out of bed, took a hasty step, and opened the window with a 'clatter'.

Outside the window is an endless ocean, with tiny ripples on the azure sea, and the sea breeze blowing her face, which completely blew her awake.

This is not the edge of the island, and the Shengyang sun set in the west in the afternoon hangs high in the air, and the dazzling golden light makes her dizzy.

What time is it now?

Noon, no time, or Shenshi?

Song Dingding couldn't figure it out, she ran back to the bed and shook the sleeping maid forcefully: "Wake up, tell me, what time is it now?"

While the maid was confused, she glanced outside: "About three quarters later."

She asked again, "When did the boat leave?"

The maid was frozen by the cold light in her eyes, she finally recovered slightly: "Si, Si Shi..."

It was nine o'clock in the morning, and now it's three o'clock, that is, around two thirty in the afternoon.

Even though it was a painting boat for viewing the scenery, it was unpleasant to walk on the sea, but nearly two and a half hours had passed, and it was impossible for her to go back to the island to find him by herself.

And the time she had agreed with him was You Shi in the evening, which is five o'clock in the afternoon, and it was less than an hour and a half away from five o'clock.

Song Dingding kicked open the door and ran towards the rudder on the deck. When she got on the boat last night, she quietly observed that there was only one maid and two boatmen on the boat.

As long as she is cruel enough, no one can stop her from going back.

Shutting through the porch, she took a silver knife for peeling fruit from the fruit bowl, clenched it tightly in her hand, and rushed all the way to the rudder.

The maid ran after her, and the shouting voice quickly caught the attention of the Song family.

When the two walked out of the bedroom, they saw the little back who was rushing forward, and the pink silk skirt fluttered in the wind, as if it would rush down the deck at any time.

In a panic, the head of the Song family used Qinggong to chase after her on tiptoe, but before she grabbed the edge of her clothes, she saw her stop, stopped at the rudder, and pressed a silver knife to her throat.

He stopped terribly and almost didn't hit it directly.

The head of the Song family held his breath and said puzzled: "Dingding, what are you doing?"

"My name is Song Dingding, but it's not your daughter. I came here after many years, and I don't know why I came here. Now I warn you, if you continue to help the emperor, in a few years, the Song family will suffer genocide. Disaster!"

"And your daughter is the only survivor of the entire Song family. She will worship the Tianmen sect for revenge, and then she will be taken as a righteous daughter by the big elder of the Tianmen sect with a human face and a beastly heart, and she is almost violated."

Song Dingding spoke for a long time in one breath, Wei Wei was out of breath, gasped for a second, and continued: "I don't care what you think now, turn around and go back immediately! I must save him to prevent these tragedies from happening. …”

For a while, perhaps the amount of information contained in her words was so large that neither of the couple could digest it right away.

The expression of the head of the Song family was a little difficult to describe, because the things she said were almost impossible to achieve.

The Song family exists and continues for the Celestial Clan. As long as the Celestial Clan is not destroyed and has the protection of the Celestial Clan, no one can move the foundation of the Song Family.

The Great Elder of Tianmen Sect is famous for his kindness. When he once eliminated demons, he could have set fire to the mountain and wiped out the monsters in one go.

But in order to keep the animals in the mountains alive, he fought hard alone, was seriously injured, and almost lost his life.

It is such a person who cherishes the lives of animals so much, how could it be possible to violate their daughters as she said.

Song Dingding naturally saw their hesitant expressions.

What she said now is only trivial, and she has not dared to say the things that the original owner did later. Those things may be more eye-opening for them.

She knew that they didn't believe it, so she just pretended to sleep before, trying her best not to let them find out that she was not their daughter, lest it be troublesome to explain.

But who knew that they would drug her and want to take her back to the Song family secretly, which directly ruined her plan.

Thinking of this, Song Dingding gritted his teeth and put the silver knife closer to the aorta for two more points: "Do as I say, otherwise, your daughter will die now."

The head of the Song family only stared at the tip of the knife, not paying attention to the deep meaning of her words, but Mrs. Song caught the important words at once.

—Otherwise, your daughter would die now.

What does it mean?

Does it mean that her daughter died decades later?

The Song family's wife pursed her lips slightly. In fact, they dared to be so sure that nothing would happen to the Song family, because the Emperor of Heaven also tacitly agreed to goug out the heart.

Pei Yuan was powerful, upright, and kind. He was highly expected by the Celestial Clan and regarded as the successor of the next Celestial Emperor. At the age of 30,000, he was named the Prince of the Celestial Clan.

If it wasn't for the protection of the dawn of the three continents and nine continents, the heart was taken out by the demon beast, and his life was not long, how could Tianjun come up with such a clumsy way to remedy it.

Pei Yuan is the favored one, and he is also the son of destiny who has never met in thousands of years. If he sacrifices one person, he can let Pei Yuan live well and benefit the world. The Emperor of Heaven naturally turns a blind eye.

Their Song family was also instructed by the Emperor of Heaven and had no choice but to secretly assist Tianjun in doing such a detrimental thing.

The Song family climbed the big tree of the Celestial Clan, both prosperous and damaged. As long as they obediently obeyed the Celestial Clan and did not betray the Celestial Clan, the Song Family would not fall, and it was even more unlikely that the ending she said would be annihilated.

But she was so sure, and her daughter who was supposed to be in the Song family appeared on the island inexplicably.

And the potion that was supposed to be enough to make her sleep for a day and a night, but woke up so early.

What's more, the words she is saying now are not something that a nine-year-old girl can say.

All these oddities had to make the Song family reconsider this matter.

The Song family's wife was silent for a while, and then slowly asked, "What do you want to do?"

Song Dingding didn't hesitate: "I know what you're thinking, it's just that you're afraid that the Song family will be implicated. You all sail back to the island, park three kilometers away from the island, give me a magic talisman and you can fly sword."

"I made an appointment with him last night before you came. Today at You Shi, he will hide his tracks and wait for me at the edge of the island."

"Give me another jade slip and wait for me to contact you."

There was fog on the sea, and the painting boat stopped three kilometers away, which was enough to prevent the Dragon Princess from noticing that they had gone and returned.

And she wanted a sword that could fly by sticking a magic talisman, indicating that she didn't want to implicate them.

She spoke in an orderly manner, far more calm and calm than ordinary adults, which made Madam Song's heart sink, and she believed her words a little bit.

Song Dingding suddenly remembered something, and added: "By the way, and my mirror... It's the mirror I used to hide in my clothes. Give me that too."

Madam Song asked, "As long as I promise you this, you will leave my daughter's body?"

She twitched her lips and smiled: "Of course, I can't stay here forever, I still have my mission."

After she finished speaking, she deliberately added: "As long as you cooperate."

The implication is that if they don't cooperate, she will always occupy the original owner's body.

Mrs. Song hardly thought much, nodded and agreed: "I agree to your request, but I also want to remind you."

"One day in the sky, one year in the ground. Prince Yuan can last for at least half a month. Even if you can rescue him, where will he go to hide for fifteen years after he runs out?"

After she finished speaking, she ordered her servant to take the helm and returned to the island, and then asked the maid to bring the mirror and jade slip to Song Dingding.

In the whistling sea breeze, Mrs. Song heard an inaudible whisper: "As long as you live, there is still hope."

It was these words that supported Song Dingding until he was in his twenties.

When she was tormented by illness, when she was filled with loneliness and despair, she thought that it would be good to live. As long as she was still alive, she still had hope of curing the disease.

When people are in a desperate situation, even if a ray of light can shine in, this will become the last straw for the drowning person.

Madam Song looked at the corners of her skirt that were stirred in the sea breeze, and froze. After a long time, she said softly, "Yes, as long as you live, there is still hope."

Whenever my conscience is uneasy, I think that even if she can help the boy for a while, she can't help him forever.

It's better to be happy with death on the left and right.

She had never thought of such a simple truth.

The Song family sighed softly, "It's only this time, not next time."

I don't know if this was said to Song Dingding, or to myself and the head of the Song family. The voice drifted on the sea, and it was calm after all.

The servant was too slow to steer the helm, so the head of the Song family went into battle in person and used his spiritual power to sail the boat. When he arrived, he floated on the sea for more than two hours, and he forced him to finish in half an hour.

To be cautious, the head of the Song family stopped the painting boat at a distance of five kilometers, and said that if she needed, he could fly her directly with Yujian.

Song Dingding refused. She took the sword with the talisman, stepped on it, and took a deep breath: "Don't worry, no matter what, your daughter will not be in danger."

Listening to the tone of Mrs. Song's speech last night, the original owner should have disappeared from the house suddenly after she entered here, and then appeared on the island.

Therefore, the Song family's wife would suspect that her daughter was taken away.

Regardless of whether it is an illusion or not, the moment she leaves here, the original owner will most likely disappear from the island and return to her original position.

No matter how bad it is, she still has a jade slip. The big deal is that before she leaves here, she informs the Song family and the couple to pick up the original owner.

Regarding Song Dingding's words, the head of the Song family held a skeptical attitude, but the girl doll in front of him was indeed the body of his own daughter. Whether it was possessed or taken away, he had no other way but to believe her.

Anyway, you can't watch her cut her throat and commit suicide.

Under the gaze of the two, Song Dingding stepped on the sword and flew up.

When Li Hua usually taught her to practice swordsmanship, he often asked her to lay the basic skills, and she practiced all night long just by zapping horses.

At this time, it came in handy. Compared to the first time when he couldn't stand still and could only fly on a sword, it was much better.

She stood on the sword, maintaining her balance, feeling the howling sea breeze brushing the broken hair between her foreheads.

The distance of five kilometers is not too close, not too far, Yujian only needs a quarter of an hour to fly, and when she arrives at the agreed place on the island, there will be less than an hour before Youshi.

After Song Dingding landed, he directly found a large reef where he could hide, and hid in the dark to carefully observe the surroundings.

She is not very good at looking at the time in ancient times, at least not like those ancient people. As soon as she looked up at the sky, she probably knew what time it was.

In short, she would rather arrive early than come late and let him wait on the island to reveal his whereabouts.

Time passed slowly, Song Dingding leaned on the reef, his eyes were a little sour.

Just when a faint twilight appeared on the horizon, she finally waited for the long-awaited young man.

He changed into a honey-colored robe today because he wanted to deeply remember what he looked like when he wore these two bright robes before she left.

Cuizhu often complimented him on his peerless appearance. He didn't know how he was compared to people outside the island, but for the first time, he hoped that he would look good, and look better.

I just hope that after Song Dingding leaves, he can remember his current appearance in his heart, even if he remembers it for one more day.

The boy walked forward facing the sunset, Song Dingding stood up with the reef, jumped up and wanted to wave at him.

Just when she wanted to shout "big brother", a slender white arm stretched out from the side of her neck and covered her mouth with lightning speed.

The sound of Song Dingding's voice turned into a muffled 'uh'. Before she could even realize what happened, she was dragged into the reef by the people behind her.

She fell into the sand and landed on the ground face first. The man behind her was extremely powerful, his knees pressed hard behind her waist, blocking her mouth and nose with one hand, and pinching her neck with the other.

The air was completely isolated from the palm of her hand, and she heard the boy calling her name, but she couldn't make a sound to respond to him.

The suffocation of near death surrounded her, the process of suffocation was short and long, and there was a faint grunt in her throat.

The whole head felt swollen and congested, and the blue-purple traces gradually climbed up the fair skin. The indescribable despair wrapped her tightly around her like a vine, tightly wrapping her body like a silkworm chrysalis.

Her eyes and ears were gradually blurred and dizzy, and the buzzing sound kept ringing. Her hands and feet swayed up and down, and her nails clasped the palms between her necks. That was the last signal her body released for help.

Song Dingding knew that she was going to die.

Now before her, there are only two choices.

Either die here or get out of here...