MTL - The System Wants Me To Attack the Female Protagonist of Abuse-Chapter 13 thirteen tripods

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◎Being bullied◎

Not to mention that this queen is already in her old age, even if she is a few decades younger, Daojun Yuwei would not agree to such a ridiculous request.

His brows were tightly wrinkled, and his eyes showed a bit of coldness: "I am waiting for the immortals, and I have already thought about it, I am afraid that I will not be lucky enough to accept His Majesty's kindness."

This is a polite refusal of the Queen's request.

The queen restrained her smile, and her face changed suddenly: "It is your blessing that I want you! Don't you think that I am negotiating with you?"

What are you kidding? She is a dignified female emperor of a country and has everything she wants, so no one has ever dared to refuse her!

Saying that, the queen stood up, took out a black step gun from behind the dragon chair, loaded and loaded it swiftly, and aimed the muzzle at Yuwei Daojun's forehead.

"I'll give you one more chance, do you agree?" she sneered.

All the people present naturally didn't know what was in the Queen's hands, only Song Dingding recognized it as a rifle at a glance.

No wonder the Queen is so arrogant. After all, they didn't recognize this thing at all. If they angered the Queen, the Queen would shoot indiscriminately. When they reacted, they were all shot and killed.

Seeing that Yuwei Daojun's face was frosty, Song Dingding was afraid that he would anger the Queen under his excitement, and hurriedly shouted: "Promise! You all agree first!"

Hearing her cry, everyone subconsciously looked at her.

Seeing that the speaker was Song Dingding, they couldn't help but think that on the way here, she once reminded them that the Queen of Dao was a **** and asked them to put mud on their faces.

But at that time, no one cared about her at all, and everyone regarded her as a lunatic. They only thought that the queen was a jerk, so what if she could take advantage of them?

The Empress Fangcai ordered more than ten men in one go. Looking at the Queen's teeth that were leaking, they really regretted it. They only hated that they didn't obey Song Dingding's advice.

But regret is regret. Now that things have come to this point, they will tear up their face with the Queen, but they are just a group of mortal women, what can they do to them?

Thinking like this, they put Song Dingding's words behind them again. There were already two male disciples who wanted to stand out. They drew their swords and attacked the queen.

Only two loud bangs were heard, and the two male disciples fell heavily to the ground, the flesh and blood on the necks were blurred, the white and sticky brains exploded in the air, and the red blood splashed on the ground.

The female disciples screamed one after another, Song Dingding glanced at it, what looked like tofu brains on the ground, mixed with the fishy smell of blood, almost vomited out.

The queen stepped on the dragon chair, her eyes full of disdain: "Is there anyone who doesn't agree?"

There was silence in the hall, apparently startled by the shock of the headshot. Even Yuwei Daojun, who has always been immortal, was silent at this moment, and did not say anything about refusal.

The queen nodded with satisfaction, and turned her head to the female bodyguard: "The ones I ordered just now, put on shackles and anklets, and send them to my bedroom."

"The rest of the men were sent to the Jiaofang Division, and asked them to copy and recite the "Men's Virtue". After they learned the palace etiquette of male virtue, they were sent to various palaces as slaves."

After that, the queen seemed to suddenly remember something, put away the pistol in her hand, and looked at Pei Ming and others with a smile: "Dear guests, you are different from these lowly men, I will entertain you well, until you want to leave."

The queen who used to swallow dragon **** as a guise originally didn't say a word about it at the moment. Obviously, she didn't want to use swallow dragon **** to make transactions at all, but she was just trying to lure them into devotion in the name of swallowing dragon balls.

Daojun Yuwei, Ma Yun, Lu Qingchen and more than ten handsome-looking men were shackled, their hands and feet locked, like cattle and sheep to be slaughtered, and they were transported to the Queen's Palace to bathe and cleanse.

Song Dingding and other ordinary-looking men were escorted to various palaces by female guards. The female disciples of the major sects were arranged in luxurious palaces to be graciously treated as VIPs.

Listening to the whispering curses of the male disciples beside her, Song Dingding shifted her gaze to Li Hua. She looked at the wet soil on Li Hua's face, and laughed out loud.

The last time she went to the pig shed to dig the chaotic locks, Li Hua looked at the dirt on her body, and the look of disgust on her face was still vivid in his mind.

She didn't notice just now that Li Hua actually believed her words and really smeared mud on his face.

"What are you laughing at..." Li Hua paused and looked sideways at her, with a playful smile on his lips: "God count?"

She choked on the sound of "Shen Shuzi" and coughed twice: "Young Master Li is joking."

Li Hua restrained his smile and said sternly, "If it weren't for the gods, how could you have three choices?"

Song Dingding smiled: "Good luck."

Seeing that she didn't want to say more, he didn't continue to ask questions, but just remembered the words she said in the hall just now, "You agree first", and his curiosity about her became more and more exuberant.

Everyone else can be said to be lucky. How did she guess that the queen is a lecherous child, and also knows that the weapon in the queen's hand is so lethal?

Li Hua thoughtfully said: "I wonder what Mr. Shen Shuan thinks, what should we do next?"

Hearing Li Hua's question, the male disciples on the side also gathered around and said, "Yeah, what should we do now? Are we just being enslaved like this? I can't take it anymore!"

Seeing their mighty and arrogant faces, Song Dingding couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

These people in front of them are all outstanding disciples of the major sects. For them, male superiority has long been engraved in their bones.

Women are born humble and lowly, so they should have learned the "Women's Commandments" and memorized "Women's Instructions".

Because they were born to be appendages of men, and now what they have experienced has subverted their cognition, so they can't bear to copy a "Men's Virtue",

Fuck a bunch of shit.

Song Dingding's voice was crisp: "I don't know."

After saying that, she walked away quickly, leaving them behind in three or two steps.

Li Hua looked at her distant back and was slightly startled. She didn't know why she was suddenly annoyed. Could it be that he said something wrong?

It was not early, so the male teacher of Jiaofang Division did not embarrass them. After they copied more than ten pages of "Men's Virtue", they let the three of them go back to their rooms to rest.

In the hot summer, the first thing the male disciples did when they returned to their rooms was to fetch water and take a bath. Song Dingding was afraid that he would reveal his secrets, so he sneaked out while others were not paying attention.

There weren't too many guards in the palace, but Song Dingding didn't dare to walk around, he just walked around the Jiaofangsi.

The summer night was sultry, the cicadas were chirping, and even the water in the lotus pond was warm. She lay on the rock and tugged at the front of her clothes with her fingers that passed over the water.

There was already a thin sweat in front of her body, which accumulated on the fine cloth wrapped around her body, sticking to her skin, making it difficult for her to breathe.

"You're not sleeping, what are you doing here?" The male teacher who was cleaning up the lesson plan asked from a distance when he saw her.

The male teacher recognized Song Dingding because she was the most serious one in copying "Men's Virtue" among all the people.

He stepped forward and saw her face clearly against the moonlight, with clear facial features, red lips and white teeth, except that the skin was a little dark, but she was quite straight.

Xu Shi noticed the beads of sweat on her temples, and the male teacher seemed to understand something and whispered, "You were bullied, they won't let you bathe and change?"

Song Dingding was about to say no, but he heard him say with pity: "You put on a woman's clothes, walk through the back door of the Jiaofang Secretary, and walk a hundred meters straight ahead. There is a clear water pool. That's where the ladies bathe. There's no one left, you can go in and wash."

She was about to say no, when the male teacher had already stuffed a set of women's clothes and two apples into her hand.

Song Dingding: "..." What's wrong with this skilled operation and tone?

After the male teacher left, she hesitated for a moment while looking at the women's clothes in her hand, then she gritted her teeth, put on the women's clothes, and walked towards the back door of the teacher.

Sure enough, as the male teacher said, it was getting late, and the clear water pool was silent, and there was not even a female bodyguard guarding the pool.

Song Dingding looked around for a long time. Seeing that no one was coming, he carefully took off two layers of clothes, untied the fine cloth wrapped in front of him, and stepped into the water lightly.

The ice-cold water soaked through her skin, and the moonlight flowed on the water, causing layers of ripples. She roamed freely in the pool water and let out a comfortable sigh: "Well..."

Almost the moment she sighed, footsteps sounded outside the clear water pool, as well as the voice of a woman talking.

"When I was bathing today, I found a bead in the depths of the water. I don't know if it was swallowing a dragon ball."

"Look at how stupid you are, what are you thinking about? Who would hide the swallowing dragon **** here."

Song Dingding heard the voices of Song Zhizhi and Gu Chaoyu, and was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he heard Pei Ming's faint voice sounded outside the pool.

"I'm coming to Guishui, and you go into the water to find it."