MTL - The System Wants Me To Attack the Female Protagonist of Abuse-Chapter 56 fifty-six tripods

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◎Innocent (two more in one)◎

The boy noticed that she was sitting upright on the couch, her waist was straight, she was holding the quilt in her hands, her small head was buried in the quilt, and she did not move her face out for a long time.

He was really afraid that she would cover him to death, so he quickly stood up, supported her armpit with his palm, and picked her up from the bedding: "Dingding, what are you doing?"

Song Dingding came back to his senses and said with a gloomy expression, "What does it smell like on your quilt?"

The boy was stunned for a moment, put her back on the couch, pulled up a corner of the quilt, put it between his nose and sniffed twice: "Cedar wood."

He put down the quilt, looked at the wooden couch under the quilt and said, "This is a cedar couch. Most of the cedar wood is used in the house. It may be that the quilt has the smell of cedar wood."

Cedar wood is a kind of tree, which naturally emits fragrance and has a refreshing smell. It is similar to wood sandalwood with a clear fragrance, but it is slightly lighter than sandalwood.

Song Dingding heard the words, lifted the quilt, and got close to the bed to smell it.

Sure enough, this indescribable faint aroma is the fragrance emanating from the bed made of cedar wood.

Since cedar wood is just a wood, not a spice like incense, she probably thinks too much.

Maybe the wardrobe of Pei's famous clothes is also made of cedar wood. After a long time, it will inevitably be contaminated with this smell.

The young man couldn't see through the girl doll in front of him. It seemed that he was not even ten years old, but he was hiding a lot of thoughts.

She is sometimes very timid, even taking a shower and changing clothes or breaking a mirror, she will be shocked and shy, and she is even more afraid of the dark when she sleeps, so she insists that he stay by her side.

Sometimes she was naive and cute, and she was so excited when she saw the snow, she chased him into snowball fights, built a snowman, plunged into the snow and learned how to flap her wings.

But she has an indescribable calmness, calmness and caution in her, just like his father who rarely shows up.

He hadn't been in contact with anyone else, so it wasn't clear if all the kids were like that at the age of eight or nine.

However, no matter what Song Dingding's personality is, he likes the time spent with her very much.

The teenager covered three night pearls, leaving only one night pearl, faintly exuding a faint halo in the night: "Go to sleep."

Song Dingding lay on his side on the couch, sniffing the faint fragrance of cedar wood lingering in his nostrils, and heard him lift the quilt and gently lay down on the brocade mattress on the ground.

When people are quiet, they tend to think wildly.

She opened and closed her eyes, but she couldn't fall asleep. The glazed light from the night pearl moved on the top of the bed, like a beam of light reflected by the moon into the bottom of the lake, soft and moving.

She looked at the direction where the light was flowing, and heard the sound of steady and soothing breathing coming from the bed.

Song Dingding moved cautiously towards the bed, she was lying on the bed, watching the light and shadow covering his face.

The young man was handsome, with a soft light flowing on his silver hair, revealing a silky coolness, like a flawless and moist jade.

She looked, looked, and outstretched her hand, trying to touch his profile lightly with her fat little hand.

But she really overestimated the length of her arms. Not only did she not touch his face, but she also fell off the edge of the bed with a bang.

Fortunately, the quilt he laid was thick, and it didn't hurt when he fell, but the movement of the fall was so loud that it woke the boy who had just fallen asleep.

"Dingding, why did you come down?"

Song Dingding blushed, rolled over quickly, turned his back to him, closed his eyes, pretended to be asleep, and murmured, "How did you ride a horse, you bumped into someone, do you know..."

After all, she smacked her lips, as if she was dreaming, and did a whole set of scenes.

The teenager heard her babbling in her dream, chuckled lightly, and wanted to pick her up and put her back on the couch, but was afraid of waking her up from her sweet dream.

If he goes back to sleep on the couch now, and she wakes up the next day and thinks that he changed her to the floor, it will inevitably cause her to misunderstand.

After hesitating for a moment, he gave her his quilt, tucked the quilt, and lay back in place.

Song Dingding slowly opened his eyes when he saw that he was no longer moving.

The floor was laid on the bed, she turned around, and her eyes were right under the dark bed.

Although there was nothing under the bed, Song Dingding, who had watched a lot of horror movies, still felt a little scared. She hesitated for a moment, and finally turned around.

Facing the young man's face, she was still not at ease in her heart. As soon as she closed her eyes, she always felt empty behind her, as if she would reach out a hand at any time and drag her under the bed.

Song Dingding opened a gap with his closed eyes and looked at the boy through the gap. He was sleeping with his clothes on, but he was still wearing thin clothes, and he covered her with the quilt he was originally wearing.

She felt a little uneasy in her heart, pursed her lips, pretended to be dreaming, and rolled towards him with the quilt.

After feeling a touch of warmth beside him, the boy's slightly closed eyes gently opened.

Looking at the peaceful sleeping face of the girl in front of him, he consciously moved back a few inches, and his entire body moved out of the floor and rested on the cold floor.

Song Dingding was about to die of anger.

The two of them are both children now, and they haven't reached the age of men and women, but they just make do with sleeping on the same bunk for one night. She didn't know that Daojun Wu Zang was so innocent when he was a teenager.

That day in the bathing area of ​​Qingping Mountain Villa, when he grabbed lychees from her mouth, he was not even a little shy.

She couldn't bear it any longer, she simply stretched her arms out of the quilt and muttered, "Big brother, I'm so scared..."

Hearing her whisper, the young man looked at the little hand she stretched out of the quilt, hesitating, hesitating, and after thinking for a long time, he carefully stretched out his hand and gently held her cold palm.

He thought that she must have had nightmares when she slept, and remembered the scene in the evening when his mother smashed the mirror with a gaffe.

He moved back and used the other hand to tuck the horn of the quilt into her, and then lay quietly beside her, holding her small hand slightly closed.

Song Dingding was finally not afraid.

She closed her eyes contentedly, listening to the silver wire charcoal burning in the charcoal basin, and occasionally there was a small crackling sound in the silent bedroom.

After a while, two more long, steady breathing sounds were added.

Song Dingding didn't know when she fell asleep, she only knew that when she woke up, the boy was no longer there.

And she opened her arms in big letters, saliva dripping from the corners of her mouth, and the bedding behind her was wet.

She thought the wound on the back of her waist had ruptured, so she sat up and touched her lower back, and suddenly woke up.

The memories in the illusion flooded into her mind like a tide, her face was slightly stiff, and she slowly looked towards the quilt.

Wet the bed! She actually wet the bed!

Song Dingding was about to cry, this body seemed to be almost ten years old.

How can a ten-year-old child still wet the bed?

Did she drink too much tea last night?

But she only took a sip!

Or does this body have enuresis?

Song Dingding collapsed a little. She heard footsteps outside the door, so she quickly jumped up, picked up the soaked quilt, and hid in his closet.

"Huh, what about people?"

She heard Cuizhu's voice, the footsteps gradually approached, and then gradually receded, and she got out of the closet with a sad face.

It is estimated that the boy went to find a mirror for her. Regardless of whether she can leave through the mirror or not, the evidence of bed-wetting must be destroyed first.

Otherwise, if she can't go back through the mirror, wouldn't she want to experience the feeling of being killed on the spot in front of the young Daojun Wu Zang?

Song Dingding trotted out of the bedroom with two short legs upside down, dragging the heavy mattress.

You can't wash it after washing. If you hang it up after washing, you will definitely be seen by him. When he asks, she can't explain it.

It is better to destroy the mattress directly once and for all.

Thinking like this, she took the mattress out of the courtyard, carefully avoiding Cuizhu and the dumb slave, hiding in Tibet, and successfully left his courtyard.

It snowed heavily all night last night. In the early morning, Dumb Slave had cleaned most of the snow, but when he walked, his feet were inevitably slippery.

The boy's home is very large, and the mansion occupies almost half of the island.

Yesterday, the boy carried her back to the mansion. Song Dingding didn't recognize the way at all, so he could only go forward with intuition.

After a few laps, she stopped in front of a courtyard with a half-open courtyard door, feeling empty in her stomach. If she continued like this, she would pass out of hypoglycemia before she could finish selling the stolen goods and go back.

Song Dingding gave up the idea of ​​throwing the mattress into the sea, stopped in the distance, took the mattress and put it in the snow to rinse.

It was not until the faint yellow traces on the brocade mattress were soaked with snow water that she went around to a dog hole, rolled the brocade mattress into a ball, and plugged it into the dog hole.

When all of this is done, she is ready to follow the footprints when she came and hurry back to the boy's yard.

Song Dingding stood up, clapped the snow on his hands, and was about to turn to leave when he heard an almost indifferent male voice from the courtyard on the other side of the dog hole.

"You mean, that little **** brought back a little girl?"

"I asked her what yesterday, but the girl didn't say anything. I thought she was dumb, but Cuizhu said she could talk."

Song Dingding's footsteps stopped, and he froze in place.

Little bastard? little girl?

The last sentence was obviously the voice of the young mother, but the cold male voice was not known to be the young man.

But no matter who the man was, how could the teenager's mother tolerate this man calling her child a bastard?

"Gu has said earlier, that the little **** is imprisoned in the cellar, and when his heart grows, he will go straight to gouging out his heart. You have to take good care of him and cause trouble for Gu!"

"Are you losing your temper with me now? Even if you are doing it for Yuan'er, you committed adultery with the daughter of the Demon Domain without a word, and gave birth to this little bastard. Have you ever asked my opinion..."

With the crisp sound of 'pop', the princess' words stopped abruptly, only to hear the man say angrily: "Do you still know that Gu is for Yuan'er?"

"If it wasn't for the need for a heart to save Yuan'er, how could Gu surrender her identity and make a deal with the princess of the Demon Domain? Gu promised to help her become the first female emperor of the Demon Domain. Do you know how much effort it took for her to agree to give birth to her for Gu? The little bastard?"

The princess said with a forbearance cry: "Did I not put in my hard work? I want to give birth to him, but I'm not worried that he has Sha Qi in his body. When the heart is cut out, I will bring Sha Qi to Yuan'er!"

Hearing this, Song Dingding was completely messed up.

It's just a few short sentences, but it hides too much information.

The man who spoke was actually the boy's biological father, but the mother who seemed to be close to the boy had no blood relationship with him.

The man was willing to assist the Moyu Princess to become the Empress, and the Moyu Princess agreed to give him to the man as a trade item after giving birth to him.

The birth of a teenager stems from a transaction that is not mixed with any emotion.

They just raised him to use his heart to save their other child.

And his mother was kind to him, but it was because he was afraid that the blood of the Demon Domain would flow through him, and the heart would be poached, which would affect her own children.

Song Dingding suddenly remembered Pei Ming for some reason.

The Daojun Wuzang when he was young seems to be almost the same as Pei Ming's life experience.

It is also the illegitimate son of his father, and he also has an elder brother who is waiting for his organs to survive, and what happened between Daojun Wu Zang from a gentle and upright boy now to a villain who will kill people in the future is obviously self-evident.

- His heart was gouged out, just like Pei Ming's organs were gouged out.

With such a similar childhood experience, and the two of them like to make tea, she was a little confused for a while, what was the relationship between Pei Ming and Daojun Wuzang.

But the system asked her to attack Pei Ming, the little sister and the heroine who had been abused in the original text, not Daojun Wu Zang.

And the person "Wuzang Daojun" did not appear in the original text at all, but as the original owner's genocide enemy, his name was mentioned in the original owner's memory.

And Pei Ming is a woman, Wu Zang Daojun is a man, the two are not even the same gender, and there is nothing alike in their voices and appearances.

The last time she met a water ghost by the river, she asked Li Hua to summon Daojun Wuzang in a hurry. She saw with her own eyes that Daojun Wuzang and Pei Ming were standing beside her at the same time. They were not alone at all.

"What are you doing standing there?!"

The woman's high-pitched voice interrupted her thoughts.

Song Dingding came back to his senses and saw Cuizhu standing not far away, staring at her, and the faint conversation in the courtyard disappeared suddenly after Cuizhu's voice sounded.

She suddenly reacted to something, almost without thinking, she stepped towards the road back and ran wildly.

Even though she was already running desperately, she was easily caught up by the man, who put a foot on her back and kicked her a few meters away.

When Song Dingding flew up, he subconsciously raised his hand to protect his head, but after landing, he was still dizzy by the huge impact.

She collapsed in the corner of the wall, her body curled up slightly, as if her internal organs were shaken, and she could no longer run a step.

The man had a solemn face, dressed in a black python robe, with black hair tied in a jade crown, a golden-purple crown sash hanging from both sides of his temples, and the black soap boots under his feet approaching her step by step.

After seeing her face clearly, he paused and frowned, "Are you... the daughter of the Song family?"

Song Dingding was thrown into a trance, but her desire to survive made her hear his almost muttering to himself.

He knew the original owner.

And the one who blurted out was the direct daughter of the Song family, that is to say, he must be acquainted with the original owner's parents.

Song Dingding found a ray of life, she struggled to get up and looked at the man in front of her with tears in her eyes: "Uncle, how did your maid beat someone, I hurt so much..."

Her inexplicable words made the man's standing look a little slower, and he pulled her up from the snowdrift: "The little girl your aunt said is you?"

"Auntie..." There was a hint of confusion in her eyes, and she seemed to think for a long time before she could barely remember who the aunt he was talking about: "Auntie is so fierce, she even shattered the mirror of eldest brother."

It is said that Tong Yan has no scruples. Song Dingding naturally knew that the hypocritical man in front of her was kicking people, but she didn't look back, so she put the blame on Cuizhu, lest the man feel that he can't come down, because of this matter, kill her to silence her. .

But now, she has to pretend to be crazy and sell stupid, so that the man lowers his guard and thinks that she is just a little girl with no intentions.

The man narrowed his eyes, as if he was looking at her: "The maid called you, why did you run?"

Song Dingding bit his lip, his face turned crimson, as if there was something unspeakable.

The man who seemed to have foreseen something, the bottom of his eyes was like an abyss, and his body faintly exuded an imperceptible killing intent, but for the sake of her being the daughter of the Song family, she still had the last trace of patience.

The man put his palm on top of her head and repeated with a seemingly kind smile, "Why did you run? It's because you heard something outside the yard, right?"
